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2 Proposed Area of Improvement

Ramly Food Processing Sdn. Bhd. is having issues with lower products
quality. Ramly has made various modifications in order to retain the high quality of
their products. As we all know, there are numerous companies that produce food.
Food firms such as Lady's Choice, Khayr, and Ayamas make the same product under
multiple names, brands, and companies. As a result of this issue, it is difficult to keep
Ramly products with high quality and taste because it is difficult to differentiate them
from other brands. Ramly aims to differentiate itself from other companies, but it is
tough to maintain its high standards for various kinds of factors related to their
industry. If their product has a poor quality, their loyal customers might look out
alternative companies. The reason for this is because of the fact that Ramly has
several competitors who produce the same product but with a different brand, taste,
packaging, and pricing. Considering the fact that the products are used in the same
way, customers prefer to select the best product.

One of the proposed improvements is the use of an ERP system. There are
numerous areas that can be improved with ERP software by Ramly Food Processing
Sdn Bhd. With ERP system, it will enhanced data security. ERP systems manage who
can view and edit important data across company functions. Meanwhile, it may
combine information into a single repository, either on-premises or in the cloud, and
improve security when compared to scattered resources across multiple platforms. As
Toolbox writes about data security, companies today are suffering financial losses
because of security breaches that are up to 90% more expensive than they were four
years ago. As a result, it is critical to adopt ERP software that improves the overall
security of your data. Manufacturers can access numerous data sources through a
single system when using ERP software. Managers can grant access rights to
employees in charge of data management. A cloud-based ERP system can also be an
idea for improvement because it allows for more secure data storage . This is because
cloud-based ERP systems enable those with access permissions to manage data at any
time and from any location if their devices are connected to the internet. A cloud
system keeps and handles everything remotely, so even if staff are dispersed
throughout the country, they can still input data in real time from any connected
device. The software vendor manages a company's ERP software and its associated
data and information centralised in the Internet "cloud" and users and customers
access it via a web browser.

Other than that, ERP system allow separate departments to share system-
integrated information remotely. ERP systems can combine all departments of a
manufacturing Ramly, including human resources, inventory, sales, CRM, and others.
All departments can cooperate through a single system, and management can obtain
complete data from each of them in real time. In that case, ERP systems are designed
to be modular. This enables the workflow's many departments to administer the linked
work module. Many modules can do work in the background due to automation.
When optimised, ERP is a valuable resource for the industrial sector.

By using the ERP system, it can make the Ramly run smoothly and provide
accurate information. All the information that is gathered will undoubtedly assist
stakeholders in making accurate estimates and effective forecasts, allowing
management to make wiser and faster business decisions. Advanced ERP systems
enable the effective and centralised gathering, processing, and storage of information
on production, sales, supply, or customers. As a result, a single data system is used
and maintained rather than several distinct databases that require regular inspections
and synchronisation to delete obsolete or duplicate records. The higher quality of all
types of internal data, together with its simple availability to personnel in any relevant
department, is an invaluable feat that leads to further performance optimisation at all
levels of the company. The activity that gains the most from ERP installation is supply
chain and inventory management.

ERP system is very importance to easier make reporting and planning. This is
because an ERP suite is a single unified reporting system. Without the assistance of an
IT expert, accurate, real-time data can be generated and disseminated. Employees may
generate reports, identify issues, and provide immediate fixes. Interdepartmental
databases are customised to allow for the integration of information for convenient
access. In this situation, it will allow Ramly to plan ahead of time with seamless
interdepartmental communication.

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