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Submitted to – Nidhi Singhal. Submitted by-


My dissertation would not have been successful without the guidance, assistance and the

tireless efforts from several individuals.

I would like to express my special thanks to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University for

providing such an opportunity for us students to develop exceptional skills and experience in

the organizations that are assigned to us as well as the fact that we get to have a look at how

the world in the field of business looks like.

I would like to thank all the staff in the BBA department like our Head of Department (HOD)

Sir , our coordinator and my supervisor Dr. Nidhi Singhal for monitoring and directing me in

the whole summer project term and for ensuring that the internship program is accomplished

and its goals are achieved thoroughly. I would also like to thank Aashman Foundation and

my HR supervisor for taking me in as an intern and for giving me wonderful teams that I have

been able to work with and learn a lot from.

Lastly, I would like to sincerely express my special thanks to my family, fellow classmates,

colleagues and friends for helping me dearly in all aspects of my life and mainly for showing

me support in the times I had to work during my internship sessions.


This report is being written to finalize and analyse the whole experience gained

in the summer project at hand, all the new skills and objectives that have been

learnt over the course of the summer. Aashman Foundation as a Non

Governmental Organization provides internships in many different kids of

designations and it is important for all the members that are part of the

organization to take initiative in providing the best for the less fortunate all

around the country and to also make sure that other people can see the

importance of reaching out and helping the people that need the care and

support in all aspects of life.

In this organization, the main group of people that receive the help at most are

the women as they are taught to be self dependent and are provided with the

most delicate items and knowledge in the sense that they can learn a new skill

and be able to apply the skill wherever they are going to be and in due time

make funds off that new skill which leads to self dependency and further boosts

any financial situation that they and their families may be in.
Supervisor’s Declaration

This is to certify that the internship report on Aashman Foundation. titled “HUMAN


the partial fulfilment of the BBA program with a concentration on Human Resource (HRM)

from SGIT Sanskar Educational Group affiliated by Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha

University. This report is an original work completed under my supervision and is free from


She is permitted to submit the Report.



SGIT Sanskar Educational Group


I am “Muskan ” hereby declare that the present report of the Internship. Titled


prepare a report of “Aashman foundation” after completion of 3 months of work in Aashman

foundation non-profit organisation. I also confirm that the report is only prepared for my

academic requirement, not for any other purpose. It should not be used in the interest of the

opposite party of AASHMAN FOUNDATION


ID: 20BBA002

Program: BBA

Chapter 1-

Nowadays the world of business is instantaneously changing. As a part of an Organization,

HRM must ready to deal with the changing effect of business environment. Continuous
improvement initiative contingent workforce changing skills requirement and workers
collaboration are the issues for envisage

Actually it is a big challenge to provide support to any organization by providing the best
personnel in limited time.

Recruitment is a process of attracting the potential people towards the organization. And
Selection is a process by which try to nominate and then select the best people for the


Based on two objectives I have prepared this report:-

 Primary objectives- The main objective of this report is to analyze the actual
recruitment process in Aashman Foundation and other consultancy firms as a whole.

 Secondary Objective –

 To have a clear view about what is actually happening in the field of human resource
of the selected business organization

 To collect information and insight about the recruitment and selection function of the

 State, explain and evaluate various methods of recruitment

 To experience different Recruitment and selection system those are being followed by
Aashman Foundation

 To relate the theoretical knowledge with the real life experience of the Recruitment
and Selection Process of Aashman Foundation

 Name of the Organization- Aashman Foundation

 Date of registration- 9 June 2017

 Status – Active

 Industry- Non- Government Organization

 Registered Status- Uttar Pradesh

 Type- Privately held

 Email Id-

 Website -

 Founder of Company: Munish Pundir

 Department: Human Resource
 Address- Pancheel Park, sector9, Sector 9, Panchkula, Haryana 134109
 Major Markets: Community, personal & Social Services and, company operations.

Aashman Foundation was started in the year 2009, as a group of people who wanted to give

something back to the society in some or the other way. Later in the year 2012 it got

registered as a Non-Governmental Organization.

Aashman Foundation is working for the upliftment and betterment of the less-privileged kids.

It works in the field of child's education, health and his rights. Started as a group of 10

friends, today Aashman Foundation has more than 100 volunteers who work hard round the

year for the betterment of the society. Over the years, Aashman Foundation has conducted
plethora of projects which not only includes grass-root level projects which are directly

related to the kids but also includes fundraising events.

Aashman Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organization which is providing internships to

anyone that is willing to help the less privileged in any way possible, almost 10 different

departments and in each department each person is assigned a very unique task that is to be

carried out carefully and with precise instructions.

The main theme of this organization is to provide a less painful life for the less privileged all

around India, to make sure that they are in great spirits no matter what has happened to them

in the past.

The organization works mostly in the field of child’s education, health for both genders and

the rights that each and every one is supposed to have in this life.

The main goal of this organization is to work unconditionally on Women Empowerment,

Single income families and underprivileged children through relevant healthcare, innovative

education and environmental based livelihood programs.

In this organization, everybody involved plays a huge role in keeping the company stable

with the day to day work that happens, a lot of activities are prepared, important decisions

have to be made and for that, one needs to have a role in order to complete all tasks and in

this report all those roles, important details, activities as well as personnel are covered as it is

the final report.

What does Aashman foundation do?

Aashman Foundation, a non-profit organization which works for upliftment of the families of

single income widows and supports the women by empowering them with skills that enable

them to become the bread earners of their family. Skills like stitching, beauty parlour, patient

care, computers etc are taught by the NGO.

‘Let’s be ready for Red’ a campaign by Aashman Foundation distributes sanitary napkins as

well as underwear’s to the women who are underprivileged and do not have the means to

purchase such commodities. The campaign rests at the heart of the issue that many women in

India do not even have the privilege of owning underwear and helping them understand more

about menstrual hygiene would lead to a better standard of living.

The brand ambassador of the foundation VJ Aman, has played a pivotal role in the campaign

as she voices the concerns of such women through her videos and helps spread awareness

about the campaign on the social media platforms to gain momentum in the public eye.

Aashman Foundation and VJ Aman visited Toka in Haryana and discovered that none of the

women used sanitary napkins because they did not have underwear. Aashman Foundation

distributed underwear as well as sanitary napkins to the women living in Toka. Many such

endeavours are planned by the foundation in the coming times to help the cause of sanitary

We are Aashman Foundation a joint efforts from a group of human towards Humanity with

mission that every weak human must have support so that he or she must recover from hard

time with positive energy and in skilled way. Team Aashman is working wholeheartedly

towards empowering women from society so that they can live with pride and respect and

most important EMPOWERED with some skill and capacity to portray her thoughts to world

and contribute in her way. Another big concern area of focus is Health Empowerment for

Team Aashman as unfortunate human falls in with critical diseases like Cancer & Kidney

related problem which is quite high these days and the Major gigantic black hole is

Malnutrition in 0 to 6 years along with pregnant females in the different segment of society.

Project under taken by Aashman


Ability Development

Skills transform lives and drive economies. Without adequate investment in skills, people

languish on the margins of society, technological progress does not translate into economic

growth, and a society is unable to compete in an increasingly knowledge-based global arena.

People with poor skills face a much greater risk of experiencing economic disadvantage, and

a higher likelihood of unemployment and dependency on social benefits. Skills affect

people’s lives and the well-being of nations also in ways that go far beyond what can be

measured by labor-market earnings and economic growth.

Women Empowerment Centre

To promote or undertake activities for the promotion of, or to provide credit as an instrument

of socio-economic change and development through the provision of financial and social

development services for the upliftment of women. To support women to become

independent in spirit, in thought, in action and have full control over their lives rather than be

the victim of the actions of others. This particular project by the organisation aims to achieve

socio economic empowerment of women through their operational units.

Widow Support

The NGO supports widows by providing them with monthly grocery, medical treatment, and

also education to their children. Apart from this they support them through their project called

Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women. They provide them with rural based skill training

to make them self sufficient and further aide them manage credits so that they can safeguard

their hard earned money and multiply their savings. Upliftment of widows socially and

financially is one of their primary objectives.

Vision of Aashman Foundation
• With the help of common man, Corporates & Established Institutions we will create

values; enhance skilful environment & Uplift social & financial level into the

different segment of society & Bring change into the lives of people with the

Emotional, Financial & Social development Support so that they can feel and be

• Human life is the most valuable asset of any Nation. Aashman team will go extra mile

to help the underprivileged human being to support prevent them from the evil of

malnutrition into children (0-6 Year), pregnant females & surviving income less

family members after dismissal of only earning hand.

• Furthermore we will try to increase the expectancy of life for the people who are

suffering from unfortunate diseases like Cancer & Kidney related Issues.

Mission of Aashman Foundation

•The dream of Aashman Foundation is to work unconditionally on Women

Empowerment, Single Income families and underprivileged children through relevant

healthcare, innovative education and environmental based livelihood programs.

The SWOT analysis is a highly effective tool for understanding and decision making for all

businesses including NGOs. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities

and Threats. The tool can be used for business planning, strategic planning, competitor

evaluation, marketing, product development and more.

When it comes to the Strengths and Weaknesses describe ‘how the business, project or

organization is: the current resources that company or organization has. It can be used to

identify where new resources, tactics, skills or allies will be needed’. Both refer to ‘technical,

organizational, financial, promotional, skills, networking, knowledge’ or competency-based

factors. Strengths refers to those things that are working well in a project, organization or

situation. Weaknesses also refer to those things that have not worked or not working well.

Opportunities and Threats refer to things outside the organization, or areas which are not at

that moment affecting the strategy but which maybe could do in future.

Opportunities and Threats describe ‘what is going on outside the organisation, or areas which

are not yet affecting the strategy but could do’. Opportunities include ‘ideas on how to

overcome weaknesses and build on strengths’ within the environment the program operates

in. Threats are ‘things that constrain or threaten the range of opportunities for change’ in the
programme environment. These external aspects are often related to ‘sociological, political,

demographic, economic, trade-specific’ and environmental factors.


 NGOs are volunteer manpower which supplies organisation’s with substantial amount

of free labour and huge savings on staff costs.

 NGO in many countries are eligible for tax discounts which could be listed as another

strength of your organization.AASHMAN FOUNDATION as an NGO keeps

receiving people from different area who are interested in helping either financially or

academically and other various kind of assistance needed.

 Positive word of mouth from people and promotion is strength to the AASHMAN


 Valuable services provided by AASHMAN FOUNDATION

 Better impact from people who are offered different kind of services by AASHMAN
 Clear vision, mission and goals of the organizational benefit members.


 The most common problem for most NGO, especially ones in their first years, is

the lack of financial stability in terms of income, expenditure and reserve levels

 Small volunteer base of organization constrains AASHMAN FOUNDATION in

different aspects as they want many manpower to accomplish different tasks and


 Volunteer and staff turnover, this also limit AASHMAN FOUNDATION as they

lost some volunteers whom they were working with.

 Lack of communication internally and externally which lead to less commitment

between employees and organizer.

 Poor organization record-keeping. it’s make employees/ trainer hopeless and


 Work from home may not gain full knowledge, skills and less experience.


 Positive Service impact

 community passion about the AASHMAN FOUNDATION service and program
 Targeting 30 – 60 year old women for volunteering and donations.
 Support from donors and other organizations
 Support and buy in from the community
 Support from the media and other advocacy organizations
 External policies are supportive


 NGOs and other similar non-profit organisations are particularly vulnerable to

financial threats and shocks. This is because non-profit organisation’s often have

less secure income streams combined with often just a few months of financial

reserves result in NGOs that can be perilously prone to major economic shifts.

 Changes in priorities from a major grant provider or local authority could mean an
 NGO is suddenly without its major revenue stream with no backup plan
 Not simple to measure impact of AASHMAN FOUNDATIONs and its programs.
 Opportunity is not sustainable due to lack of funding.
Learning Objectives/Internship Objectives

• One can learn a lot from any internship, especially from an NGO, from gaining

interactive skills to working with an unselfish attitude and having cultural awareness

as NGOs do not see the caste or religion of the people for whom they work.

• One becomes more responsible as you become more aware of everything that

surrounds the earth, the importance of it all as it needs to be appreciated dearly as well

as having a workload and doing it, even after knowing you will not get too much in

return, just like that you develop a sense of responsibility.

• When going through such an internship you get to acquire the quality of completing

tasks without looking for profit in every single thing.

• Such an internship broadens ones thinking because when you work for your own self,

your thinking spectrum gets limited and never do you think beyond the enclosure of

your life and gains but when working in Aashman Foundation or any NGO you are

forced to think for people, this widens ones thinking spectrum so that in future when

working elsewhere you can think of the group or on a company level which then

enhances your credibility and reputation.

CHAPTER- 3 - About The Topic
Human Resource Management- It means employing people and developing their

resource, utilizing, maintaining and compensating their service in tune with the job and

organizational requirements. HRM is a system that focuses on HR development on the

one hand, effective management of the people other, so that people will enjoy human

dignity in their employment. In short, HRM is an art of managing people at work in such a

manner that they will give their best to the organization for achieving its goal


 Human resources (HR) is the division of a business that is charged with finding,

 Screening, recruiting, and training job applicants, and administering employee benefit


 Additional human resources responsibilities include compensation and benefits,

 Recruitment, firing, and keeping up to date with any laws that may affect the

Company and its employees.

 Many companies have moved away from traditional in-house human resources (HR)

administrative duties and outsourced tasks like payroll and benefits to Outside vendor

 Human Resource Planning

 Job Analysis

 Recruitment

 Selection

 Training and development

 Performance appraisal and many MORE


Recruitment is the process of finding, screening, hiring and eventually on boarding

qualified job candidates. The recruiting process can be relatively straightforward, but

advances in technology, a tight labour market and a workforce pool that might span five

generations can make the first step – finding potential candidates – particularly

challenging. Recruitment is a key part of human resource (HR) management and

supported by the hiring manager and others involved in the hiring process. Skilled

recruitment efforts will make a company stand out and be more attractive to potential

employees, a strategy that can directly impact a company’s bottom line.

Purpose of recruitment

 Increase the pool job candidate at minimum cost

 Help reduce the number of job hopers in the organization

 The general purpose is to create and provide a pool of potential qualified job

candidate 4. Help increase the success rate of selection process by reducing

the numbers of visibly under qualified or over qualified job applicants

 Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in both short and long terms

 Begin identifying and preparing the potential job applicants who will be

appropriate candidate

 Determine the present and future requirement on the organization in congestion

with its personal planning and job analysis activity

Objectives of recruitment

To indicate outsides with a new perspective to lead the company

 To effuse fresh blood it all levels of the organization

 To attract people with multidimensional skill and experience that suit the

present and future organizational strategy

 To develop and organizational culture that attracts components people to the


 To search for talent and globally and not just with in the company

 To design entry pay that competes the quality but not quantum

 To anticipate and find people for position that don’t exist it


Internal Source- Internal sources of recruitment refers to the recruitment of employees who

are already a part of the existing payroll of the organisation. The vacancy for the position can

be informed to the employee through internal communication.

There are different types of internal hiring in the organisation and they are as follows:

1. Promotion: Promotion is referred to as the change of designation of the employee. It

involves shifting of the existing employee to a higher position within the organisation

and providing that employee with more responsibility and a raise in pay. Promotion

helps in motivating the other employees of the organisation to work hard so that they

also become eligible for promotion.

2. Transfer: Transfer refers to the shifting of an existing employee from one department

to another department in an organisation.

3. Employee Referrals: It can happen that the organisation in an effort to cut down

costs on hiring is looking for employee referral. The employees are well aware of the

job roles in the organisation for which manpower is required. These employees will

refer potential candidates by screening them based on their suitability to the position.

4. Former employees: Some organisations have the provision of hiring retired

employees willing to work part time/full time for the organisation.

External Sources- External sources of recruitment seek to employ candidates that have not

been recruited anytime before in the organisation. Introduction of fresh talent among the

workforce leads to growth and development of the business.

Following are the some of the external sources of recruitment:

1. Advertisement: Advertisements serve as a great source of information regarding any

job opportunities. This type of source is used for recruitment of middle level

employees, or high level employees.

2. Employment Exchanges: Employment exchanges serve as a source of recruitment

for the people as it is run by the government.

3. Employment portals: In this age of technology, development in the field of hiring

has taken place. Nowadays many employment portals are open where one can find

information about job openings.

4. Educational Institutions: Educational institutions also serve as a good source of

recruitment as many students or say resources will be available at once under one


5. Recommendation: This can also be a good source of recruitment as an existing

employee will be able to provide better recommendation for other candidates.

Process of Recruitment-

 Identifying Job Requirement: The recruiter first recognises the job opening

regarding the department in which the vacancy is, number of vacancies and urgency

of hiring.

 Preparing Job Description and Job Specification: The next step is making a job

description disclosing the job-related details like designation, location, duties to be

performed and required experience. The recruiter also chalks out the job specification

having information regarding the skills, qualification, the area of expertise, etc.

 Advertising the Vacant Position: A job vacancy is advertised through newspapers,

brochures, job portals, consultancies, etc. It ensures that the maximum number of

relevant candidates can apply for the job.

 Attracting Candidates to Apply for Job: The recruiter needs to provide proper

assistance and guidance to the candidates willing to apply for the job.

 Managing Applications: The recruiter has to arrange the applications in an orderly

manner to simplify the task of scrutinising them.

 Scrutinising Applications: Next step is the initial investigation of the applications to

go through the candidate’s profile thoroughly.

 Shortlisting Candidates: By scrutinising the applications, candidates with the

matching profile are picked out for the process of selection.


Selection is the process of picking or choosing the right candidate, who is most suitable for a

vacant job position in an organization. In others words, selection can also be explained as the

process of interviewing the candidates and evaluating their qualities, which are required for a

specific job and then choosing the suitable candidate for the position. The selection of a right
applicant for a vacant position will be an asset to the organization, which will be helping the

organization in reaching its objectives.


 Preliminary Interview - This is a very general and basic interview conducted so as to

eliminate the candidates who are completely unfit to work in the organisation. This
leaves the organisation with a pool of potentially fit employees to fill their vacancies.

 Receiving Applications - Potential employees apply for a job by sending applications

to the organisation. The application gives the interviewers information about the

candidates like their bio-data, work experience, hobbies and interests.

 Screening Applications - Once the applications are received, they are screened by a

special screening committee who choose candidates from the applications to call for

an interview. Applicants may be selected on special criteria like qualifications, work

experience etc.

 Employment Tests - Before an organisation decides a suitable job for any

individual, they have to gauge their talents and skills. This is done through various

employment tests like intelligence tests, aptitude tests, proficiency tests, personality

tests etc.

 Employment Interview- The next step in the selection process is the employee

interview. Employment interviews are done to identify a candidate’s skill set and

ability to work in an organisation in detail. Purpose of an employment interview is to

find out the suitability of the candidate and to give him an idea about the work profile
and what is expected of the potential employee. An employment interview is critical

for the selection of the right people for the right jobs.

 Checking References - The person who gives the reference of a potential employee

is also a very important source of information. The referee can provide info about the

person’s capabilities, experience in the previous companies and leadership and

managerial skills. The information provided by the referee is meant to kept

confidential with the HR department.

 Medical Examination - The medical exam is also a very important step in the

selection process. Medical exams help the employers know if any of the potential

candidates are physically and mentally fit to perform their duties in their jobs. A good

system of medical check-ups ensures that the employee standards of health are higher

and there are fewer cases of absenteeism, accidents and employee turnover.

 Final Selection and Appointment Letter - This is the final step in the selection

process. After the candidate has successfully passed all written tests, interviews and

medical examination, the employee is sent or emailed an appointment letter,

confirming his selection to the job. The appointment letter contains all the details of

the job like working hours, salary, leave allowance etc. Often, employees are hired on

a conditional basis where they are hired permanently after the employees are satisfied

with their performance.

Chapter – 4

Literature Review

Best Practice Recruitment and Selection

The State Services Authority (the Authority) undertook a project in 2007 to evaluate the

Effectiveness of recruitment selection techniques in the Victorian Government.

The project aims to:

 Promote the systematic review of current recruitment selection techniques in the Ernst &


 Develop recommendations for the use of better practice tools, based on research and Case


 Promote better selection techniques to improve the quality and speed of recruitment

Actions within Ernst & Young.

 After the completion of the program the authority decided to adopt the Practice

Recruitment and Selection Toolkit and develop a training program which will help in the

execution of this toolkit. The training program guides participants through best Practice

recruitment and selection using course booklets, PowerPoint presentations, Practical

exercises and additional reference material. The similar is the direction of my Project
wherein I have to suggest various measures through which the HR department at ERNST

& YOUNG can practice the recruitment and selection process in the best efficient

manner. The HR department should be aware of the recent trends in Recruitment and

Selection so as to adopt them whenever required. They should be given proper training in

adopting various trends in the process.

Recruitment and Selection


The literature states about the problems faced by the organizations at the time of selecting

the right candidate for a particular position and the various ways the organizations can

overcome these problems.

Train those recruiting- It is necessary for the organizations to train those people who are

Involved in the process of recruitment and selection, so that they take right decisions.

They should be provided with sufficient training so that they are confident about their


Be clear on what you are looking for- If you are going to get the right person for the job,

you Need to be clear on the skills, qualifications, experience, personal attributes and

qualities that The right candidate will have.

Select The Most Appropriate Source for Securing Applicants- The key point here is to be

sure you are choosing the right place to advertise. Sometimes a local newspaper will

work. At other times, you may need to go to specialist publication or a recruitment

Establish A Clear Framework For Short listing- The framework for short listing the

Candidate should be clear to the recruiters and also to the candidates.

Consider the Best Option for Selecting Candidates- In some cases you might just go for a

traditional interview and possibly add in a presentation. Otherwise the organization can

adopt any other method of which they are more confident.

Remain Open Minded- Often people jump to conclusions about candidates within

minutes. Remember some of the best candidates might take a few minutes to get warmed

up so don’t Discount people too quickly.

Be Professional- When interviewing you are representing your organization, its values,

And beliefs. Today’s candidate if they don’t get the job could be a customer or supplier in

the Future so give the best impression you can.

Give Feedback- Candidates takes good time in preparing themselves for the Interviews

therefore the recruiters should also take out the time for giving them Feedback whether

they are successful or unsuccessful candidates.

D.N.M Raju (2014)

He observed that Successful recruitment and selection practices are key components at

the entry point of human resources in any organization .Efficient recruitment and

selection. Strategies result in improved organizational outcomes. The main objective of

this paper is to Identify general practices that organizations use to recruit and select

employees .The study Also focused its attention to determine how the recruitment and

selection practices affect the Organizational outcomes and provide some suggestions that

can help to different companies located in Krishna. The data was collected through well

structured questionnaire. The source of data was both primary and secondary and the
sample size was 150. Data analysis has been done with statistical tools like tables, graphs,

pie charts, bar diagrams etc.

Sneha Mankikar (2014)

She analyzed the effect of factors affecting recruitment and selection. The strategic

intervention in recruitment has brought about sea changes in the methodology of

recruitment. As a prime contributor to the talent acquisition, HR consulting firms have

signified their importance of this industry. The sampling technique used for this study is

convenient random Sampling with a sample size of 105 respondents. For this study

primary data was collected through interviews and questionnaires. The recruitment policy

of an organization is determined by the nature of work and industry in which it operates.

There are various internal and external factors that affect the recruitment policy.

Employment conditions in the community where the organization is located will

influence the recruiting efforts of the organization.

Rlmjhim Gupta & Tanuja Jain (2014)

They said that “Recruitment forms a major part of an organization’s overall resourcing

Strategies, which identify and secure people needed for the organization to survive and

Succeed in the short to medium-term.” “Selection is the process in which candidates for

Employment are divided into two classes, those who are offered employment and those

who are not to be.” Better recruitment and selection strategies result in improved

organizational outcomes. With reference to this context, the research paper entitled

Recruitment and selection has been prepared to put a light on Recruitment and Selection

process. The main Objective is to identify general practices that organization use to
recruit and select employees and, to determine how the recruitment and selection

practices affect employee efficiency in Central cooperative banks.

Sumayya Begum, Sun Zehou, Mohammad Amzad & Hosstla Sarker (2014)

Investigated the relationship between recruitment and selection practices. The study

reveals that recruitment & selection practice exercised in the private banking sector of

China have significant influence on employees’ extra role behaviours. The findings also

found that the percentage of variance in employees’ consciousness behaviour is most

significantly influenced by recruitment & selection practice of commercial banks in

China then the rest of The order is as follows: employees’ courtesy (58.0%), employees’

altruism behaviour (56.0%) And employees’ civic virtue behaviour (45,5%).Therefore

this study recommend the Employers to ensure effective and fair recruitment process

followed by reward and Motivation, career growth, training & development and job

design to enhance OCB of the Employees in the workplace for long term employment

relationship. This research also Suggest that the field of HRM and OCB must get more

attention to develop relevant theories And models for the Chinese commercial banks to

ensure best HRM practices for getting Sustainable competitive advantage.

Ibrahim Yaro (2014)

He highlights that Recruitment and selection are the instruments used by the Nigerian

public Service to ensure its continuity in the sense that those who exit the service by

either retiring or withdrawal are being replaced instantly and this makes the public service

work on-going i.e. A continuous process. It is however, through the system of recruitment

and selection that Competent and qualified personnel are being sort and offered job. This

to a greater extent helps in Maintaining sanity as well as the much needed development in
the government work. Though the recruitment system is characterized by a number of

irregularities which are mostly sentimental, it is believed that a lot can be achieved if the

recruiters maintain the Status quo by making sure that merit is considered as number one

priority followed by Impartiality, fairness and equality. Finally, it is hoped that

employment agencies in the Nigerian Public Service will try as much as possible to put

the suggestions offered into trial which are believed to be the solution to the identified


Lawrence Berkely National Laboratory (2014)

Recommended good faith recruitment procedures Designate overseeing personnel group

(e.g. Divisional staff committee) accountable for good faith a efforts ensure diversity in

hiring Committees/decision makers, Maintain “living lists” of diverse candidates, ensure

positions descriptions are attractive to a broad pool, Define advertising strategy including

web sites, Journals/newspapers, professional associations, colleges/universities (including

HBCUs/MSIs) etc. Real time monitoring of all jobs searches/hiring. Extend searches to

Ensure diverse applicant pools. Monitor candidate selection

D.Paul Dhinakaran & Dr.M.Rajarajan (2013)

They describe the relationship between human resource practices and employees

recruitment Selection process in Tamil Nadu state transport corporation. The research

reviews relevant Literature to identify elements of HR practices that influence recruitment

selection process. Over the past decade, the way in which people are managed and

developed at work has come to be recognized as one of the primary factors in achieving

improvement in TNSTC Corporation performance.

Bath University (2013)

Said that equality of opportunity is a core value of the University and recruitment and

Selection procedures have been designed to provide ways to assess and appoint the most

Capable and effective employees while ensuring that all individuals are treated with

fairness And sensitivity. It is the University’s policy to recruit the most appropriate

person for each Approved vacancy regardless of age, colour, race, ethnic origin, family

circumstances, Nationality, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, gender, socio-

economic status or Disability. Selection is a subjective process, so a systematic

framework is essential to ensure That decisions are soundly based, consistent and

defensible. The Human Resources Department will ensure the recruitment and selection

process is clear and up to date with Regards to legislation. The department is available to

provide advice and guidance at every Stage of the recruitment and selection process.

Ckline Deiuon University of Fribourg (2013)

Overlooks the possibilities and implications given by online recruitment in small and

medium Sized companies. First of all, the concept of e-recruitment is defined with a

description of Different development phases. Then, the principal advantages and

challenges of such Technological tools are analyzed in the context of SME. A practical

case of an IT consultant Company active on the Swiss market, is presented with the pros

and cons of turning towards a Higher e-recruitment level. After that, a number of good

practices based on previous Experiences and studies are enumerated to help an

organization in making decisions at the Level of online supported recruitment tools.

Chapter 5-


The research was done in order to understand the Recruitment and Selection
Process followed at Aashman Foundation and the perception of the employees
from all the cadres regarding it. To know how an Organization performs in terms
of productivity and this should be directly proportional to quality and Quantity of
its human resource. In order to get the right kind of people in right place in the
right time the Organization should have the specific and clear personnel, policies
and recruitment methods which are Essential for the growth of the organization.
Hence it was necessary to conduct a research on the process.

Data collection:

The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been chalked

out. While deciding about the method of data collection to be used for the

study, the research should keep in mind two types of data viz. primary and


Source of data

Primary data -The observation method is most commonly used method.

Primary data was collected to the means of conversation, interactions to get
information about the practices performed for the recruitment, training,
selection and induction. Questionnaire method is also very widely used in
order to give a structure to the entire study. The data has been used through the
primary data.
Primary sources of information:

1. I have collected primary information by going through Linkedin

2. Discussing with engagement partner, accountant, and staff of the NGO

Secondary data - A secondary source interprets and analyses primary sources.

These sources are one or more steps removed from the event. Secondary
sources may contain pictures, quotes or graphics of primary sources. Some
types of secondary source include: Textbooks; journal articles; histories;
criticisms; commentaries; encyclopedias

Secondary sources information:

1. I have also collected secondary information like pictures from internet, content
from website.

2. The information was obtained from various corresponding information

of the firm. .


 Resident of Ghaziabad

 Internet

 LinkedIn

Sample Size- The sample undertaken to conduct research study consist of fifty people
which is Approximately one tenth of the total strength working in the organization. The
sample Covered the employees from all the cadres, encompassing the senior most officers

to the Workers. The sample was collected from all the departments of the organization.

Tools and Methods of Data Collection

The primary method of data collection was the questionnaire method which was circulated to

the sample undertaken and the information was collected with its help. Also a general

Discussion with the employees helped to gain information regarding the study. The

secondary Source used to collect data was the company‘s policy manual which contains the

policy related to the topic.

Chapter 6-

Limitation of the study

 The study is subjected to the following limitations:

 The study is based on the data provided by the company statements so,
the limitations of the company’s employees remaining are equally
 In some cases data is collected from the companies past records

 The employees were busy with their daily schedule and it was difficult

for them to give time.

 Personal biasness of various employees may have supplied wrong data.

 Time and money was also an important constraint.

 Limitation of employment personal

 Lack of practices in human resource management.

 Non-availability of some previous statistical data.

 The secondary source of information was not enough to

complete the report.

 Various confidential matters, forms, report, were not disclosed

to me from HRD.

 Some strategies of business and operation were restricted to handover.



Observation made during the study and analysis of the NGO policy:-

 The NGO is having all over India branches/area offices. Initial interviews will be

conducted on the telephone by the HR Department in of office.

 The candidate will be filtered based on merit and experience

 The NGO is recruiting its manpower through consultancy also. The consultancy will

be selected based on the process used by them before sending the candidate to the


 The NGO is tie up with job portal – LinkedIn and Internshala. This is helpful for the

process of recruitment in collection of resumes

 The candidate will be selected based on the communication and their presentation at

the time of interview. Subject knowledge is also essential based on type of the

Vacancy. The time lag between recruitment and placing will be done within one


 The NGO encourages the applicants for attending the interview, based on the grade.

 Rejected candidates will be intimated and their profile will be kept in data bank for a

period of 6 months.
1) The recruitment and selection process of NGO meets the current legal requirements.

Stronly Agree Agree No Opinion

Disagree Strongly Disagree



Response Pattern Remark Percentage

Strongly Agree 10 19%
Agree 30 59%
no opinion 7 14%
Disagree 2 4%
strongly disagree 2 4%

Near about 20% of the respondents are strongly agree with the statement that
recruitment and selection process of NGO meets the current legal
requirements, and 60% are agree only so, total 80% of the respondent are in
favour that the process of recruitment & selection meets the current legal
The process of recruitment & selection which is followed by the NGO is helpful to meet the
NGO’s manpower requirement.
2) Recruitment & Selection Policy of NGO is clearly stated.

Strongly Agree Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly Disagree





Response Pattern Remark Percentage

Strongly Agree 13 25%
Agree 30 59%
no opinion 5 10%
Disagree 2 4%
strongly disagree 1 2%

The question was raised to know that employees are aware about the NGO’s
recruitment & selection policy or not. Near about 85% are agreed that the
recruitment & selection policy is clearly stated and only 8% are disagree.

So the recruitment & selection policy of NGO is clearly stated but it
requires little bit change. But the NGO policy should be updated time to
3) Internal Source is better for NGO.

Strongly Agree Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly Disagree




Response Pattern Remark Percentage

Strongly Agree 18 35%
Agree 19 37%
no opinion 11 22%
Disagree 2 4%
strongly disagree 1 2%

The question was raised to know that employees are aware about the NGO’s recruitment &
selection policy or not. Near about 85% are agreed that the recruitment & selection policy is
clearly stated and only 8% are disagree.
So the recruitment & selection policy of NGO is clearly stated but it requires little bit
change. But the NGO policy should be updated time to time.
4) External source is better for NGO.

Strongly Agree Agree No opinion Disagree Strongly Disagree




Response Pattern Remark Percentage

Strongly Agree 2 4%
Agree 15 30%
no opinion 4 8%
Disagree 20 40%
strongly disagree 9 18%

Near about 55% are disagree with the statement that external source is better for NGO’s
recruitment process and about 34% are in favour of this statement.
From this question respondent are satisfied with the internal source but some are not satisfied
and they preferred external source.
5) To what extent the selection procedure followed for your recruitment is suitable to your job

Strongly Agree Agree No opinion Disagree Strongly Disagree




Response pattern Remark percentage

Strongly Agree 14 28%
Agree 20 40%
no opinion 2 4%
Disagree 10 20%
strongly disagree 4 8%


Near about 70% of the candidates are satisfied with the selection procedure and this shows
right person is in right job but near about 30 % are not satisfied so this shows that selection
process also needs some changes.


After a thorough study and discussion on the NGO’s recruitment & selection policy,

to know its effectiveness in the organization a self designed questionnaire has been

prepared to gather the views of employees.

The questionnaire contains 10 questions related to recruitment & selection topic. The

Questionnaire has been distributed to 50 employees from various departments and

they were Asked them to answer the questions by selecting the given choices.

The responses of all the questions were summed up from all the answered

questionnaires. These summed up responses were calculated to derive the percentages

to make the Interpretation more meaningful, which is represented in the form of pie


These are the findings:

1. The process of recruitment & selection which is followed by the NGO is

helpful to meet the NGO’s manpower requirement to some extent.

2. The recruitment & selection policy of NGO is clearly stated but no updation

according to the NGO’s objective.

3. NGO is highly dependent on employees referral for higher positions and for

lower posts Company prefers job portals and outsourcing.

4. NGO is recruiting right candidate for right job but some respondents disagree

so Selection process needs improvement and proper verification of recruited.

5. Some respondents are satisfied with the external source of recruitment. It is

observed that Most of the candidates are recruited through ―Reference


After concluding the study of the NGO’s recruitment policy, interaction with some of the

Recruitment manager, company associates and based on the responses received from the

Associates the following suggests are made to the NGO for further improvement of the


1. The organization should not majorly Clear job description is given to the candidates at

the time of interview itself, to avoid disappointment after joining.

2. The candidate should be informed in time whether they have been selected or not.

There should not be any delay in informing the candidate.

3. There should be reliability on external sources.

4. Recruitment feedback should be taken by the candidates to improve the recruitment


5. The employees should be called for the interview only after checking their

educational qualifications and job experience in a proper way so as to save the time

and cost involved in the recruitment process.

6. Depend on the application bank as the major source for the details of the candidate for

recruitment purpose. It should also consider other sources which could provide them

better Options.

7. Follow up to be done to the newly engaged employees to ensure that they have settled

in and to check on how well they are doing. If they have any problems it is better to

identify them at an early stage rather than allowing them to fester.

8. Internal job posting to be preferred to reduce cost of recruitment.

9. Organization should use social networking sites for creating pool of good candidates.





 _Access


 H. John bernardin- Human resource management, fourth edition , Mc graw

 Recruitment and selection by Duncan Brodie- Ezine



Questionnaires for associates:

I student of Sanskar Educational Group am doing project on Recruitment and

Selection process in Aashman Foundation. I would be grateful if you could spare

few minutes and answer the Questions below. The answer will be kept confidential

and used for academic purpose only.


[Kindly tick ( √ ) the options you think are right ]

1) The recruitment and selection process of NGO meets the current legal


a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) No opinion

d) disagree

e) Strongly disagree

2) Recruitment & Selection Policy of NGO is clearly stated.

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) no opinion

d) disagree

e) strongly disagree

3) Internal source is better for NGO.

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) no opinion

d) disagree

e) strongly disagree

4) External source is better for NGO.


a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) no opinion

d) disagree

e) strongly disagree

5) I feel scarcity of manpower at my working place.

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) no opinion

d) disagree

e) strongly disagree

6) I feel that the right job is being performed by the deserved person at my

working Environment.

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) no opinion

d) disagree

e) strongly disagree

7) The employee‘s competency matches with the job specification.

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) no opinion

d) disagree

e) strongly disagree

8) To what extent you are satisfied with the external source (job portals) for

recruitment Process.

a) 0%

b) b) 25%

c) c) 50%

d) d) 75%

e) e) 100%

9) To what extent you are satisfied with the employee‘s reference for Recruitment


a) 0%

b) 25%

c) 50%

d) 75%

e) 100%

10) To what extent the selection procedure followed for your recruitment is

suitable to your Job.

a) 0%

b) 25%

c) 50%

d) 75%

e) 100%

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