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Name : Intan Ghifra Tsani

NIM : 20220810010
Class : A
Subj : Comparison Essay (IRAW Course)

Being a Naturally Caring Person is Admirable

When I was sitting in the sixth grade, my teacher often teaches me that in this world
of wide, people were born with variant natures in themselves. For example, there are people
that were born with honest natures, loyal natures, integrity, care, and so on. As for myself, I
could say that I am a person that naturally honest, so it would be burdensome sometimes
when I have to speak lies. Therefore, I would like to be honest that in order to be able to do
my essay for Interpretation Reading and Writing course, I have to read a novel titled “Ferret
in the Bedroom, Lizards in the Fridge”. There, I found a character, which is the father’s main
character named Mr. Keith, whose type of natural character had successfully enticed me. He
was a naturally caring character. The author wrote that Mr. Keith cares about almost
everything, who reminds me immediately of my older sister. Their nature similarities hit me,
especially when it involved their family, animals, and their responsibility concerning their
First and foremost, Mr. Keith and my sister always put their feelings before their
family. In the book, it was written that Mr. Keith loves and has a lot of wild animals that must
be taken care of in his house, like a hawk, turtles, a ferret, and so on. Their presence makes
the house looks like a mini zoo of unpleasant animals, as his daughter’s friends like to call it.
Thus, it was the same reason why his daughter was bullied in school and no one wants to be
her friend, makes her very upset. She talked about it to his father and wants those animals to
be gone, then suddenly, every animal in their house was taken out by him. He also reasoned
that he knows the animal’s specks of dirt were actually bothering his wife, even if she never
talked about it. In the meantime, my sister has a slightly different case from Mr. Keith, even
if their responses are similar. She was a hamster lover. When she was in high school, she ever
brings three hamsters home that she got from her friend. But those hamsters never stay and
puts in their cage. They always find ways to get out and are exploring our house, which
makes their dirt scattered everywhere sometimes. She always takes responsibility for cleaning
it, but eventually, I started to get bothered by it. Therefore, I tried to talk with her about
returning those hamsters to her friend and gave her a suggestion to start keeping hamsters
again when she lives in boarding houses, the night before those hamsters were gone in the
next day. I was a bit guilty about how fast they are taken out, but she said that she has
considered it quite before because apparently, our mom has gently complained to her too.
Secondly, their care for animals was high. In the book, Mr. Keith was written as a
man who always treats animals with his best. An example is in a scene when he tried to
protect his daughter’s ferret from attacks that were committed by an old couple. Another
example is in a scene when the author of the book explained that the one who nurtures and
pulls out the hawk from its death was him. Usually, a few rescued wild animals would live
with their savior as their pet, but Mr. Keith does not like the idea of keeping them because it
would limit their freedom, except if those rescued animals lost their ability to survive on their
own, like his female hawk that has been living with him since his young age. That being said,
he really dislikes violence toward animals, and would treat and nurtures them as best as he
could. It was similar to my sister who always scolds anyone who hurts innocent animals, just
like when she ever scolded me because I accidentally hit a cat with my bicycle out of my
recklessness. She also has tended to a few animals’ injuries before, nurturing them as best as
she could until they could stand on feet of their own. For example, she found a starving cat
that lay weak in front of her boarding house’s door one day. She tried her best to give it a
proper meal and water every day, vitamins, and brought the cat to a vet sometimes too to
control its health. My sister never forced the cat to stay with her, and the cat was wandering
off sometimes even if eventually, the cat would come back to her at the sunset and stay with
And the last is about how similar they were when they always care to take their job
seriously. Based on the book, Mr. Keith was a zoologist. His job was involving him with a lot
of wild animals, and one of his duties was tending to a few rescued animals, thus he keeps
them in his house to control their well-being. His job was quite heavy because it involved a
wild animal that must receive special treatment, but he never once neglected his duties,
always giving them the proper portion of meals for each, giving them the freedom to wander
around his house, nurturing their health, etc. It was the same for my sister, but her job
involved a lot of high schoolers instead. Yes, she is a teacher, an English teacher to be
precise. While it is not her actual dream of job, you would never suspect that she does not
like being a teacher if I do not mention it right now because of how dutiful she is at her own
duties. She cares to do her job properly and always does her best to convey her knowledge to
her students because she cares about them too. Being a teacher is a hard responsibility
because you should not give false knowledge without realizing it then and trying to correct it
afterward, because the sin that comes from the false knowledge you give to the students
would surely flow nonstop until the supposed students receive the right one. Even so, she
never once cares to neglect her duties as a teacher, because it is obviously her line of job.
To sum up, being a caring person is a natural trait that was born together with the
people themselves, and my older sister is one of many of those just like how the author of the
book titled “Ferret in the Bedroom, Lizards in the Fridge” was writing Mr. Keith’s character.
They both have one similar character in nature, and that is being a caring person. They are so
alike, especially when it was involving their family’s opinions and feelings, how they care a
lot about another live-being, especially toward animals, and how they care about their
responsibility for their jobs. Being a caring person is an admirable thing because it is not
always possible to find a person that actually cares about their surroundings or another live-
being or even about their own job. You could be a caring person through practice, but you
could not be a real caring person if you did not born with it. That is what makes them so
admirable as a person in my opinion.

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