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Circular 41 / 2001
Date: 22 May 2001

Topic Establishment, Supporting and

Monitoring Provincial Assessment Quality
Assurance Structures

Enclosure(s) None

 All Divisional Managers and Senior Managers at Head

Office and District Offices
Distribution  Managers and Educators at Institutions
 Members of School Governing Bodies
 Teacher Organisations and Unions
 Relevant Non-Governmental Organisations

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following languages by:
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 Afrikaans 8 June 2001 Sindy Mafanga Tel: 011 355 0585
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The National Assessment Policy in the General Education and Training Band, Grade R to 9
and ABET (Regulation published in terms of the National Education Policy Act, 1996, No.
27 of 1996, Government Gazette, Volume 402, No. 19640, dated December 1998), states that
its principal aim is to ‘enhance the provision of education for each learner which is
continuous, coherent and progressive making it one of the key elements in the quality
assurance system.’

According to the Norms and Standards (Government Gazette, No. 20844, dated 4 February
2000) the educator ‘will design and manage both formative and summative assessment in
ways that are appropriate to the level and purpose of learning and meet the requirements of
accrediting bodies.’

The Personnel Administration Measures (PAM) document states that one of the
responsibilities of an educator is “to assess and record what learners are taught” (Section 4 of
the Employment of Educators Act, 1998, Paragraph 4 entitled, “Duties and Responsibilities
of Educators’, sub-section Teaching) and that one of the responsibilities of the educator is ‘to
plan, co-ordinate, control, administer, evaluate and report on learners’ academic progress”
(Chapter 4, paragraph 4, subsection 4.5, entitled Core Duties and Responsibilities of the job).

The National Assessment Policy introduces a paradigm shift from a ‘high stakes’
examination to a system that informs and improves the curriculum and assessment practices
of educators and the leadership, governance and organisation of learning sites. Therefore, it is
the competence of the Provincial Education Department to provide guidelines to districts and
schools to establish quality assurance assessment structures at all levels to ensure high
standards in educational assessment for the province.


This circular supports the management of assessment as per Curriculum 2005 and Report
550 in districts, schools and learning sites.

The Assessment Systems Development Unit’s role is to facilitate the implementation of the
National Assessment Policy. The unit is committed to a transparent process in the
development of provincial assessment policies and guidelines for implementation.

The Assessment Management Structures for the province are professional bodies for
consultation. The Provincial Assessment Team (PAT), the District Assessment Team (DAT),
the Cluster Assessment Team (CAT) and the School Assessment Team (SAT) form the
quality assurance bodies for ensuring that assessment policy is implemented, properly
managed and monitored at the various levels. These Assessment Management Structures
form an integral part of the Curriculum Support Structures.


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The Provincial Assessment Team (PAT) is a new professional assessment forum to serve at
Provincial level. The function of the Provincial Assessment Team (PAT) will be to co-
ordinate developments regarding the implementation of national and provincial assessment
policy and consultation regarding implementation.


The composition of the forum will include assessment specialists from all Districts (one
representative from GET and one FET), Head Office representatives from Assessment
Systems Development Unit (ASDU), Examinations, Policy and Logistics Unit (EXPLU),
Assessment Materials Unit (AMU), Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET), Learning
Programmes and Framework Development and Support (LPFDS) and Teacher Unions.


The Provincial Assessment Team will meet at least 6 times per year.

Guidelines on strategic assessment functions for Representatives on the Provincial

Assessment Team

 Co-ordinate and mediate developments regarding the implementation of national and

provincial assessment policy and assessment systems, procedures and materials.
 Disseminate and mediate National Policy, Provincial Policy Guidelines, Report 550 and
other assessment information.
 Ensure implementation of policy and regulations to counter the abuse of assessment as a
means of exclusion.
 Ensure that assessment is based on outcomes-based education principles (including
 Ensure implementation of assessment policy and guidelines that facilitate multi-level and
multi-functional assessment practices.
 Ensure sound assessment practice that is fair, valid and reliable at Provincial level.
 Promote the implementation of policy based on a bias-free assessment system.
 Facilitate professional development of educators to become assessors.
 Improve progression in grades implementing Curriculum 2005 and Report 550.
 Formally report to Senior Managers, Units, District Assessment Teams or Unions.

Additional guidelines on strategic assessment functions for District Representatives on

the Provincial Assessment Team

 Draw up detailed management plans for assessment activities in the District as stipulated
by policies, regulations and circulars.
 Ensure that all assessment projects initiated by the District Office, which deal with
aspects of learner assessment (e.g. Common Examinations, Secondary School
Intervention Programmes, District Improvement Programmes, etc.) are monitored and co-

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ordinated by the District Assessment Team in conjunction with the District Management
 Co-ordinate, monitor and evaluate all activities related to assessment in the District.
 Facilitate parent and/or learner appeals against assessment decisions if not settled by the
District Assessment Team.


The District Assessment Team will ensure implementation of assessment policy at district,
cluster and school level, ensure management and monitoring of assessment processes in the
district and liaise with the Cluster and School Assessment Teams.


The composition of the DAT will include different representatives from Curriculum and
Professional Development and Support (CPDS) for each phase:
 Assessment Specialist, e.g. ECD/Foundation, Intersen and FET/ABET – The chair person
should be a PAT-member
 Learning Area Representatives
 Inclusion / Learners with Special Educational Needs (LSEN)
 Education Support Systems (ESS)
 Institutional Development and Support (IDS)


The District Assessment Team should meet as least once per month.

Guidelines on strategic assessment functions for the District Assessment Team

The District Assessment Team will be involved with schools in the following areas:

3.2.1 Establish, monitor and support Cluster Assessment Teams (CATs)

 Ensure that every school is part of a Cluster Assessment Team.

 Coordinate, monitor, evaluate and ensure the functionality of Cluster Assessment Teams.
 Train Cluster Assessment Teams in terms of the implementation of the National and
Provincial Assessment Policy (e.g. portfolios, moderation) and ensure the implementation
of these Policies.
 Ensure the implementation (conducting and performing) of the moderation processes.
 Moderate cluster-based continuous assessment records.
 Moderate school-based continuous assessment records and implement (conduct and
perform) the moderation processes.

3.2.2 Establish, monitor and support School Assessment Teams (SATs)

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 Ensure that every school has established a School Assessment Team or another structure
(e.g. SMT) that performs these functions.
 Disseminate and mediate the National Assessment Policy, Provincial Assessment
Guidelines and Circulars to School Assessment Teams.
 Ensure that School Assessment Teams facilitate the implementation of National and
Provincial Assessment Policy.
 Train and support School Assessment Teams in terms of the implementation of the
National and Provincial Assessment Policy, and the development and implementation of
their own School Assessment Policy.
 Promote and ensure training and support to School Management Teams towards the
management of assessment systems.
 Coordinate, monitor and ensure the functionality of School Assessment Teams.

 Maintain, co-ordinate and monitor learner assessment in those grades still subject to the
promotion requirements of Report 550.
 Monitor and support learner progression. Design prevention and intervention support
programmes to assist schools.
 Monitor the effective use of the Learner Profile.
 Implement, prevent and design intervention strategies in order to support the School
Assessment Teams to reduce the repetition rates at school.
 Promote and ensure the use of assessment practices to accommodate barriers experienced
by learners.
 Interact and liaise with assessors and other relevant role players.
 Ensure that schools have clear systems for monitoring learner performance and
achievement, which would include class visits to:
 review learner performance and advancement by grade and subject/learning area;
 discuss learner performance;
 establish communication channels;
 ensure timeous report back to parents.
 Facilitate parent and/or learner appeals against assessment decisions if the issue has not
been resolved by the School Assessment Team.

3.2.3 Reflect, review, compile and analyse reports and identify trends

 Coordinate information supplied by schools, e.g. Progression and Possible Retention

 Ratify Promotion/Progression and Possible Failure/Retention Schedules.
 Compile progress statistics of learners in all grades. Compile progress statistics for Grade
9 and Grade 12.
 Submit a written report to the Divisional/District Manager on all assessment activities and
decisions taken at District Assessment Team meetings.
 Submit a written report to the Assessment Systems Development Unit on a bi-monthly
basis on the implementation of the Assessment Management Plan, including successes
and challenges experienced during implementation, monitoring and support.
 Monitor, support and evaluate the outcomes in terms of learner performance and


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The Cluster Assessment Team (CAT) will ensure implementation of assessment policy at
school cluster level and ensure management and monitoring of assessment processes in the


In a district, the schools will be divided into clusters of not more than ten schools. Educators
of the different learning areas (subjects) will meet to discuss assessment issues in their
different learning areas (subjects) (e.g. CASS, portfolios, etc.). The District Office will
assign a coordinator for every cluster to take responsibility for the coordination of the cluster
and to chair cluster meetings.

FET: The composition of the FET Cluster Assessment Team will include representatives
from schools in the different subjects (e.g. English, Mathematics, Biology, etc.).

GET: The composition of the GET Cluster Assessment Team will include representatives
from schools in the different learning areas (e.g. Language, Literacy & Communication,
Natural Sciences, etc.).


The Cluster Assessment Team should meet at least once per month.

Guidelines on strategic assessment functions for the Cluster Assessment Team

 Draw up and implement a Cluster Assessment Management and Action Plan.

 Plan and prepare continuous assessment of learners' performance and achievement
according to national and provincial guidelines.
 Set high standards of expectations for educators and learners.
 Ensure the implementation of National Assessment Policy and Provincial Assessment
 Ensure implementation of continuous assessment records (e.g. portfolios, profiles).
 Prepare continuous assessment records for the moderation processes.
 Implement policy and guidelines that ensure multi-level and multi-functional assessment
 Assist educators in the implementation of continuous assessment and the development
and implementation of a variety of assessment methods, tools and techniques.


School Management must address assessment in their whole school development planning.
The function of the School Assessment Team will be to develop and maintain a school
assessment policy that will be an integral part of whole school policy planning. The school

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assessment policy must be in line with the Provincial and National Assessment Policy. The
School Assessment Team must also implement and monitor the implementation of the
School, Provincial and National Assessment Policy as well as evaluate the policy on an
ongoing basis and, where necessary, make amendments.
If the school has a structure in place that is performing these functions, or can take on these
functions, it is not necessary to form a new structure (e.g. School Management Team).

Recommended Composition

The School Assessment Team must include the principal and/or deputy principal, all Heads
of Department and at least one elected staff member from each of the phases offered in the
school (i.e. Foundation Phase (grades 1–3), Intermediate Phase (grades 4–6), Senior Phase
(grades 7-9) and Further Education Phase (grades 10-12). It is also strongly recommended
that a parent representative from the School Governing Body (SGB) be granted observer
status on the School Assessment Team. Parent representation on the School Assessment
Team will ensure that the parent body is constantly informed regarding the provincial and
school assessment policies and assessment guidelines.


The School Assessment Team should meet at least once a month.

Guidelines on strategic assessment management functions for the School Assessment


5.1 Planning of assessment, implementation and support

 Facilitate the development and implementation of the School Assessment Policy.

 Draw up and implement a School Assessment Management and Action Plan.
 Plan and prepare continuous assessment of learners' performance and achievement.
 Set high standards of expectations for learners and educators.
 Promote and ensure the use of assessment practices to accommodate barriers experienced
by learners.
 Continuously identify and address barriers to learning and development in a whole school
approach through continuous assessment and other assessment systems.
 Ensure that the School Assessment Team facilitates educationally sound, fair, reliable and
valid assessment practices at school.
 Ensure the implementation of the District Assessment Strategies.
 Train educators on the National and Provincial Assessment Policy.
 Provide on-going support to educators implementing Report 550.
 Assist educators in the implementation of continuous assessment.
 Design prevention and intervention programmes to support learner achievement.
 Ensure that learner diversity is accommodated through the use of a variety of assessment
methods, tools and techniques.
 Train, ensure the implementation of and support educators in the planning and
implementation of a variety of teaching and learning activities.
 Ensure the implementation of an effective recording and reporting system.

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 Ensure the completion of and validate the Promotion/Progression and Retention
 Ensure participation of parents in assessment and parental access to the records of their

5.2 Monitoring and moderation of school based assessment and reporting

 A member of the School Assessment Team must attend and participate in Cluster
Assessment Team (CAT) meetings.
 Moderate continuous assessment of learners' performance and achievement.
 Verify and certify the information on the official Learner Profiles, Promotion/Progression
and Possible Retention/Failure Schedules.
 Monitor the implementation of a variety of teaching and learning activities.
 Analyse, reflect, rate and review learner assessment and repetition rates.
 Analyse, reflect and review teaching and learning activities.
 Continuously identify and address barriers to learning and development in a whole school
approach through continuous assessment and other assessment systems.
 Ensure the effective use of portfolios and learner profiles.
 Prepare progress reports once a term, including written evidence of challenges on the
implementation of the management plan.
 Submit written reports to the principal and School Assessment Team on all assessment
issues and decisions taken at cluster meetings.
 Prepare and submit overall progress reports on learner assessments.
 Address parent and/or learner appeals against assessment decisions.

With the above mentioned quality assurance assessment structures in place, the Provincial
Education Department is confident that high standards in educational assessment for the
province will be attained and maintained.



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