Regulations for Research work of student (НИРМ) English v.

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Head of educational programme (HEP) «International Management»

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor L.S. Ruzhanskaya

__ __
19.03.2020 г.


On the basis of Regulation No. 497/03 of 31.05.2018 (СМК-ПВД-7.5.3-01-150-2018) "On the

procedure for organizing and conducting practices", Regulations on a master's thesis in training
areas "of 21.12.2018, apply these methodological recommendations for the regulation of the
acceptance of reports on research and development undergraduates programme 38.04.02
"International Management".

Chapter 1. Research work of a master student 1

(НИРМ 1, 1 semester of study, autumn):
choice of the topic and it’s approval

НИРМ 1 (Research work of a master student 1) aims at defining and choosing the topic of
"research work".
1.1. To ensure the goal of НИРМ 1, the HEP should familiarize students with the direction
of research, the area of knowledge and focus of the master's programme, as well as the topics
proposed by potential scientific supervisors within the program.
1.2. Potential supervisors of master's theses must provide the department of IE&M with a
consultation time, in which the student can agree on the topic of research with the selected
1.3. The research topic must meet several criteria: (a) the level of master's training; (b) the
direction of training 38.04.02 Management; (c) the focus of the main educational programme.
1.4. The research topic is approved within the terms established by the university (1
semester of study) in the form of an order from the head of the department and in agreement with
the HEP. Simultaneously with the approval of the research topic, a scientific supervisor is assigned
to the student.
1.5. Students can propose a topic of their choice, which will be agreed with their future
supervisors, or, if possible, choose a topic from those proposed for various learning trajectories. The
objectives of the research, its methodological stages and theoretical foundations are discussed and
approved by the research supervisor of the master’s dissertation or co-supervisors in the case of
training on a double-degree diploma.
1.6. At the end of the first year of study (2 semester, spring), the topic can be changed by
agreement of the supervisor on the part of UrFU, the HEP, the head of the department, as well as
the supervisor on the part of the University of Liege, if the student is studying on a double degree
programme. The latest time for the final approval of the research topic for students on a double
degree is September of the second year of study. For students studying only on the Russian
programme, the date of the last change in the wording of the topic is determined by the documents
of UrFU and GSEM, regulating the procedure for preparing and defending a master's thesis (4th
semester of study, spring).
1.7. In the case of a double degree student at the University of Liege, the topics of
«research» are approved by the Graduation Theses Management Committee (in French “TFE” - Le
Travail de Fin d’Etudes), headed by the Academic Director of the programme at the end of the first
year of study (spring, 2nd semester). Depending on the circumstances, this Committee appoints a
scientific advisor and experts. The list of approved topics, as well as examination boards, will be
published on the MyThIn platform ( not later than the end of June,
prior to their submission to FT. Students should regularly review this list to keep abreast of any
possible changes in the composition of their examination board.
1.8. Work on a master's thesis and interaction with employees of the Business School of the
University of Liege during the period of stay for students of UrFU and during the entire period of
study from the moment of enrollment in the double degree programme at the University of Liege is
MANAGEMENT AND IN BUSINESS ENGINEERING (version approved by the Programme
Committee on March 19, 2019), as well as an agreement between Ural Federal University and the
University of Liege regarding the implementation of the International Management double degree
1.9. As a report on НИРМ 1 (Research work of a master student 1) in accordance with the
chosen topic, students should prepare an essay based on original research related to their chosen
specialization. The volume of the essay is at least 5 pages. In the framework of the International
Management programme, the choice can be made within any of the presented learning trajectories.
The «management problem» that will be analyzed in the master thesis should be understood in a
broad sense: it should relate to one of the learning trajectories. The report, drawn up in accordance
with the requirements for the design of the НИРМ 1 report, is submitted to the head of the НИРМ 1
with a review of the scientific supervisor. The deadlines for the delivery of НИРМ 1 are determined
by the timing of the autumn semester session of the 1st year of study.
1.10. Participation in at least 1 scientific conference during the fall semester of the first year
of study is mandatory for the report on НИРМ 1. UrFU provides an opportunity to apply for
participation in the International November Conference of GSEM in the section announced by the
Department of IE&M (International Economics and Management) or other sections. Applications
participate in the competition for the right to present their research in face-to-face format.
Submission of an application for the conference is the minimum requirement for a positive decision
on НИРМ 1 report. The application contains the essay specified in clause 1.9 and gives the
opportunity to discuss a publicly selected research topic with a circle of experts. For the report, a
document on participation in other scientific or scientific-practical conferences of the international
or all-Russian or regional level may be submitted.
Chapter 2. Research work of a master student 2 (НИРМ 2, 2
semester of study, spring): intermediate steps

2.1. Students that are studying only on the Russian programme International Management
prepare a report on НИРМ 2 to the head of НИРМ 2 with a review by the scientific supervisor. The
deadlines for the delivery of НИРМ 2 are determined by the timing of the spring semester session
of the 1st year of study. The volume of the essay is at least 15 pages. The essay contains a
review of the literature on the topic and a description of the research methodology developed,
a preliminary structure of the work (master thesis), as well as a detailed work plan identifying
the various stages to be completed and a plan for meetings with the scientific supervisor.
2.2. Participation in at least 1 scientific conference during the spring semester of the first
year of study is mandatory for the report on НИРМ 2. UrFU provides an opportunity to apply for
participation in the Spring Days of Science of GSEM in the section announced by the Department
of IE&M or other sections. Applications participate in the competition for the right to present their
current research in face-to-face format. Submission of an application for the conference is the
minimum requirement for a positive decision on НИРМ 2 report. The application reflects the results
of stage 2 of the research and gives the opportunity to publicly discuss the first results of the
research with a circle of experts. For the report, a document on participation in other scientific or
scientific-practical conferences of the international, or all-Russian, or regional level can be
submitted. In addition, during 1 year of study, the student must publish the abstracts of the
conference, including correspondence participation, as well as joint abstracts published with the
supervisor of the thesis.
2.3. Students enrolled in the double degree format in the spring semester of 1 year of study
at the University of Liege must fully comply with the requirements specified in REGULATIONS
ENGINEERING, as well as other requirements of the partner university. Students are informed
about the different types of internships and TFEs one year prior to their eventual graduation and
early in the second quarter.
In the period from the beginning of February to the end of April of the 1st year of study, the
topic of the master's thesis is determined on the basis of the choice made earlier at UrFU. In March,
a short meeting of TFE students and directors for master's specialties is organized.
Students then complete the dissertation registration form and submit it to the platform no later than the 1st Tuesday of May. The proposed scientific
supervisor must confirm the request from the student. The dissertation (thesis) director must also
confirm the application and check it for compliance with the specialization (or master's
programme). In May, the TFE Steering Committee will confirm student selection and, if necessary,
appoint a team responsible for overseeing the final work assignment.
2.4. Students studying on a double degree diploma, after the approval of the research topic,
prepare and submit a plan for the development of their "research work" to their supervisor at the
University of Liege. This development plan includes the exact wording of the question and research
objectives, the intended methodology, bibliographic references used, a detailed work plan, as well
as a feedback plan identifying the various steps that need to be completed in order to submit to the
TFE on time. The development plan is 3 to 5 pages and is written in English. Students are required
to submit their development plan to MyThIn ( within the deadlines set
by the University of Liege. The head from the University of Liege and from the UrFU must be
notified about this by e-mail.
2.5. Within one month of submitting the development plan, students must make an
appointment with their TFE supervisor to receive feedback on the text of the plan.

Chapter 3. Research work of a master student 3 (НИРМ 3, 3

semester of study, autumn): intermediate steps

3.1. Students that are studying only on the Russian programme International Management
prepare a report on НИРМ 3 to the head of НИРМ 3 with a review by the scientific supervisor. The
deadlines for the delivery of НИРМ 3 are determined by the timing of the fall semester session of
the 2nd year of study. The volume of the essay is at least 30 pages. The essay should contain a
review of the literature on the topic and a description of the developed research methodology,
research hypotheses, a description of the database and methods of empirical research.
3.2. Participation in at least 1 scientific conference during the fall semester of the second
year of study is mandatory for the report on НИРМ 3. UrFU provides an opportunity to apply for
participation in the International November Conference of GSEM in the section announced by the
Department of IE&M or other sections. Applications participate in the competition for the right to
present their research in face-to-face. Presentation in face-to-face format or in absentia at the
conference is the minimum requirement for a positive decision on the report of НИРМ 3. The
application reflects the results obtained in the course of the research, gives the opportunity to
discuss them publicly with a circle of experts. For the report, a document on participation in other
scientific or scientific-practical conferences of the international or all-Russian or regional level may
be submitted. It is necessary to publish the conference abstracts. The publication of an article in a
peer-reviewed journal in person, collectively, including with a supervisor is encouraged through
increased points. The publication of an article in the journal can compensate for the lack of
participation in the conference.
3.3. Students that are enrolled on the double degree format in the fall semester of the 2 year
of study must fully comply with the requirements specified in REGULATIONS FOR RESEARCH
requirements of the partner university.
Chapter 4. Research work of a master student 4 (НИРМ 4, 4
semester of study, spring): preparation of the master’s thesis text and
preparation for master’s thesis defense.

4.1. Students that are studying only on the Russian programme International Management
prepare a report on НИРМ 4 to the head of НИРМ 4 with a review by the scientific supervisor.
The deadlines for the delivery of НИРМ 4 are determined by the timing of the spring semester
session of 2 year of the study. The volume of the essay is at least 30 pages. The essay should
include a summary of the main results of the dissertation (thesis) research, as well as a plan
for undergraduate practice, within which the experimental part of the research will be
4.2. Attached to the practice report is a scan of the application submitted for the Spring Days
of Science in GSEM, or the publication of abstracts, or an article in a peer-reviewed journal.
4.3. Students that are enrolled on the double degree programme format in the spring
semester of 2 year of the study must fully comply with the requirements specified in
BUSINESS ENGINEERING, as well as other requirements of the partner university. Particular
attention should be paid to the requirements for uploading an electronic version of the thesis to the
system, as well as a copy of the first page of the thesis with an annotation and a certificate of anti-
plagiarism check (month of May). Strict adherence to the deadlines for uploading the electronic
version of the theses and scans of the necessary pages of the thesis to the system is a prerequisite for
admission to the defense of the thesis. After the text is loaded into the system, no changes are
allowed. If the above requirements are not met, the dissertation will not be accepted. Electronic and
printed submission deadlines must be strictly followed. Failure to comply with these deadlines will
be subject to penalties in the form of extended training periods. The electronic version and the date
of its online submission are decisive.

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