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Teacher Education Program

Elementary Lesson Plan Template

Name: Elizabeth Haro Date(s) of implementation: 06/01/2023

Key Content Standards and CA ELD Standards (Integrated ELD): List the complete text of only the relevant parts of each content and
ELD standard. (TPE 3.1)
W.K.2 Use a combination of drawings, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name
what they are writing and supply some information about the topic.

S.K.K.2 Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and
answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.

R.I.K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

Cross-Disciplinary Connection: (TPE 3.1, 3.3, 4.3) Incorporating Visual and Performing Arts: (TPE 1.7, 3.1, 3.3)
History-Social Science and Language Arts  PowerPoint
 Technology- Ipad for Amplify

Lesson Objective: What do you want students to know and be able to do? (TPE 3.1, 3.3)
SWBAT review the concept of bartering.
SWBAT identify key information about bread.
SWBAT use key details to describe the process of making bread in colonial times.
SWBAT draw a picture and label their drawings about tradespeople.
SWBAT write about two different tradespeople.
SWBAT use a sequencing activity to describe the process of making bread.

C Lesson Goals: What have you learned about students’ abilities that has informed the direction of your lesson (based on assessments,
C learning experiences, IEPs)? (TPE 2.5, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.2, 5.7, 5.8)
E For the past week, students have been learning about colonial towns and townspeople. They have learned what was the daily life like
S for people in the American colonies. Some students can identify the similarities and differences of life today and long ago. Some
S students can describe the different kinds of tradespeople found in colonial town.


S Prerequisite Skills: What do students need to know and be able to do in order to engage in the lesson? (TPE 3.2, 4.2, 4.4)
U Students need to know/be able to do
 Review details about colonial times
O  Know what tradespeople means
R  Identify at least 2 tradespeople and what they do
T  Explain the process of making bread in a sequencing order

E Pre-Assessment Strategies: How might you gain insight into students’ readiness for the lesson? (TPE 5.2, 5.8)
G  Reviewing what tradespeople and colonial means
A  Practice speaking the sentence frames before writing it
G  Using prior knowledge to answer questions about the making bread
E Backward Planning (Summative Assessment): What evidence will the students produce to show they have met the learning objective?
M (TPE 1.5, 3.3, 3.4, 5.1)
E SWBAT recall details about how bread was made in colonial times. SWBAT write about the two different tradespeople

and how they helped with different steps in the process of making bread. SWBAT to draw a draw and label their picture
that matches their sentences.

Checking for Understanding (Formative Assessments): How will you monitor student learning to make modifications during the lesson?
(TPE 1.5, 1.8, 3.3, 3.4, 4.7, 5.1)
T and Ss will discuss what we learned the days prior.
T will tell Ss to show me thumbs up and down if something is correct or incorrect.
T will walk around to check on student’s work and provide 1 to 1 support if needed.
T will do a concept map and have it visible for reference.
T will direct model the sentence.
T will provide sentence frames.
T will provide sentence anchor chart.
T will encourage students to write 2 sentences to challenge them on their PZD.
T will provide multiple opportunities to practice their sentence orally before writing it.

Self-Assessment & Reflection: How will you involve students in assessing their own learning? (TPE 1.5, 5.3)
Ss will self-correct their work by using a purple crayon. Students will reference to the self-editing checklist that is display in the
classroom wall.

Connections Engaging All Learners

· Connections to Students’ Lives - experiences, interests, · Range of Communication Strategies & Activity Modes (TPE 3.4,
development, and social emotional learning needs (TPE 1.1, 4.7):
2.1, 4.2):  Turn and talk
 Connecting to their personal experiences when they  Think, pair, and share
go to “Panaderia” with their families.  Say the answer orally & using their fingers
 Discussing what their favorite bread  Stretch break
· Connections to Real Life Contexts (TPE 1.3) & Culturally
Responsive Practices (TPE 4.1, 4.4):
 Showing real life pictures to connect to the topic
 Acknowledging the different kinds of bread students
eat in their culture
· Promoting Multiple Perspectives (TPE 1.5, 2.2):
 Visuals aids (video & pictures)
 Cut and past the sequencing order in making a bread.

Accommodations, Modifications, and Other Strategies to Support a Wide Range of Learners (UDL, MTSS, etc.): How will you
differentiate content, process, and/or product? (TPE 1.4, 3.2, 3.6, 4.4, 5.8):
 Walk around to provide feedback
 Encourage students to self-correct/evaluate their work
 Provide sentence frames
 Provide sentence anchor chart
 1 on 1 support when needed / check-in
 Practice talking what they are going to write with their partner.
 Telling teacher what they are going to write

Technology: How will technology be used to facilitate students’ equitable access to content? (TPE 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 4.4, 4.8)
 Ss will be able to work on sequencing activity to describe the process of making a bread by cutting and pasting.
Academic Language (Integrated ELD): What content-specific vocabulary, skill-specific vocabulary, text structures, and stylistic or
grammatical features will be explicitly taught? (TPE 1.6, 3.1, 3.5, 4.1, 5.7)
 Grindstones
 Customers
 Miller
 Kneaded
 yeast

Approaches to Support English Language Learners & Standard English Learners (TPE 1.6, 3.5, 4.4):
 1 on 1 support
 Sentence frames
 Incorporating movement to new vocabulary words and adding pictures

Name: Date(s) of implementation:

Instructional Learning Strategies to Support Student Learning:

How will you 1) engage/motivate students by connecting the lesson to experiential backgrounds, interests and prior learning, 2) identify
learning outcomes 3) present material, guide practice, and build independent learning, 4) monitor student learning during instruction, 5) build
metacognitive understanding, and 6) maintain a positive learning environment that is culturally responsive?

List what the teacher will be doing and what the students will be doing.
DAY __ of __

Time Teacher Student Resources / Materials

Learning Goal T will state learning goals / PowerPoint:

Vocabulary expectations
T will go over vocabulary terms and 1gCvzuXyxe9sAysSoy7S7ZLv
Ss will repeat and do the vocabulary edYPcgklswAopHXh26zo/
will incorporate movement movement edit?usp=sharing
I do, you do, we do

T will review the Venn diagram what Ss will raise their hand to add details.
Review we have learned.

Active Prior T will show a picture of a bread. T

knowledge will ask students what their favorite Ss will engage in turn & talk
bread is and where they go buy it. T
will instruct turn & talk

Checking for T will go over some of the vocabulary Ss will raise their hands to answer
understanding words that they have learned. T will questions.
ask questions about bread.

T will say, “why are we reading and

Video watching this text/video”? Ss will show me thumbs up/down
T will ask students if they have any
question, thumbs up

Stretch Break

Going over the T will go over images about the Ss will engage through the images in a 1
video in process of making bread. T will on 1 calling, turn and talk, think, pair,
images discuss about the different tools they and share, and calling out loud.
used to grind wheat and how it has
changed over time. T will make sure
to use sequencing order terms (first,
then, next, last) to help students with
the sequencing activity. T will be
asking posing questions for each
images through 1 on 1 calling, turn
and talk, think, pair, and share, and
calling out loud.

Checking for T will ask questions to check for their

understanding understanding to modify for any Ss will share their understanding

Turn and talk T will have Ss discuss to their Ss will do a turn and talk
partner to explain the steps how to
make bread.

Concept Map Ss will participate during the

Activity #1 brainstorming and sharing their ideas
T will do a concept map about two Concept map/sentence
through pair and share.
different trade people (miller & baker). strips
Brainstorm and recall key details from Sequencing activity
the video/ direct modeling the
sentence frame.

Writing: Ss will have multiple opportunity to

Sentence frame: practice saying the sentence before
writing on their own.
A miller is a ______.
A miller sells ___ to a ____. Ss will go back to their seats to do their
A baker uses ___ to make ___. writing tasks.

Score of 2: uncomplete sentence

Score of 3:
1 complete sentence

Score of 4: 2 sentences
2 complete sentences

Self-correcting Ss will self-correct their writing and

T will have students to self-correct score themselves
their work and scoring themselves.

Cut the pictures and place them Once Ss are done with their writing they
correct sequencing order. Label the can do this activity.
Activity #2: picture using “First, then, next, last”

Closing T will close the lesson why asking Ss will show me thumbs up if they meant
them, “did we meet our learning goals? their learning goals
Thumbs up

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