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Course & Section: BSED 3A

Group Members: Domingo, Garmalio Bruce Jr. D.

Dumulag, Karen Kate N.
Wayas, Jackielou F.
Domingo, Divina
Doneda, Jenevive

Republic of the Philippines

Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya


Prof Ed 6 (Assessment in Learning 1)

First Semester, AY 2022-2023

Activity No. 2
Functions and Purposes of Testing
in Graphic Organizers and Reflections

Group Activities: From your readings, work on the following:

1. Make a graphic organizer based on your understanding of the interrelatedness of

the different purposes of assessment (placement, formative, diagnostic,
2. Reflect on your experiences of being tested in class. Were there instances where
the reasons you were given tests are not in the given functions of testing? What do
you think were the inappropriate reasons then? When you become a ‘matinong’
teacher, will you be doing the same (having inappropriate reasons for testing) to
your students? Why?

Consolidate your answers as a group. Brief yet meaningful content is


Doneda, Jenevive M.
In certain cases, the reasons why we were given exams are not related to the stated
purposes of testing. We weren't responding to the teacher's queries, and some of our
classmates were being too loud, among other improper excuses. Since we are expected to
teach and allow students learn from us, I won't be doing the same to my learners when I work
as a "matinong" teacher. Instead of testing them to punish them, I should be measuring what
they have learned. To give the students practice speaking in front of others and to keep track
of their learning progress, I should make sure that my session is interactive.

Dumulag, Karen Kate

Reflect on your experiences of being tested in class. Were there instances where the
reasons you were given tests are not in the given functions of testing? What do you think
were the inappropriate reasons then? When you become a ‘matinong’ teacher, will you be
doing the same to your students? Why?

A good classroom assessment plan collects evidence of student learning to help

teachers make instructional decisions. It informs teachers about what their students know and
can do. Teachers must also understand what students misunderstand and where the
misconceptions exist in order to plan effective instruction. Some of the reasons for testing
students are to inform and guide students in their learning as well as teachers in how they will
pass on the information or lesson to the students. Assist students in developing learning
objectives because they require frequent opportunities to reflect on what needs to be done.

Based on what I experienced last semester and based on my personal experience,

some of our subjects regarding the learning module they sent or given to us there are
sometimes lacking in information, which we must fill through the use of learning activities,
and by the time we have our examinations/quizzes, there are questions that are not included
in the module that was sent to us. Perhaps there is a reason why, as college
students especially last year we were able to access the internet while doing our activities to
browse and search for more related topics to our lesson. However, for some of us who do not
have much time to study due to work at home or other obligations, those reasons are not
appropriate or acceptable because even if we were already in college, we still needed
someone who was more knowledgeable about our lesson or topic, especially for us future
teachers who will be passing down the information we learned from our teacher.

And, when I become teacher, I am responsible for how my students learn and what
they learn from me because I am their role model for learning and success in the future. And
in regards to the things I've experienced as a student, I will not let them experience those
things because I know how it feels to be someone who cannot learn on their own and
someone who is a fast learner because as a 'matinong' teacher, we play a role in motivating
and assisting our students in learning, and we are the ones who build their knowledge and
skills to develop and improve the best in them.
Domingo, Garmalio Bruce Jr. D.
This topic on test and testing opened my eye about my former teachers during high
school and it made me realized of one thing while listening on our instructor’s recorded
lecture where I am looking forward on the future when I became a professional teacher that
time, “am I going to do the same way in giving test as my former teachers?”
Yes, there were also instances back my high school days where one of my teacher
gave us test or quiz which were not in regard on the given functions of testing. Well, though
it is inappropriate but I think we deserved it. Why? It was because we were told to do the
activities written on the board before our teacher left due to urgent matter but we did not do
any, so, when she came back, she yelled and scolded the class and suddenly asked to bring
out ¼ sheet of paper.
Relative to that, yes, we made a mistake, but if we look carefully the functions of
‘test’ and ‘testing’ it has nothing to do and haven’t stated that when we are mistaken of
something test will be given as punishment.
To be a ‘matinong’ teacher, I will always reflect on my experiences for I do believe
that experience is the best teacher. Having these said, as a future teacher I will be teaching
them to the types of students so they be able to determine what type of student they belong
and I will be inculcating them the said “learners heart” for them to learn adequately and
thoroughly. Test are not use to punish someone, I will always be referring my action on its
utmost definition and legal instruction/functions.

Assessment has been used as punishment to learner due to inappropriate behaviors
of learners, thus creating negative attitudes among the learners towards assessment. Learners
has been frightened every time there is a surprise quiz.

Being a Matinong Teachers is adhering and upholding to the vision and mission of
the department of education along curriculum, instruction and assessment. Thus, learners will
be given activities, assessment, enrichments and remediation appropriate to learners’ needs,
interest and learning styles.

Domingo, Divina
We each have varied experiences in this area, and sometimes we run into
situations where, for some reasons, surprise quizzes and tests were given as punishment when
the teacher was angry. When the teacher was upset- she had bad mood when she arrived at
the class. One factor in the teacher’s decisions to administer unexpected quizzes as a form of
discipline was her mood and emotions, and that put pressures on the students to take the quiz.

Those justifications for quizzes are quite irrational and improper, and as a future,
I’ll try my best not to subject my students to them in the future. Professional teachers, also
referred to as “Matinong Teachers,” are trained to control their emotions because a teacher’s
attitude have an impact on the entire class. Surprise test and quizzes, are excellent way to
evaluate students with the goal providing them an opportunity to grow academically and
personally. Also, teacher’s roles are to provide student with wonderful experiences to
remember and lessons to apply in their lives to broaden their worldviews. Learning should
take place with the intention of molding students into best individuals they can be.
I attest that I have shared my insights with my groupmates:

Name Signature






(family name first, in capital letters)

- Answer the items by group
- Encode output in a long bond paper (please maintain the format)
- Submission of hard copies be done during in-person meetings

Activity Guide Prepared by:


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