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The two pie charts give information about the income and

outcome in 2016 for a children charity which located in the

Overall, donated food accounted for the highest income. While
investment income and government grants contributed the
least to the revenue. In contrast, program services accounted
for the highest outcome, while management and general were
the lowest. Also, the chart illustrate that the total income
exceeded the total expenditures.
Donated food accounted for 86.6 % then comes community
contributions, which made up 10.4%. For program revenue and
other income they contributed 2.2% and 0.4% respectively. The
last sectors are investment income and government grants
which made up 0.2% each.
Program services, which comprised 95.8% in the expenditures.
Nevertheless, fundraising and management and general made
up 2.6% and 1.6% respectively.

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