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Activity 1

Managing the Classroom


Activity 3
Managing the Classroom

Teachers have the presence and authority in conventional classes to modify the
environment to be as favorable to learning as feasible. In a single action, closing the
classroom door to eliminate outside noise eliminates the disturbance of all kinds.

My Aims/ Purposes

At the end of the activity, I should be able to:

a. prepare all requisites for my first teaching;

b. demonstrate a very satisfactory teaching performance, and
c. develop positive views and conviction in every teaching performance.

My Responsibilities

Embracing the world of teaching requires a daily dose of vitamin C’s for
teachers such as Courage, Confidence, Competence, Commitment, and
Compassion. Each day you must brace yourself with courage and confidence to face
the public (students/learners, colleagues, administrators, and others). Along with
your initial vitamin C's, it is expected that you know how to exude competence and
execute commitment and compassion in every endeavor you take. This means
embracing a holistic, dynamic, unique YOU in the world of different strokes, different

As a teacher intern, I should:

a. write lesson plans and prepare instructional materials.

b. attend classes on time.
c. conduct/implement the prepared lesson plan.
d. assess my teaching performance.
e. be kind to everyone.

My Observations (Reflections and Insights)

1. What are your expectations for your Teaching Internship in the Post Pandemic?
Since we are also classified as pandemic babies, my expectation for my
teaching internship in this time of post-pandemic is that it will be very hard and
scary. I have this doubt in myself if I can really enjoy this internship but with my
expectations to all of the challenges are positives. I am positives that the Lord will
give a very nice cooperating teacher. And because of the feedback of my co-intern
to their last Field Study Observation to the school that I was deployed, I have this
strong faith that I'm in a great school where I will be learned and practice to be a
good future educator.
2. How did you get started? (State how you prepared yourself emotionally, physically,
mentally, and spiritually)

I prepared myself emotionally and mentally by setting up my goals because I'm
in this point. Why I started this journey of my life, how and what are the challenges
that I've been through, how accomplishing this challenge help the life of my family
to change and I should not start this at the first place if I were not going to finish
this. Physically by avoiding the things that are not good for my health. But still
there are times that I cannot control everything but the good thing is that I have a
cooperating that understands me and my health situation. And, spiritually by
praying to Lord to guide me and bless me to have a nice cooperating teacher and
Lord never disappoints me.

3. As a would-be/pre-service teacher, how did you feel while going through your final
experiential learning course (Teaching Internship)?

As a would be/pre service teacher, I feel like my heart and cheeks will going
to explode because of the excitement and the happiness that I have in my heart
while going through to my final experiential learning course. My heart were happy
I know that I accomplished my teaching task successful and smooth. If my student
enjoy my teaching hour and gained knowledge from me. I feel like I was flying in
the sky when my student and cooperating teacher appreciate my teaching.

4. What are your experiences during your first teaching? (Narrate your unforgettable

I have this experience in my first week of teaching that I cannot forget is that
how I was being respected by my students even though I was just an intern
student. I have also this experience from one of my students that I felt more pity
than being angry to him because of what and how he behaves. He was much older
than of his classmates. I was asking him to read the text in the presentation and
yet he answered me of he doesn't want to read, and he has no respect. I don't
know where those response coming from out of the blue. I get angry at first and
told him that kind of behavior is not good, and he stop and just listened. I feel like
he always getting that kind of statement and treatment over and over for him to
assumed and classified himself as to be not respectful.

5. What were the challenges you encountered during your first teaching?
I have this experience from one of my students that I felt more pity
than being angry to him because of what and how he behaves. He was much older
than of his classmates. I was asking him to read the text in the presentation and
know where those response coming from out of the blue. I get angry at first and
yet he answered me of he doesn't want to read, and he has no respect. I don't
told him that kind of behavior is not good, and he stop and just listened. I feel like
he always getting that kind of statement and treatment over and over for him to
assumed and classified himself as to be not respectful.

6. How did you respond or get through with those challenges?

I respond or get through with that challenge of how would be a teacher
be react on that kind of situation. I told him that the kind of behavior he has is not
good and will never be good. I told to my cooperating teacher what happened and
then she's the one who told what happened to the assigned adviser of that student.
My cooperating teacher told me that the day after what happened, that student
ame to her and asking for apology on how he behave, and my cooperating
teacher told him that he has no mistake to ask for her apology but instead he
should come to me and ask for apology. The student was shy to talk to me but I'm
happy to know that he realized his mistake.

7. Who/what was your motivation during your first teaching?

My motivation during my first teaching is my father. My father who never
leave me, who never doubt that I could do everything if I wanted to, who always
supported me emotionally and financially, and who gives me the life and second
chance of life to live. My motivation in my mind during that preparation of my first
teaching is that 'I have to finish this dream of us not just the goal of my father
for me to have a good life but I am doing all of this not to disappoint him and I
want him also to get proper medical assistance and to have soon provided him
and give him a good life he deserves.

8. What is your current perspective towards teaching?

As of my experience in practice teaching in a short period of time, my current perspective
towards teaching is that everything will be difficult if we put in our mind that it is really is difficult.
But if you will enjoy what you were doing even though teaching is not your fist choice,
everything will be enjoyable you will love what you were doing. It is so great to feel valued and
respected by students.
Teaching is enjoyable and I'm definitely enjoying what I am doing. My heart really belongs
to teaching. Before I believed that teaching is a noble job and it strengthen my belief even more.

My Exhibits (Evidence/ Documentations)

A. Community linkages

Teaching and helping the

non-reader students from
each handle class.
Paste a picture of your tutorial

Helping my cooperating
teacher's Grade 9
representatives for Readers
Theater competition

Paste a picture of your peer teaching

Photo Opportunity together with the English Department

Teachers, Head Teacher and other Teaching Interns from different

B. Lesson Plan

My First Draft
Lesson Plan

My First Draft Lesson Plan

My Revised Lesson

My Revised Lesson Plan

C. Observation Sheet

Observation sheet from my Practice Teacher Supervisor

Observation sheet during my final demonstration teaching

D. Sample output of my students (student’s activities, projects etc.)

E. Photos of my first teaching

First experience
attending the

First meeting
with my Grade 8
- Chico Student

Helping my
cooperating teacher's
Grade 9
representatives for
Readers Theater

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