Mock 5

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. THIS TEST is of 120 minutes duration, contains 160 questions and is meant to be
taken at one sitting without any rest breaks.

. THE TEST has five sections.

. EACH QUESTION has four options. Shade the appropriate oval against each question
in the score sheet. Shade the oval completely and do not shade more than one
oval, as the answer will be treated invalid.

. USE HB pencils for shading the ovals.

. DO YOUR scratch work on the space available in the test booklet and NOT on the
answer sheet or any additional paper. You are not allowed to use any calculating
devices or scales.

. EACH QUESTION in Sections I, III and V carries one mark. In Section II and IV,
each question carries two marks.

. FOR EVERY wrong answer 25% of the marks alloted for each question will be deducted.

. AFTER YOU finish taking the test, score it with the help of the answer key provided.

. The correct way of shading the ovals.

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DIRECTIONS for question 1: Choose the correct alternative.

1. A is twice as good a workman as B. In how many days would A and B finish the work,
if both of them work together? From the two statements, L and M given below, determine
which one is sufficient to answer the question.
L. A alone takes 12 days to complete the work.
M. If A and B work on alternate days, they take 16 days to complete the work.
1] Either L alone or M alone. 2] L alone but not M alone.
3] Both L and M combined. 4] Data insufficient.

DIRECTIONS for questions 2 and 3: Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.

The sum of the first 5 terms of an A.P. is 9 times the second term. Also the sum of the 4 th,
5 th, 6 th and 7 th terms is 76. Then:

2. What is the sum of the first four terms of the A.P.?

1] 26 2] 28 3] 42 4] 30

3. The 10 th term of the A.P is:

1] 33 2] 37 3] 41 4] 39

DIRECTIONS for questions 4 to 26: Choose the correct alternative.

4. A D



ABCD is a square of side 4 cm. E, F and G are the midpoints of sides AB, BC and CD
respectively. What is the area of EBFG?
1] 6 sq. cm 2] 10 sq. cm 3] 14 sq. cm 4] 8 sq. cm

5. A tea vendor mixes 20 kg of tea costing Rs.82.50 per kg with another tea costing Rs.120
per kg and sells this mixture at Rs.108 per kg thus making a profit of 20%. How many kgs
of tea costing Rs.120 per kg does he use?
1] 10 kg 2] 8 kg 3] 15 kg 4] 5 kg

6. We have a biased coin in such a way that heads occurs 90% of the times and tails 10% of
the times. This coin is tossed along with an unbiased coin. What is the probability of all heads?
1] 0.45 2] 0.25 3] 0.14 4] Cannot be determined


2 n + 4 − 2 .2 n
7. The value of + 2 –3 is equal to:
2 .2 n + 3

1 9
1] 2 n+1 2] –2 n+1 + 3] – 2n 4] 1
8 8

8. A man can complete a piece of work in 36 days for which a woman takes 54 days and a
boy takes 72 days. Three of them started the work together and the man and woman left
8 and 12 days respectively after beginning the work. What was the number of days for which
the boy worked, if the remaining work was completed by the boy alone?
1] 22 days 2] 28 days 3] 30 days 4] 40 days

9. If a, b and c are distinct positive integers such that a + b = c, then what is the value
of a 3 + b 3 – c 3 ?
1] abc 2] 3abc 3] –3abc 4] 0

10. A chord of 264 cm length is bent into the form of a circle and then into the form of a regular
hexagon. What is the ratio of the areas so formed?
1] 1.1 2] 1.4 3] 0.8 4] 1.8

11. What is the value of b, if the arithmetic mean of the integers roots of the equation
x2 + bx + 24 = 0 is a prime number greater than 5?
1] 14 2] 10 3] –14 4] –2

12. A circle is inscribed in a square. What percentage of the area of the square is not occupied
by the circle?
1] 22.5% 2] 21.5% 3] 25% 4] 78.5%

13. How many arrangements can be made with the letters of the word ‘INDEPENDENCE’?

11! 12! 11! 12!

1] 2] 3] 4]
4!3! 4!3! 4! 4!2!

14. Two candles of equal lengths start burning at the same instant. One of the candles will take
4 hours to burn fully, and the other 3 hours. By the time one candle is 3 times the length
of the other, the candles would have burnt for:

1 2 2 1
1] 3 hours 2] 3 hours 3] 2 hours 4] 2 hours
2 3 3 5

15. The sum and difference of two numbers is 65 and 13 respectively. What is the product of
the HCF and LCM of the two numbers?
1] 845 2] 1014 3] 1690 4] 1830

16. A vessel of capacity 8 litres contains water and milk in the ratio 1 : 7. Another vessel of
capacity 12 litres contains water and milk in the ratio 1 : 3. If the contents of the two vessels
are mixed completely, what would be the percentage of milk in the resulting mixture?
1] 20% 2] 80% 3] 75% 4] None of these


17. Ajay had Rs.9600 which he lends to two of his friends Vijay and Sujay. The money lent to
Vijay was at 12% simple interest and that given to Sujay was at 14% simple interest. After
1 years, his income is Rs.1800. Find the sums that Ajay lent Vijay and Sujay respectively.
1] Vijay : Rs.8400 and Sujay : Rs.1200 2] Vijay : Rs.2400 and Sujay : Rs.7200
3] Vijay : Rs.7200 and Sujay : Rs.2400 4] Vijay : Rs.1200 and Sujay : Rs.8400

18. A natural number x is chosen at random from the first 100 natural numbers. Then, the probability
that x + > 50 is:

1 53 27 11
1] 2] 3] 4]
2 100 50 20

19. There are 54 employees in an office, one-third of whom have work experience. Out of 30
females, 60% are freshers. Find the number of experienced male employees.
1] 6 2] 12 3] 18 4] 8

20. Two boats can travel downstream from A to B at the same speed of 20 kmph which is ten
times the speed of the stream. The two boats start the journey from A and B respectively.
At what distance from B do the two boats meet, if it takes 16 hours for a tyre tube to move
from A to B?
1] 9 km 2] 11.61 km 3] 14.22 km 4] 16 km

21. In what ratio should grains costing Rs.25 per kg and Rs.38 per kg be mixed to gain 20%
by selling the mixture at Rs.36 per kg?
1] 5 : 8 2] 11 : 2 3] 2 : 11 4] 8 : 5

22. The length of a rectangle is increased by 10% and its breadth is reduced by 20%. It’s area will:
1] increase by 8% 2] decrease by 12%
3] increase by 12% 4] decrease by 8%

23. What is the value of the following expression?

(a + b ) (b + c) (c + a )
 xa   xb   xc 
 b ×  c ×  a
x  x  x 
+ b2 + c2 + b2 + c2 )
1] x a 2] x 2( a 3] 1 4] 0

24. Rower B is as good a rower as A. On a river, A starts from the lower area and goes upstream
and B starts from the top of the river and comes downstream. Somewhere in between they
cross each other. A fly of negligible weight was sitting on A’s boat and it watches rower
B pass by at 20 kmph. It is being observed that A takes 50% more time than B to cover
the same distance. The speed of B while going upstream will be:
1] 4 kmph 2] 8 kmph 3] 10 kmph 4] 12 kmph


25. In a party only couples are invited. If every member in the party shakes hands with everyone
else except his/her spouse, the number of handshakes in the party is 40. Find the number
of couples who attended the party.
1] 4 2] 5 3] 6 4] 3

26. Three years ago, the average age of a family of 5 members was 18 years. On the addition
of a new child, the average today is still the same. The age of the child is:
1] 1 year 2] 2 years 3] 3 years 4] 4 years

DIRECTIONS for questions 27 to 30: Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.

In the figure below, the triangle represents politicians, the circle represents lawyers and the rectangle
represents villagers. Also an aggregate of 85 people are represented in the diagram.

5 56

It is known that villagers who are neither lawyers nor politicians are twice as many as the lawyers
who are non-villager and non-politicians.

27. What is the number of villagers and number of lawyers respectively?

1] 65, 10 2] 70, 9 3] 71, 12 4] None of these

28. The number of politicians who are neither villagers nor lawyers is:
1] 67 2] 4 3] 61 4] 62

29. If circle and rectangle were to represent villagers and lawyers respectively, then total number
of politicians who are also lawyers and non-villagers should be:
1] 2 2] 5 3] 4 4] None of these

30. If the number of non-politician, non-lawyer villagers was 5 times the number of non-villager,
non-politician lawyers, then number of such lawyers should be:
1] 1 2] 2 3] 3 4] 15

DIRECTIONS for questions 31 to 40: Choose the correct alternative.

31. Village A has a population of 6800, which is decresing at a rate of 120 per year. Village B
has a population of 4200, which is increasing at a rate of 80 per year. In how many years
will the population of the two villages be equal?
1] 9 2] 11 3] 13 4] 14

32. 3124 – 19 24 is divisible by:

1] 12 only 2] 50 only 3] both 12 and 50 4] Cannot be determined


33. A NGO wanted to raise money for the blind. They invited their selected donors who on paying
an average of Rs. 400 make up the entire amount. If 85% of the people who have been given
invited have promised to pay, but during the course of events, only 60% of the donors turn
up with an average donation of Rs.500, then what should be the amount paid by the remaining
25% people so that they raise the entire amount?
1] Rs.300 2] Rs.350 3] Rs.400 4] Rs.450

34. A train travels 15 miles per ton of coal when it carries no cargo. When the train is filled
with cargo, it travels 80% as far on a ton of coal as it does when it has no cargo. If the
train is filled with cargo, how many tons of coal will the train use to travel 160 miles?

2 2 1
1] 10 2] 12 3] 12 4] 13
3 3 3

35. The average age of 15 students in a class is 14 years. The average age of the class decreases
when two students with ages x and y, respectively, enter the class and the one with age z
leaves the class.
I. x + y II. z + 14

36. Calculate 13 × 4 + 76 – 19 ÷12.

1] 17 2] 12 3] 23 4] 42

37. Calculate 24 × 12 – 6 + 8 ÷ 80.

1] – 40 2] 40 3] 56 4] 16

38. The circle in the figure below is inscribed in a square of side 8 cm. What is the area of the circle?



1] 32 π sq. cm 2] 16 π sq. cm 3] 8 π sq. cm 4] 24 π sq. cm

39. In how much time will a tank be filled by 3 pipes of diameters 1 cm, 2 cm, and 3 cm opened
into it simultaneously, if the largest alone fills it in 42 minutes?
1] 21 minutes 2] 27 minutes 3] 30 minutes 4] 18 minutes

40. What is the geometric mean of 30, 15 and 60?

1] 30 2] 15 3] 45 4] 40




DIRECTIONS for questions 41 to 44: Refer to the table below and answer the questions that follow.

Distribution of students according to their professional courses.

Girls Boys Girls Boys
1 Business Management 25 45 25 65
2 Hotel Management 23 186 20 32
3 Fashion Technology 25 120 12 58
4 Tourism 12 100 3 5

41. The number of students from Arts Stream doing Fashion Technology as a percentage of the
total number of students in Arts stream is:
1] 10% 2] 15% 3] 18% 4] 27%

42. If 60% of boys and 70% of girls are successful in the courses taken by them, what is
the combined pass percentage?
1] 54% 2] 58% 3] 62% 4] 66%

43. Considering all the courses by what percentage does the number of boys exceed the number
of girls?
1] 250% 2] 280% 3] 306% 4] 321%

44. In which of the courses is the percentage of girls is highest?

1] Hotel Management 2] Business Management
3] Fashion Technology 4] Tourism


DIRECTIONS for questions 45 to 49: Each question is followed by two statements.

Mark [1], if the question can be answered by using any of the statements alone but not by using
the other statement alone.
Mark [2], if both statements I and II together are sufficient to answer the question, but neither
statement alone is sufficient.
Mark [3], if each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question.
Mark [4], if statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question and additional
data is required.

45. Grass seed X is blended with grass seed Y to obtain a 10 kilogram blend such that the cost
of seed in the blend is $ 1.00 per kilogram. How many kilograms of grass seed X are used
in the blend?
I. Grass seed X cost $ 0.80 per kilogram and grass seed Y cost $ 1.40 per kilogram.
II. Twice as many kilograms of seed X are used in the blend as grass seed Y.

46. The annual tax in Layton varies directly with the assessed value of the house. What is the
annual tax on the house in Layton that is assessed for Rs.15000?
I. The annual tax on the house in Layton assessed for Rs.12000 is Rs.600.
II. Houses in Layton, on an average, are assessed at 20 percent of their market value.

47. What is the number of students taking history, chemistry and the number of students taking
I. There are twice as many students taking history as taking chemistry.
II. Twenty students are taking chemistry.

48. In the XY plane, if point (0, y) is on line l, what is the value of y?

I. l is parallel to X-axis. II. The point (10, –3) is on line l.

49. A photographic study is being done to determine the width of a natural lake in a state park.
If similar triangles are laid out and the distances are shown behind, how many kilometers wide
is the lake from point M to point N?


I. X = 5 km; Y = 12 km; B = 15 km.

II. The length B is three times the length X.


DIRECTIONS for questions 50 to 53: Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.


2000-2001 200000
2001-2002 250000
2002-2003 300000
2003-2004 350000



5% IFB

T .V.S


50. What is the net percentage increase in the sale of Washing Machines from the year 2000-2001
to the year 2003-2004?
1] 50% 2] 60% 3] 75% 4] 80%

51. If Maharaja is one of the companies included in “others” and their sales constitute 40% of
“others”, how many machines of Maharaja were sold in the year 2003-2004?
1] 30400 2] 40200 3] 33800 4] 25200

52. If the market share of BPL was 7% in 2002 -2003 then what is the change in the number
of Machines sold by BPL in the year 2002-2003 and 2003-2004?
1] 3500 increase 2] 3500 decrease 3] 2000 increase 4] remains constant

53. Assuming that, Videocon has maintained its market share from 2000-2001, what is the total
number of machines sold by Videocon in these four years?
1] 594000 2] 627000 3] 694000 4] 714000


DIRECTIONS for questions 54 to 57: Each question is followed by two statements.

Mark [1], if the question can be answered by using any of the statements alone but not by using
the other statement alone.
Mark [2], if both statements I and II together are sufficient to answer the question, but neither
statement alone is sufficient.
Mark [3], if each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question.
Mark [4], if statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question and additional
data is required.

54. Is x + y an odd integer?

I. x and y are distinct prime numbers. II. xy is an even integer.

55. If each of the rates at which Ms. Jones invested money was a simple interest rate per annum,
what amount of money did she invest at 6 percent?
I. Ms. Jones invested a total of Rs.12000, some at 6 percent & the remainder at 9 percent.
II. In a year, Ms. Jones earned Rs.270 on the money she had invested at 6 percent.

56. What is the value of the three digit number ∆ if ∆ and denote the digits of
the number?
I. ∆ – ∆ ∆ = 667 II. = 4

57. If K is an integer, multiple of 3, what is the value of K?

I. K = 2X, where X is an integer II. 8 < K < 17

DIRECTIONS for questions 58 to 60: Refer to the table below and answer the questions that follow.

Sr. No Town July 2000 July 2001 July 2002

1 19065 18740 20055
2 4650 4685 6685
3 8835 9370 8595
4 6045 5622 4775
5 13950 14992 14325
6 28830 28110 29605
National Park
7 Borough 3255 3748 2865

8 1581 1874 2865
9 6789 6559 5730


The Census population of a state for the month of July in year 2000, 2001 and 2002 is given
in the above table.

58. What is the percentage population of Monroe township in July 2000 as a percentage of total
population in July 2000?
1] 30% 2] 31% 3] 33% 4] 29%

59. What was the percentage change in population of Greenwich township from July 2001 to July
1] 40.5% 2] 41.1% 3] 43.7% 4] 42.5%

60. If census population of state in July 2003 was 95691, then what is the percentage increase
in population of state from July 2002 to July 2003?
1] 0.1% 2] 0.15% 3] 0.2% 4] 0.25%




DIRECTIONS for questions 61 to 70: Each question consists of two capitalized words that have
a certain relationship to each other. Each capitalized pair is followed by four pairs of words. Choose
the pair that is related to each other in the same way as the capitalized pair.


1] Saline : Water 1] Boom : Slump
2] Asinine : Horse 2] Admonish : Diminish
3] Pantomime : Play 3] Cite : Quote
4] Aquiline : Eagle 4] Confer : Bestow


1] Goggles : Sun 1] Lapel : Jacket
2] Zephyr : Breeze 2] Pigeon : Peace
3] Tread : Step 3] Shade : Lamp
4] Thunder : Tornado 4] Ceiling : Wall


1] Salvelinus : Mammal 1] Anchor : Strength
2] Bat : Pachyderm 2] Amulet : Strike
3] Beaver : Rodent 3] Zip : Fasten
4] Prawn : Fish 4] Girdle : Truss


1] Cabin : Peon 1] Line : Verse
2] Library : Academician 2] Fertilization : Pollination
3] Forest : Tribal 3] Tongue : Mouth
4] Quarry : Miner 4] Car : Transport


1] Hectic : Excited 1] Slumber : Sleep
2] Hierarchy : Succession 2] Advance : Retreat
3] Coloured : Framed 3] Sluggish : Slothful
4] Instinct : Habit 4] Tolerable : Bearable


DIRECTIONS for questions 71 to 75: Read each of the short passages and answer the question
that follows.

71. It is a common misconception that boarding schools are better for academic performance than
day schools. In fact, day schools have a better pass percentage than boarding schools. This
proves that the standard of academics at day schools is better than boarding schools.
Which of the following if true, most forcefully supports the argument of the passage above?
1] Many day schools charge higher fees than boarding schools.
2] Day scholars have a higher success rate in competitive examinations than boarders.
3] Most board examination toppers are from day schools.
4] Day schools focus only on academics and not on extra curricular activities.

72. Recently after the entry of DVDs in video libraries they have cornered the entire home entertainment
market. This is itself a testimony of the superiority of DVDs over CDs.
Which of the following, if true would enhance the above argument?
1] Recent sales of DVDs have overtaken those of CDs.
2] DVDs are the preferred format for high resolution video as they can hold much more information
than CDs.
3] Longer videos which required two or more CDs require only one DVD.
4] DVDs are much more expensive than CDs.

73. The technological developments of the West have been extolled as the only way to guarantee
future prosperity and many Indian companies have tried to adopt these new technologies. But
the after-effects of these technological innovations are far from benign. For instance, it has
been observed that revolutionary new technologies such as introduction of robots in the automobile
industry have not only led to wide scale unemployment but has also diminished the quality
of working life in factories where robots work closely with human beings.
Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest support for the author’s position?
1] Revolutionary technologies can help solve the unemployment problem of the country.
2] Robots help to relieve people of boring monotonous work.
3] Although effective, robots need to be ultimately supervised by human beings themselves.
4] Robots can do jobs that people find enjoyable.

74. The recent government announcement of slashing the fees of the students at IIMs has been
met with much opposition by the IIMs themselves. The government claims that this would
enable students from lower economic background to receive education at the premier management
institutes in the country. The IIMs however claim that high tuition fees help them maintain
a high standard of education in these institutes. Slashing of fees would thus affect the standard
of education imparted by these institutes.
Which of the following, if true, would enable IIMs to maintain a high standard of education
despite slashing of their tuition fees?
1] The government agrees to compensate the IIMs for the shortfall in tution fees.
2] The government agrees to provide scholarships for students from lower socio economic
3] IIMs should be allowed to acquire corporate sponsorship.
4] The government should agree not to interfere in the selection process of the IIMs.


75. Popular culture in India has become westernised to an extent unimaginable 20 years ago. Jughead
specials have made their appearance at ice cream stalls and Californian quenchers gleam enticingly
at juice marts. No idea would be more astonishing than Americans preferring to eat Kentucky
Fried chicken rather than the Indian Mughlai delights. In fact the Sports Authority of India
has just accepted a proposal to build the country’s first baseball stadium.
Which of the following inferences is best supported by the passage?
1] Eating fast food has become fashionable in recent times.
2] The influence of western culture on Indian society has assumed unprecedented proportions
in the last 20 years.
3] Indian culture has benefited from exposure to western ideas.
4] Baseball is a popular game in the USA.

DIRECTIONS for questions 76 to 80: Each question consists of two capitalized words that have
a certain relationship to each other. Each capitalized pair is followed by four pairs of words. Choose
the pair that is related to each other in the same way as the capitalized pair.


1] Houses : Sheet 1] Irregular : Exceptional
2] Yarn : Fabric 2] Dig : Trench
3] Truck : Tree 3] Frugal : Lavish
4] Paint : Walls 4] Ramble : Charge


1] Rains : Summer 1] Valley : Hills
2] Thunder : Lightening 2] Death : Life
3] Winter : Cold 3] Sick : Cure
4] Drought : Dearth 4] Caricature : Draw


1] Beef : Cattle
2] Pork : Pig
3] Sheep : Mutton
4] Carbohydrate : Potato

DIRECTIONS for questions 81 to 85: Each sentence has a blank. From the alternatives given,
choose the appropriate one to fill the blank.

81. The job wasn’t interesting, but ___________ it was well paid.
1] on the other hand 2] on the contrary
3] in spite of this 4] despite


82. If you marry me, I’d cook you nice meals when you _________ home in the evening.
1] will come 2] would come 3] came 4] come

83. Our dog understands ____________ everything, he is human.

1] nearly 2] approximately 3] almost 4] about

84. She got very angry; __________ to get out of the house.
1] even she told me 2] she told me even
3] she even told me 4] she tells me even

85. If I ___________ longer holidays I would be perfectly happy.

1] would have 2] have 3] had 4] will have

DIRECTIONS for questions 86 to 90: Refer to the passages below and answer the questions that


One of the most urgent problems in teaching handwriting is presented by the left-handed child.
The traditional policy has been to attempt to induce all children to write with their right hands.
Parents and teachers alike have an antipathy to the child’s using his left hand. On the other hand,
psychologists have shown beyond a doubt that some persons are naturally left-handed and that
it is much more difficult for them to do any skilful act with their right hand than with their left
hand. Some believe, furthermore, that to compel a left-handed child to write with his right hand
may make him nervous and may cause stammering. There seems to be some cases in which this
is true, although in the vast majority of children who change over, no ill effects are noticed. In
addition to these difficulties, left-handedness sometimes seems to cause mirror writing – writing
from right to left – and reversals in reading, as reading “was” for “saw”.

86. Which of the following could be an appropriate title for the passage?
1] Nervous aspects connected with hadwriting
2] Teaching handwriting
3] The problems of a left-handed child
4] Problems in teaching handwriting to left-handed children

87. The author implies that:

1] parents should break children of left handedness.
2] left-handed children need special consideration.
3] left-handed persons are not more brilliant than right-handed ones.
4] left-handed persons are less skilful than right handed ones.

88. According to the passage, the traditional policy in teaching handwriting has:
1] resulted in failure to learn and write.
2] aimed at mirror writing.
3] made many children skilful in using both hands.
4] resulted in unsolved problems.


89. If a person is skilful with both hands, he is:

1] prolific 2] ambivalent 3] talented 4] None of these

90. Which is the statement the author is most likely to disagree with?
1] Children should never be compelled to do something that does not come to them naturally.
2] All left-handed children stammer.
3] Parents and teachers traditinally haver shown antipathy to the left-handed child.
4] The author agrees with all of the above.

DIRECTIONS for questions 91 to 95: The following sentences (A, B, C, D) are given below, which
when properly arranged, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. Choose
the most logical order of sentences to construct a coherent paragraph ending in the sentence
numbered 5.

91. A. Many of his fans have gone into retirement but the great do-gooder, identifiable from miles
away because of his red cape and blue tights is still as pre-occupied with his derring-do
as ever.
B. “I teach you that the superman is something that is to be surpassed”
C. Children, mostly in America, but many in other countries too, have worshipped the comic
strip superhero who calls himself superman for 63 years.
D. When Nietzche offered to teach the world that lesson, he had a different kind of superman
in mind.
5. But at the beginning of the millenium he finds himself enmeshed in a controversy.

92. A. He was born in Bingley in Yorkshire.

B. Renowned physicist Fred Hoyle was a great scientific rebel.
C. Young Fred displayed an irreverent attitude right from the beginning.
D. He is remembered as an iconoclast who questioned many accepted beliefs in astronomy.
5. An incident from his school years illustrates this point.

93. A. That is because people are not all the same.

B. So, you cannot administer one medicine for all ills.
C. There are many paradigms of behaviour.
D. There is no single mode of behaviour which is right.
5. In effect, difference in of personality are a matter of degree.

94. A. She did not always look older but she did now.
B. She had been sufficiently wrapped up in thought to forget to avoid the mirror on her way
to the conference.
C. Mayor Harla Branno looked distinctly older than her 62 years.
D. So she became aware of the haggardness of her appearance.
5. Hence, she sighed.


95. A. We are getting fewer and fewer calls per product unit sold, but each call is averaging
more time.
B. Electronic feedback loops will change the nature of your existing consumer support patterns.
C. We have discovered that our website is handing most of the easy questions from the customers.
D. Phone support now handles the most difficult calls.
5. Such a trend though, may fill you with dismay.

DIRECTIONS for questions 96 to 100: Choose the word that is most nearly similar in meaning
to the word in capital letters.

1] intolerant 2] inborn 3] talented 4] imitated

1] actually 2] uniformly 3] differently 4] notably

1] commonplace 2] curious 3] heterogeneous 4] scattered

1] religious 2] bygone 3] pure 4] new

1] early 2] youthful 3] criminal 4] Roman




DIRECTIONS for questions 101 to 105: Choose the option that best continue the series.


a] b] c] d] e]

] 3] 4]

$ $

$ $
a] b] c] d] e]

$ $ $ $

] 3] 4]


a] b] c] d] e]


] 3] 4]


β 4
4 β β 4 β 4
4 β
a] b] c] d] e]

4 β 4 β 4 β 4 β

] 3] 4]


DIRECTIONS for questions 106 to 108: Find the next number in the series.

106. 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, ...

1] 45 2] 47 3] 51 4] 53

107. 48, 79, 118, 165, ...

1] 172 2] 220 3] 412 4] 356

108. 1, 3.5, 8, 14.5, ...

1] 21 2] 23 3] 25 4] 27.5


DIRECTIONS for questions 109 to 111: Refer to the data below and answer the questions that

Four friends Ankit, Venkat, Ramesh and Satyajit do flower farming in four cities. We have the
following information:
1. Ankit has a Rose farm
2. Venkat stays in Pune
3. the Marigold farm is in Nasik
4. The tulip farm is not in Srinagar
5. Ramesh stays in Mysore

109. Where does Satyajit have his farm?

1] Nasik 2] Srinagar 3] Mysore 4] Cannot be determined

110. Who has a Tulip farm?

1] Ramesh 2] Satyajit 3] Venkat 4] Cannot be determined

111. Ankit’s farm is in ________.

1] Nasik 2] Mysore 3] Srinagar 4] Cannot be determined

DIRECTIONS for question 112: Refer to the data below and answer the question that follows.

112. 8 people, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H sit around a circular table not necessarily in the same order.
1. A and G sit opposite each other
2. F sits to the immediate left of A and D to the immediate right of G
3. E sits 2 places to the left of D and A sits 2 places away from D
4. F sits opposite H.
If C and D interchange their positions, who cannot sit next to F?
1] A 2] B 3] D 4] E

DIRECTIONS for questions 113 and 114: Choose the correct alternative.

113. People from city K always tell the truth. People from city L never tell the truth. C, D and
E are 3 persons, each of whom is from either city K or city L. Recently they met at a marriage
in city Z, D asked C,” “Are you from city K or city L”. C replied “I am from city ——
———” (That is, he mentioned either city K or city L, but we are not sure which). E then
joined them. D told E, “C tells me that he is from city K”. E replied, “C is not from city
K, he is from city L”. How many amongst C, D and E is/are from city K?
1] 1 2] 2 3] 3 4] None of these

114. A Cricket team has four bowlers named Saurav, Anil, Harbhajan and Manoj. These bowlers
are fast, medium pacer, off spinner and leg spinner not necessarily in that order. They are
working with different companies. Harbhajan is a leg spinner. Neither Manoj nor Anil is employed
in Mafatlal. The fast bowler is working with SBI. Saurav works with Sahara. Anil is an off
spinner. Who is working with SBI?
1] Saurav 2] Anil 3] Manoj 4] Harbhajan.


DIRECTIONS for questions 115 to 120: Answer the questions based on the information given below.

6 trains reach a station one after another according to the following schedule:
The Mail train reaches before the Shyamli Express.
The Malda Express arrives before the Gitanjali Express.
The Rajdhani arrives before the Sikkim Express and Shyamli Express.

115. In which order do the trains arrive?

1] Rajdhani, Malda, Gitanjali, Sikkim, Mail, Shyamli
2] Gitanjali, Mail, Sikkim, Malda, Rajdhani, Shyamli
3] Shyamli, Mail, Gitanjali, Malda, Rajdhani
4] Cannot be determined.

116. If the Mail is the second last train and Gitanjali Express is the third last to reach, then which
statement is definitely not true?
1] The Rajdhani is first.
2] The Rajdhani is third.
3] Shyamli express is the last.
4] Sikkim express is second

117. If the Gitanjali is the last train to come in, which of the following statements is correct?
1] The Rajdhani is third. 2] The Mail is the first.
3] The Malda is the first. 4] Cannot be determined.

118. If the Rajdhani comes third and Mail train comes fifth, then which of the following statements
is correct?
1] The Gitanjali Express is fourth. 2] The Mail is second.
3] The Rajdhani is second. 4] The Malda is first.

119. If the Malda Express arrives before the Sikkim Express, which of the following is true?
1] The Mail is second last. 2] The Gitanjali is second.
3] The Rajdhani is first. 4] Cannot be determined.

120. Which of these trains could have come first?

1] Rajdhani or Mail 2] Rajdhani, Malda or Mail
3] Rajdhani or Gitanjali 4] Rajdhani, Mail or Gitanjali




DIRECTIONS for questions 121 to 160: Choose the correct alternative.

121. Which of the following is not matched correctly?

1] White Revolution – Milk 2] Blue Revolution – Aquaculture
3] Green Revolution – Foodgrains 4] None of the above

122. The Commission for Agriculture Costs and Prices recommends the minimum support price:
1] every year
2] twice a year
3] once in 5 years
4] as and when required

123. Which company won this year’s Frost & Sullivan Market Leadership Award for Video Conferencing
1] Reliance Webworld 2] VSNL
3] MTNL 4] Mahindra British Telecom

124. The octopus is:

1] an echinoderm 2] an arthropod 3] a mollusc 4] a hemichordate

125. Alexandria was founded by Alexander in:

1] Sparta 2] Athens 3] Troy 4] Egypt

126. A piece of matter which enters the Earth’s atmosphere from out of space is called a _____.
1] spaceship 2] comet 3] meteor 4] quasar

127. In 2005, the Pulitzer prize for breaking news photography was bagged by:
1] Associated Press 2] AFP 3] Reuters 4] Press Trust of India

128. Which Indian company is set to acquire Good Earth, a speciality tea brand in the US, for
$32 million (nearly Rs 144 crore)?
1] Hindustan Lever 2] Tata Tea 3] Jayshree Tea 4] Nestle

129. The founder Chairman of a leading car company wrote a book named Every Street Is Paved
With Gold. Name the car company he founded.
1] Toyota 2] Daewoo 3] GM 4] Ford

130. Which company acquired a 10% stake in Bharati Telecom in October 2005?
1] Nokia 2] Singapore Telecom
3] Vodafone 4] None of the above


131. Dewang Mehta award for innovation in Information Technology for 2004 has been awarded
to whom?
1] Narayana Murthy 2] Sugata Mitra
3] Azim Premji 4] Shiv Nadar

132. What is the other name for ‘Jail fever’?

1] Meningitis 2] Typhus 3] Scarlet fever 4] Yellow fever

133. Uruguay has been called the ___________ of Latin America.

1] Singapore 2] Hong Kong 3] New York 4] Switzerland

134. Recently, the Indian government is working on a policy to allow foreign direct investment (FDI)
in the country’s which sector?
1] banking 2] insurance 3] nuclear-power 4] none of these

135. Name the Chairman and Managing Director of ONGC?

1] Mr. P. N Mehta 2] Mr. Subir Raha 3] Mr. M Damordaran 4] Mr. M. B. Lala

136. The Foreign trade policy is drawn up by which arm of the government?
1] RBI 2] EXIM Bank 3] EPB 4] DGFT

137. Agriculture, presently a State subject can be shifted to the concurrent list by an amendment
made under which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution?
1] Article 368 2] Article 356 3] Article 328 4] Article 324

138. Repo transactions help banks to:

1] have Tier II funds 2] borrow at bank rate
3] invest surplus cash 4] reduce volatility

139. Which south Indian actress died in an air crash during the 2004 Lok Sabha election campaign?
1] Mahalaxmi 2] Soundarya 3] Meera 4] Priya

140. What is the speed of light?

1] 3000 kilometers per second
2] 30,000 kilometers per second
3] 300,000 kilometers per second
4] 30,00,000 kilometers per second

141. Which of the following does NOT travel in a vacuum?

1] radio waves 2] sound waves
3] gamma waves/particles 4] magnetic waves

142. Currently, the Chief Minister of Chhatisgarh is:

1] Dr.Rajendra Singh 2] Dr.Raman Singh
3] Shri Rajiv Ranjan 4] Shri N.D. Tiwari


143. In Indirect taxes, which of the following taxes is effected on goods imported into India to
offset Excise Duty charged on similar goods manufactured locally?
1] Special Customs Duty 2] Special Additional Duty
3] Countervailing Duty 4] Cenvat

144. Which of the following books was written by Mack McCormak?

1] Nightspawn 2] The Bloody Chamber
3] The Workhouse Donkey 4] None of these

145. Jyoti Randhawa’s name is associated with:

1] Swimming 2] Sailing 3] Rock Climbing 4] Golf

146. Which of the following Schemes has been restructured and renamed as Jawahar Gram Samriddhi
Yojana (JGSY)?

147. The estimates of the National Incomes i.e. GDP is released by which of the following Organisations?
1] Ministry of Finance. 2] National Informatics Centre.
3] Central Statistical Organisation. 4] National Statistical Commission.

148. Only Parliament has the power to make laws on matters:

1] not included in the State list or the concurrent list.
2] included in the State list or the concurrent list.
3] included in the concurrent list.
4] None of the above.

149. The International Revolution Institute established by V.D.Savarkar was:

1] Sandhya 2] Yugantar 3] Abhinav Bharat 4] Ghadar

150. The metal mercury:

1] is the hardest known metal. 2] is a liquid at room temperature.
3] is highly radioactive. 4] is extensively used in aircraft construction.

151. Which of the following is not yet designated as an “International Airport”?

1] Mumbai 2] Bangalore 3] Chennai 4] Thiruvanthapuram

152. Who was cremated at Vijay Ghat in Delhi?

1] Jawaharlal Nehru 2] Lal Bahadur Shastri
3] Indira Gandhi 4] Rajiv Gandhi

153. Slashing, hooking and boarding are terms associated with_________.

1] Football 2] Skiing 3] Ice Hockey 4] Table tennis

154. 2005 is being celebrated as the International Year of which of the following?
1] Physics 2] Chemistry 3] Botany 4] Zoology


155. Mohamed El Baradei who shares the Nobel prize for Peace – 2005 with the “International Atomic
Energy Agency” of Vienna, Austria - of which he is “the Director General”, is from which
1] Egypt 2] United Kingdom
3] Austria 4] Syria

156. As of the year 2005, the 15 year Public Provident Fund in India gives a rate of return of:
1] 7.5% 2] 8.5% 3] 9.5% 4] 10.5%

157. What is the name of the nuclear submarine that India recently purchased from Russia?
1] Brahmos 2] Stalin grad
3] Admiral Gorshkov 4] Leningrad

158. Match the following authors with their books:

1] Robin S. Sharma a] Blink
2] Dan Brown b] Da Vinci Code
3] Malcolm Gladwell c] The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
4] Paulo Coelho d] The Alchemist
1] 1-a,2-b,3-d,4-c 2] 1-c,2-a,3-d,4-b
3] 1-b,2-a,3-c,4-d 4] 1-c,2-b,3-a,4-d

159. Who pioneered “Expenditure Tax’ in India?

1] N.T.Rama Rao 2] T.T.Krishnamachari
3] Shri Nagi Reddy 4] Morarji Desai

160. A partially enclosed wide body of water created where a river meets the sea is called _____.
1] pond 2] lake 3] estuary 4] creek



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