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The Cause and Effect of the Verdict on Maharashtra

Mass politics has the potential to push the democratic struggle much beyond legal spheres.

he judgment by the five-judge constitution bench of the curb the anti-people or undemocratic policies and actions have
Supreme Court, pertaining to political developments in become increasingly infrequent. Consistent with this feeling,
Maharashtra, has neither provided any definitive closure the common activists–supporters–sympathisers of MVA in gen-
nor resolved the vexed questions emerging out of these develop- eral and Shiv Sena in particular were not looking forward to the
ments. Although the judgment does point at several key actors prospect of the restoration of the MVA government through the
and their actions that contributed to the change of guard in the judicial route and unlike the prominent leaders of the Congress
state government, it upholds the change itself to be legally valid. and the Nationalist Congress Party they do not seem to be find-
The judgment chastises the then governor for calling a session ing the act of resignation by Thackeray to be a problematic one.
of the assembly to hold a confidence motion when he had no Perhaps there was a legal-technical virtue in facing the vote of
objective material to deem that the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) confidence on the floor of the house. Yet, who knows if that alone
government had lost the confidence of the house. The judgment would have guaranteed a favourable outcome in the Supreme
also says that it was illegal to deem the legislature party and not Court. In any case, the act of resignation cannot be seen from a
political party as the appropriate authority to appoint a new mere legal-technical lens; in fact, its political–moral logic needs
whip by the defectors. However, it leaves the matter of the dis- to be taken into account.
qualification of 16 members of legislative assembly (MLA s) to First of all, in political terms, facing the confidence vote would
that very speaker whose election to that post could not have have amounted to willy-nilly sanctifying the series of secretly
been possible without the unconstitutionally called session and engineered wrongs that preceded it. Put differently, in refusing to
recognition of the illegally appointed whip. Such an approach face the confidence vote, Thackeray underscored both legally as
filled with lapses has adverse implications for the 10th schedule well as morally illegitimate character of the whole politics of en-
and could in effect destabilise the party system itself. gineering defections that was aided by partisan politicking by the
In its operative part, the judgment refuses the plea to restore governor. Moreover, his resignation and immediate vacating of
Uddhav Thackeray as chief minister on the grounds that he re- the official residence generated immense popular sympathy evi-
signed before facing the motion of confidence, and hence finds dent on the streets and established his position as someone who
no fault with the swearing in of the new chief minister. So, the refused to bow before the unjust designs of the powers that be. It
Court chastises the governor for the legal lapses, finds the ensu- would not be an exaggeration to say that this act was the most
ing process flawed, and yet the verdict effectively goes in favour important factor that galvanised the common Shiv Sena activist
of that very process that led to the removal of Thackeray as and supporters even as the MLAs had deserted the party. The
chief minister. The incongruence between the Court’s critical defectors and their patrons in the Bharatiya Janata Party would
observation and verdict does not leave any hope for the rectifi- have believed that this popular sympathy would wane over time
cation of wrongs that have been duly acknowledged by the and with the party name and symbol with the defectors, the mass
Court itself. The purpose of justice being the rectification of the base of Shiv Sena would shift towards them. From the different
wrong, the Court could have gone beyond the prayers, for which elections held—and more importantly the ones that have not been
it is empowered by Article 142. One expects from courts nyaya held—in Maharashtra and the consistently increasing support in
in this sense of justice and not the asatkaryavada of the Nyaya the public rallies held across the state, the evidence points to the
school of philosophy which completely dissociates the karya contrary. With the feeling of being cornered and having nothing
(effect) from the karana (causes). Operating within this pecu- to lose and also bolstered by the uncompromising stance of its
liar logic of cause and effect, one may satisfy one’s liberal con- leadership, Shiv Sena activists and supporters have further
science while refusing to check the actions strengthening au- firmed up their resolve against the defectors and their patrons.
thoritarian and undemocratic tendencies. With every passing day that the current state government is in
Ideally speaking, judiciary is considered as a bulwark to check office, the sympathy seems to be further maturing into popular
such tendencies subverting the decent functioning of democracy anger that is waiting to be expressed in the coming elections.
that has been put to trial by the rising threat of authoritarianism. Therefore, as things stand, the decision to resign appears to
But in several instances available before us, the judicial inter- be a politically–morally astute one that recognises the terrain of
vention appears to be falling short of meeting the challenge of the fight against undemocratic powers to be mass-political and
authoritarianism. A palpable feeling seems to be developing not legal. In any case, the Supreme Court judgment has also
among the masses that the instances of judicial intervention to driven home this democratic truth.
8 MAY 20, 2023 vol lViii no 20 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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