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1. Man was created gifted
i. The breath of God/life, which made them responsive to God’s things
and reflects his shareable nature. Gen 1:27, 2:27
ii. Gifts to survive in his environment Gen 2:8-17
iii. Gift of dominion on other creation Gen 1:26
iv. Gifts of knowledge and wisdom Gen 2:9
v. Gifts to live beyond mortality 2:9
All the gifts of God were excellent for our living on earth and sure return to God in
2. Man lost access to the gifts through sin
i. The fall created a barrier for Man’s access to these gifts. It brought
struggles of all forms in search of the gifts that make life PEACEFUL.
ii. Our interaction with creation was no more based on the gifts God gave
but through our own strength which is not adequate. Gen 3:14-19.
iii. Without the gifts of God man will not be able to access the good things
of the creation.
iv. “Life without the gifts of God is full of struggle”. “The Gifts of God are
the keys to good and peaceful living” without which life is more of a
v. The struggle of man and the search for a Saviour persisted through
scripture (OT).
vi. To Israel, the coming of certain people in scripture might have
appeared to men as a means of Salvation from the struggles- Moses,
Samson, David, Solomon, the priests and the prophets just to name a
To the Gentiles we were living in perpetual hopeless life
vii. The Dark age just before Christ was born.
a. The word of God had not been heard for 4 centuries
b. Israel was under bondage Luke 2:1
c. The conflicting teachings of the Pharisees, Sadducees (no
resurrection and angels), Essenes and Zealots.
3. The Coming of Jesus – the indescribable gift of God. Isaiah 9:1-7
At the time when darkness had covered the earth and the people of God,
Christ the morning star came.
Luke 2:11 (NLT) The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today
in Bethlehem, the city of David!

He came as the GIFT of God to man, to save us from the struggles and
bridge the period of blocked access to God’s gifts and the period of full
access to His gifts.

Life now becomes GOOD and PEACEFUL Luke 2:14  Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace, good will toward men (KJV). GOODNESS & MERCIES SHALL….

4. Christ is a combo gift, full of gifts packaged for our peaceful living and
i. He restored us power to represent him on earth – Dominion Jh 1:12
ii. He restores to us access to the breath of God – Holy Spirit with the His
gifts and fruits. 1Cor 12, Gal5:22-23
iii. He restores to us the grace/service gifts Romans 12:6-8
iv. Ministerial gifts for us our diligent work in Christ for our reward in

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