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trudge verb

walk slowly and with heavy steps, typically because of exhaustion or harsh
"I trudged up the stairs"



a slight difference that me be difficult to notice but is fairly important.
discern: Notice,
The pilot was able to eject , but it appears that he has been taken.

can I level with you

Can I fill you in on something?

i am not at liberty to you that information

predicament: difficult situation

Boss wants to put his fingerprint on the team

ironclad: Are you coming, this is ironclad.

can I borrow my son for just one second.

pedantic: giving too much importance to details and formal rules, especially of

to give your opinions in a way that shows you think you are definitely right,
especially when this annoys other people


behaving in a way that is intended to impress other people but seems false or too
deliberateIt’s so pretentious of her to greet everyone in
French.pretentiousadjectiveshowing disapprovalpretentiousadjectiveused about
someone’s behaviour or attitudeaused about someone’s behaviour or attitudea
pretentious accentpretentiousadjectiveshowing disapprovalpretentiousadjectiveused
about books, films, and other things that people createbused about books, films,
and other things that people createMost of the songs have such pretentious lyrics.

belligerent: very unfriendly and angry

pull off
eccentric: strange
didn't have anywhere to be just then
Bring this on you.

made twenty mintues spare.

Let me have the hostage.



spur-of-the-moment: decision: sudden, not planned

the less said the better

preposterous: extremely sill

If they catches wind of this ,

Can I count of your support.

disgruntled: annoyed at something
railroad Verb: majboor for something.

perjured: crime of lying in court.
coercion: force someone to do someting
She might be the bictom of coercion.

You are dismissed for now, please do not leave the building.

Thia ian't a tawdry affair:

Cheap, bad, immoral un pleasent

under duress: force or threats that make someone do something they do not want
to do.
We are inclined to excuse her perjury, since it wwas clearly under duress.

We are inclined to be lenient with murderer.
If a person or system is lenient, they punish someone less severely.

reeked: to have a strong unplease smell:

The boat reeked of fish.

mushy: romintic



nip something in the budinformalnip something in the budinformalnip something in

the budto stop a bad situation from becoming worse by taking action at an early
stage of its developmentto stop a bad situation from becoming worse by taking
action at an early stage of its developmentWe need to nip this bad behaviour in the

o win against another card in a game by playing a
trumptrumpverb[transitive]trumpverbto win or to succeed, for example in sports or
business, because you have an advantage that your opponent does not have 2to win or
to succeed, for example in sports or business, because you have an advantage that
your opponent does not have

Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners CD-ROM 2nd Edition. CD-ROM ©
Macmillan Publishers Limited 2007. Text © A&C Black Publishers Ltd 2007.

ready made_concepts

allure, Luster, triumph , Set in stone

shove off


deduce: Reveal: from info.

if a problem, someone behaviour etc baffles you, you cannot understand it or solve
disdain: giveone one unimportant lookdisdain
he feeling that someone or something is not important and does not deserve any

to think that someone or something is not important and does not deserve any
respectdisdainverb[transitive]formaldisdainverbif you disdain to do something, you
refuse to do it because you think it is unimportant 2if you disdain to do
something, you refuse to do it because you think it is unimportant


to tell someone officially and in a serious way that something they have done is

listless: no energy exhusted;

eavesdrop: to listen secretly other people consersation.

dismal: very bad abysmal

immersed: gharq

provocative: intended to start arguments between people or to make people angry or



fidget: basabar qadam

stern: a stern person, expression, or statement is serious and severe.


trampleverb[intransitive/transitive]trampleverbto put your feet down on someone or

something in a heavy way that causes injury or damage 1to put your feet down on
someone or something in a heavy way that causes injury or damageThose kids have
trampled all over my flowerbeds!trample someone/something underfootHe picked up the
child so she wouldn’t be trampled underfoot.trample someone to deathPeople were
trampled to death in the crowd.trampleverb[intransitive/transitive]trampleverbto
behave in a cruel or unfair way towards someone or something 2to behave in a cruel
or unfair way towards someone or somethingtrample someone/something underfootCindy
was tired of being trampled underfoot by her colleagues.trample on/uponYou have no
right to trample on people’s feelings!

the process of thinking about something or looking at something for a long timeThey
sat in quiet contemplation.contemplationnoun[uncountable]contemplationnounthe
religious activity of thinking about God 2the religious activity of thinking about

Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners CD-ROM 2nd Edition. CD-ROM ©
Macmillan Publishers Limited 2007. Text © A&C Black Publishers Ltd 2007.

drool: stare with pleasure

a person who worries a lot about their health and thinks that they are ill when
they are not

small problem;

shadow over head

pander to someone/somethingto do or say what someone wants in order to please them,

even though you know it is not rightThe government was accused of pandering to
racial prejudice.

Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners CD-ROM 2nd Edition. CD-ROM ©
Macmillan Publishers Limited 2007. Text © A&C Black Publishers Ltd 2007.


to treat someone as if they do not deserve your approval or respect

fierce: Anger, involving very strong feelings such as determination, anger or


bit the hand that brought him to power

fickle: changing mind

cynical: selfish;

complicit: Shamil
chastity: a way of life that does not include any sexual activity, especially for
religious reasons

Tiptoe around somethingto avoid dealing directly with a problem

Let's have it out right here.

TO talk to someone honestly and directly about a problem that is causing
disagreement or about something
they have done that is making you angry.

startled: Suddenly frightened or surprised by something

contusion: small brus on skin, a blue or purple marck on your skin where you have
been hit

an injured area of skin on your body, caused by your skin rubbing hard against

I was ripped from my sleep by a screaming child.

crabby: easily annoyed by unimportant things

someone crave most in the entire cosmos

you are gonna leap at my new offer

fit as a fiddle

frantic search: done in urgent way without thing

drool: to look at something or someone with pleasure, drop coming out of mouth.

troglodyte: an insulting word for someone who is stupid or doesn't know how to
behave correctly in soical situations.

rock the boat:

to talk about your achievements or possessions in a proud way that annoys other
condone: Approve


to spend a long time worrying and being upset about something


chickens come home to roost

describing or expecting a time when very bad things will happen or the world will
be destroyed

[intransitive]if something such as an organization or an economic system implodes,
it is completely destroyed by things that are happening within
itimplodeverb[intransitive/transitive]implodeverbto break up violently and fall
inwards, or make something do this 2[intransitive/transitive]to break up violently
and fall inwards, or make something do thisan internal vacuum that caused the
vessel to implode

to keep biting somethingDavid gnawed his lip, obviously worried.

if you squander something such as money, time, or an opportunity, you do not use it
in a sensible way

blip: short term problem

snooty: snooty: thinks they are better then others, and behave rudely towards them.
necrophilia: the wish to have sex with dead bodies

Tallulah Greive

incubus: Literary a cause of worry, especiall a bad dream.

chic: look chic, fashionalbe and attravice in style.

fidgeting: to keep making small quick movements, with parts of your body becuase
you are bored.

Deign to work: Reluctantly to work


dwell on

trentte al pesto

cannelloni, penne, fusilli, trofie,



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hollow promises:

strange in unpleasent way

hubris: Arrogant, cocy

hokum: nonsence

I have started out

hitting it off

wacko crazy

futility: lack of purpose

fugitive: someone escaping from police due to his illegal act and trying to avoid
being caught by police.

aggravate: to make something bad become worese, especially a situation or a

mdedical condition.

frivolous: behaving in a silly way in situations where you should be behaving in a

serious or sensible way.
larceny: the crime of stealing personal property.
ambience the character of a place or the feeling you have about it.

idiosyncrasies: a strange or unusual habit, way of behaving, or feature that

someone or something has:

corner to cut:

triumph : big victory

formidable: very imperssive in size, power or skill and therfore deserving respect
and often difficult to deal with.

here it is: here is the deal

honour your debt:

see this through: support a person for a duration of diffcult time


epiphany: a moment when you suddenly realize or understand something important.

seek adulation: great priase or admiration, especially for someone who is famous.

indeloible ink:
out of blue:

trepidation: fear or nervousness

ponder: to think carefully about something for a long time before reaching a

enmeshed: involved in a complicated or unpleaseant situaion that it is difficult to

escape from.

locus: the particular place or situaion in which something exists or takes place.

stem: verb: to stop something from spreading or increasing especially something

ersatz: used instead of better or more expensive> (b) not real or sincere

unassailable: impossible to defeat, criticize or aurgue with

perky: lively and happy

rhetorical question: a question that you ask without expecting or wanting an

slob: someone who is lazy or untidy.

mimicry: the action of mimicking someone, or the ability to do this.

no biggie:

fallacious: based on false information or ideas

fallacy: an idea or belief that is false but that many people thing is true.

platonic: a platonic relationship is one that is friendly but does not involve sex.

shuck: spinawal

odds: the chances of something happening

panting after her like trained dogs.

that realy cream my corns.

way out of line

Forfeit: to be forced to give up a right, a benefit, or something that you own,

becuase you have
broken a rule or law.

indemnified: to provide someone with insurance or protection against injure or

to make a payment to someone who has suffered injury or loss.

snide: deliberately unkind in an indirect way.

condescending: Showing that you think you are more important or more intelligent
than other people

porous: has a lot of very small holes

Pull off: to succeed in doing somehting that is difficult.

tormented: to make someone suffer severe physical ormental pain, ofter

to annoy someone espiecially for fun.

turmoil: a state of excitment or uncontrolled actiivty.

provocative: intended to stat arguments between people or to make people angry or

resent: to experience angry unhapy feelings becuase you think you have been treated
unfairly or without enough respect.
maul attack of animal.
preposterous: extremely unreasonable or silly.


You can go to the comic book store,

when man can once agian safely breath in space.

sullen; showing that you are in an unhappy mood, and do not want to talk. a sullen
Unspeakable :

That's neat = less powerful then that's awesome.

Gnarly: is a slang, extremely good or bad.

set out to do something, you begin to do something with a specific goal.

rules: something is best, Kabab ruls, its the best in test and aroma.

show down: a meeting argument, fight that will finally settle a disagreement.

wacky: who is bizarre, unusual and silly.

hook up: to meet

Knack: Nak:; we are good at doing something bad.

way to go: that we use to tell and show our enthusiasm that someone has done
something well.

in true (person form), he just posted a ridiculous and controversial tweet.

dive in: to start doing something in a very enthusiastic way.

cought up: get the recap.

unravel = undo knitted, woven threads

trouper = expert

heathen: just like infidel in Christian relgeion.

baffles: can not understand, complex

carnal: sexual relationship

sardonic smile: lack of respect

agonizing: very upsetting and slow bad. cogent

cogent: a cogent augument is reasonable and sensiblw.

cogiate: to think about something carefully and for a long time.

talk into: lamsa wal.

Driffted off

episodes of sub psychotic rage

pile on:
flabbergasted: very surprised or shocked

preposterous: exteremly unreasonaable or silly

daunting: difficult

get the door: open the door quickly.

ex post facto

stack the deck:to arrange something so that the results are unfair

Flog: Beat with stick

Walk me down.

hold the door.

step behind tapes.

blabbermouth. Someone who tells people about things that should be kept secret.

amble:to walk in a slow and relaxed way.

no offence : non taken

diabolical: very bad.

livid: angry furious,
suddenly filled with strong feelings of shock and worry:

despicable: very unpleasant or bad, causing strong feelings of dislike:utterance

utterance: something that someone says:malign

malign: causing or intending to cause harm or evil:

lack of tact: this person does not know how to behave or act according to certain
situations. F
invite feverish scrutiny:

scrutiny: the careful and detailed examination of something in order to get

information about it:

vicious cycle need to end

He said Sri Lanka's central bank could only supply $125m for fuel purchases, far
less than the $587m needed for its scheduled shipments.

do not fire until fired upon.

your ego's writing cheques your body can't cash.

The PSA sees to it that I know more than you

Rumours were swirling

Nine million people have been told to evacuate their homes as Japan is battered by
one of the worst typhoons the country has ever seen.

impeccable: perfect in every way.

impecunious Not having much money

gall: an attitude towards others people that shows a lack of respect or care fore
their needs

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