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Wrsr Bstrrcrtt, lir.

qrs Coulcn OF T'rcgtir(iAL & ,;'ocATroN*r- Eouc*loru

*un Srnl DEVElopmsrur
(A Statutory Body under the Government of West Bengal Act XXVI of 2013)
Department of Technical Education, Training & Skill Development, Covernment of West Bengal
Karigari Bhawan,4trr& 5trr Flcor, Plot No. B/7, Action Area-lll, Newtown, Rajarhat, Kolkata-700160

Memo No. WBSCTVESD/TED /2fr23-24 / 0307 Date: 06.06.2023


This is for intorrnation of all concerned that intern;rl se,ssional marks [60 marks) will be
aw'arded byt'e subjectteachers of the respective Institute as per continuous evaluation. However,
all concerned diploma Institutes must follow the foliowing guidelines for awarding external
sessional marks to their students.

I) Total marks per subject for external sessional examinaiion is 40 which will be distributed in
the followirg rn?rin€:r:
aJ Laboratory Note Book - 10 marl<s
b) Experiment on ihe ciay of Viva voce - 1Ct N{arks
cJ Viva voce - 20 Marks
II) External sessional examinations will be conrlucted by an E;<amination Board to be formed at
the Ins'itute level ccr-nprising Head of the Departmen'; [HOD) of all diploma branches and
the Secretary, Academic Council of the respec[ive Instilutes. However, if any member of the
Board be the subject teacher of any sessional subject, he/she will not be a part of the Board
for external sessional examination of that subiect.

rrr) All Institutes have to conduct the e;<ternal s,es:;ional examinations following the notified
Academic Calendar.

IVJ Marks of all comporier;ts will have to be trploadecX by tle Institute through the online portal
of the Councilby logging into the Ins;tit.ute Panel in due course of time.

v) The Cr runcil wiil have the right to check the documents of students on which
internal/external sessional marks are uploaded on Council Portal.

AII concerned are ;ld,rised to take note of the above.

,,-/t't^o Lfu* \
ChiefAdft inistrative Officdr

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