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the following:-
The process of fusion of sperm and ovum
is called fertilization. 2.In vitro fertilization:
When the fusion of male gametes (sperm)
with female gamete (ovum) takes place
outside animals body in the lab condition
,It is called in vitro fertilization.
The transformation of the larva into an
adult through drastic changes is called
Eg. Frog, moth, mosquito etc.
The production of new offspring which are
carbon copy of their parents are called
clones and the process of producing
clones is called cloning.
B.Answer the following questions.(12)
Que 1. What are the differences between
sexual and asexual reproduction?
Sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction

It requires one male It involve reproduction

and one female parent of new organisms by
for production of new just one parent.

Fusion of sperm and Zygote formation does

egg form zygote. not take place
Fertilization takes Fertilization does not
place. takes place.

Fertilization can be There are many types

internal or external. of asexual
Eg. In human being. reproduction like
binary fission, budding

Que 2.What is the difference between

viviparous and oviparous animal?
Viviparous animals Oviparous animals
The animals that give The animals that lay
birth to young ones eggs are called
are called as viviparous oviparous animals.

Eg: Mammals including Bird, snakes etc.

Que.3.What are the differences between
external and internal fertilization?
External fertilization Internal fertilization

Fertilization of Fertilization of
gametes occur gametes occur
outside the body of inside the female
the organism. body.

Eg: Frog and some Human, cow etc.

aquatic animals.

Que4.What are the difference between

identical and fraternal twins?
Identical Fraternal
They are exactly alike. They are different.

They are of same sex. They may or may not

be of same sex.

They are formed when They are formed

a fertilized ovum divides when two different
in to two different cells sperms fertilize two
which develop different ovum
independently. separately.

Que5. How and when does fertilization

takes place in human beings? What
happens if fertilization does not occur?
Ans. Fertilization takes place in the oviduct
(fallopian tubes) of females. The sperms
move through sperm ducts along with
secretions of different glands into the
oviduct, where it fuses with the ovum
already present in the oviduct, results in
the formation of zygote which further
undergoes repeated divisions to form an
If fertilization does not occur, the ovum is
expelled out from the uterus along with
some uterine muscles and blood. This is
known as menstruation.
Que6. Write one important function of
each organ of male reproductive system?
(i)Testes: It is a the organ where male
gametes (sperms) are produced. (ii)Sperm
duct:- It is a duct which carries sperms
along with secretions of some glands to
(iii)Penis:- It transfers sperms to vagina of
female’s body.
Que7. Write one important function of
each organ of female reproductive
(i)Ovaries:- Ovary produces eggs or ova.
one ovum is released from one of the
ovaries every month.
(ii)Oviducts(fallopian tube):- It is the place
where fertilization occur.
(iii)Uterus:- It is the place where embryo
gets implanted, obtains nutrition and
develops into a baby.
Que8. Describe the structure of the
human sperm.
Structure of human sperm-
(i)Head- It helps to penetrate in to ovum.
(ii)Mid piece-It joins the head and tail.
(iii)Tail-It helps in the movement of sperm.
Que9.Explain the life cycle of a frog with
the help of a labelled diagram.
Ans: A frog undergoes different stages of
development between hatching of the egg
and formation of an adult frog.
Different stages in the life cycle of frog
Egg->tadpole(larva)->adult frog
Que10. Explain binary fission with the help
of an example and diagram.
Ans: In binary fission, the fully grown
parent cell splits into two halves,
producing two new cells.
Ex: In the Amoeba, the nucleus first
divides into two equal parts. The
cytoplasm also divides into two parts,
each part receiving a nucleus. The two
daughter Amoeba thus formed grow and
attain full size before splitting again.

Que11.Dogs always produces several

puppies whereas human being usually
produce only one child at a time. Why?
Ans: Because the number of eggs
produced at a time is different for
different mammals.(Humans produces
one egg at a time while dogs produce
more than one egg.)
Que12.Can a woman with blocked
fallopian tube give birth to a child? How?
Ans: Yes a woman with blocked fallopian
tube can give birth to a child. Blocked
fallopian tube does not allow fertilization,
but this problem can be overcome by test
tube baby technology.
In this technique fertilization is done in the
test tube and embryo is then transplanted
into the uterus of a woman. (C)Reference
to context-
“After fertilization, the zygote travels
down the oviduct and divides over and
over again and ultimately develops into an
individual in humans”
Answer the following questions:- (A)
Which two processes are responsible for
the development of embryo in
multicellular organisms?
Ans.(i)Cell division
(ii)Cell differentiation or cell
(B)How is embryo formed?
Ans:After cell division ,the cells begin to
form different groups,these finally
develop into tissues and organs of the
body. This developing structure is known
as embryo.
(C)How is foetus different from embryo?
Ans: The stage at which all the body parts
of the embryo could be recognized is
called the foetus.
(D)How many weeks does zygote take to
form foetus?
Ans: 8 weeks.
(E)When do we say that the development
is complete?
Ans: When all the body parts assume the
right size and form, the development is
complete and the individual is born.
Mr. Sinha is 65 years old. He was sitting on
the seat meant for senior citizens in the
metro train .He saw a pregnant lady
standing. He immediately got up and
offered his seat to the lady. Why did Mr.
Sinha do this even though the the seat
was meant for senior citizen?
Ans: If a pregnant lady stands in a moving
train then zerks can be harmful for the
developing embryo in the womb.
Mr. Sinha inspite of his old age and being
privileged to have a seat meant for senior
citizens, offers it to the lady because he is
concerned about the well being of the
lady. He has performed his duty of being a
responsible citizen.
Q1) Male reproductive system consists of
A) Testes
B) Scrotal sac
C) Ovary
D) Sperm
Choose the most appropriate option.
a) Both C and D are correct
b) A ,B and D are correct
c) Only A is correct
d) All are correct
Ans 1) Option (b) Only A,B and D is correct

Q2) Given below are two statements

labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Identical twins are of same
sex .
Reason (R): They are formed when a
fertilized ovum divides in to two different
cells which develop independently.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true
Ans 2) Option (a) - Both A and R are true
and R is the correct explanation of A

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