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Requirements for Application to Amend AOI &/or Bylaws

The Articles of Incorporation and/or Bylaws of the association may be amended by the majority vote of all
members of the Board, and majority of all members of the association regardless of standing, at a regular or special
meeting called for the purpose, or as a result of referendum after the proposed amendments are discussed in a
regular meeting of the association members.

The association shall file with the Regional Office a written application to amend its Articles of Incorporation
and/or its Bylaws accompanied by the following documents in triplicate:

a. The Articles of Incorporation and/or Bylaws, as amended, underscoring or underlining the changes made;
b. Notarized Board Resolution approving and adopting the proposed amendments, with the amendments
clearly stated therein, that the same were approved by majority vote of all the board members at a meeting
where there was a quorum, and the date of the said meeting;
c. Notarized Secretary’s Certificate attesting that the amendments were approved by the majority vote of all
members of the association regardless of standing, and stating therein the date of the members’ meeting,
and the fact of quorum; and
d. Minutes of the meetings of the Board, and of the General Assembly called for the purpose, both duly
certified as true and correct by the association’s secretary, and the attendance sheet of the General
Assembly signed by the members present and indicating therein their corresponding votes.

Application Amendment by Initiatives

a. The petition to amend shall be signed by at least thirty percent (30%) of the members in good standing and
submitted to the Election Committee. If no Election Committee exist, the petition shall be submitted to the
Regional Office, and the latter shall create an Election Committee for this purpose.
b. Within ten (10) days from the completion of the validation of signatures, the Election Committee shall
notify all members of the association of the date, time and venue of the special meeting for the purpose of
deliberation and approval or disapproval of the proposed amendments through any available means. The
notice of meeting and copy of the proposed amendments shall be posted at the bulletin board of the
association, and in at least three (3) conspicuous places within the subdivision/village or community.
c. The vote of a simple majority of all members of the association regardless of standing shall be necessary to
approved the proposed amendments. Within ten (10) days from the meeting at which the amendments were
approved, the election Committee shall file the Regional Office the application to amend, attaching thereto
the following.

1. Petition to amend duly signed by thirty percent (30%) of the members in good standing;
2. The Articles of incorporation and/or Bylaws, as amended, underscoring or underlining the change/s
3. Notarized Certificate of Election Committee attesting that the amendments were approved by the
majority vote of all members of the association regardless of standing, and stating therein the date of
the regular or special general assembly meeting called for the purposed, and the fact of quorum and
approval of the proposed amendments; and
4. Minutes of the special general assembly meeting, and the attendance shall signed by the members
present and their corresponding votes.

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