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Psychopharmacology (1988) 94:491-495 Psychopharmacology

© Springer-Verlag 1988

Attenuation of scopolamine-induced impairment

of spontaneous alternation behaviour by antagonist
but not inverse agonist and agonist fl-carbolines
Martin Sarter, Geert Bodewitz, and David N. Stephens
Research Laboratories of Schering AG, D-t000 Berlin 65, and D-4619 Bergkamen, Federal Republic of Germany

Abstract. Mice were tested in a simple automated Y-maze. lamine-induced deficit of spontaneous alternation behav-
Total number of arm entries and alternation behaviour iour (Tobe et al. 1983). Since there are some reports of
were measured. The latter is thought to reflect working an interaction between diazepam, muscimol and acetylcho-
memory capacity at a rudimentary level. During an 8-rain line turnover (Zsilla et al. 1976; Nagy and Desci 1978; Tan-
session, vehicle-treated mice performed 32.4+7.4 arm en- ganelli et al. 1985; Casamenti et al. 1986), suggesting that
tries, 51.0+ 12.4% of which were organized in alternations the cortical acetylcholine release is under the control of
(triplets). The two variables showed a negative correlation. GABA-ergic neurons, it could be speculated that benzodi-
Scopolamine (1.0 mg/kg) significantly enhanced activity, re- azepine (BZ) receptor inverse agonist ligands might enhance
duced alternation behaviour and diminished the correlation cortical acetylcholine turnover. If this is true, the enhanced
between the two variables. The effects of benzodiazepine availability of the transmitter would displace scopolamine
receptor inverse agonist, antagonist and agonist/?-carbo- from the receptor and, therefore, antagonize the behaviour-
lines on this spontaneous behaviour and on the effects of al effects of scopolamine.
scopolamine were examined. The effects of inverse agonists We would therefore predict that inverse agonist/~-carbo-
and agonists on locomotor activity were complex in interac- lines would display scopolamine antagonist properties in
tion with both vehicle and scopolamine. The scopolamine- behavioural models. However, bearing in mind the power-
induced reduction of alternation behaviour was significant- ful anxiogenic and convulsant properties of full inverse ago-
ly reversed by the antagonist ZK 93426 but not by inverse nist benzodiazepine receptor ligands (Braestrup et al. 1982;
agonists; furthermore, partial agonists and agonists showed Stephens and Kehr 1985), it is to be expected that improve-
no effects. It is hypothesized that the interaction of antago- ments in scopolamine-disrupted behaviour by inverse ago-
nist /%carbolines with scopolamine is based on a direct nists would take place over a very limited dose range; for
GABA-ergic control of cholinergic neurotransmission, and this reason weak partial inverse agonists may be considered
suggests an ability of antagonist p-carbolines to antagonize as being more likely to show anti-scopolamine activities.
amnestic properties of scopolamine. In order to develop a rapid and reliable screening meth-
od to test the interaction of drugs with scopolamine-induced
Key words: Spontaneous a l t e r n a t i o n - S c o p o l a m i n e - / / -
behavioural impairments, we have looked for a simple,
Carbolines - Memory - Acetylcholine - Mice
spontaneous behaviour which could be easily measured,
which was sensitive to scopolamine and which reflected -
even if at a very rudimentary level - the cognitive status
of the animal. Although tests on spontaneous alternation
Since the cholinergic system has become the centre of dis-
behaviour were introduced more than 20 years ago (e.g.
cussion in Alzheimer's disease research, two animal models
Douglas and Isaacson 1965), Anisman's reports (Anisman
of disturbed memory processes have received growing atten-
1975) have made them popular. Such a test is based on
tion, the direct "pathoanatomical model", i.e. basal fore-
a simple maze and on the tendency of rodents to enter
brain lesions, and the "pharmacological model", namely,
that arm of the maze which was least recently explored,
blockade of cholinergic receptors by scopolamine or atro-
i.e. the arm which was not entered in the last two choices
pine (Spencer and Lal 1983). Scopolamine has been shown
(in the case of a Y-maze).
to impair acquisition in a variety of paradigms in different
Anisman (1975) found that the activity of the animals
species, a finding which is frequently attributed to atten-
is a poor predictor of and negatively related to the alterna-
tional deficits. However, the effects of scopolamine do not
tion behaviour and discussed his results only in terms of
seem to be limited to working memory but affect also refer-
habituation processes. Subsequently, alternation ability has
ence memory abilities (e.g. Spencer et al. 1985). been interpreted in terms of working memory (Warburton
Cholinomimetic drugs have been demonstrated to an-
and Heise 1972; Beninger et al. 1986).
tagonize the effects of scopolamine in various paradigms
(for review see Warburton and Wesnes 1984); physostig-
mine, for instance, has been shown to antagonize the scopo-
Materials and methods
Offprint requests to: Martin Sarter, Department of Neuropsycho-
pharmacology, Schering AG, P.O. Box 650311, D-1000 Berlin 65, Subjects. Male N M R I mice weighing 25 + 2 g (Department
Federal Republic of Germany Tierzucht und -haltung, Schering AG) were used.

Table l. Classification offl-carbolines and doses used

Compound Action at the Doses used (mg/kg)

benzodiazepine receptor

ZK 93423 Full agonist 0.001, 0.025, 0.1

ZK 95962 Partial agonist 0.39, 1.56, 6.25, 12.5
ZK 91296 Partial agonist 0.1, 0.39, 1.56
ZK 9 3 4 2 6 Antagonist 1.56, 6.25, 25
ZK 90886 Partial inverse agonist 0.39, 1.56, 3.13
FG 7142 Partial inverse agonist 1.56, 6.25, 25
fl-CCM Inverse agonist 0.1, 0.39, 1.56, 3.13
DMCM Inverse agonist 0.1, 0.39, 1.56

l°{~m..... A- . . . . /~ photocells Note: Classifications are based on biochemical evidence of the

effect of GABA agonists on the affinity of the fl-carbolines to
the benzodiazepine receptor, on the influence of the fl-carbolines
on the binding of [asS]TBPS, a ligand for the GABA-modulated
chloride ion channel, and on pharmacological effects; see, e.g. Ste-
phens and Kehr (1985)

walls:lO cm high 61.5% (8 out of 13). (Note that " B A C " but not " B A A C "
plug box A A' ~
is counted as an alternation according to the definition giv-
Y-MAZE en above and that, therefore, this computation differs from
that used by Anisman and results in an apparently lower
Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the Y-maze. The photo beams are
indicated by broken lines. For further details see text degree of spontaneous alternation.)
In order to demonstrate the principle of the task, two
groups of mice were injected either with vehicle/vehicle or
Apparatus. The Y-maze used for all tests is illustrated in vehicle/scopolamine and the results compared with the t-
Fig. 1. It was made of black Plexiglas with transparent ceil- test (n 1 = n2 = 12; c~= 0.05). Statistical comparisons of drug-
ings. It has been automated by D. Niemeyer (Bioelectronic treated groups to controls were carried out with four inde-
Lab. Schering AG) using photo beams to detect locomo- pendent Dunnett tests (each including six to seven drug-
tion. The beams in the centre area are used to differentiate treated groups, i.e. doses of two compounds, and a control
real entries into an arm from subsequent movements within group (each group: n = 8; ~ = 0.05 for each test). All statisti-
an arm of the maze. The data of each trial are collected cal analyses were carried out by Dr. A. van der Linde,
and computed (see below) by a logic device also created Dept of Biostatistics, Schering AG.
by D. Niemeyer.
Drugs. All the drugs were prepared as ultrasonic microsus-
Testing procedure. Following random assignment to experi- pensions in 10% Cremophor in saline (see above). ZK
mental groups, subjects were treated with either vehicle 93 423 (6-benzyloxy-4-methoxymethyl-/~-carboline-3-car-
[Cremophor EL/BASF Ludwigshafen (CEL); 10% in sa- boxylic acid ethyl ester), ZK 93 426 (5-isopropoxy-4-methyl-
line; 10 ml/kg; IP] or scopolamine (scopolamine H C L ; /~-carboline-3-carboxylic acid ethyl ester), and ZK 95962
Sigma; 1 mg/kgjl0 ml vehicle IP) and the test compound (5-isopropoxy-4-methoxymethyl-fl-carboline-3-carboxylic
(see below). Both injections were carried out 30 rain before acid ethyl ester) were synthesized by Dr. D. Seidelmann,
the test; the mouse was put into the maze, the ceiling closed, Schering AG; ZK 91296 (5-benzyloxy-4-methoxymethyl-fl-
and, after 8 min, the trial terminated automatically. Follow- carboline-3-carboxylic acid ethyl ester) and D M C M (6,7-di-
ing each trial, the maze was placed on a new sheet of paper. methoxy-4-ethyl-fl-carboline-3-carboxylic acid methyl ester)
Testing was performed between I p.m. and 5 p.m. For each by Dr. G. Neef, Schering AG, ZK 90886 (5-methoxy-4-
dose, eight animals were tested for the interaction with vehi- ethyl-fl-carboline-3-carboxylic acid ethyl ester) by Dr. V.
cle and with scopolamine. The three doses selected for test- Eder, Schering AG, and F G 7142 (fl-carboline-3-carboxylie
ing were based on calculations from in vivo binding values; acid methyl amide) a n d / / - C C M (fl-carboline-3-carboxylic
for two compounds (B-CCM; ZK 95962) an additional acid methyl ester) were synthesized by AS Ferrosan, Copen-
fourth dose was tested because of a positive trend seen hagen, Denmark. These compounds are classified in Table 1
in the variable "scopolamine-induced reduction of alterna- according to their main actions at the GABA/benzodiaze-
tion behaviour." pine receptor complex.

Data analyses. Locomotor activity, i.e. total number of arm Results

entries, was collected cumulatively over the 8 min. The al-
Although the effects of fl-carbolines on the scopolamine-
ternation behaviour defined as consecutive entries into all
induced reduction of alternation behaviour are the main
three arms without repeated entries was expressed in per-
subject of this study, their direct effects (vehicle interaction)
cent of the total arm entries. If, for instance, the arms are
are also briefly presented.
called A, B, C, and the animal performs:
ABCBABCBA CBAACB, Effects of scopolamine
the total alternation opportunities would be 13 (total entries During the 8-rain session, the vehicle-treated mice per-
minus 2) and the percent alternation behaviour would be formed 32.4_+7.4 (M; SD) arm entries and 51.0_+12.4%

~6 Spontaneousalternation:Baselines Spontaneousalternation:ZK93426
Total arm entries M, SD alternation(%) % alternation all trials (M, SD)

60. -60 60

7 -50 50-
l 2_
40- -40 40-

30- -30 30-

20- 20 20-

10- -10 10-

n=12 n=12 CEL ZK ZK ZK GEL zK
+ z+K z+K
1.56 6.25 25.0 1.56 6.25 25.0

Fig. 2. The effect of scopolamine (1 mg/kg; IP) on spontaneous Fig. 3. The effects of the antagonist fl-carboline ZK 93426 in inter-
alternation performance and total arm entries in the Y-maze in action with vehicle (Cremophor EL; 10 ml/kg; IP) or scopolamine
comparison to vehicle-treated mice (vehicle - vehicle and vehicle (1 mg/kg; IP), respectively, on alternation performance. Whereas
- scopolamine). CEL Cremophor EL (vehicle); SC scopolamine; there is no effect of ZK 93426 (ZK; doses in mg/kg) when coin-
M mean; SD standard deviation; * P < 0.05 (t-test) jected with vehicle (CEL), it antagonized the scopolamine (SC)-
induced impairment of alternation performance at 6.25 mg/kg. M
mean; SD standard deviation; * P<0.05 (Dunnett test)

alternations. The variables were negatively correlated (r = Table 2. Correlation coefficients: total arm entries and alternation
- 0 . 4 9 ) , i.e. the higher the n u m b e r o f total arm entries, all trials
the lower the alternation performance. Scopolamine (1 mg/
kg) significantly enhanced l o c o m o t o r activity ( t = - 4 . 1 1 ; Compound Interaction with
P = 0 . 0 0 0 7 ) but reduced alternation behaviour ( t = 2 . 1 8 ;
CEL Scopolamine
P = 0.043). Furthermore, scopolamine abolished the interre-
lationship between the two variables seen in the vehicle- CEL -- 0.46 0.19
controls (r = 0.19; see Fig. 2).
DMCM 0.07 - 0.29
Direct effects of fl-carbolines (interaction with vehicle) fl-CCM - 0.07 - 0.11
FG 7142 -0.63 0.00
D M C M (0.39 mg/kg) reduced significantly the activity o f ZK 90886 -0.22 -0.19
the mice at a dose o f 0.39 mg/kg ( t = 3 . 1 9 ; P < 0 . 0 5 ) . The ZK 93426 --0.39 0.15
full agonist Z K 93 423 at 0.1 m g / k g also drastically reduced ZK 91296 -0.14 -0.18
activity; since at this dose of this c o m p o u n d some animals ZK 95962 -0.40 --0.03
ZK 93423 --0.48 -0.33
were completely immobile, it has not been included in the
statistical analysis. The only c o m p o u n d which enhanced
activity was the partial agonist Z K 95962 (12.5 mg/kg;
Interrelationships between the interdependent variables. The
t = 2.79; P < 0.05). N o n e o f the other c o m p o u n d s affected
negative correlation coefficient between total arm entries
the n u m b e r o f total arm entries, or alternation behaviour
and alternation behaviour in the case of the vehicle interac-
when coinjected with vehicle.
tion was attenuated by all c o m p o u n d s except F G 7142 and
Z K 93423 (over all doses for each c o m p o u n d ; see Table 2).
Effects of fi-carbolines in interaction with scopolamine
In interacting with scopolamine, for none of the c o m p o u n d s
Effects on scopolamine-induced enhancement of locomotor (including the vehicle) was any interrelationship found (see
activity. The effects of different fl-carbolines on this variable Table 2).
were complex. D M C M (1.56 mg/kg; t = 3 . 0 8 ; P < 0 . 0 5 ) as
well, as Z K 93 423 (0.025 mg/kg; t = 2.81 ; P < 0.05) reduced
the l o c o m o t o r activity enhanced by scopolamine, but the
other c o m p o u n d s and other doses o f Z K 93423 showed The main result o f this study suggests that the antagonist
no significant effects. fl-carboline Z K 93426 was able to antagonize the effects
of scopolamine on spontaneous alternation behaviour. The
Effects on scopolamine-induced reduction of alternation inverse agonists D M C M and fl-CCM and the partial inverse
behaviour. The inverse agonists D M C M (0.39 mg/kg) and agonist Z K 90886, but not F G 7142, all showed a non-
fl-CCM (0.1 mg/kg) and the partial inverse agonist Z K significant tendency to attenuate effects on the scopol-
90 886 (0.39 mg/kg) tended to attenuate the alternation im- amine-induced impairment, whereas all the agonist fl-carbo-
pairment induced by scopolamine (all P > 0.05) but the par- lines were ineffective.
tial inverse agonist F G 7142 showed no effect. The antago-
nist Z K 93426 significantly attenuated the effects of scopo- Effects on locomotor activity. The mixed effects of inverse
lamine at a dose o f 6.25 mg/kg ( t = 2 . 8 6 ; P < 0 . 0 5 ; see agonist and agonist fl-carbolines on l o c o m o t o r activity, irre-
Fig. 3). spective o f the interaction with scopolamine or vehicle,

might be related to the sedative effects in the case of full tively affects alternation performance in rats (Beninger et al.
agonists and, in the case of inverse agonists, to their poten- 1986), it might be speculated that the cortical cholinergic
tial anxiogenic properties (Stephens and Kehr 1985; e.g. afferents are involved in the effects of scopolamine on alter-
Beck and Cooper 1986). During this experiment, we careful- nation behaviour and other systems (perhaps striatal inter-
ly observed the animals for signs of convulsions but they neurons) in the mediation of locomotor activity (Karczmar
never occurred at the doses used. Therefore, it seems unlike- 1976). There is, however, only poor evidence for a differen-
ly that the locomotor inhibition is due to convulsive proper- tiation of the cholinergic systems in terms of receptor types
ties of the inverse agonists. The one activity-enhancing com- or binding parameters (but see Richardson et al. 1987).
pound, ZK 95962, is a partial agonist without sedative GABA-ergic agonists as well as benzodiazepines (mostly
properties (e.g. Stephens et al. 1987). muscimol and diazepam) have been shown to reduce corti-
cal acetylcholine turnover (Petkov et al. 1983; Casamenti
Effects on alternation behaviour. The only compound which et al. 1986). The effects on acetylcholine turnover are re-
significantly antagonized the effects of scopolamine on al- stricted to the cortex and midbrain and are not found in
ternation behaviour was the antagonist ZK 93426. The the striatum and hippocampus (Zsilla et al. 1976). Injections
compound was not effective in antagonizing the scopol- of muscimol into the basal forebrain similarly reduced ace-
amine-induced enhancement of locomotor activity, which tylcholine turnover (Wood 1985) and high affinity choline
might support the hypothesis of two different neuronal uptake, the rate limiting step in the acetylcholine synthesis
mechanisms underlying the effects of scopolamine on loco- (Wenk 1984). Recently, the anatomical correlate of such
motion and alternation, respectively. Furthermore, the an interaction has been demonstrated by Zaborsky et al.
compound did not show any effect when coadministered (1986), who showed that GAD-immunopositive terminals
with the vehicle. The antagonist ZK 93 426, therefore, was make synaptic contacts with cholinergic neurons of the bas-
selectively active in interaction with the effects of scopol- al forebrain, and we have shown that there is a high density
amine on alternation behaviour. Since alternation behav- of benzodiazepine receptor binding sites in the substantia
iour may reflect a primitive working memory capacity, this innominata (Sarter et al. 1988).
result suggests that ZK 93 426 may have a specific interac- Thus, it could be speculated that antagonist and inverse
tion with a cholinergic system involved in memory pro- agonist fl-carbolines will enhance cortical acetylcholine
cesses. turnover via the GABA-ergic control of the activity of cho-
Although D M C M , fl-CCM and ZK 90 886, but not F G linergic efferents of the basal forebrain. In the intact organ-
7142, also showed a tendency to antagonize the effects of ism, these cholinergic neurons might be strongly inhibited
scopolamine on spontaneous alternation, the initial hypoth- by an (unknown) endogeneous ligand of the GABA-benzo-
esis that the potency of/%carbolines to antagonize the ef- diazepine-receptor complex. The antagonist might therefore
fects of scopolamine on alternation behaviour may be di- exert pharmacological actions by disinhibiting the choliner-
rectly related to their degree of exerting inverse agonist gic turnover. The increased release of acetylcholine would
properties was not confirmed by our results. However, the then be able to displace scopolamine at the receptor.
inverse agonists have been shown to antagonize the effects Furthermore, it could be speculated that the antagonist
of scopolamine in other tests as, for instance, passive avoid- fl-carboline is more effective than inverse agonists in antag-
ance performance (Jensen et al. 1987). Moreover, the fact onizing behavioural effects of scopolamine, because the dis-
that agonists did not markedly enhance the effects of sco- inhibiting effects of inverse agonists on acetylcholine turn-
polamine suggests that in general the interactions of fl-car- over might result in a level of acetylcholine release too high
bolines with scopolamine are not predicted from their status to mediate effectively a behavioural act. According to these
in terms of a benzodiazepine receptor agonist or inverse speculations, antagonist fl-carbolines should enhance the
agonist pharmacological profile. relearning performance in animals which are behaviourally
impaired as a result of a reduction of the acetylcholine
Mode of action of the antagonist ~-carboline Z K 93426. turnover (Sarter 1986). This assumption contrasts to the
Surprisingly, the benzodiazepine receptor antagonist ZK interpretation of recently reported beneficial effects of fl-
93426 which has only weak intrinsic properties (Jensen CCM on acquisition of a passive avoidance task which has
et al. 1984; File et al. 1986) most potently antagonized the been attributed to an arousal-enhancing property of fl-
effects of scopolamine. However, in some experiments ZK CCM (Venault et al. 1986). Since, however, the antagonist
93 426 exerts definite pharmacological effects, including ef- fl-carboline did not exert effects on arousal as far as can
fects consistent with an anxiogenic profile (Jensen et al. be seen from its ineffectiveness on locomotion, the potential
1984; File et al. 1986), state dependency in a step-down enhancement of cognitive abilities may be mediated via a
passive avoidance task, increased exploratory activity in a different psychological process as, for instance, enhanced
hole-board in senescent but not young rats, and, similarly, vigilance (Stephens and Sarter 1988).
it improved spatial delayed alternation learning in senescent
rats but impaired it in young ones (Sarter and Stephens Acknowledgements. We are grateful to D. Niemeyer and R. Koll-
1988). Therefore, the question remains of the mechanism berg for automating the Y-maze apparatus, to Dr. A. van der
Linde for the statistical work, and to Dr. T. Honore for allowing
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