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True, your body uses fat for fuel, too.

But it's been said that “fats burn in a carbohydrate

flame” – which means that in order for fats to be broken down completely and
provide energy, carbohydrate breakdown has to happen simultaneously. That can
only happen when there is enough carbohydrate in the diet.

Carbohydrates not only provide fuel for your hard-working muscles, but they
also enable fat metabolism. “Always keep in mind that fat burns in a
carbohydrate flame,” Kattouf says. The process your body uses to convert fat
molecules into energy for burning requires glycogen. If you have no stored
carbs on board, it will dive into your protein (aka your muscle tissue) to make
a glucose in a process called gluconeogenesis. It’s better to fuel your body –
and your rides – with carbohydrates than to essentially force your body to, as
San Millán puts it “eat itself to fuel itself.”

For a balanced diet and a healthy body, carbohydrates are necessary. Therefore, cutting it could

result in nutrient deficiencies. In addition to providing energy for the body's essential organs,

carbohydrates also serve as a preferred energy source. Just like during an activity, this glucose from

carbohydrates is a major energy source. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a fuel molecule, is produced

through a series of intricate processes known as cellular respiration using the glucose present in our

body's cells, which is another way it facilitates the metabolism of fat. Then, ATP can power a number

of metabolic processes within cells. Fortunately, it is better to provide our bodies with carbohydrates

as fuel than to make them consume small portions of themselves. Therefore, it is true that fat is

burned in conjunction with carbohydrates as fuel. It implies that simultaneous breakdown of

carbohydrates is necessary for complete breakdown of fats and the production of energy. This is

only possible if a diet contains adequate carbohydrates.

The digestive system breaks down carbohydrates into glucose and the pancreas secretes a
hormone called insulin to help glucose move from blood into the cells.
High dietary fiber diet helps us to be satisfied, satiated, and nourished but this alone won’t burn fat if
there is no lifestyle changes.

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