Eseu Final (Cred)

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Education: On or Off-line?

Online learning has become more and more wide-spread during the last few years, mainly
because of the pandemic. Most had no choice but to study from home, although the
question still stood: Which is better? Traditional learning, or on-line learning?

Keep in mind that opinions on this topic vary, as this is a very subjective matter. Some
people may prefer on-line learning, while others may prefer in-school learning, due to
personal preferences.

To begin with, the main reason why some pupils prefer traditional learning is because of the
socialisation that takes place at school. Without a doubt, most friendships formed during
the childhood years are done so within the context of school. On the flip side of things, on-
line school is better suited for recluses, as it does not promote socialising as much as it’s in-
person counterpart.

Moreover, a difference between the two education styles is the amount of physical exercise
that is promoted by each of them. While off-line school does not place much emphasis on
students’ physical health, it is still healthier than on-line school, which has pupils sitting in
front of a computer screen for hours on end.

Lastly, traditional learning is indubitably more efficient that online learning, as students are
less distracted by whatever is happening on their devices.

All things considered, my first point made still stands. This is a subjective matter and
people’s opinions differ. Personally, I prefer off-line learning because I hate having to spend
too much time on the computer.

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