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- Imaginary group of stars that form images of animals, object and people.

- The brightness of the star as seen from the earth depends on two factors-
distance and the actual brightness (or ABSOLUTE BRIGHTNESS) of the star.
- The start’s brightness as seen from the earth is its APPARENT BRIGHTNESS.
Apparent brightness depends on how far away a star is from the earth.

- A star’s color depends on its surface temperature.
- Cooler stars tend to be redder in color while hotter stars have bluer appearance.
- Stars in the mid ranges are white or yellow, such as our sun
- Stars can also blend colors, such as red-orange and blue-white stars.
Star Color ST in Celcius
Sun Yellow 5,700
Proxima Centauri Red 2,300
Epsilon Iridani Orange 4,600
Vega White 9,900
Sirius White 10,000
Alnilam Blue 27,000

- Astronomers measures a star’s temperature on the KELVIN SCALE.
- Zero degrees Kelvin(K) is equal to -273.15 degree celsius.
- The coolest, reddest star are approximately 2,500K while the hottest star can
reach 50,000K, our sun is about 5,500K

- Astronomers measures the size of a given star in terms of our own sun’s radius
- Thus, a star the measures solar radii would be the same as our sun
- The star Rigel measures 78 solar radii
- A star along with its surface temperature will determine its luminosity.

- Astronomer use the term stellar mass to refer to mass of the stars.
- Solar mass is use to describe the mass of the stars relative to the mass of the sun
- Rigel, which is much larger than the sun has the mass of 3-5 solar mass.
- Stars mass can varry due to their difference in densities as a result of difference
in densities as in their composition

- A young star is called DWARFT STAR
- Size similar to the earth
- They can be colored red, yellow, or white
- Older stars are called SUPERGIANTS
- They are bigger than the earth
- They can be colored red or blue


our sun id an average star. The chart below shows the lifecycle of our sun over
billions of years.



- Star are formed from giant clouds of dust and gas called nebula
- Then, from gravity, the cloud collapses into a rotating gaseous ball.
- Once the new star gets how enough it will begin to create energy from a process
called nuclear fusion.
- This created energy allows the star to glow for billions of years
- Stars are born from THE EAGLE NEBULA


- World authority to assign names to celestial objects.
- Recognizes 88 official constellations
URSA MINOR (the little bear)
- the brightest star of the constellations from an asterism little dipper
- the end of the handle of the dipper id the northern star: POLARIS
- small constellation in the night sky
- northern circumpolar constellation
CASSIOPEIA (the queen)
- 25th largest constellation
- Recognized because of its “W” pattern
- Northern circumpolar constellation
CYGNUS (the swan)
- 16th largest constellation
- Summer constellation
- Deneb one of its famous brightest stars
CANIS MAJOR (the great dog)
- Holds the brightest star in the night sky: Sirius
- 43rd largest constellation
- Winter constellation
- The great dog that follows Orion
- 5th largest constellation
- Upside-down relative to another constellation around it
- Summer constellation
 The first use for constellations was probably religious
 Also, constellation was used for agriculture
 For navigation
 They determine how stars are named

Many of these constellations have names thar can be traced back to early Babylonians and
Greek civilizations, nut nearly all cultures have different names for the constellations.
For example, the Greeks called the large constellation Orion, which means hunter and its
prominent in the night sky all over the world during winter.
Early Filipinos visualized the same group of stars as balatik, a trap used in hunting wild
STAR TRAIL is a type of photograph that utilizes long exposure times to capture the
apparent motion of the stars in the night sky due to the earth’s rotation.

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