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ASSESSMENT 3: Pitch Session (an idea)

Topic: Advertising on Translator Pen

Introduction/Attention getter: Stop right there! Have a trouble with language? Ever heard
of translator pen? No? Starting from today problem are now

Problem/ Issue: Unless you’re some kind of Multilanguage genius,

translating and speaking with oversea people is a really big
problem. Travelling is hard because of the language barrier
that we need to overcome. I feel you because I also
experience the same problem. Other than travelling, learning
a new language at school is a hard task too. Imagine you
need to open dictionary every time you found a new word.
What a mess right?

Proposal But, now we can forget about those problem because today
our company will introduce to you X-Pen. A pen that can
translate everything

Solution: Yes, everything! Text? Voice? This pen can translate both
of it under 3 seconds. English, Malay, Arabic, Japanese,
this pen can translate up to 30 different language with ease.
This pen work like a magic wand. It has a scanner that can
scan text and the translation will appear on the screen. It
also has a mic where you need to hold this small circle
button to record and translate the voice when people speak
to you. It is really easy to use. You don’t need to worry
about running out of battery while using this pen because it
use solar power to recharge its battery.

Justification for the solution: You may say that smartphone can also do the same thing
but you need to remember that Google Translate and
smartphone has its own disadvantage. First of all, it need
network to able to function properly. Other than that,
translating voice using Google Translate or smartphone is
actually pretty hard and sometimes inaccurate. Besides,
smart phone use I bet some of you experience this
situation before. But I can guarantee to you that non of those
problem will be happen if you use this pen. Mark my words

Conclusion/ Reinforce the Travelling is supposed to be something that you should

proposal enjoy. Language supposed to be something beautiful.
Translator Pen is our humble product for our customer.
Once again I hope you will consider to try our product. I’m
sure that you definitely will love. We hope you have a nice
holidays. Thank you!

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