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Starter Activity: SDLC Case Study Analysis

Duration: 10 minutes


1. Divide the students into small groups of 3-4 students.

2. Provide each group with a case study related to software development. You can
either create your own case study or use a real-world example.
3. Instruct the groups to read the case study carefully and identify the different
phases of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) mentioned in the case
4. Each group should then create a brief presentation outlining the phases they
identified and the activities involved in each phase.
5. Encourage the groups to discuss the challenges faced by the development team
in each phase and how they were addressed.
6. Give the groups 5-7 minutes to prepare their presentations.
7. After the preparation time, ask each group to present their findings to the class,
summarizing the case study and highlighting the SDLC phases they identified.
8. Encourage the audience to ask questions and engage in discussions about the
case study and the SDLC phases presented.
9. Facilitate a class discussion to compare and contrast the SDLC phases mentioned
by different groups, focusing on the similarities and differences in their
10. Summarize the main points and transition into the main lesson on SDLC.

Example Case Study (Customized for IGCSE ICT students):

Case Study: ABC Learning App

ABC Learning App is a software application designed to help young students learn the
alphabet through interactive games and activities. The development team had to create
a user-friendly and engaging app that would run on both iOS and Android platforms.


• Research and analyze the target audience, including their age range, language
abilities, and technological familiarity.
• Gather requirements from teachers and parents to determine the desired features
and functionalities of the app.
• Design the user interface, considering the needs of young children, with colorful
visuals, intuitive navigation, and appropriate audio elements.
• Develop the app using programming languages suitable for both iOS and
Android platforms.
• Conduct extensive testing to ensure the app runs smoothly, contains no bugs,
and provides a seamless user experience.
• Deploy the app to the respective app stores, ensuring compatibility and
compliance with the platform's guidelines.
• Monitor the app's performance, user feedback, and bug reports after its release,
addressing any issues that arise.
• Maintain the app by releasing updates, adding new features, and addressing user
suggestions to enhance the learning experience.

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