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Losing weight - the best way for life change!


“Ah…I need to lose some weight.” How many we say that words to ourself in our life? It’s such a
cliche’ word that I bet everyone in this room say this line at least once in their life. No need to be
ashamed of it because it’s natural for us human being thinking on how to be a better person. But,
we all always think about it, but how many time we decide to actually do it? According to a research
that has been done by Pippa Bailey, only about 45% of people globally actually take this step to start
losing weight. We always use words to comfort ourself, but in reality action is what we need. Is it
worth it, to take the step? Ladies and gentlemen, rest assure because today is the day we step into a
new world. The world where we can find the new us. Mark my word, Losing weight is THE BEST WAY


Sub point 1: Uncomfortable

Ever finding yourself being in an uncomfortable situation? Like when the stair is too high and you
need to tilt your body a little because your foot can’t reach for the next step or maybe when you find
yourself taking a shower with your own sweat after a few walk or run? and thing become worst
when the sweat take over your body smell. Yeah, it’s an awful experience. Reality is hard. Cleveland
Clinic’s Endocrinology & Metabolism Institute’s research say that there is a few factor that can affect
your body odor. The factor is, genetic, stress, exercise, hot weather and lastly overweight.

Sub point 2: Overweight can increase the possibility of heart attack, stroke and diabetes

Who never heard about this 3 disease? Heart attack, stroke and diabetes is a popular disease yet
nobody seems to really care about it. According to the latest WHO data published in 2020 Coronary
Heart Disease Deaths in Malaysia reached 36,729 or 21.86% of total deaths. The age adjusted Death
Rate is 136.21 per 100,000 of population ranks Malaysia #61 in the world . Malaysia is at rank 1 in
SEA country that has the most obesity cases. This 3 deadly disease isn’t supposed to be a common
thing in our life. Didn’t you care about your loved one? Imagine their reaction if you get one of this
disease. Life is only once and we should use our life wisely. A short enjoyment isn’t worth it.

Sub point 3: Insecure

Has an overweight body will make we feel insecure with our own body. It’s natural to have this
feeling. Jealousy will born when we start comparing ourself with other people. All of this negative
feeling is harmful both to our mind and body. There is also a risk where we will get a verbal bullying.
Other than that, data from YouGov website state that only 6% women find chubby man attractive
and only 10% of men find chubby woman attractive. So, for bright future I personally think we need
to change. No Pain No Gain.

Sub point 1: Dietary change

Reducing calories and practicing healtier eating habits are vital to overcoming obesity. Although you
may lose weight quickly at first, steady weight loss over the long term is considered the safest way to
lose weight and the best way to keep it off permanently. There is 2 way that I recommend to start a
diet properly. First with cutting calories that we consume daily. Typical amount of calories that we
need daily is 1200 to 1500 cal for women and 1500 to 1800 for men. Second way is by feeling full on
less. For example, dessert, candies and processed food contain a lot of calories for a small portion.
Meanwhile, fruit and vegetables provide a larger portion of food with fewer calories. By eating larger
portions of foods that have fewer calories, you reduce hunger pangs, take in fewer calories and feel
better about your meal, which contributes to how satisfied you feel overall.

Sub point 2: Exercise and activity

Increase physical activity is a good way for obesity treatment. Moderately, people need to spend at
least 150 minutes doing some physical activity. There is a lot of way to do physical activity like
exercising or doing some sport. You don’t really need to push yourself in doing some heavy workout
or exercise. The key is enjoying yourself while doing it. This is important because it will keep your
motivation and avoid any physical injury during the process. We need to keep moving forward until
we reach our goal. You can try to increase the amount of exercise when you start to feel comfortable
to do so.

Sub point 3: Behavior changes

Positive surrounding is important. It’s for our own mental health and motivation to keep moving
forward. Changing your behavior is a good step to take including examining your current habits to
find out what factors, stresses or situations may have contributed to your obesity. Therapy can help
you understand why you overeat and learn healthy ways to cope with anxiety. You can also learn
how to monitor your diet and activity, understand eating triggers, and cope with food cravings.
Counseling can be one-on-one or in a group. Companions and friends is also important. You can find
camaraderie and understanding in support groups where others share similar challenges with
obesity. Check with your doctor, local hospitals or commercial weight-loss programs for support
groups in your area. The more is marrier after all.

Sub point 1: Healtier body

Losing weight will award you with a healthier body. For example, it will help you in regulate blood
sugar and diabetes. Losing weight improves insulin sensitivity in people with type 2 diabetes, says
Preeti Pusalkar, a certified clinical nutritionist with Hudson Medical Center, a primary care provider
in New York City. Other than that it also improve heart health by reducing pressure on arteries. That
mean your heart does not have to work as hard to pump blood through the body. It also decreased
risk of stroke. Losing weight will decrease your blood pressure therefore cause reduce the chance of
blood to clot.

Sub point 2 : Higher self-esteem

Weight loss can boost your self-confidence is by giving you visible evidence that you can and should
be more confident in yourself. Seeing a thinner, more attractive you in the mirror will definitely help
you to feel better about yourself. You will feel less insecure and will start to love yourself more.
Being overweight saps your energy and keeps you from doing many of the things you’ve always
wanted. Losing weight will improve your energy so you can go from a life of wanting to do things to a
life of having done the things you want.

Sub point 3 : Improve mobility

Losing weight alleviates pressure on knees and joints, which can improve mobility, Pusalkar says. A
large 2012 study of obese adults with type 2 diabetes found as little as a 1% drop in weight cut
mobility limitations, such as difficulty walking or climbing stairs, by more than 7%. Because weight
loss can improve sleep, you might also feel more energized during the day, Pulsalkar says. Excess
weight also means your body has to work harder to move. Therefore, shedding some pounds means
you use less energy to move. It also improves respiratory function, which can also make you feel
more energized.


In conclusion, in order to get a better life. We must first change ourself first. It is never to late to
change yourself. But, a sacrifice is needed. To achieve something, You need to work for it. Your effort
will pay off and I can guarentee it. Losing wieght is not the only way you need in order to become a
better person. Personality and behavior also play a major part in it. So, stop blaming fate and other
and start changing now. Together we are stronger and with dedication we are unstopable.

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