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Reference Questionnaire

Candidates Name: Sergii Voit Date: 16.03.2023

Reference Check provided by: Illia Zinchenko
Title: HR Coordinator VW.SK

1. In what capacity do you know this person and for how long?

VW.SK employed Sergii Voit from August 20, 2018, till May 31, 2019. He worked as a labor

2. What can you tell me about their reliability and dependability?

Sergii Voit is a reliable and dependable employee.

3. What can you tell me about their organizational and time management skills?
Sergii Voit performed his work perfectly and was very organized person.

4. What can you tell my about their project coordination skills?

Our work in VW.SK is a big project. Sergii Voit participated in in it. He was responsible for his part
of the work and did it very well.

5. How would you describe candidate’s ability to handle conflict and stress? Can you
provide examples?

Sergii Voit is easy going person and can overcome stressful situations.
In our system was a mistake. Sergii Voit couldn’t enter to the workplace.
The security didn’t want to let him in.
Sergii was very polite and patient. He showed security all his documents and called the team
leader. The problem in the system was corrected by the team leader quickly.
Sergii was at work at the time.
6. What can you tell me about showing initiative and ability to work with minimum supervi-

Sergii Voit always worked with minimum supervision. He was always initiative in studying new po-

7. How do they work in a team environment?

Sergii Voit is a very adaptable person. He worked in a multicultural environment and was a per-
fect member of our team.

8. What are the candidate's three strongest qualities?

Sergii Voit is a reliable, adaptable, and professional person.

9. Are there any areas that require development? Please describe.

Any suggestion

10. Do you have any concerns about their professional boundaries and conduct?

Any concern.

11. Is there anything else we should know before we make a hiring decision?



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