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 Dành tối đa 20 phút cho phần task 1 vì chỉ chiếm 1/3 số điểm bài thi writing.
 Số từ yêu cầu là 150. Thông thường khoảng 170-180 là đẹp nhất, không nên vượt quá 200.
 Không nếu ý kiến, cảm xúc cá nhân vào bài viết.
 Thỏa mãn 2 yêu cầu của đề bài là so sánh và những đặc điểm chính, chứ không nên liệt kê tất cả con số,
chi tiết.
Một số cách khác để chỉ xu hướng
1. Tăng xấp xỉ / gần như gấp đôi
S + approximately/almost double to ..
Ví dụ: The number of Internet users in Denmark approximately doubled trom 22.000 to 45,000.
2. Giảm khoang/ gần như 1 nửa
S + roughly/ nearly halve to …
Ví dụ: Sweden's proportion had roughly halved to 35 percent, which was almost equal to Norway.
3. Giảm liên tục/ đột ngột
S + Shrink consistently/ abruptly
Ví dụ: The youngest age group was the only one to shrink consistently
4. there was hardly any change in the number of …

HÌnh ảnh minh họa

Một số lưu ý khi sử dụng từ vựng chỉ xu hướng

1. Plunge / plummet = decrease considerably: không dùng trạng từ sau 2 động từ này.
2. Rocket/ soar: tăng mạnh = increase sharply
3. Reach không đi với giới từ “to”
4. Trong hầu hết trường hợp, các động từ tăng giảm dùng ở dạng chủ động chứ không phải bị động.

Bài tập1: nối các đường sau với miêu tả phù hợp
Bài tập 2: Dùng những từ trong bảng để điền vào chỗ trống
increase / rise / climb /grow/grow /decrease
/ fall /drop /decline /dip
significant /sharp /considerable slight
significantly / sharply / considerably / slightly

Bài tập 3
Điên các cụm từ cho trong bảng vào chỗ trống
fell steadily dropped suddenly dropped/decreased slightly
increased/ climbed sharply an upward trend rose gradually leveled off
a downward trend
The consumption for Hamburger witnessed
________________________ over the period.

Expenditure on landline phones

________________________ over the 10-year period.

The proportion of bus commuters

________________________ to 15% in 2002.

The proportions of elderly people in the UK

________________________ over the next 20 years.

The unemployment rate ________________________ at

18% in 2000.

The figure ________________________ to 10% in 1975.

The number of people using computers

________________________ from 2002 to 2005.

There was ________________________ in the number of

people using the Internet between 1995 and 2005.


Cấu Công thức Ví dụ
Subject + Verb + Adverb + Number+ Time The number of students increased
1 significantly to 5,000 in 2019.
There was a significant increase of
There+ be+ a/an + Adjective + noun + number
2 500 in the number of students in
+ in + “what” + complement+ Time period
Subject + experienced/ saw/ witnessed + a/an + The number of students witnessed a
3 significant increase of 500 in 2019.
adj + noun + number+ time period
A significant increase of 500 was
A/an + adj + noun + number + was seen + in
4 seen in the number of students in
subject + time period
The year 2019 witnessed a significant
Time period (khoảng thời gian) + witnessed/saw increase of 500 in the number of
5 students.
+ a/an + adj + noun + in + noun phrase

Bài tập 1: Viết lại các câu dưới đây, sử dụng các cấu trúc trên
Bài tập 2: Hãy dịch các câu sau sang tiếng Anh, sử dụng đa dạng các loại cấu trúc.
Bài tập 1: điền giới từ vào chỗ trống

The line graph compares birth rates in China and the US and how these rates changed from 1920 to 2000.
Overall, the birth rates of both nations decreased _________ the period of 80 years. Although the two trends were similar in
terms of a general decline, the birth rate of the USA in most years was higher than that of China.
In the 1920-1935 period, the birth rate in America fluctuated, although it always remained _________ 10%. However,
_________ the following decade, the American birth rate fell sharply to below 5%. In the 1950s, the figure _________ the
USA increased significantly _________ exactly 15%, which was its highest point _________ the 80-year period. _________
the remainder of the period, there was a gradual decline _________ the US birth rate, which fell _________ 7% by the year
_________ the same period, the birth rate in China varied more significantly than in the US. It dropped _________ 5% from
1940 to 1945 before reaching the highest point _________ the whole line graph, 20%, in 1950. _________ contrast, 5 years
later, the birth rate in China decreased rapidly by _________ 10%, falling _________ approximately 2% in 2000.

Bài tập 2: Điền giới từ vào bài viết sau

graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979
and 2004.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The line graph illustrates the amount of four different types of food which people in a European nation consumed from 1979 to
Overall, fish was the least commonly used food in the European country ______ the period shown. Also, the expenditure on
beef, lamb and fish decreased, while there was a fluctuating increase ______ the figure ______ chicken.
It can be seen from the graph that in 1979, the amount of beef which was consumed was the highest, ______ about 220 grams
per person per week. The figures ______ chicken and lamb were lower, ______ under 150 grams and exactly 150 grams
respectively. However, fish accounted for the lowest number ______ only about 60 grams eaten.
In the period between 1979 and 2004, the country witnessed a significant growth to around 250 grams in the consumption of
chicken. ______ contrast, around 50 grams of lamb was eaten, compared ______ about 40 grams of fish in 2004. Although the
consumption of beef reached a peak ______ about 240 grams in 1983, this fell steadily to just ______ 100 grams in 2004.

Words/ Phrases of Approximation

● Approximately
● Nearly ● Around ● Just around
●Roughly ● More or less ● Just about
● Almost ● Just over ● Just below
● About ● Just under ● A little more/less than

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