Assignment 1 UCSP

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Good morning, everyone.

In today’s world, freedom is granted to all of us

as long as we have not broken the rules. We are free to decide for our life, which
means we are free to have the religion we want. We can be Christianity, Islam,
Iglesia ni Christo or any other religion. Despite this freedom we have, in this
diversity of beliefs and practices, respect must not be forgotten.
Religion has been an integral part of human civilization since ancient times.
It shapes the way we live, our beliefs, values, and traditions. To all of you who
came from different cultures, our religions might be not the same as one another.
As Christians, we believed in one God, Jesus Christ, who was born of a virgin, who
was crucified and rose from the dead. We believe that salvation can only be
obtained through faith in Jesus Christ and that those who reject him will face
eternal punishment. Our practices include prayer, reading the Bible, attending
church services, and participating in sacraments such as baptism and communion.
Sharing this doesn’t mean we Christians are superior to other religions.
Furthermore, Islams believed in one God too, Allah, who revealed himself through
the prophet Muhammad. Muslims believe that the Quran is the word of God and
that following its teachings is essential for attaining eternal paradise, while for us
Christians we use Bible instead of Quran.
Moreover, Judaism is based on the belief in one God also who revealed
himself to the prophet Abraham. Buddhism is based on the belief in the Four
Noble Truths. Hinduism is based on the belief in many gods and goddesses.
Sikhism is based on the belief in one God who created the universe and all life
within it. Taoism is based on the belief in the Tao, or the way, which is the natural
order of the universe. Confucianism is based on the teachings of Confucius, who
emphasized the importance of education, social order, and respect for authority.
It’s kind of different from Christianity but still, Christianity is equally important to
There are more other religions that possess different beliefs and practices
that are not mentioned above. We have so many religions that’s why we need to
recognize that every individual has their own unique set of beliefs and values that
shape their perception of the world. Despite these differences, religions across
the world share many commonalities. They offer a sense of community, provide
guidance on moral values, and provide a framework for understanding the
purpose of life. With this let our freedom not cause a war between us. We may
have different religions but the goodness and peace of all of us should matter for
all and respect must be given not only to Christians and Islams but to all religions
around the world.

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