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im free because (but not totally free

because of my parents)
Freedom is a fundamental human right that every individual deserves. However, it
is not always easy to achieve complete freedom, especially when one's parents
are involved. I am free because I have the ability to make my own choices and
decisions, but not totally free because of my parents' influence.

My parents have always been supportive of me and have given me the freedom to
pursue my dreams. However, they still hold some control over me as their child.
They provide for me financially and emotionally, which means that I must take
their opinions into consideration when making important decisions.

Despite this limitation, I am grateful for the freedom that I do have. It has allowed
me to explore different paths in life and discover who I truly am as a person. While
my parents may hold some power over me, they also provide guidance and
support that has helped shape who I am today.

In conclusion, while my parents' influence limits my complete freedom, I am still

grateful for the level of independence that I do possess. It has allowed me to grow
into the person that I am today while still maintaining a strong relationship with
those who love and support me most in life.

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