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As a consequence, much of the knowledge on dipterocarps appears to be accessible only to

specialists’ .The potential benefits of this family have not been fully recognized, mankind may lose
important opportunities. The following examples affirm this view some realize that the only moist
tropical forests in the world where sustainable forests management has been demonstrably practiced
are the dipterocarp forests (FAO1989The best silvicultural system that was formulated for a tropical
forest is perhaps the Malayan uniform system which is best on exceptional regeneration properties of
dipterocarps (Wyatt-smith 1963) In fact dipterocarp forest are the envy of foresters & Silviculturist.

The general lack of comprehension about the family has led to a tide of opinion that is not
possible to manage tropical forests an opinion strongly contested by those involved dipterocarp forest
management some realize that the apparent failures in stablishing sustainable yields more the result of
changes in land use patterns &economic restructuring than from an inherent in ability of the forest to
response& to appropriate silvicultural intervention (Appanah&Weinland) 1990, To degree this lack of
understanding has led as to exploit the forest somewhat carelessly without considering the wonderful
opportunities they offer for practicing sustainable forestry.


So us a mankind especially for those who are foresters like me, firstly, we should not lost our
hope and to our important opportunities for every one of us, as our duties and responsibilities. We can
also considered or to practice to recognized our potential benefits secondly, we should practice to
manage our dipterocarp forest (FAO1989 the best silvicultural system in short our tropical forest.
Thirdly, every foresters/forestry we should not be a careless so that our dipterocarp forest must be
progress in actable.


According to the researcher this study is aim to the Acts of (FAO1989) or

we know as the best silvicultural system.In short our dipterocarp forest/tropical forest.



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