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The study of impact of social media marketing

BATCH 2020-2023

Submitted By: Project Guide :

Garvit soni Ms. Ankita Indu
Enrollment No. 35227501720

Accman business school

(Affiliated To Guru Gobind Singh Indrapastha University)
It is in particular that I am acknowledging my sincere feeling towards my
mentors who graciously gave me their time and expertise.

They have provided me with the valuable guidance, sustained efforts and
friendly approach. It would have been difficult to achieve the results in such a
short span of time without their help.

I deem it my duty to record my gratitude towards the Project Supervisor

(Ms Ankita Indu ) who devoted his/her precious time to interact, guide and gave
me the right approach to accomplish the task and also helped me to enhance
my knowledge and understanding of the project.

This is to Certify that the Project Report (BBA-311) titled “The study of

impact of social media marketing” done by Mr. Garvit Soni, Roll No.

35227501720, is completed under my guidance.

Signature of the


Name of the Guide: Ms Ankita Indu


I hereby declare that the following documented project report titled

“ The study of impact of social media marketing” is an original and
authentic work done by me for the partial fulfilment of Bachelors of Business
Administration degree program.
I hereby certify that all the Endeavour put in the fulfilment of the task are genuine
and original to the best of my knowledge & I have not submitted it earlier

(Garvit soni)

(Enrollment No.35227501720)

BBA 6th semester


1. Chapter :1 introduction 1-2

2. Chapter :2 3-4

Literature Review

3. Chapter :3 5

Objectives of the Study

4. Chapter :4 6

Research Methodology

5. Chapter : 5 7-21

Data Analysis and Interpretations

6. Chapter : 6 22


7. Chapter :7 23

Limitations of the study

8. Chapter :8 24

Suggestions and Recommendations

9. Chapter :9 25



Social media has occupied an important position as a communication tool. It is all about facilitating
people to express and share ideas, thoughts and opinions with others. People across the globe use
social media to connect other people or organisations. The latest trend in marketing is the
introduction of social media.
Now-a-days Social media had became very strong tool in influencing buying decisions of
consumer. Social media has the power to influence potential customers from the start until the
stage of a purchase and beyond as well. There arefour ways in which social media influences
consumer behaviour. They are : social media(a) builds product awareness.(b)social proof as a
greater force of buying decisions, (c) promotions discounts and deals on social media.(d) social
media influencers.
Social media is a huge influence on consumers when they are attempting to build awareness about
a particular product. A large section of the audience gets to know your brand through the content
that is distributed on social media, in this way people get to know about your product. Social proof
has emerged due to the tendency of people to imitate the behavior of people around them. Happy
customers tend to go about praising the products with likes, shares, reviews and comments on
social media.
When consumers see promotions, discounts and deals on social media, it influences their buying
behavior. Consumers are more likely to buy when they get recommendations from a person they
trust. Celebrities and popular people inspire their audience and influence their buying behavior.
Social media which includes the content, visuals, promotions, discounts and influencers has the
ability to influence the buying behavior of consumers.
In the modern era the using of social networking websites has extensively effect onthe consumers
in various ways. There are many online networking sites which affect consumer behavior. They
are Google+, Linkedln, You tube etc. Now-a-days social media is used by almost all the ages of
consumers like college students, working class and even old age people too. The main aim of this
study is to examine how social media will affect the final consumer behavior among person who
mostly use social media websites. Consumer referred to here is general public. The study has also
undertaken to analyze how social media will affect buying decisions of general public and the
factors that motivate general public to shop through social media platforms.
1.1 Statement of the problem
In today's world people start their day with smart phones and they are easily attracted towards
recent updates and ads in social media accounts. Now-a-days
social media platforms like Whatsapp, Instagram, You Tube, Facebook etc. influence consumer
behavior a lot and also make purchase very easy through online. Hence the aim of this study is to
examine how social media will influence consumer behavior of general public and also analyze
the factors affecting the general public to purchase through social media platforms. SOCIAL
Social media is interactive digitally-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation or
sharing/exchange of information, ideas, career interests, and other forms of expression via virtual
communities and networks. Social media are used to document memories; learn about and explore
things; advertise oneself; and form friendships along with the growth of ideas from the creationof
blogs, podcasts, videos, and gaming sites.
Some of the most popular social media websites, with over 100 million registered users,include
Facebook, TikTok, WeChat, Instagram, QZone, Weibo, Twitter, Tumblr, Baidu Tieba, and
LinkedIn. Depending on interpretation, other popular platforms that are sometimes referred to as
social media services include YouTube, QQ. Quora, Telegram, WhatsApp. LINE, Snapchat,
Pinterest,Vi ber, Reddit, Discord, VK, Microsoft Teams, and more. Wikis are examples of
collaborative content creation.


% Merriam-Webster defines social media as "forms of electronic communication (such as websites
for social networking and micro blogging) through which users create online communities to share
information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos)."
* "Social media are primarily Internet-based tools for sharing and discussing information among
human beings."- Wikipedia


While challenges to the definition of social media arise due to the broad variety of stand-alone and
built-in social-media services currently available, there are some common features:-
1. Social media are interactive Web 2.0 Internet-based applications.
2. User-generated content such as text posts or comments, digital photos or videos, and data
generated through all online interactions is
the lifeblood of social media.
3. Users create service-specific profiles for the website or app that are designed and maintained by
the social-media organization.
4. Social media facilitate the development of online social networks by connecting a user's profile
with those of other individuals or groups.


1. Web space:: The website should provide the users free web space to upload content.
2. Web address:: The users are given a unique web address that becomes their web identity. They
can post and share all their content on this web address.
3. Build profiles:: Users are is asked to enter personal details like name, address, date of birth,
school/college education, professional details etc. The site then mines the personal data to connect
4. Connect with friends: Users are encouraged to post personal and professional updates about
themselves. The site then becomes a platform to connect friends and relatives.
5. Upload content in real time:- Users are provided the tools to post content in real time. This
content can be text, images, audio, video or even symbolic likes and dislikes .The last post comes
first, giving the site freshness.
6. Enable conversations & Members are given the rights to comment on posts made by friends and
relatives. The conversations are a great social connect
7. Posts have time stamp : All posts are time stamped, making it easy to follow posts.
Literature Review
1. Lee, Ethel (2013) The objective of the study was to explain why, when, and how social media
has impacted on consumer decision process. This study also gave explanation on how individuals
are attending, processing, and selecting the information on social media before a purchase. The
findings indicated that individuals pursue an active role in information search on social media
comparing to mass media, yet information exposure is selective and subiective during the course
of information search.

2. Kristina Heinonen (2011) The aim of the study was to conceptualize consumers' activities in
social media by examining the motivations behind the activities. One limitation of the study was
the large number of consumption andparticipation activities emerging from the data compared to
the number of production activities. The study showed that only a minority of web users were
active contributors. Some activities in social media may influence the company image and brand
positively whereas other consumer activities are perhaps not favorable.

3. M. Nick Halji (2014) The study was conducted to examine how social media facilitate the social
interaction of consumers and to understand the role of social media in the development of e-
commerce into social commerce. The
study showed that trust has a significant direct effect on intention to buy.

4. Khim-Yong Goh, Cheng-Suang Heng and Zhijie Lin(2013) The study was conducted integrate
qualitative user-marketer interaction content data from a fan page brand community on Facebook
and consumer transactions data to assemble a unique data set at the individual consumer level.
They found that engagement in social media brand communities leads to a positive increase in
purchase expenditures. Additional examinations of UGC and MGC impacts show evidence of
social media contents affecting consumer purchase behavior through embedded information and

5. Sunghun Chung, Animesh, Kunsoo Han and Alain Pinsonneault(2014)

The study was undertaken to examine how firms' social media efforts in terms of intensity,
richness, and responsiveness- influence consumer behavior (engagement and attention) and firm
performance. They found that the richness and responsiveness of a firm's social media efforts are
significantly associated with the firm's market performance.

6. Elham Al-Mukhaini, Israa Al-Dhuhli and Sara Ismael (2013) The aim of thestudy was to
understand which consumers are mostly influenced by online purchasing, reasons that tempt
consumer to purchase online, types of products that are mostly purchased using Social Media and
types of Social Media that aremostly used by consumers in Oman. They found that Instagram has
made significant change in consumers' buying decision towards choosing particular products.
7. Elenica Pjero and Donika Kercini (2015) The study focused on Social Media and their ability
to influence consumer behavior worldwide and specifically in Albania reality. The study showed
the reasons for the use of Social Media and user attitudes towards them and also revealed consumer

8. Duangruthai Voramontri and Leslie Klieb (2019) The goal of the paper was to research
empirically the role of social media in consumers' decision-making process for complex purchases
- those characterized by significant brand differences, high consumer involvement and risk, and
which are expensive and infrequent. The result showed that social media usage influences
consumer satisfaction in the stages of information search and alternative evaluation, with
satisfaction getting amplified as the consumer moves along the process towards the final purchase
decision and post-purchase evaluation.

9. Fred Bronner and Robert de Hoog(2014) The study was focused upon the relation between the
information people search regarding aspects or properties of choice options and the types of social
media used for finding it. They found that domain-specific social media with limited opportunities
for self-disclosure, like Tripadvisor, are more frequently used for search-determined sub-decisions
than for experience-determined sub-decisions. For domain-independent social media with large
opportunities for self-disclosure, like Twitter and Facebook, it was found that they are used with
equal frequency for both types of sub- decision.

10. Leslie Martinka (2012) The study was conducted to determine if Facebook and Twitter
communities influence consumers' online purchasing behaviors.
From the study, it was found that Facebook communities have a significant influence on a
consumer's online purchasing behavior and Twitter communitieshad almost no influence.
The main objective of this study is to examine the impact of social media on buying behaviour of
consumers. Specific objectives of the study are:-

 To analyse how have social media channels affected buying behaviour of consumers.

 To identify the factors that motivate consumers to shop through social media platforms.

 To find out which is the best social media preferred by customers.

Chapter-4 Research
 Research methodology

Research methodology is a way of explaining how a researcher intends to carry out their research.

It's a logical, systematic plan to resolve a research problem. A methodology details aresearcher's

approach to the research to ensure reliable, valid results that address their aims andobjectives. It

encompasses what data they're going to collect and where from, as well as how it's being collected

and analysed.

 Data Collection

The data is collected from both primary and secondary sources.

*Primary Data*

The source of primary data is through questionnaire based on the objectives.

*Secondary Data*

The secondary data were collected from books, journals, websites and other published sources.

 Sample Design

A self- designed questionnaire was developed and given to general public. The questionnaire is
related to impact of social media on consumer behaviour.

* Sample Population*

The population of the study is general public.

*Sample Size*

The sample size of the study is 60

* Sample frame*
2-3 months
*Sampling Technique*
The technique used for selecting the sample is random sampling techniques

Q1 Usage of social media

Usage of social Yes No

No. of. responden1s 61 0

usage of social media




Interpretation:- Out of total respondent in this survey all the participants use
social media. It can be interpreted that social media has a great influence in the day
to day life of the people.
Q2 Purpose of usage of social media

Purpose of shopping chatting information Make friend

usage of social
No of respondent 7 22 29 3

purpose of usage

5% 11%
48% 36% make friend


Most of the respondents use social media for information . Along with this they also use social
media for chatting. Only few use social media for shopping and making friends.
Q3 Type of social media used daily

Type of social Facebook Instagram Whatsapp Snap chat

No.of 5 15 40 1


2% 8%

25% instagram

65% snapchat


Out of 61 respondents, majority of them are using whatsapp daily. Some of them are also using
instagram. Only few are using facebook and snapchat daily.
Q4 Time spent on social media per day
Time spent 0 hour 1-5 hour 5-10 hour 10hours
on social Or more
med ia per
No. of . 1 42 18 0


29% 0 hours
1-5 hours
5-10 hours
10 hours or more

Out of total respondents in this survey, majority of them spent time on social I-5 hours per day.
Some of them spent 5-10 hours per day. None of them spent 10 hours or more on social media.
Only one respondent is not spending time on socialmedia daily. It can be interpreted that social
media has became part of our daily life.
Q5 Attention paid to advertisement on social media

Attention paid Yes No Maybe

No. of. 26 18 17

attention paid

28% yes
43% no



Out of total people participated we can understand that most of the respondents are paying
attention to advertisements on social media. Some of them are not paying attention to social
media. Some of them may be paying attention to advertisements on social media.
Q'6 Trust on social media

Trust on social media Yes No

No. of .respondents 40 21


34% yes



Most of the respondents trust on social media. Still 34% don't have trust on social media.
Q7 Influence of social media on buying decision

Influence of Yes No Maybe

socialmedia on
buying decision

No . of. 31 13 17





Out of 61 respondents, the buying decision of 31 respondents are influenced by social media.
Buying decision of 13 respondents are not influenced by social media. Buying decision of 17
respondents may be influenced by social media.
Q8 percentage of purchase influenced by social media

Percentage of
purchase Below 25% 25%-50% 50%-75% 75%-100%
influenced by
social media

No. of .
respondents 14 34 13 0

purchase influenced

21% 23%
below 25%


From the above figure and table we can understand that 25%-50% of purchase of 34 respondents
are influenced by social media. Along with this 50%-75% of purchase of 13 respondents and
below 25% of purchase of 14 respondents are influenced by social media. It is interpreted that
75%- 100% of purchase of none of the respondents are influenced by social media.
Q9 Preferred source of information for buying decision

source of Company's Social media Friends & Advertisement
information website relatives
for buying
No. of
respondents 9 19 7


11% 15%
co. website
social media
friends & relatives
43% advertisement


Friends and relatives are the most preferred source of information for buying decision and next
mostly preferred source is social media. The least preferred source of information for buying
decision are company's websites and advertisements.
Q10 Type of social media that influence purcha se decision

Type of social
Instagram Facebook You Tube Blog Post
media that

No. of 30 4 24 3



39% 49%


Purchase decision of most of the respondents are influenced by instagram and YouTube. Only
few of them are influenced by facebook and blog post
Q11 Factors that drives attention in social media

Factors that The frequent Visual elements How How a product is

drives atten1ion exposure of of advertisements important liked,

in social media product/ & products product is to commented &

Advertisement me shared by 0t hers

No .of.
12 13 10
respondents 26

drives attention

The frequent exposure of

16% 20% product/ Advertisement
visual elements of Adv. & product

how important product is to me

43% how product liked comment and


The importance of a product to consumer is the most important factor that drives attention in
social media. Along with this exposure of products/advertisements, visual elements of
products/advertisements, likes and comments shared by others are also factors that drives
attention in social media.
Q12 Factors that motivate consumers to shop through social media

Factors that
consumers to shop Low Saves time Quality of the Easy to Offers &
through social price product make discount s in
media payment social media

11 12 11 5 22


low price
36% save time
quality of the product
easy to make payyment
offers & discount in social media


From the above table and figure we can understand that most of the respondents are motivated by
offers & discounts in social media to shop through social media. Along with this they are also
motivated by factors like low price, saves time, quality of the product. Only of few of them are
motivated by the factor easy to make payment.
Q 13 Mostly preferred online shopping site

Mostly preferred
online shopping site Flipkart myntra amazon

No of respondent
36 2 23





Flipkart is the online shopping site that is mostly preferred and next mostly preferred app
is The least preferred app is Myntra.
Q14 Advantages of social media compared totraditional media

There is Better
Advantages of social
Mo re information Information They save communication
media compared to
and easier access reliability My time with other
traditional media
consumers and
No. of.
respondent 28 11 17 5



more information
28% 46% reliability
save time
better communication



Most of the respondents have the opinion that there is more information & easier access in social
media compared to traditional media. Some of them have the opinion that social media saves
time & has information reliability compared to traditional media. Only few of them have the
opinion that social media has better communication with other consumers and business compared
to traditional media.
Q15 Ability to seek out products/services information

I think that with social media
9 33 18 1 0
sites , I am able to seek out
products/services information


stronly agree
strongly disagree

More than 40 respondents agree that with social media sites they are able to seek out
products/services information actively. 18 of them have neutral opinion. Only respondent
disagree and none of them strongly disagree with the statement.

 All the respondents are using social media.

 Most of the respondents use social media for information.

 Majority of the respondents are using whatsapp daily.

 About 1-5 hours are spent on social media by majority of respondents perday.

 Many of them are paying attention to advertisement on social media websites.

 Majority of respondents have trust on social media.

 Buying decision of majority of respondents are influenced by social media.

 About 25% - 50% of purchase of most of them are influenced by socialmedia.

 Friends & relatives are the most preferred source of information for buying decision of many
of the respondents.

 Purchase decision of most of the respondents is influenced by instagram.

 The importance of a product to the consumer is the factor that drives attention of many of
respondents in social media.

 Offers & discounts in social media is the factor that motivate many of
them to shop through social media.

 Flipkart is the online shopping site that is mostly preferred by majority of respondents.

 Many of the respondents have opinion that social media has more information and easier
access compared to traditional media

 Many of the respondents agree that through social media sites they are able to seek out
products/services information actively.
Limitations of the study

 Respondents bias towards the questions.

 The study is conducted within limited time.

 Lack of face to face interaction with respondents.

 Primary data obtained may not be accurate to great extent

Suggestions and
Suggestions and recommendations

 Advertisements on social media should be made more attractive so that

more people will be paying attention towards it.

 Social media can provide more information about the products and
services, which will improve the knowledge of the consumer.

 Information provided on social media should be correct and reliable

which will increase the trust of the people.

 More offers & discounts should be made on products in social media, so

that more people will be motivated to shop through social media

 Create a specific strategy for each social media platform The same way
you prepare other aspects of your marketing plan, you need to have a
specific and intentional plan for each platform you use. Each platform has
nuances and best practices for generating engagement. Your brand may
not need to have a presence on every platform, but for your posts to be
targeted, you need to have a strategy that is specific to the platform
you’re using.

 Focus your messaging - Each platform you use will have it’s own unique
demographic. There will be overlap of the people you’re targeting on
each platform, but it’s still essential to understand your demographics so
you can tailor your message to have the most impact.

 Keep an eye on what’s trending -Once you have your key messaging
determined, keep an eye on popular trends emerging on each platform. If
you notice a pattern or strategy rising in popularity and it aligns with your
messaging, then it’s a great idea to capitalize on it to drive engagement.
 This study shows that social media has a great influence in the behaviour
of the consumers.

 Discounts and deals on social media, likes and comments about the
product, social media influencers, reviews about the product in social
media are the factors that influence consumer behaviour.

 It is also clear from the study that social media has many advantages
compared to traditional media.

 Consumers are attracted towards the products by watching advertisements

in social media.

 It is found that offers & discounts in social media is the factor that
motivate consumers to shop through social media platforms. According to
the survey flipkart is most preferred online shopping site.

 Most of the people are using information available on social media in

case of uncertainties regarding a product.

 It can be concluded that social media has the power to influence potential
consumers from start until the stage of a purchase and beyond as well.

 It also enhanced the knowledge of consumers regarding the products and

services. There is no doubt that, importance of social media will increase
in future.



Q1 Usage of social media

a) Yes
b) No
Q2 Purpose of usage of social media
a) Shopping
b) Chatting
c) Information
d) Make friend
Q3 Type of social media used daily

a) Facebook
b) Instagram
c) Whatsapp
d) Snapchat
Q4 Time spent on social media per day
a) 0 hour
b) 1-5 hour
c) 5-10 hour
d) 10 hour or more
Q5 Attention paid to advertisement on social media
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe
Q'6 Trust on social media
a) Yes
b) No
Q7 Influence of social media on buying decision
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe
Q8 percentage of purchase influenced by social media
a) Below 25%
b) 25%-50%
c) 50%-75%
d) 75%-100%

Q9 Preferred source of information for buying decision

a) Co. website
b) Social media
c) Friends and relatives
d) Advertisement
Q10 Type of social media that influence purcha se decision
a) Instagram
b) Facebook
c) Youtube
d) Blog post
Q11 Factors that drives attention in social media
a) The frequent exposure of product/ Advertisement
b) Visual elements of advertisement and products
c) How important product is to me
d) How a product is liked, commented & shared by 0t hers
Q12 Factors that motivate consumers to shop through social media
a) Low price
b) Save time
c) Quality of the product
d) Easy to make payment
e) Offer and discount in social media

Q 13 Mostly preferred online shopping site

a) Flipkart
b) Myntra
c) Amazon

Q14 Advantages of social media compared totraditional media

a) More information and easier access
b) Information reliability
c) They save my time
d) Better communication with other consumer and business

Q15 Ability to seek out products/services information

a) Sa
b) A
c) N
d) Da
e) Sda

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