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Marks of this group :

Practical Task 1 : Deformation Survey. FULL MARKS = 100 WEIGHTAGE IN RES TEMPLATE = 10%

Item % Level : Poor (1) Level : Satisfactory (2) Level : Good (3) Level : Excellent (4)
Format /Report Structure 5 (__ /4) x 5 Does not meet the Few important information are left out All required important information are Excellent and structured report format
(Index, page number, = ______ requirement set included, but some irrelevant inclusive details of index, page number,
introduction,references, information is also included references, conclusion and added with
conclusion) brilliant recommendation.
Explaination on the equipment 10 (__ /4) x 10 No explaination and Pictures are available but short/wrong Pictures and descriptions are available Excellent descriptions and correct pictures
= ______ pictures descriptions OR description available but but minimum elaboration.
no/wrong pictures.
Procedure/methodology of 20 (__ /4) x 20 No/wrong procedure Few important steps are left out All important procedures included but Excellent description of procedures added
establishing control point = ______ are written no/wrong figure with correct and understandable figures.
Result and calculation of 20 (__ /4) x 20 Out of tolerance and Within tolerance, no comment / out of Within tolerance and minimum Within tolerance with excellent comments /
deformation = ______ no justification tolerance with minimum justification comment / out of tolerance with out of tolerance but excellent justification
satisfied justification. and recommendation based on knowledge.
Procedure/methodology of 20 (__ /4) x 20 No/wrong procedure Few important steps are left out All important procedures included but Excellent description of procedures added
data downloading and = ______ are written no/wrong figure with correct and understandable figures.
processing using Starnet
Final Output (statistical report, 20 (__ /4) x 20 Unable to use correct Few elements in plan are left out Plans is produced with minimum Excellent plan format with correct scale.
Plan format, correct scale, = ______ plan format and scale element.
proper AutoCAD editing)
Teamwork 5 (__ /4) x 5 Unable to work in Able to work in group with minimal Able to work in group with minimal Able to work in group without supervision
= ______ group without supervision supervision most of the time

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