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7 May 2023.






ID: FA22-BSCS-0076.
DATE: 08/MAY/2023.

Department Of Computer Science Muhammad Ali Jinnah
University, Karachi
7 May 2023.


was a famous Greek physician who
lived between approximately 460
BC and 370 BC. He was born on
the Aegean Island of Kos, which
was then part of the Greek city-
state of Cos. Hippocrates was a
member of a family of physicians
who had been practicing medicine
for generations, and his father was
also a physician.
According to tradition, Hippocrates was a student of his father and of several
other physicians on the island of Kos. He is also said to have studied at the
famous medical school on the island of Cnidus, which was known for its
emphasis on observation and diagnosis.
Hippocrates himself went on to become a highly respected physician and
teacher, and is often referred to as the "Father of Medicine". He is best known
for his contributions to the development of medical ethics and his emphasis on
the importance of careful observation and accurate diagnosis. While many of
the details of Hippocrates' life are not known for certain, he remains an
important figure in the history of medicine and his ideas and teachings continue
to influence medical practice and education today.

Hippocrates was deeply interested in medicine and devoted his life to the study
and practice of it. He believed that illness had natural, rather than supernatural,
causes, and that careful observation and diagnosis were essential for effective
treatment. Hippocrates emphasized the importance of the patient's overall well-
being, and advocated for a holistic approach to medicine that took into account
not just physical symptoms but also environmental, social, and psychological
Department Of Computer Science Muhammad Ali Jinnah
University, Karachi
7 May 2023.

As HIPPOCRATES says: “Read the past, diagnose the present, foretell the
future; practice these acts. As to diseases, make a habit of two things — to help,
or at least to do no harm.”


Hippocratic Oath: This is a code of ethics that doctors take before starting
their practice. It emphasizes the importance of treating patients with honesty,
confidentiality, and respect.

The Oath of Hippocrates is a historical document that outlines the ethical

principles and values of the medical profession. It is named after Hippocrates, a
Greek physician who is regarded as the father of Western medicine.

The original version of the Oath of Hippocrates was written in ancient Greek
and has been translated into various languages. While there are different
versions of the oath, the basic principles remain the same. The oath emphasizes
the importance of the physician's duty to the patient, and the obligation to
maintain confidentiality, act with integrity, and avoid causing harm.

One of the most well-known passages of the oath states, "I will use treatment to
help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to
injury and wrong-doing." This reflects the Hippocratic principle of "primum
non Nocera," which means "first, do no harm."

The Oath of Hippocrates has been used as a moral guide for medical
professionals for centuries and continues to be an important symbol of the
physician's commitment to uphold the highest ethical standards in the practice
of medicine.

Department Of Computer Science Muhammad Ali Jinnah
University, Karachi
7 May 2023.


The humoral theory was a system of medicine proposed by the ancient Greek
physician Hippocrates (c. 460 – c. 370 BCE) and later developed by his
followers. The theory was based on the idea that the human body is made up of
four basic substances, or humors, which are blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and
black bile.

According to the theory, the balance of these humors in the body determines a
person's health or illness. When the humors are in balance, a person is healthy,
but when they are out of balance, disease occurs. For example, an excess of
blood was thought to cause a fever, while an excess of black bile was thought to
cause depression.

The theory also proposed that the humors were related to the four elements of
nature - earth, air, fire, and water - and that certain foods and activities could
affect the balance of the humors in the body.

While the humoral theory has been largely discredited by modern medicine, it
was a major influence on medical thought and practice for many centuries and
was widely accepted in Western medicine until the 19th century.
Department Of Computer Science Muhammad Ali Jinnah
University, Karachi
7 May 2023.

The Hippocratic Corpus is a collection of around 60 medical texts attributed to
Hippocrates and his followers. These texts were written in Ancient Greece
between the 5th and 4th centuries BCE, and cover a wide range of medical
topics including anatomy, diagnosis, and treatment.

The Hippocratic Corpus is considered to be one of the most important sources

of information on the history of medicine, and its texts have had a significant
impact on the development of medical knowledge and practice over the
centuries. The Corpus includes some of the earliest known descriptions of
medical conditions and treatments, as well as discussions of medical ethics and
the doctor-patient

While the authenticity of

some of the texts in the
Hippocratic Corpus has
been questioned, they
remain an important part
of the history of
medicine and have
influenced medical
practice and research for
over two thousand years.

Department Of Computer Science Muhammad Ali Jinnah
University, Karachi
7 May 2023.


Pulse examination: Hippocrates was one of the first physicians to describe the
pulse as a diagnostic tool. He believed that the rate, rhythm, and strength of the
pulse could provide important information about a patient's condition.

Physical examination: Hippocrates believed that a physical examination was

essential to understanding a patient's condition. He would carefully examine a
patient's body, paying close attention to their skin color, temperature, and
overall appearance.

Symptom analysis: Hippocrates believed that careful analysis of a patient's

symptoms was essential to making a diagnosis. He would ask detailed questions
about the patient's symptoms and try to identify patterns or connections between

Disease classification: Hippocrates believed that diseases could be classified

based on their symptoms and clinical presentation. He described several
different categories of diseases, including acute, chronic, and epidemic diseases.

the physician had to examine a patient, observe symptoms carefully, make a

diagnosis and then treat the patient (1, 2, 5, 6, 12). Therefore, Hippocrates
established the basics of clinical medicine as it is practiced even today (1, 2, 5).

Department Of Computer Science Muhammad Ali Jinnah
University, Karachi
7 May 2023.


Use of honey as an antiseptic: Hippocrates used honey as a topical treatment for
wounds, burns, and skin infections. He recognized that honey had natural
antimicrobial properties and could help to prevent infection in wounds.

Wound cleansing: Hippocrates emphasized the importance of cleansing wounds

with clean water or wine. He believed that this could help to remove debris and
prevent infection.

Use of bandages: Hippocrates recommended the use of bandages to support the

healing process and protect the wound from further injury. He suggested using
soft materials such as linen or wool, and advised changing the bandage

In terms of prognosis, Hippocrates believed that a physician's ability to predict

the course of a disease was an important part of medical practice. He would
carefully observe a patient's symptoms and physical signs to make a prediction
about the outcome of their illness.


Department Of Computer Science Muhammad Ali Jinnah
University, Karachi

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