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igcc ( WORKBOOK ) a> Speen nity Soe i) PTT a OTENTIAL Integrated Personality Development Course —_9canned with Lamscan Nome ~ Enroll - FINANCIAL WISDOM * BASICS OF FINANCIAL PLANNING. * FINANCIAL PLANNING PROCESS. FROM HOUSE TO HOME “ USTENING & UNDERSTANDING. - FORGIVE & FORGET = BONDING THE FAMILY SOFT SKILLS « NETWORKING, DECISION MAKING & LEADERSHIP «TEAMWORK, HARMONY & ADAPTABILITY REMAKING YOURSELF « HANDLING THE DEVIL - SOCIAL MEDIA. ESSENTIALS OF PROFESSION «WRITING A RESUME MY INDIA MY PRIDE + GLORIOUS PAST past * GLORIOUS PAST rast .2 * PRESENT SCENARIO “AN IDEAL CITIZEN - 1 “AN IDEAL CITIZEN - 2 ol 08 4 2 28 35 42 48 56 65 a 78 83 90 TTT TTT SCariecd Wit Camocan FINANCIAL Gjiece MODULER Fis to understand the importance of financial planning in our lives, we would fs like to shore with you @ very interesting story bout how thinking smarily con create @ passive income for you The Story of Pablo and Bruno Along ime ago, here were Iwo embitious young cousins named Pablo and Bruno. They lived sided by side in o smal italion town, colled Lazio. They were both smart nd strong, so naturally on opporturily orrived when the village decided to ite these two men to carry water from @ nearby river to the water tankin the town square. Pablo ond Bruno eagerly grabbed two buckets and headed tothe river to stort collecting water. By the end of the day, they had filed the town’s woter tank tothe brim “Bruno, | have @ plan”, Pablo said the next morning as they grabbed their buckets ond headed for the river. "Instead of lugging buckets back and forth for a few coins, let's build @ pipeline from the town to the river.” Bruno stopped dead in his tracks. "A pipeline? ! Whoever heard of such a thing?" runo said, "We've got o great job, Pablo. | can corry 100 buckets o day. Ata coin « bucket that's one dollar every day! I'm rch! But Pablo was confident in his own idea, so in the mornings he would work by carrying buckets, ond in the evenings ond on the weekends he would build his pipeline. It wasn't easy to dig « ditch over such a long distance but he kept on going. Inthe frst few months, Pablo didn't have much to show for his elfors. The work was hard, even harder than Bruno's because Pablo was working evenings and weekends too, But Pablo kept reminding himself hat tomorrow's dreams are built on today’s sccrifices During his rest breaks, Pablo watched his fiend Bruno lug buckets. Bruno's shoulders were more stooped thon ever before. He was hunched in poin, his steps slowed by the daily grind. Bruno was angry ond upset, resenting the fact that he wos doomed to carry buckets, doy in, day out, forthe rest of his life Finally Poblo's big day arrived, his pipeline was complete! The locol people crowded oround in excitement os he water gushed from the pipeline into the town's water tank, Now thot the village had a steady supply of fresh water, people from the surrounding villages moved into the town and so the town prospered >. Once the pipeline wos complete, Pablo didn’ have to carry buckets anymore. The woter lowed whether he worked CF not It flowed while he ate. I flowed while he slept. i lowed on weekends while he relaxed with his friends and family The more the water flowed into the town, the more money flowed into Pablo's pockets! Pablo the Pipeline Man became known as Pablo the Miracle Maker. = Mastenrvescoy | WHY DO WE Negp FINANCIAL PLANNING» NY tern ne fh ost ch ‘~ that can allt y planning to fel’ ing depond! So wha’ your plan for fue? Are you considering the oct tho your financial plans? ‘On shot Read 5 key reasons why you need financial planning for a better tomorrow, INFLATION Inflation is known os the bigges! destroyer of purchasing power. In Indian context if calculated with he factual figures, thenthe price of Rs. 100 in the yeot 1979 is equivalent to Rs, 5.55 in year 2015, Look ot the huge cannea witn cantdean FINANCIAL WISDOM DREAMS Financil planning is step towards your dreams You might have thought of a foreign hip, an independent house or living a dream wih your fomiy May the dieams never go away due to rexponsbilies| Financial plonning supports your dreams while toking core of your responsibilities RETIREMENT While meeting your family goals itis @ general objective to have a comfortable refred life. if you're planning a retirement after more than 10 years you should plan invesing from now because the magic of compounding is experienced i stayed invested foro long ternfincncicl plonning helps you create adequate collection for retirement, ot & fime when expenses continue but income seems to be diminishing. It is advisable to consider investing for your life's gools. lan today, for betier tomorrow. ACTIVITY How has financial planning benefited you or your family? ite below. (Not sure® Then ask your parents when you get home.) | Eg. Viher my motherhad a wed OPS, Aight ured roc | 03 canned with Lamscan FINANCIAL ASDOM | POPULAR WHO BECAME MILLIONAIRES AT A VERY EARLY AGE WARREN BUFFETT CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Buffett bough his fis stock in 1941 ot the age of 1, buying six shares of Cities Service, on cil service company, ot $38 Vs third richest man filed his Fist tox fter making $500 by delivering 1¢he finished high school, Buffett hod ought © stake in 0 40-0cre form in Omaha, Nebraska. Worn Buffet annually draws $100,000 [his salary for decades) from Berkshire Hathaway and receives no bonus Srother compensation, Thisisless thon twice the company’s per share, The world! return aged 14, of newspapers. By the tim typical employee. INTERESTING The investing legend and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway become o millionaire in 1960 at age 30. IT’S INTERESTIN: C HOW BUFFETT MADE HIS FIRST MILLION DOLLARS. You should alto read up P about the following Indians who are selfmade nillionaires by investing ot the right places and most impontontly right time. iS Viioy Kedia Ramesh Damoni Rakesh Jhunjhunwala Storted wih 35000/-Rs The D Morttycoon The guruof Indian Stock se mow worth 1000er who made hs fortunes market & leading investor in India stock market in many componies, woe |o4 canned witn cams FINANCIAL WISDOM | Now that you all have seen how financial planning may benefit you let's take you to a brief outline of what financial planning is and what can help you build your investments as well. 5 s- © . We all generate one or muliple sources of income in our daily lives through vorious a ‘ WHATIS ‘2 * FINANCIALPLANNING? 9 channels like employment, business, investments or acquired wealth. radiionally in Indio we hove been told to save our money ond take out a porion of our income and put ino vorious ‘sofe" instuments like fixed deposits, Post office soving schemes, Savings bank accounts et. These ore done with no Parficuler goal in mind ond the whole idea isto hove o corpus for any spends in future. However considering todoys scenario we observe tha! there is @ high rate of inflation, huge medical expenses, job securities, growing expenditures and lifestyle modifications to name @ few Financial burdens on income ond here is requirement to plan for these events in future today. inenciol planning involves planning ond diectng individual's texources to grow and accumulte asses so tha nancial gocls of 1n individual can be achieved wihin pre decided time period. Financol planning is @ complex process which needs knowledge snd time. An outline of financial planning may ook ike one below \ @— RISK MANAGEMENT ar J6 (@— RETIREMENT PLANNING ea \ J } // | @— cup EDUCATION PLANNING @ Ne Ti SEO estate pannine fe NN INVESTMENT PLANNING Fes INCOME TAX MANAGEMENT Your fnancial plonning may be different thon that of your friend or relative where in your have certain different objectives planned in future like @ expensive holiday every year, « martiage ot « destination location, buying a dream house, buying a car etc. Notwo individuals have the some Financiol planning and you should frst of al think upon building your own planning, (O8AES. Aight roc | os canned with Lamscan Poe tuo net ou) ee kms Sere bieesiacde making the right investments today to ensure OAc Coe ce reas ATTOT TT eee Loomer aie ee ea eee per point 3 and make sure you are invested through the set goal timeline. Ht OCU La Ce UCR ee au a ees ee oc ) Ocean Lucene Nd Cer ket Ceca a In ita i INTELLIGENT 2 iT) ‘WARREN Rich Dod | the Intelligent BUFFETT | the Worren Poor Dad Investor MAN | button Woy Cor eone kere ee Oe eee nacht you will see how we c So eco ea ee) n arrange our incomes ond divert hem towards our objectives for life. References for Goal Sheet Planning Intps://wrwnw moneycho.com/ee-Fnancialplanning-odvic-indiotcls-excelhin! Intps:/ /freeincol com /exce-ranciol- planning template -creatag-fnoncilplon/ Intps/ /stableinvestorcom/2017/05 /fnencalplonning-encel-worksheet ee Hal Intp,//moneyteeinda.coin/mi/pal/Master-Goal-Flaner-1.5 xi canned witn Lamscan Emergence Drees Relrement ‘ip//soagonga nib cin/btsreon/ 10803 /82721/12/ 12 chop pa {np /onnenlnrincon/lnoledge-ete/Sepcng/ ey con hy yee nan planing obota bap suns con r/o prarel race tom epoca nbanraced be boc maka SOOO Tet! & bape //eom yucca concord domaine? mat N051800028_t hn haps//-nrmmoneycomelcon/nom/briten/ worn bile sred-mesog whet. worISee-lockoteilloninnege 20058017 strane. (ASA igh mr "oC |o7 canned with Lamscan Prior to completing this hondout, it would be a good idea to review the ‘Basics to Financial Planning’ handout. Now thatwe have covered the basics of financial planning and why financial planing i important for our future Financial stilt, las move forward on his journey and understand the financial planning process. ‘Asa college student, you are probably, somewhal aware ofthe concept of investing, Some of you have only heard about inthe news or brielly read something in he newspaper. Some of you have parents, ‘vary interested in the topic and so you may have had some brie conversions wi 'be heavily interested in he topic yourelf and ore well read on the subj So, fst le’ find out where you stand on the subject. Of the following heard about in context of investment siblings, or friends who are th them about it. Some of you may ect and are currently investing yout own money. 12, how many of the folowing items have you 1) Stock markets 6) Mutual funds. 2) Property 7\Insurance plans 3) Gold 8) Life term plans 4) Fixed deposits 9) Tax saving schemes 5) Soving account deposits 10) Post office savings deposits 11) Public provident funds Ifthe torms above are making you runta do a Google search, don't won TY we've got you covered here. We wl covet all ofthese topics inthis handout ond prepare you to inves! your money, wisely, Forbosic understanding ofiavesing, nonce, ec vist aaaray f aR Bas i: ocanned witn cam an vel ©B005, Alright eseve. + See Ba ttisimportantte have on objective before creating Let's take « look at 25 year-old Mr. Sharma's financial objectives in the table below. investment plan. aed eo) ane Sr. No. coor ‘Mr. Sharma expects to get married sometime in the next 4 years. He estimates that he will ne een ee Pea ‘What are Mr. Sharma's investment options to help him earn the 25 lakhs he requires? Mr. Sharma has no idea where to start. Let's star wih how much he currently earns. ‘Mi. Sharma earns 50,000 per month alter tox deductions. Now he needs to eam 25 lakhs by end of 4 years. Check out the low chart to understand his confusion. SER aon Seren SN cuca eer ey financial advisor has if porents agree Now that Mr. Sharma's dilemma is clear, we can begin to create financial plan Cn eae! FINANCIALWISDOM | MASTER OF CHOICES: lotor Cor “npany and the father of madem day cars, was once asked about color ‘opfons available in his cars. You know what he son ‘4¢ He said “you can have any color as long asi is black!” THonkfuly infoday's weld we havea lot ofopions, even for achieving our froncil goals ‘ets lam about various fnonciainsruments where you con inves! your money ond hp grow to achieve your goals. STOCK MARKET 1pany's assets ond earring. So if company {the compony does pool, your tock value decreases. rior investing oe ant eck tina good idea to lea more abou! he compory, look at prevouracet performance, and Get advice from « professional leorn more about [a] ifa] how to begin investing in stocks. MUTUAL FUNDS Mutval funds hove become populrrecenly nd now ore becoming one ofthe favorite options of even Financial ecisors. Mutual funds ore where invesior money k pooled bY. erin bank organization and invested on your bohalfin stock market and equity rl Ste options. Your funds can be invested in highs, high re ‘sk, low relum invesanis. You can inves in mutol unde vs, for someone just beginning to leam how te vest hey money, tur options or low soitcon bea safer bet Leom more about AYES] how to begin investing in mutval funds, fae Pre-defined time period. Tees Draneed tums. They om idealforconensee investors who , serarats Fed deposi or ofred by bonksondieedi es os per economic conditions and are decided by 19 smaller omounts of money, FIXED DEPOSITS time periods. Fixed deposit interest rates chang the banks themselves. \eoin more obout [apes] how to begin investing in fixed deposits, 1 investment vehicle that com, x rock. The PPF rat is decided by the Goveramast toda every quarter. The corpus withdrawn athe end of he 15-year period i completely inches ‘he handhold 'nvestor. This investment option is avilable through pos offices and all major banke, The Public Provident Fund (PPF) isc long-lerm tox-savin Yeors. Investments made in PPF can be used to earn ot "et with a lock-in period of 15 ( PUBLIC PROVIDENT FUND leon more cbouthow [El to begin investing in public provident funds fale aee oc | 1 CCEAPS. Al rights reserved FINANCIAL WISDOM j REAL ESTATE Real estate had been o very popular choice for investors but due to market shvations and ight regulation by the government this market has hil a negative relurn on investment. Due to these conditions, most people are nt ble io inves! in property. Therefore, many properties are lying vac or are incomplete. Before moking an investment in property, one must evoluate based on safety, liquidity, returns and other similar param WHERE SHOULD | INVEST MY MONEY?? Now that you've read so much financial jargon and know basic information about most about types of investments, we come fo on important point, How much money con these options make for you and should you inves in them Have «look atthe following matrix to understond your options better. ° irra Moderole Medea AsperChoice AsperCheice | 16% PPF Very Low low Very High | Faed 15 years 8.2% PTUV IE Verytow | Verylow “1 Moh oor Neo Lock In 3% Lock In fery Low w= erate 6% ‘oe ae | 2a Noe LCBAPS. Al ight ered Franc urns in the table below, ‘Assume you have | lakh rupee xe racy Id ___ |e But remember | told nancial planning works in reverse, that's right So now let me show you some magic. Remember Mr. Sharma. He sill has marriage plans allright, so now to help Mr. Shama make the right choice. 1 also has to kep in ind one of the most important aspects “Inflation” Now for also taking into oc Infltion is what depreciates your money over period of years and we shall see by an A example Govt data shows the over Now supposing you had Rs. only. SHOCKING NO! ets look at example of articles who: ak Moan nel” Scanned wurcatttan 1s look at rotums of various invesiment instruments eed Oey Coe LVAs crap) Eas fer) coon’ IPDC Essentials CCBAPS. Alright eared oc | 12 canned with Lamscan FROM HOUSE TO Oint ake 07 UNDERSTANDING PaO te ne = sp ARS a9 ast Every per to be understood, Now, pay close attention... we 1! hear’ What's the difference? © function of your ears. Listening is hearing with your ears, eyes and understanding with our mind and heart. W spend 70-80% of our waking hours communicoting wih other. Of that we spend 60% of our time listening HOW WE COMMUNICATE Mos people believe they are good listener, but svdies show that we only remember 17-25% of wha! we hear! What does that mean? Even though we spend so much fine ing ‘and have been practising it for years ~ we are sil bad listeners. In 1990, logy at Stanford by st eth Newton eared a phD in p ing a simple game where toppers were told 10 6p ame, everyone was surprised, because the listeners shows that despite hearing so much information, we are sil very bad ot out the rhythm of 120 well known songs to th listeners. When the res guessed 3 songs understanding what is being communi One ofthe first places we need to become wn home. We tend to not listen to our parents or siblings OF understand their e tions or intentions. Most ofthe fights and tension in our home is caused by misunderstandings. ‘So how can we become better listeners? We need to begin practicing Active Listening! voc | 4 >cannea witn Lamscan FROM HOUSE TO HOME ‘Active Listening is fully concentrating on what is being sold rather than just pssively ‘hearing the message of the speaker. There ate three key factors to Active Listening Listening with our Eors ee ee) Listening with our Mind & Heart SY 1. LISTENING WITH OUR EARS mm obvious ~ ‘Of course st listen with our ears.’ But you may be surprised at how offen » Stay in the Present Pere Pesan e When listening mind wa to other things feat forlunch, Avoid di tions when listening to someone. Put your mobile away and give the person » Focus on the speaker's words and not on what you'll say next When in a conversation, do you find yourself trying to figure out how you will respond rather than listening? This @ very common problem (Our first priority in o conversation iso lsten and to understand what the person is saying. Our second priority is to give @ Remember, you will be better equipped to think of « thoughtful response if you actually understand what’ being said Communication will be better overall f you are able to truly understand the other person's point of view. When conversing with someone, (1) summarizing the main points or (2) asking questions re two proven ways 10 show the other person that you are completely engagt ~ Stephen Covey scaled Witt Lamsca Lk 2. LISTENING WITH OUR EYES & BODY Prisha excitedly enters her younger brother's room to ask him a question, Fy pages on his ‘computer Piyush! Dad's birthday is coming up, so! om thinking tho! we should get laptor j A says Prisha “Bon Repos Piyush wihout stopping look away om the seen hed do ou tink he willprter~Dellor Macbook? hie al ping Yes, whatever you think is bes.” says Piyush ‘But lam asking you Piyush!” 'Yeah...go on ‘You are not listening? "Yes, om." You are not listening with your eyes! We have all had this experience: confused. How do we feel when ast you, or look dazed ond k, or look po lerested in what we have to soy. We are talking to someone ond they look at he cloc o us or are not ink thot tous? We think that they are not listening someone does Listening with our eyes ond body is a very important part of making the specter fel heat’ So how do we do that? centrate on the speaker. fhe speaker is lolking and you're gazing out the window or sending Maintain eye contact and cone nterest in talking with you and may feel hurt someone o message on your mobile, the speaker will lose in 1 itis olways good fo use non-verbal cues to acknowledge you are listening to the speaker. This Along with eye contac ‘your head, end smiling, laughing or frowning when appropriate. includes facing the speaker, nod: the speaker's facial expressions. Many things are said silently, that is, through Be aware of your surroundings and cues, tone of voice, slope of gestures and body language. Is equally important to pay attention to what ent being seid. Facial their shoulders ond many other such traits tell us a lot about what the speaker is actually trying to soy. 3. LISTENING WITH YOUR MIND & HEART One morning, Pramukh Swami Maharaj was performing hs daily pooja. Swami applied an orange tlak on his forehead and then puta red chandlo in the middle. A He wished to hove a chaandlo small boy, called Shvetanshu, watched this curiously. ood nearby without ‘opplied on him. Slowly he went upto Swamiji and then just! coring a word, Everyone woiching neorby wondered what the boy wanted. Howes Swomii knew what he wanted, he applied o beautiful chaandlo on Shyetashu!s forehead. The child's face lit up with a lovely smile! But Shvetanshu stil did no! 9° cere wondered - Wht does he wont now” Te litle boy dda’ say 0 wor he didn't need to, because Swamiji understood from his mind ‘and heart, he picked up ° Small mitror and held it before the boy's face. Shvetoshu stared at his reflection, no™” sotsfied, he ron off with o big smile on his face. wroc |b >canned witn camscath CRAPS. Al ight reserved FROM HOUSETO HOME | ‘Along wih being undersiood, everyone wants her perspective to be appreciated. So when we listen with tha intention, then we axe listening with ovr mind and hear Perhaps even greater than being appreciate shored. people wan! empathy ~ hey want hi lelings o be acknowledged ond So, how con we listen with our mind and heart? Tiy to appreciate the speaker's perspective, even ifyou don' agree with it Do not discount or dismiss other's emotions. Empothize with their emotions ~ try fo put yourself in their shoes. Try to feel whol the speaker is feeling If hey are sod, be sod. f they are happy, be hoppy. Itthey are proud, be proud of them Be patient. let the specker finish talking completely and then voice your opinion. If you morally disagree with them, then start your opinion in his manner, ‘Maybe you are right, but | believe thot. Recall a ime when you requested something from your parents and they refused, Now try to appreciate their perspective and try to emphasize with their emotions. Write about it below. Exg, | asked my parents forthe lslest mobile phone, bitthey tald me no . Atthe time Iwas upset, but Lenderctar tat my pares wo realy hal anv. money any corte ee piles woo | 7 a >Home THE BENEFITS OF LISTENING Being a good listener is a skill that can be learned and is beneficial in Yorious aspects of our life. Being a good listener can impact our relationship with our family, friends, classmates, teachers, co-workers and superiors. HOW ACTIVE LISTENING IMPROVES YOUR LIFE Discuss and write down, how active listening can improve your daily life and future career. ‘can change @ person's life The simple act of active lis Dorshak was running late for his fight. He was huffing ond pulfing, dragging his heavy bag towards he terminl when he heard on the specker system, “Attention passengers for fight A9'560. Due fo unforseen circumstances, your fight has been delayed by one hour. Please repor to terminal B8,” “Great!” soys Dershak as he collapses in he nearby chair to catch his breath, “lm ‘exhausted from all ofthat running. And I'm hungry!” he thinks to himself. He walks 1o the nearby restaurant and sees that the place is packed. He spols a table near the window where an older gentleman is sing by himself, storing out ofthe window as the planes land ond toke off. He walks over tothe table and politely asks the man if s another he is expecting anyone. Ittakes the man several seconds before he regis presence. He looks at Darshak blankly for a second and then says lazily, Sure. Have a seat.” He turns towards the window again. Darshak gives his order to the waiter and then looks across the table atthe man. He sees that his soup and sandwich have both gone cold and look untouched. Darshak casks the man, “ls everything alright, sir?" All ofa sudden, the man turns to Darshak ‘and says, “My son has cancer.” He stares at Darshak with an unsure look on his face. Dorshak is stunned! What should he say Why is this complete stranger telling him this® But Darshak simply nods knowingly. He begins to unload his story on ‘unsuspecting Darshak. “just found out | live in Chennai but my son lives here. He fold me fo come visit him. | hadn't seen him in so long, s0 | jumped ot the opportunity fo.come see him. We had a lovely weekend catching up and talking roc | 8 2BAPS All igh reserved ocanned witn came ‘As he wos dropping me off a the airport, he told me the bad news treatment and he is going to fight. | told him lam going home, further noice.” Tears began to trickle down the man's face. D itto the man and potted the man’s arm. Just hen, Darshok hec stood up as well and hugged Darshak. “Thank you so mucl going 0 be able fo get through this!” Where did Darshak use active listening in this story? SO... when are you going to become o good listener? Remember! There is no time like the present! Toke the principles from this class ond practice active listening for 1 WEEK at home! Toke time to listen to your parents end siblings and make a concentrated effort to understond them. The other part ofthe challenge — if you are having o face-to-face conversation with anyone, immediately put your mobile phone ‘oway and give them your full atention. someone calls and itis't urgent, then don't pick up the cal Just note down your experiences below! How did active listening help improve my relationships at home? 0 OLE Ss BA (an/® 99 — rememberthe key fetors for active listening: tiecng wil So es 6B Usering wih ow Mind & Hoot aL (CRAPS. Al ight esrved Wor | 18 ocanned witn Lamscan FROM HOUSE TO HOME| “We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak." + Epictetus, Greek Philosopher IPDC Essentials ‘Active Listening can improve out relationships in our personal, academic & professional life. The key factors to Active Listening 1. Listening with our Eors 2. Listening with our Eyes & Body 3. Listening with our Mind & Heart epn//wew ed com/ila lon neanve_5_ways t_laen bert 10767 hopn//moew reedonkey com/lisering-sahcs Hd 1 hep:/ we slsyoseed com ipn/acelnseing hel REFERENCES. voc |? canned witn Lamscan (©8425. All right seve <= “Forgiveness is charity, sacrifice, truth, glory and dharma. ‘= 7 The whole world is supported by forgiveness.” ~~~ oe ALy oj wos turning 18 tomorrow. He had hinted to his father, a very wealthy Mumboi businessman, that he wanted a car for his birthday ~ his rst carl His father was o wise man and told him thot he'll discus it over with Raj’ mother. But Raj knew his father ‘wouldn't disappoint him ~ afterall he was the only cild. Rj woke up early on his birthday. He peoked out of the window upstairs to see if his brand-new car was outside theic house. It wasn', "Hmm, maybe he is going to surprise me with i ater.” Roj got ready and went downstairs for breakfast. His mother hugged him ond wished him a hoppy birthday. She made his favourite breakfast! His father came downstairs, suited and booted, ready to goto work. He put his briefcase on the couch ond placed a heavy hand on his son’s shoulder. He wished him o hoppy 1th birthday. Raj said hank you' ond looked at his fther waiting for him to toss car keys at him. His father simply gave him 0 birthday card and then soid, “We will be hoving dinner, just you ond me, tonight at 8PM. Make sure you ore there on time.” Raj smiled, “Ab! I'l get the car at dinner,” he thought to himeelf Raj dressed up for dinner ond met his fother at BPM on the dot. His father sat across from him » and began, “Roj, laday is a big doy. You've reached manhood ~ 18 years old This means itis time for you to become focussed. What kind of man do you want to be? When I tuned 18, my father gave me this,” he soid holding out a package wrapped in decorative paper, “This changed my ie and | wanted to do the some for you.” Raj took the package and pulled the paper off excitedly, He was expecting cor keys, or at least a photo of his car... or something, but not this, He wos holding a beautifully bound Bhagvad Gita, The pages had « golden edge ‘ond his name was embossed on the cover ofthe book. He looked at his dad in astonishment His father was looking ot him intently. Then finely, Roj burst out, “ARE YOU KIDDING MEI A book! What are you doing! | asked for © CARI Not a book! If! wanted a book | would have gotit myset All ofthis money and you give me a bookl#” Raj slammed the Gita on the table ‘and stormed out ofthe room. His dad tried to catch up with him, yelling behind him, “Wait! You don't understand. WAITI” But Raj was gone. Thot night was the last iime Ro} spoke with his father. Rej went o stoy wih a friend in New York, went oon American university dnd sorted o busingss thot eventually became very successful His father ied 1 contact him mony fimes over the years, ried to explain. There were many times hat Raj thought abou his family 100, about what hoppened, about forgiving his father. But Rej rieVer could get over the hurt ofthe last bday he spent wih his fol C©BAFS. Al igh serve. Woe | 21 Scanned with CamScan many years | ‘il pone Ee Fai was a work he received « phone cll fiom Indio. His inheritence, Ro fr ct exerting he owned oR. He was needed in Inca to £0 mam) pono hte dul ache in his heart, He was finally going back his bith Tae: On the way backto nda, Rj remembered his father’ call him Understand. WAIT!" Guilt ond regret were creeping up on him. But Roj pushed collect his Roj reached his old house and unlocked the door. Everything was os he remembered it He Walks round the house, taking in ol ofthe old memories. He fal made othe dining 20m «the last place where he saw his father He walks towards the dining table ond stops dead in his tacks. There is something onthe table. He waks closer to see i.."Ob my Goa "he thinks bimself Roj sees the Bhagvad Gita hs father had gilt to him onthe table, almost exactly where he had left i picked up the book and stored a! i His thumb obsentmindedly fipped e pages ofthe book. “Who! was tai? Raj though himsell He Ripped te pages 99 in one of the middle pages. He Ripped agoin, slowly thistime, and saw He los dle of the book He immediately began ory d wiitten: For Rais 18th birhday. You'e «man now, 50”. ie fe without t dge agains his father forthe rest of his life, and what did he get in return? A life father and heart full of regret ten with the people we a Fis a cautionary tale, We tend o get into Aghts and arguments most often with peopl i mplete life with the people we ‘and friends. To maintain our relationships and live @ come! rearian Tar re rat J Wemey move onin our ie Tike Roj did, however, holding erudge tie ovr low from moving on from within. Remember, exten tial role in experiencing im &s internal happiness. Forgiveness plays an essen Decide to forgive Fov resentment is negative Resentment is poisonous Resentment diminishes and desours the self. ROBERT MULLER former assistant secretary-general ofthe United Nations woe (GBAPS. Allright sed ocanned wit FROMHOUSETO HOME| hate bien We are all travellers in the journey of life. Do we want lo be weighed down by baggage or travel freely nd unburdened? We become loaded with heavy baggage like ‘egret,’ ‘quil,"‘grudge," and "blame" when we don't forgive others, forget their mistakes, or ask for forgiveness. How much does a glass of water weigh? No! much, right? But the longer we hold i, the heavier it feels, until eventually you have no choice to put it down. Forgiveness is to let go - it leases us from our burdens ‘and miseries. You just need to be prepared to do it... © RAFS,Alighs rserved Woo | 23 es Ca ICD WITT Vamscan FROM HOUSE TOHONg We are humen ond so we make mistakes, whether hey aro intentional or not, Wo can often end up hurting people around us through our actions and words. We may not be able to stop our self from making hese mistakes every time, but we can deftly contel the way we deal wih he situation afterwards. Before asking for forgiveness itis important to spend fime thinking about your actions and how they affected the person you have wronged, Some people thnk thot osking for forgiveness is an act of a coword. But actually itas an act of the courageous, the act ofa lion. fone wishes to find peace, to move forward and to maintain {good relationships ~ then tis erucial ‘Asking for forgiveness is not always easy, but here are some simple tips that can help us: LDC Cm TO Cl La kil pad Express genuine remorse for your actions - make itclecr thot you are Cee ee ea Recerca eee es SOU eRe es ee a Its okay to explain why you did what you did, but don't When apologizing, moke clear tho! you understand make excuses for your acions. Make it clear that you ” ‘e how your actions made them feel tre not using your intention os on excuse for your behaviour MOGs ASK FOR SO euch hrs ee ona ener een Pent t rery ‘next time his happens, ido ths! EBAPS. Aight rezoved. 7 ocanned witn canta NN FROM HOUSETOHOME | ‘What prevents us from asking for forgiveness? Many times, we may not feel that we did something wrong; we may not completely understand the other Person's intention ond perspecive Let's ake a look at Priya’s and her mother's story and see whotitteaches us about forgiveness. Priya’s Story Priya was excited about lonight She was done with her finol exams ond wat ready to relax! She had mode plans to meet up with some of her frends. Ske was geting ready, when her maher walks into her room. “Oh that's o pretty dress! Where ore you going tonight®” she osks. “Oh, it's going to be greall First we're going to have dinner at 5 Spicel Then we are going to see « movie, then get some dessert a! CCD. Then we're all going to.go to Karishma's house lo thang out “says Priya excitedly. “That sounds lke fun! Whol ime are you going fo get back?” asks the mother.“ probably be back pretty late, maybe around 1:00 oF 2:00 at night. So don't wait up for me.” “What?! 1:00 or 2:00? Are you crazy? You can't stay out that late! You need to be back by 10:00 PM,” says the ‘mother. Priya couldn't believe what she was hearing ~ 10:00 PM® The movie starts at 10:00 PMI “But Mummy! Come on! | ust want to chill with my fiends tonight. Ive been sessed with exams forthe last month and ‘now | want fo relax,” explains riya, “Belo, | don't mind you spending ime with your friends, you know that. But i's not sole fo be out so late," explcins her mother. “Ugh! You olwoys do this! Why are you trying to ruin my lifel My riends ‘are expecting me fo come out fonight. Who! should | el hem? Tha! my mum is being stupid end no! leting me out of the house?” “Priya That's it Forget! You are no! leaving this house otal night!” Priya looks shocked. "You can't do that! My friends are waiting for mel \l , ‘Why ore you being like this?!" “You can call your friends and let them aS know you won' be joining them tonight,” said Prio's mother Priya storms out the bedroom, slomming the door shut behind her. “Why is my mother acting so crazy? I've been working so hard to do well on my exoms and | know | passed them with high morks. She knows oll of my friends and approves of them. Ske didn't seem to mind when | was out until 1:00 AM for Karishmo's birthday los! month, She needs fo calm down!” The realy i that whenever we get inlo en argument, i not elways clear who iso blame, Looking atthe above sitvation, con we be absolutly sure about who is right and who is wrong? Probably noi, because in mos! stvtions itis ‘lways o mix. Even ifwe are only sighty wrong, we should sil ack for forgiveness beceuse relationships ore more importan then out ego Imagine you are Priya. What should you do? What would be the best way to handle this situation? Do you need to osk for forgiveness? For what? How should you say it? C©RAPS. Al gh uae voc | as ROM HOUSETO Howe} Bo the fast to forgive, - Te smile and to take the frst step, And you will see happiness loom, - Orv the face of your humar brother ov site... ROBERT MULLER MAKING THE DECISION TO FORGIVE AND FORGET Neo cla Roe an a Cone oe eM ee Ke forgiveness and foolishness: Ifsomeone repeatedly and knowingly hurls ormistreats you, then i may not be sensible for you not Jo keep a relaionship wit hot person any longer. However, for your own peace of mind) to enable yourself to move on, Ce ae aka nM oe A GEecceneeane seta d eee Pedic Seacrest eoe CONSIDER WHY YOU iat ONE APEMENEMEE, Do ou woni to relieve yousolfof hese negetive fecings? Sea ocenneme THIS PERSON meee ee Sermon ica oe ese eae Xoo seem ea Seay he Suara? CHOOSE TO FORGIVE aunt ee ee Ronnie anes WHEN IN DOUBT, Beng ing See TAKE YOUR TIME Sind pasa iss enon Pee Gea ara Si corn pce nres e 1o forget the thar person's actions and our hut in order io rere ean Creel FROM HOUSETO HOME | Are you holding onto any grudges? © Do you have any friends or family whose forgiveness you need to ask for? Is there anyone that you need to forgive? Take this opportunity to write them a note asking for forgiveness or forgiving them. Use the steps and fips from the handout to write your note. To forgive is the highest Most beautiful foun of love Sv relun you will receive Untole peace and happiness. ROBERT MULLER IPDC Essentials Forgiveness releases vs from out buns & miveries, secures our good relationships, end helps us ind peace. 1. Be Strong, Be Courageous 2. Apologize 3. Don't make excuses 4. Show empathy 5. Try to make things right 6. Ask fr thei forgiveness REFERENCES > hips//umeeibom com Forgive (©8APS.Al ight ered woe | 27 canned with Lamscan . FROWN HOUSE TO Cine 3 8 cs S BS A family’s bond is built on unity, rus, acceptance ‘and love. When a family bond is forged, the unity strengthens and it becomes long-lasting. Just os pillars provide support and strength to any architectural structure, there are four pillors that serve «8 foundations of blissful living in o united family Ly ey UL TSG nia 1) Appreciate 3) Help 2) Meet 4) Transparency Pes PND Ps Done? Cover the image. How mony black cles cre theret How many white cicles are there? es. Alright esered e8ars. Alli roc 28 a witn Lamscan FROM HOUSETO HOME| he black ond white circles were scattered evenly throughoul the box. Why werer't we able to recoll how many white circles there ore in he box? It is because we were so focused on the black cicls that we didn't even take time to look ot the white ones. Mony times, we do the same with our family. I's not that the white circles (meaning the positive qualities) weren't there, we tond to ignore them. So, ask yoursel, does my family have positive quaiis® Do | see them or do I end to forge! hem? Appreciating ou family members" special qualities, talents, and sks ono ofthe bes ways to bring the family closer together Since we live wih our fomily and intecact with them so often, we tend to take them for granted. We do not appreciate how special hey are or expresso them how much we value them. Sometimes, we hold on to negative preconceptions when o family tember makes 0 mistake, which con lead fo misunderstandings in he family. By looking at our family members! positive quolies, we can truly begin to respect ond appreciate ovr family, i's@.good habit fo see and think cbou he bes! quaiies in each of your family members on a deily boss Let's give ito try right now. Weite the best qualities you can think of for each of your family members. Forexample, Mother: Daly cocks we test fed nd wakes my tin Father: He works hard every darts payer my atone, He bye ne tnge at I wat Brother: He shoys nes we fh en Lam pat Sister: Helps me wih my homencrk. ‘Mos likely, you only wiote outer qualities of « person. Butit doesnt stop there. Go deep! There are so mony positive internal quelies For example, our mother may cook our favorite meal, bu we dont know that she may be sacrificing her own preferences for our ‘own - that sacrifice is meaningful and selfless, Our father could be offered a higher post ot his job ino diferent city, but he ‘want fo be far from hs family. These types of quai ore reflective of a deeper, emotional bond. rejects it becouse he does Activity Hond write 0 note 1 your fomily members, showing your appreciation forall hey do and cll oftheir special qualities. There is tomething nice abou! someone taking out he time 10 write © note by hond ~ shoves that they are worth the exira effort, Once you get home, put the notes in a place where you know they'l find it POC | 29 | ORAS, Aight rested witn Lamscan ' FROM HOUSETO Hyg) | MEET | S “fy that etter, plays tegeter, pra ogee athe studies, ond rends show that he Indy Culturally, foil plays @ very important role in Indic, However, in recent years, suey 9 ces cod this decline ~ vba tuclear fail i onthe decline, portculerly in urban areas. There are many Factors th hove , industialzaion, education to name fev. tend to hove hoppier and longer last However, studies oto show that families thot dine together or get together mae fen tnd 1 hove ROP! "4 relations your family go! together en So, when wosthe st ine you hod mac wih your immed frlyé When wot he lstine your family got ogetier ond enjoyed each oher's company? ‘As youth, we tend to meet our Family members only wo need something from them. Do these scenarios seem familiar to you? mM AT Father: Mother: Brother: When you need his signature on a When you'velost something ond cant When you want fo repair something or document of when you wart fo collec! find i need help with homework your packet money. Sisters ‘Whon you need advice on some Grandparents: Problem, ‘When you need some extra money. 061, canned with Gamscan FROM HOUSE TO HOME | “Ineed help, we have important guests ortving in an hour!” ‘Mom is running back ond forth from the kitchen and th living room. Organizing the furitue, cleaning the living room, and cooking dinner at the some time. ‘With on exhausted look, she comes eu from he kitchen and oppecls to you, “Can you please put your phone down for one moment? I need your help! Can you quickly go to we the shop and get those Porle-G biscuits hat Uncle Kaushik ikes® He won' ink his chat without them.” Without even looking up from your mobile, you reply unsympathetically - “Aww, come on! Im busyl Why can't you do i?” Does this sitvotion sound familiar? I think everyone would agree that helping our parents or siblings isan important duty each of us should fulfill. We sincerely fel that we should help ovr family, but when the moment comes we filo get to work. Whot ore the typical excuses we make when we dont want help around the house? Place atick next fo the ones you ute the most. ® “I don't have time. “Lill doit ater” “1am busy right now." “Idon't know how to do it” “Why cont bhoi/ben doit” “lam tied.” “Lom feeling il.” ooaadqd Oo oa “My friends ore calling me.” a Oo “Ineed to do my homework.” “Ineed to goto college right now.” ates Before you say ‘NO'the nex! time your fomily asks for your Don wait to be asked ~ actively look for opportunities to help, take « moment to think ‘why am I saying no" Usually it help the family. Ifthe house looks dirty, clean it. If mom looks is because we are being lazy. like she needs help in the kitchen, then we should insist, “Let ! ‘me help you cook.” Every time we reuse to help someone, on intemal barrier is formed ~ thot person is les likely to come ask fr help again, If we keep saying 'NO' then eventuclly they wil lose fit in us. Do we wan! to be seen os self-centered and lazy? Or do ‘we wan! be our family’s go-to-person, the mature son/daughter that everyone can rely on® = Make alist ofthe times in which our family helped us and how they did i (©BAPS. Aight seed Woe | at canned with Lamscan fa FROM HOUSETO Hove + List down the ways in which you can help your family members on a reguler basis. | TRANSPARENCY 9:30 PM. Jay enters the house only fo see is Fthor wating fo him Fothe (Inernllyl: I wos worried abou Jay, #he came beck earn T would have liked te have spent some ime with him ether (ne oised voice) Whare have you been? Why have you come home so foe? Jey livery: hove been wating of day fo see Dad. Why yong of me Jay: Where do you think was! | wat a college! eter nly shi wit rendu om he he os been tain or atmo Fin. rane ents you werent! Don et mel sow you hanging out wih your Mond Jey teeray se accusing me of bing lz haveBeon sehr ldo inthe rr, am exhausted, I only spoke fo my Hiends for 20 ‘minutes ond then | come home Jap th cade Hf you kxow what ws doing then why dl you even bother osking me?! other inna: nly want tebe orm, want into have goed ceeer ond have a hopry Me, Why doesnt he understond, tht er for him? Father: Because | knew you were going 3 chatting with your fiends? tolie tome, You need to sort your life out. How are you going to become a doctor ye! just waste your whole do soy nary Tht is why thowe boo dying oho do want be a daca is! want his soppor. But hes olveys nnd to putme down, twill show hin. Joys Who cores abou being a doctor? Not me! I den’) want fo become o boring person like you reer rays How one yt He hos so mach antl hu achiev xomuch fhe ut hit indi Henecdstoundeners | this bore 00 foe ; Father: Don't worry obou! becoming a doctor. Lazy kids don't become doctors. They become failures. {tena sha! what he thinks of me? Doesnrhe realize that | core about his opinion? Why doesn't he belive in met Joy ‘re what you think! You want me fo stop hanging out with my friends so can spend more time with YOU Jay: !hate you, I don't ‘0 you can keep yelling at me? Father (Internal: This is gone ou of contol, | should opolog should epologize lo him..No, he needs o learn thot he cant eit | Father: You are @ disgrace to the family! Go fo your room! fhe needs o learn thot he can't speok to me lie L@BAIS Alright mseved wool cannea win vamst4n FROM HOUSETO HOME| =a Who he is: A hard working student, wha dreams of being o Who he is: A hard-working, loving Fother, Who want his son doctor. Bu lacks self-confidence. Feels under-oppreciated, fo be successful. But struggles to have a proper conversation wih his son, \Whot he believes his Father thinks of him: Lazy, useless, a time waster. ‘What he believes Jay thinks of him: He doesnt have any. respec! for me, He doesn't want to talk to me, \Whot his Fother actually thinks of him: A great son. Hos 20 much potential, Just lacks the motivation, What Jay actually thinks of him: like spending time with him, seeing him work hard inspires me to pursue @ good career. feel ike he is always shouting at me and trying to put me down, only they told each other what they were really thinking. We often feel misunderstood by our family. Sometimes we say things that we don mean because we getfrustioted. Tis is why iis importont to be kansporent, Whats ronsparency® Regular ond honest communication with our family. To do this, we mus sit with them, without the distractions of phones and TV, and have @ genuine conversation about how we feel Think of one family member end assess how much you understand each ether, by fling in the spaces below. ‘My nome: What om I like: fe (Family member) thinks of mes What (Fomily Member) actuclly thinks of me Name ofa family member: ‘What are they like: What do they believe I think of them: What do | actuelly think of them: Sit down with this family member, have on hones! conversation with them, see if you ore right (OBARS. Al igh reserved wo | 33 — rrrSCaned wit Caniscan Imagine @ loving, coring family lving together under one roo. A family that appre FROM HOUSE TO HOME | cs each ether, enjoys spending lime with {each other, clwayswiling fo help each ther, and one thats rensporent end honest wth each other. Could such a family exis? Tholis up to you. ALOVING, CARING FAMILY IPDC Essentials The best ways to bond withthe family 1. Appreciate our fomily members special qualities, talents, and skills, 2, Meet on a regular basis and spend meaningll time with our family. 53. Help our parents and sibling 4. Transparency means regular and honest communication with our f ‘ond have a genuine conversation abou! how we feel Se 3 Don't wait to be asked, actively look for ways to help, fomily. We mus sit with them, without ony distractions o g ee ere ee eee Beeler tyne spesorarcaoriee nas Neha mre _ Tem Sea With Vartan 11 MODUL SKILLS LO-NOSSIT NETWORKING tae te) a Sl Soft skill are character traits (e.g. integrity, discipline, etc.) and interpersonal skis (e.g, body language, collaboration, et.) ore those that describe a person's tloonships wih ether people, What ase ~ a Inthe workplace, soft skils complement hard skills (accounting, coding, et.) which Ss @ reler to « person's knowledge and occupational skils. The term ‘soft skills'describeo ame —_— person's emotional quotient (EG) os opposed lo intelligence quotient (1) “Ss ki lls? ~ For example, soft sills « doctor would need would be empathy, understanding, active listening, ond a good bedside manner. We are going to discuss 3 important soft skills needed for any young person who will eventually enter the workforce: (1) Networking Skil, (2) Decision Making, ond (3) Leadership Skills aman uinie SUILLS Ifyou need assistance in the below sitvations, then who would you contact for help? Name a person and not an orgonisation You need someone to drive you fo the nearest oitport You need someone's help tofind you You need someone to review you «© parttime job. resume, {contact person] (eonieciperon) — (conte parson) You wont a big donation for your You need to stay at someone'shouse You need someone who con edi charity fundraiser for afew weeks. videos for you college project Coen! Cy ocanned With Calhscan SOFT SKIS | is better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behaviour is better than your's and you'll rif in that direction.” eens WARREN BUFFET Now, here is the real question — how often are we satisfied with our decisions? How often do we regret our choices? ‘When we are making so many decisions on « regular basis, we are going o make Can you think of ony major decisions that you ever made that you regret or weren't completely satisfied with? perme] Cae eR Lee eaS oe eee x GH Dea enty CMa 2. GATHER INFORMATION ‘What decision needs to be made® What problem are you Ce eae ae ees ing to solve® This must be clear in order to make sure Rea nee Boa ‘ oe ee ae yourself ‘What information do I need? What do | need to : ee ee Qs» See Sel Solaire ty e recat deol) ‘Most likely you will have several options. Weigh th ‘nformation youve gathered and make your deciion bosed Take action on the selected option and move orword ‘on what outcome is most desirable to you or others involved, - LUCY Laie] You ore looking to buy @ new smartphone — which one will you purchase? ONEPLUS BUN i“ REDMI ral GALAXY mt K20 PRO See een CE ATA 6.67" (1440x3120 px, 515 PP) ESXi 128 GB (Non Expandable) 4B MP-+16 MP+ 8 MP (Pimary) elocraeh leMelen) Dg 4000 mAh cod Rs. 48,999/- CC ladaed SOFT Sus | There ore so many resources on leadership, including more than 15,000 printed books Infact, a quick search on ‘Google Scholar, will reveal that there are currenly over four million scholarly articles about ‘leadership’ available online. But luckily for you, The IPDC Team has extracted the four most essential and relevant leadership Skil, for the youth of ody. When you hear the word ‘leader’, which picures come to your mind LEAD What dothey look ie Wha! les do they wear How do ty speak WITHOUT ‘A powerful figure, managing a multi-national organization, sit in 0 big luxurious office, dominant speaker, wealthy, popular, stylish, smart, ond striking, ATITLE This isthe pcre we hove of leader However, ryt think leadership os on atid, not a lle, Leadership isnot only reserved fr the rich or powerful ~ itis something each cond every one of us can have, no matter wha! you do wihin an organization. You can lead without tite. We have all seen how Narendra Modi successfully rose to become the 14th and current Prime Minister of India. So let's use him a8 6 cose study for leadership. Do you think he was a leader before he took up ths tlle? Explain your answer and give examples from his life? TANASE NOSED ATL Up TaN NaC Ca UCN ‘A leader does not just si back and give orders, but leaders the one who isthe most hardworking and dedicated. Good leaders go above and beyond - they go the extra mile. rey amazon CEO He azo nol worked 12-hour per dy, every doy the monk. He aaah.) auld ofen stay up 3 AM to make sure the books were shipped on tine. te Let's look at how many hours successful leaders work on an average day: sack Obama, when president, begon his doy around 9-10am alter doily morning =o voutine and always made it back tothe residence to have dinner with his fomily. RAPS. light esved POC | 39 ocanned witn val cosleep after his family was 811, Obama was known to stay yp ui | = 2 AM working of cj, ets breakfast hen works from Tom to TOpm, ‘Mukesh Ambani wakes up around 5 AM, exercises, reads, work? Does he go the extra mila di JI day® How many hours does he ki What does Narendra Modi do in a usvol do Imagine o MasterChef, ina highly-pressured, fast-paced kitchen. Time i mite, yet the MasterChef has to combine the numerous ingredients to create o flavoursome BECOME nel och ng hal s ded provides nigue chorocsi hohe a explosive mustard seeds, bright orange-yellow turmeric, intense pungent cloves, he rN tntrome heat of spicy chiles, a sharp kick of ginger, 0 sour twist of lemon juice, ore aredient is extremely powerful and pungent f then the meal becomes repulsive; ond too ‘Chef knows each oftheir properties, 0 make a delicious meal ‘exolic richness of saffron. Alone, each in PS Te Ta iriicloy emit scat litle, will lessen the impact. But a Master soheis ‘able to balance and blend them together “Tender yet tough, compossionate yet cou Irienly yet frm... Exraordings rogeous, Reb Shama (One the was song >cannea witn Lamscan IPDC Essentials Networking involves building and maintaining relationships with other people. The personal networks which you develop over time, both socially and professionally, can be an invaluable resource ‘A Person Successful at Networking: Listens Well 2. Asks the Right Questions Stops to Effective Decision-Making 1. Identify the Problem 2. Gather Information 3. Consider Your Options ‘4, Make the Decision ‘An Extraordinary Leader Can: 1. Lead Without @ Tile 2. Go the Exira Mile 3, Become « MasterChef 4. Keep a Bolonce com/teens/x/shslileiP 2 hon econ s/ mst Tips //vwwinvesoped. Thee //stece nen 00/ Sele ei oh ee 2s et ac atermeen/mce' ee or Gra by Somes Col EFERENCES, te stindonnonsihe tc coal oh 09 pe anneal derma nonmubesonban/ Scanned with CamScan 5 A iN z 8 WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO CONQUER EVEREST? ants lethal dangers such as extreme Mount Everest ~ the world’ highes! peok ~ a gigantic 29,029 feet bh he 7 sent Serres asia ivslcoe impersonal oar wry ns expend of cbr tove feed Wise sell sipofallio your death, As 02017, nearly 300 people hove ied on Everest, many of moun, ission ofthe Tibetan In 1935, Movies Wilson ~ a British movniaineer, se out fo conquer Everest He did't have the per Government 0 e suck nto Tibet om India wih only tee porters to cary his equipment. Once they reached North Col {£2,000 ft}, Wikon's porters refused to climb any higher. Fooly, Wison decided fo continu the climb alone ~ this dosivon killed him, Tee were 7 mor led tempts to summit Mt Everes! over the couse ofthe nex 32 yors In 1953, o Bash group of ‘inher led by Joho Hun, stout eachthe peck of Evers Hon elad on experonced loc, Tenzing Norgay, into the Fe eencO'y hire was prt of six previous Everest expedions Me we thre, orpenize ond incite Porters throughout te foumey Thiswos ofc ek becavse the higher fe cinben waned gy the an team members would be needed, ‘and eau, greater level of eamwork vragen ine 200 people cay the 2s tons cf eqypmen ond fod sor he moulin From there, he supplies would be cared 180 mies trough complex Hinolayon ox eee tupois further up Everes. Aermaling ene more sop, ey /3 othe most highly qual tho next toge Mi Everesl. On the 29 May 1953, Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary did the impossi a lend became the 1 sto conquer SOFT Seats | Could they have done it alone? Not Look atthe fst example of Maurice Wilson -his lone attempt ended in filure and deoth. But when a team wos created ond ceoch member seliessly played their ole ~ only hen did they master Everest ‘As Helen Keller {author and octvis!) once said, “Alone we can do so litle, logether we can do so much.” This isthe power of teamwork! “You do not climb 9 mounicin ike Everest by tying to race ohead on our own, cor by competing with your comrades, You do itslonly and corehily, by unselfish leamivork” t \ Terzing Nowoy INGREDIENTS ¥ Vorilla lee Creom ¥ Hot Fudge ¥ Datk Chocolate Sauce ¥ Fresh Whipped Cream ¥ Crunchy Nute ¥ Crumbled Cookies ¥ Colorful Sprinkles ¥ Candied Cherries Why is itbetter towinesateam® ZA CRAPS, lighter roc | 4g ocanned witn vampscan T cive 100% 10 your tEAM TO BE yo dont gi yor bl hne fh you wo elt ou oe part ofthe eam, You wen’ enjoy the jouney othe goa orth ress fhe procene, A GOOD TEAM PLAYER? Qoont wore sourwHo GETS THE CREDIT (ier we vl ouseles many oom poet we ney ink - “ho wll he credit” Bu when we keep lish deseo take the credit this con obstuc the progress ofthe team @ There is no limit to what can be achieved, ifno one cares who gets the credit Q (©BAPS, Al gh serve eel ocanned witn LamsScan SOFTSKNIS | se celebroted polician, LK. Advani, attended the Dedication C i, 1 Dedication Ceremony forthe brand new Akshardham, New Delhi on re 7005 He epee Acorn ws eds mathen ononosrycvoenhenhoaeae volunteers who was the responsible forthe success of Akshardham, they told him tha! he sadhus were behind the success. When he spoke with the sadhus, they fold him that Promukh Swami Maheraj was the reason for the success. When Advani met Pramokh Sven ahora Swami od tm ht he aecoss wos eh roc of Gd ond Gury long wih helen clfors of he luntoers and sodhus, After hearing these humble answers, Advani said ~ ‘Tam in absolute disheliefl They have cre« Grand Akshardham, yet no one is willing to take the credit” aa [Avtht time, Advoni realized this ruth - that there is no limit fo what can be achieved, ifno one cares who gets the cred Bsacainices “You have to be willing fo sacrifice what you want for what the feam needs selflessness, We live in « world where everyone wants fo be grect, but the in 11 may have to play o different posiion than you orev he stor.” (The Hard Hat: 21 Ways to Be o Great Teammate, You have to decide to move from selfishness 10 uth is, only through service and sacrifice wil onyone become great. This means yor ised fo. I means that sometimes you are the sor and sometimes you help t Jon Gordon, Jeremy Schaop) When you are pert of team, sometines, in order for he eam o grow orn oF whole, you may have to make o sacrifice. s things to remem Think about yoursel POC | 4s ocanned with Lamscan onal OFFER eve TEAM MEMBER HAS SOMETHING TO Consider the Gujarati eter‘ a : that start with this letter ~ d@ os oe 4 —— , but without there is No RON (sue ce) thee ‘You probably figured out tht here ore no word that start wih he later, but without here is no (success), thre "0 4 (strength, ond ther is no Beane lease. 108 something special to offer he Although every team member may no be a leader orin ale of authority, every member he rething special to offer th ‘com. Dont underestimate them, stent everyone andy o lear something new. cep in mind hot" might be wrong ond they could be right! Busan TO CHANGE, CHANGE TO LEARN Why ao you think DO hia hres ees ino (Coen tases ahaa Dortbe thon doen eam ada end eh vin Sanam grote Yoram eter ugheneede Tagore nse G6xcce HARMONY ee should keep ovr minds opens bt cso aur hears open, teom, ‘here isa diference in culture, opinion, ble, ond ek simpontat io age 2” When oe as nee cc nd epee pogle wend color, cred, nd cosa dso Wes and everyone becores "¥- even the whole word can come togehet ‘wordt exompl ofhamony htt he 845 Swamiaajon oo rrp ogee 0 cha roan Hecwon pect don temple in Abu Dhabi ln ferple Imagin,o Musi county donating land bud Hinds amit Piya Brome 28 forthe buldng of is ‘ yt ntony bring we counts, to cakes, wo cami, nwo nae bathe sane 2 S82 ote that - “The mand aa et erp ertrarreei Peres RP been Sopa: He od deste onish Calc nd gers Poe, aod Sen on Each menber dregorded i aileences onto onbinng tafe tiene Saad Ler Moda ist eno "erate ae Pie Prime Minor 0 ta hemi wo cn ng oom monies ache cctvely keep hormony, we building Hind in consul ' o millennial, udhaiva kuty working with hy us "mony and for harmony. So ¥* Srtraotdinary esl CaaS, Agha vec See 2 _ catfécan SOFT SKIUS | ‘Av Embodiment of bai ® 7 “Barmong makes small things grow, lack of if makes great things decay.” Sallust IPDC Essentials Individually you are great, bu! together you become something greater! How to be @ good team player 1. Give 100% to your team 2. Don't worry about who gets he credit 3. Sactifice 4. Every team member has somathing to offer 5, Leam to change, change to learn 6. Keep harmony p/w tecosk/2/n/rch 44099. s/n onto 03108 gmebiniourrwe 200 doth Teg ay sony read ioe he poe oer ot hone [oven fonny Un Wn Oro Repo ioe eoSensycan/ieraes-gseec i res/retprany/200/Secnioyo ti Moy fw D017 Pex aan eee cafe eporines inden henna empl 702 wry rc tapneston/nden/abe ho Sng mn degre tninpon oor REFERENCES (OBAPS, Al righ reserved Woe | a7 canned with Lamscan YOURSELF cE ens eit PAX EEL Sociol media is ewesome! So usefull We can link to so many people end ‘0 much information wih just click [or top. Itkeepe us updated with the latest news, allows uso create communis, simulates awareness, suppers education, ‘ond its greot platform in which we con promote our business and other creative ideas worldwide, les hove o look ot ome examples of people who became successful dus fo social medi. Lilly Singh, widely kno wn os Superwoman’ 10s about everydoy life, Hi qe Bellywood movies, book publishing de el in 2010 where she ns with cel ies, Featuring in music videos, AAA Wit Parca boon ody og ced 100 Awesome Thing in ne 2008, Asis eadership grodaly new eben '0 get tention fom major medio cule suchas Wied and CNN.com In 2009, afer jst one year, hs blog hi 10 millon his cand won an awerd for ‘Bes! Blog Pasicho wos approached by publishes ta write a book He then authored The Book of Awesome’ and went on become New Yr Times bes alg authon Incredible succes in sucha shot moun! of ine This th power social melo, Inagine iw woud be omozing? gine if we could be recognized ke his But do you know the bile uh There may be few success stories th pe ete at have emerged from social media, but they ore the ‘The Flipside of Social Lr EY ee cece ene oe ae temporary satisfaction That kind of sucess doesnot make them happy, 2 thatthe milion a : ir Coro ened Peers aa Preise ee. Tears eM iteel ih ets bays onic aaa oa CMM lla ae ETSI eyC ints 0 ence Mach Siaheerehecaneed are Siac eh fy ee ele ee oe CCCI I Eee ne ee eee en ee Was Using external motivators. [wasnt doing it for me. | was doing i for SE ee ae ae eae rad Cette Casey Perea ug as Cel ie CMe a cou CLG ee MeN yah counters, bestseller ists, and award nominalions, | Ure mec ie ce erecta Social media success comes with its ipside, and what's more is hat social media can detrimental (cere area ‘and mentally. It can chang} acre acetal on of the World and yourself, but not always forthe better. 1, POOR MENTAL HEALTH Spending too long on social networking sites con adversely affect your mood. You ere more likely to experience poor mental health and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Br Teens who spend 5 hours @ day on ther phones are twice at more likely to show depressive symptoms 2. CYBER BULLYING rs While social media hes made making friends easier, i has alzo made i easier for predators to find 1 j their victims. Cyber bullying is currently a worldwide phenomenon, Itdoesn' just affect kids but adults BB «as well, Sometimes this leaves a deep mental scar and, in some coses, drives people toward suicidal . a Ny tendencies. 3. FOMO ve effects of social media, The The Fear of missing out, or FOMO, is one of the most common negative i the more you fel that someone is having more fun than you right now and more you use social media, sore mss ‘unhealthy competion, diving uso keep posting new things o show that you are missing out. create thot wre eve fving on exciting life, distracting s from things in ou ile which may be more important 4, NEGATIVE BODY IMAGE Seeing the pictures ofthose who are ‘perfect makes you conscious obout how you look, therefore creating a negative impact in your mind 5, UNHEALTHY SLEEP PATTERNS Ids check their phones inthe middle ofthe night This means tht haf of the jear-olds check their eo eae ‘bly have this bad hab 0 you one of hem? people in your cass proba it. A social media decreases the quality of your sed use of on on yrs ‘san overall negative impact on your eet ‘uletes in your sleeping Por” This ha 3 sleep and creates iregt ros sonality a productivity ond per woe | 4° canned witn Lamscan 6. POOR CONCENTRATION 7 ortant wor edia while doing important» Mos! ofthe people call tmuli-asking but itis nol Using socil medk cee eae inerferes with our ability Io concentate, Research has shown thot con ects on our atenton-span, looming and performance. c 7. CAN PUT YOUR CAREER AT RISK rolls show evidence of Employers ae les likey o hie candidates whose social networking profi Unprotessional behavi first place 3 never get hired in the ir. Misusing social media could mean yau late your job or never g ‘searchers at Harvard University connected people to MRI machines o scanty, bonntrhevimar isc nedevage hey euorerceegen food ond using socal media, riggers the same feel-good chemical reaction the bran, But the problem is that this system does not enable us to distinguish between Useful habits (exercise and sufficient sleep) and destructive habits (such os smoking find overse of social media}. So, when this chemical reaction occur, it reinforce: habits tothe point of addiction ‘Internet is not evolving at random. The '¢ way itis, is because ofthis race for allention,’ Social media has been designed to capture your atten {he ways tocial media developers have shategized tok chopters in a book, it eventually comes to an end, givin have noticed that Facebook, Instagram and Twiter con automatically start playing @ new episode only momen ‘whenever we want, but wouldn' it be easier to keep wi Se ore Keep you engaged on your device os ong as possible, nel ooh ws Rocked is by remeving topping cues, Stopping eve ae ke '9 You the option to stop, take a break, or do something else, You may ain bottomless newsfeed: + instead of pages, Netflix and YouTube vs let You hve fished the previous episode: Of course, we could sop catching? " Focebook's former Vice President for User Growth, Chomath Faliepitya, rarely uses Facebook children using it. “I feel tremendous gu... think we have erste '00Is thet are ripping apport thy works," he says ond is strongly agains his 'e social fabric of how society "ACEBOOK eae = 5 years, INSTAGRAM 8 moning 4 months Das’ 2 " voc (enAPs leigh se >cannea witn Lamscan a SOT Pe SOCIAL MEDIA cooKine camne TENN 7NK \\ Beet hace ie as LAUNDRY, PERSONAL GROOMING COMMUTING ee FAY To The Moon And Bock $2 Times] Pre yoko ics READ More Than 1.4 Million Poges. bg Daca Baie Woe | $1 cenars Alvghsmened canned witn Lamscan AM | ADDICTED? ct bes represents the equency ofthe folowing behoviors For each option rate from 1-5. Select the response th benefit ‘Answer honestly to experience the fll Never, 2Rarely, 3-Sometimes, 4-Often, 5-Very Often QUESTION How often ten do you find yourself checking your phone even if you don't have to® How often do you find yourself spending time online instead of doing things around dc id yourself spending time online i ing things the hos 3s oroun: use? | don' ike when people bother me when Im in ont of a screen ——_——_— Luse the internet, apps, social media os a way fo escope real life ‘When at work, home, or school and my smariphone is off o ee home, nt bom out of reach, I spend a lot of ime thinking Now add up your otal score and then lock below to see your resi Less than 18 - You are not addicted More than 18 ~ Moderate usage - b ‘More than 30 ~ You are addicted! Re More than 40 ~ You ore severely oddicted! Yo ut stay cautious! duce your social media usage. 1s need to make o drastic change. ne at inhi reserved nscan ROWAKING YOURSEE | pramuth Swami Maharaj was once asked this question, He replied “af technology is used with Alveretion then i 1s. blessing. But without discretion itis curse.’ Consider @ knife. Is ita good thing oF bad thing? Ifthe knife is used for cooking or for medical operations then its effect is good. Bui tused 0 at someone en its olfectis bad. A kif is ust oto}, whether a knife hos a good of bod effec that depends onhow it is vse siilry, social media was meant fo be used only os useful oo, bul we have lost control ond instead ithas become on ‘extension of our life, GAIN BACK CONTROL! IT'S TIME FOR TECHNOLOGY ETIQUETTE Here ore some tips on technology etiquete LE Don't use devices while having «family dlner— instead enjoy each others company When speaking to someone, put your phone away. ou sop using socal media - pul your phone in aiplone mode - let you yourself unwind for ‘on hour and then enjoy an undisturbed sleep. “urn your phone on cirplane made while you sy duce your screen ime. Android's Pixel 3 and iOS o [Seta fixed time ot night where o oO seduce socicl media vioge by sing pps ot help you 12 hove inbuilt features for this sr your smoriphore (Gopps thot wil help you a" yoursmariphone control ov ductive opps. Only use app ike Facebook ot Titer on the compuler and remove he apps rom your Remove counter-productive OPPS phone. Jum off your notifications cone within reach, Geta separate 10 clock Don't sleep with your Phi a) (a) ROC | 53 Stanneg witn Lamscan copars. Alig 0 This week’s PDC chollenge is to goin bock contral over your phone leak at he previous section ~ Technology Etiquette ~ lock back through thelist end pick east three things hat you wil imbibe ing your life, Think about careful, Fimly decide, and then remembar daily Note down your experience everyday ~ How do you feel Whey ‘are the dificulies? What benefis have you felt? ENN orn) On) voc AS Allright reserved. ——stanmea witn cantcan REMAKING YOURSELF | ‘Additional Learning IpDC Essentials Even those who teach social media success, eventually realize that the millions of hits and awards are only temporary solsfocion. That kind of success does not make them happy ee Sociol media con detrimentally affects us - both physically and mentally Social media hos been designed to capture your alfention and to keep you engaged on your device os long as possible. iftechnology is used with discretion then iis blessing. But without discretion it i a curse." veer stsocer edo eines pa mi sp fount endesoierin £200 oS smorphone scinthe-niddla-bthe-tight/artceshow/$4S21326.cms fanaa, set emma ipa / freebie leon es peal iano Dara Ko nd Mak. Geb -hips//wwwncb nm ip aco an A ibe Pa tlh 95/pme/erles/ $2 Online Sociol Networtina chs Jech_compores_1e_Jo_cophe_ yOu" afenton /ronsctigt 8 chet yma ira et aedeyege aden & tr seennts nse rang gown among cannea witn Vaitnocan (a WRITING A RESUME It’s Convocation Day! You have completed your bachelor's degree afer four grueling yeas, ‘of studying, taking exams, completing projects, wring papers, ding research... Felt so long in the moment, but now on your las doy yes think to yourself, ‘toll went by soft ‘And now the ime for you 1 enter the real world aso full-on adult has come. So, what's next for you? Most college graductes wil begin entering the professionel work force, taking on fresher jobs. Before you take this next major step in your life, you're going to need a really important piece of poper, and no, 'm not talking abou! your graduation certificate. You're going to need ‘@ resume ~ this document is your passport into the professional work force. We know that i's hard to do quality work na short time. So don’t wait until convocation day, the time to start preparing is now! PUERSTUINE OF AY 2 vscrstiecitoanc tetvoona ene rd CV stands for ‘curriculum vitae! which translates to ‘course of life.” The major differences between a CV and resume are length, included content, and what each is used for CVs tend to be 2-3 pages for freshers (longer for someone with more experience], and resumes tend 10 b? limited to 1 page (2 pages if you have more experience). While both are used for job applications, theY are not always interchangeable. What content is in a resume versus a CV? pool >canned witn cama L©BAPS, Al ighs reserved - Personal Details and Contact Information. + Education and Qualification. * Work Experience /Employment History. + Skills (Professional/Technical). - Special Training + Dissertations/Theses. - Research/Teaching Experience. + Publications. ~ Presentations/Lectures/Exhibitions. ~ Grants/Scholorships/Fellowships. » Awards/Honors. + Professional Licenses, Cerifications, Memberships. So, what should your use as a fresh college graduate? Should you have a CV or resume? Mos professionals agree that o CV is more commonly used for an academic audience and should bo used to highlight inllecual accomplishments. So, for a fresh college grad trying to enter the corporate world, « resume is more appropriate. The ” Recruiting/Hiring | A, ton” ‘Most companies have moved their recruiting and hiting process euiting/ Hiring | aoe online 1 moat peopl are epg for obser, What exactly happens once you submit your ‘application and resume? Where does it go? Who looks at it? Let's explore these questions litle further. Once you understand the system, you can use it to your advantage, ‘CRAPS. gh reserved loc | 57 canned with Lamscan OF Pho: / jon Submissi mit your application, ii goes into o database alon plication, it 9 8 hg omit 1 Once yous ission: Applic pplcaions he opplicat sree bao gy 1 the oppicatior islorge, ee ilorngt ie pos! pps is age then he oPeieton @ Tasoncnfe coated elon lacs could be cern shave been fitered out, human resource Plena jon Review: Once the bes! application = over the applications fier the opplications once more, The best-of-he-best application, : 1 file the opplications once the epplications in detail an to the hiring manogee for review. didoles have been chosen, inleviews are conducted, Severaly, Interviews Once the prospective candi es cll over the phon the condidote performs we | @ ere cease vdieo ompetivenes of he jb, there may be afew nae ‘on in-office interview. Based onthe jb type a rounds of interviews, FD ving: ne yet we are unaware of it? (Discuss this with your peers and write your answer below) "oh reseed, wes || | >canneag witn Lamocan

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