Submitted By:: Syeda Umme Abiha Humdum Unwan Ali Bacha Muhammad Huzaifa

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First Aid
• Introduction
First aid knowledge is valuable to both you as an individual and your community. In an accident or
emergency, you can help the injured until help arrives. First aid skills can be used at home, work or
public places. The more qualified paramedics there are in an area, the safer that area will be. First aid
training for students and employees is vital to ensure proactive safety measures are in place at your
organization. A safe education system and workplace breeds better productivity and avoids preventable
losses of manpower and vital man-hours.
In this training program, we are going to provide first aid training to the students of Bahria University
Islamabad to make the environment safer and so that help can be provided to anyone in need

• Analysis
First phase of the instructional design is analysis. This phase is known as the “Goal setting
phase”. In this phase we found the gap with the help of Google survey form result. For finding
the gap we designed Google form and shared the link in WhatsApp group and told the members
to fill the form. After the survey filling, we find the gap through analysis of the results. The
Designed survey questions are followed as:

First Aid Training

This will help you in getting more knowledge about emergency care.

* Required

1. Have you ever encountered any emergency situation/ incident? *

No Yes

2. Have you ever attended any First aid training session? *

No Yes

3. Have you ever provided First aid assistance to someone? *

No Yes

4. Which of the following injuries can you treat through your knowledge of first aid? *

5. Are you aware of the emergency exists in this building? *


6. Do you know how to use First aid box? *



7. What is your response when you encounter any medical emergency? *
Make rational decision according to situation

8. Do you know how to contact medical assistant? *


9. According to you, which injuries require first aid treatment? *


10. Do you know how to prevent injuries from escalating? *


Google Forms
This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google.

• Instructional Goal
The goal setting is the main objective. Like what we want the audience to learn. The goal
setting is done with the help of survey results. The results are given below:

From question number two we came to know that the most of the audience has never attended
first aid training that means the audience doesn’t have perfection in using first aid box. After this
from second question we found that most of them have never provided first aid assistance to
someone. This proves that audience didn’t have experience controlling the situation, maybe
because they don’t know the proper use of medicine, the side effects, or the reaction. Medical
assistance is also a gap, audience doesn’t know control a situation or contact any assistance

So, the competency gap is because of no knowledge of aid box items and they didn’t have idea
how to use, basically they didn’t know about the application of aid box items. Lastly lack of
information about the medical assistance is a gap.

The outcome we want after training is that; the audience will be able to recognize the use of
medicine, ointments, different types of bandages, antiseptics and all other such items of aid box.
Furthermore, they’d learn how to immediately provide assistance to someone in need or call for
assistance in case of a serious issue.

• Target Audience characteristics

Audience are the students of Business Studies in Bahria University. Some of them had
knowledge about the aid box and its items but some of them had never assisted anyone. They
avoid assistance because of two reasons; lack of knowledge and skill. Their experience level is
also end at low point. The desired outcome after training is; knowledge and skill both.
Knowledge about the aid box items and skill includes how to use the items such as how to do
bandage, how to apply ointment, how to treat scars, how to stop blood, which medicine is best
according to the situation and so on.

• Design
This phase focuses on the learning objectives, content, lesson planning, media selection etc.

Learning Objectives

Our training learning objectives include; use of first aid box and medical assistance. If we deep
brief the objective then it refers to the identification of medicine according to need, purpose of
medicines, reaction of medicines, how to apply ointments, how to use bandage, how to treat
scars, how to stop blood and lastly how to recognize and contact nearest medical assistance.

Behavioral reproduction is the concept we consider while designing the training program. The
reason is that for learning skill we need active and guided practice. In our training session, we
want that audience learns the skill of use of applying ointments and use of bandage. For all this
we also set situational based role plays in which audience will be able to see actual situation and
then recognize the treatment method best for stabilizing the situation. Adult learning theory is
action. We incorporate this in our training session as learner attention is focused. The attention is
focused on immediate application of what they are supposed to learn.

Audience engaged with trainees performing different activities. Audience is practical as they
are performing the same activity the trainer is performing.
Instructional strategy

• Development
Trainee manual

• Implementation
Audience engagement techniques

Audiovisual Techniques (include overheads, slides, and video), lectures (trainers communicate
through spoken words what they want the trainees to learn), Behavior Modeling, a component of
Social Learning Theory, is the act of guiding the employees how to do something by showing
them the standard modeled behavior.

Techniques that encourage retention and transfer of training includes the use of variety of
learning material for example videos, role plays, activities and given scenarios. These are used
to improve learning ability not just transmit the information it is all about transformation of
information. More over sharing experience is also another technique to encourage retention.

Generalization refers to a trainee’s ability to apply what they learned to on-the job work
problems and situations that are similar but not necessarily identical to those problems and
situations encountered in the learning environment, i.e., the training program. Maintenance
refers to the process of trainees continuing to use what they learned over time. It is important
to realize that for training to be effective, both learning and transfer of training are needed.

Transfer of training means enhancing the self-efficacy, define clearly the learning objectives /
goals and conducting debriefs that act as a post-training intervention and also summarizes the
whole topic.

• Evaluation
The evaluation of training can be done by asking some random questions like usage of different
medicine in the first aid box. Before training and after training difference is noted by the
knowledge that they gain to correctly use the items of first aid box. If they are able to recognize
the medicine and apply all the information provided to them in an efficient manner, and its use
according to the situation that means training is done in a perfect way that information is

• Conclusion
In first activity, Identification of medicine, we went through different types of medicines and
identified which medicine to use in specific situation.

• Disprin for headache

• Buscopan for stomachache

So, we learnt that which medicines to use for the most common type of situation that occurs in
student life.

Then we got to know that what types of medicine, bandages or antiseptics to use for treating
different types injuries. We also did a fun activity and a role play to make it simpler and
rememberable. We also displayed a video to simulate a type of bandage for injury and also
demonstrated it so that the audience can remember it and reproduce it when needed.

But only knowing about the medicines and bandages can’t be beneficial all the time so we also
communicated to the audience that where to contact in emergency situation and which is the
nearest location to opt for when dealing with such situations.

The ultimate goal of the training is to be able to stabilize the patient until professional help
arrives, rather than to treat or diagnose. The goal is not to fix anyone, but to keep them as alive
and well as possible until they can receive professional medical care. What you can tell the medics
about the timing, how the injury occurred, and what first aid you provided can make a major

This training session will teach you how to stabilize the most common types of injuries with the
least amount of supply.



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