Past Tenses 2.

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Task 1. Use Past perfect (had +V3) or Past Perfect Continuous (had been+Ving).

1.I was so happy to find the documents. I……………………………. (look)  for them all afternoon. 
2.He was fired, even though (nors), in his opinion, he ………………………(not/do)  anything wrong. 
3.It was not the first time I'd met him. We ……………………………………… (meet)  many times before. 
4.He called me at eleven in the evening to tell me that he ……………..(find/finally)  a solution. (sprendimas)
5.When he ……………………………………(finish)  his speech, he waited for the reaction of the audience.
6.By the time I ………………. (come) back from my business trip, a lot of things …………………………(changed) . 
7.The doctor asked me how long I ………………………………………………(have)  the symptoms. 
8.It was more than a month before we realised what ……………………………………(happen)  to him. 
9.We ………………… (work/already)  on this project for a month before we …………………(find) a fundamental flaw.
10.The answer ……. (not/arrive/still)  by the end of the week so we ……………….(send) them a strong reminder. (priminimas)
Task 2. Use Past perfect (had +V3) or Past Perfect Continuous (had been+Ving).

1.By the time they got to the theatre the play  …………………………………..…………..(ALREADY START)
2.When he ……………………..(GET) to the finis line. he ………………………………for three hours (RUN)
3.By the time they …………………..(LEAVE) town the mechanic ………………………………………the car. (REPAIR)
4.Joe …………………………………………………….his teeth by the time he went out. (BRUSH)
5.After they ……………………….………………(OPEN) the door they ………… (SEE) (that the room was a complete mess
6.We ……………………………………. (WORK)in the garden for a long time when we …………………(FIND)the hole.
7.After the storm ………………………………………..we could finally leave the house. (STOP)
8.The football fans………………………(MAKE) trouble for some time before the police……………….. (ARRIVE).
9.When the teacher finally ……………………….(COME) in, the boys …………………………for ten minutes (FIGHT)
10.After they …………………………………………….the good news they burst into laughter. (HEAR)
11.When the policeman rushed into the street, the thieves ………………… (ALREADY DISAPPEAR).
3. Put the verbs into the correct past tense.
1. I decided to learn English when we ________________ (live)  in Sydney.
2. I ________________ (drive)  my car for more than 11 hours when we ______________(reach) the border.
3. The competitors________________ (shake)  hands after the ceremony ____________________(end).
4. I went to the box office at lunch-time, but they___________ (already, sell)  all the tickets.
5. Prof. Powell ________________ (teach)  his grammar class for 20 minutes only when an explosion ___________(occur) in the
main hall of the building.
6. I saw them as I________________ (drive)  to work.
7. When ______________________ (he/return) from the trip?
8. I saw her at the party and I realised that we__________ (already, meet)  one week earlier.
9. When John ______________(arrive), I ____________________________ (still, work)  in the garden.
10. Cindy ____________ (stand) in the cold while Jim _________________ (sit))  in the café.
11. They ________________ (go) home after they ________________ (finish) their work.
12. He ________________ (repair) the radio for an hour when you arrived.
13. She ________________ (just / go) out when I called her.
14. My brother ________________ (eat) all the pie before we got back.
15. Vilnius University ____________________ (found) in 1579.
16. She said that she ________________ (already / see) the Pyramids.
17. We ________________ (play) football for half an hour when it started to rain.
18. The fire ________________ (spread) to the next building before the firemen _________ (arrive).
19. His mother ________________ (worry) a lot about him before she ________________ (hear) that he was safe.
20. His knees and hands were very dirty. He ________________ (crawl) in the garden.
21. He ________________ (already / learn) English before he ____________ (leave) for England, but before he arrived in
England, he ________________ (forget) some.
22. We were very tired. We ________________ (travel) for about sixteen hours.
 4. Complete the sentences for situations in the past. Decide which tense you need to use.
1. A: Where 1)......... (be) you yesterday afternoon? I 2) …………….…... (call) you all afternoon but there 3) …….. (be) no answer.
B: I 4) ........ (be) at home but you 5) …….. (probably/ring) me when I 6………….…. (rake) the leaves outside in the garden. Why?
A: I 7)................................... (finish) all my errands and I 8) ………...........................….. (think) we could see a film.
2. A: How long 1)........................................ (you/live) in Sydney before you 2) …................……………….... (move) back
to London?
          B: We 3) ....................................................... (live) in Sydney for ten years when the company that
Richard 4) ……………………………….... (work) for 5) …………………..…(offer) him a position at the London office.
          A: 6).................................................................................................................. (you/want) to come back to London?
          B: Yes. We 7) .................... (be) both excited about coming home so Richard 8)……………...... (accept) the job immediately.

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