Prelim Exam

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SED 127 (Fluid Mechanics for Teachers)

Preliminary Examination
Name: Date:
Section: Score:

Part I: Multiple Choice

Direction: Read carefully the question and encircled the letter of the best answer.

1. A fluid is said to be ideal, if it is

a. Incompressible
b. Inviscous
c. Viscous and incompressible
d. Inviscous and compressible
e. Inviscous and incompressible
2. The speed that the liquid is moving divided by the distance that is moves.
a. Shear stress
b. Shear rate
c. Both and b
d. None of the above
3. Surface tension has unit of
a. Newtons.m
b. Newtons/m
c. m/newtons
d. newtons
4. A 40 N block exerts 20 Pa of pressure on a table. What is the area of the block that is touching the table?
a. 0.5 m2 b. 1 m2 c. 2 m2 d. 2.5 m2
5. Which of the following measurements is a scalar measurement?
a. Velocity
b. Acceleration
c. Speed
d. Force
6. The sprinter accelerated towards the finish line at a rate of 5 meters per second squared. The given
quantity is
a. Vector
b. Scalar
c. Both
d. None of the above
7. Two vectors of the same magnitude are added; one pointing east, one west. The magnitude of the
resultant vector is
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
8. A 12 N force acting on an area of 3 square centimeters exerts a pressure of
a. 4 N/m2
b. 400 N/m2
c. 40 000 N/m2
d. 40 N/m2
9. Falling drops of water become spheres due to the property of
a. Viscosity
b. Compressibility
c. Surface tension
d. Pressure
10. Poise is the unit of
a. Surface tension
b. Viscosity
c. Density
d. Specific gravity
Part II: Identification
Direction: Read the following sentences/ phrases and write your answers on the space before the number.

1. The study of fluid at rest.

2. The branch of science which studies the effect of all pressures including the
external pressures on the moving fluid.
3. This French Scientist (1620-1684), built the first wind tunnel and tested models in
4. He published the classic pipe experimenting in 1883 which showed the
importance of the dimensionless Reynolds number named after him.
5. This property of fluid is defined as the volume of a fluid occupied by a unit mass
or volume per unit mass of a fluid.
6. Which is a reciprocal of _____.
7. Pressure is another important characteristic of fluids. This is the force exerted
over a given area which its SI unit is ____.
8. You swim with friends on a pool. As you swim deeper, the pressure you feel is
9. A fluid, which possesses viscosity, is known as ______.
10. Viscosity is a ratio of _____.

Part III: Problem Solving

Direction: Answer the following problems. Minimize erasure and lastly follow the process of solving word
problem (given, what is asked, formula etc.).

1. An unknown fluid in a 1-liter beaker has a mass of 3 kg. Determine the (a) density, (b) specific
volume, (c) specific weight, and (d) specific gravity of the fluid.
2. 500.0 liters of a gas in a flexible-walled container are prepared at 700.0 mmHg and 200.0 °C.
The gas is placed into a tank under high pressure. When the tank cools to 20.0 °C, the
pressure of the gas is 30.0 atm. What is the volume of the gas? (9.51 L)
3. Two horizontal plates placed 250mm have an oil of viscosity 20 poises. Calculate the shear
stress in oil if upper plate is moved with velocity of 1250mm/s.


1. What is the specific gravity of a solid sphere that has a radius of 15 mm and has a mass of 0.038
2. For 2 points, when did I graduated? (month/day/year)

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