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Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 39(1), 2003, pp. 64–72

q Wildlife Disease Association 2003


Thorbjørn Refsum,1,5 Turid Vikøren,2 Kjell Handeland,2 Georg Kapperud,3,4 and
Gudmund Holstad1
Section of Bacteriology, National Veterinary Institute, P.O. Box 8156 Dep, N-0033 Oslo, Norway
Section of Wildlife Diseases, National Veterinary Institute, P.O. Box 8156 Dep, N-0033 Oslo, Norway
Division of Infectious Disease Control, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, N-0403 Oslo, Norway
Department of Pharmacology, Microbiology and Food Hygiene, The Norwegian School of Veterinary Science,
Box 8146 Dep, 0033 Oslo, Norway
Corresponding authors (email:

ABSTRACT: Septicemic salmonellosis caused by Salmonella Typhimurium 4, 12: i : 1, 2 was diag-

nosed in 94 (64.8%) of 145 small passerines comprising nine species, examined in Norway during
1999–2000. The birds were found dead at private feeding places throughout the country. The
bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula), Eurasian siskin (Carduelis spinus), common redpoll (Carduelis
flammea), and Eurasian greenfinch (Carduelis chloris) were the most frequently affected species.
Pathologic findings in 94 carcasses included poor body condition (84%), enlarged spleen (73%),
and necrosis of crop/esophagus (78%), liver (53%), spleen (46%), proventriculus (13%), and in-
testine (5.3%). Histologically, necrosis consisted of debris, fibrin, inflammatory cells, and aggre-
gates of Gram-negative bacteria and occasionally giant cells. Based on information from ques-
tionnaires sick and dead birds were observed at feeding places from December to June, with a
distinct peak during February and March. The duration of recorded outbreaks varied from less
than 1 wk to 4 mo. In a separate study, 1,990 apparently healthy passerines caught at feeding

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places established for bird-ringing purposes were surveyed for cloacal carriage of Salmonella spp.
Forty (2.0%) of the birds examined, representing sampling sites both in southern and northern
parts of the country, harbored S. Typhimurium 4, 12: i : 1, 2 in their intestines. The carrier species
largely reflected the species most often suffering from fatal infection.
Key words: Epidemiology, passerines, pathology, salmonella epizootic, Salmonella Typhimu-
rium, salmonellosis, wild birds.

INTRODUCTION ines constituted the vast majority of the

postmortem avian cases (93.8%) at the Na-
Epizootics in wild-living passerine birds tional veterinary institute in Norway dur-
(Passeriformes) caused by Salmonella Ty- ing 1969–2000.
phimurium were first reported from Swit- In passerines, S. Typhimurium usually
zerland in the 1950s (Bouvier et al., 1955). causes subacute septicemic infection
Epizootics also have been reported in (Daoust et al., 2000). Tits (Paridae) seem
Great Britain (Wilson and MacDonald, to be less susceptible to the infection than
1967), Germany (Schaal and Ernst, 1967), finches (Fringillidae) and sparrows (Plo-
Sweden (Hurvell et al., 1974), Denmark ceidae, Emberizidae) (Englert et al., 1967;
(Nielsen and Clausen, 1975), USA (Hud- Schaal and Ernst, 1967; Cornelius, 1969;
son and Tudor, 1957) and Canada (Wob- Hurvell et al., 1974). Species differences
eser and Finlayson, 1969). This disease are also reflected in the lesions; necrosis in
was first recognized in Norway in 1969 and esophagus and crop occurs in finches and
has since been diagnosed regularly. The sparrows (Kösters and Scheer, 1967; Wob-
disease is invariably associated with S. Ty- eser and Finlayson, 1969; Daoust et al.,
phimurium 4, 12: i : 1, 2 and occurs at pri- 2000) but not in tits (Englert et al., 1967;
vate feeding places during winter (Refsum Hurvell et al. 1974). These differences
et al., 2002). S. Typhimurium has also may be due to greater resistance in tits, or
been the most common serovar found in they may be less exposed to the bacteria
bird species other than small passerines in due to their feeding behavior (Englert et
Norway and Sweden (Borg, 1985; Refsum al., 1967; Cornelius, 1969; Hurvell and
et al., 2002). Nevertheless, small passer- Jevring, 1974). Systematic and detailed de-

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scriptions of lesions associated with sal- included gross lesions were also Gram stained
monellosis in passerine species are rather (Culling et al., 1985). Histologic examination
was not conducted on birds received in 2000.
scarce; only a few reports describe histo-
pathologic findings (Hurvel, 1973; Routh Questionnaires
and Sleeman, 1995; Pennycott et al., 1998;
Epidemiologic information was obtained by
Daoust et al., 2000; Hudson et al., 2000). requesting the consignors of dead birds to fill
Healthy carriers of S. Typhimurium in in a questionnaire. However, only question-
passerine populations are considered to be naires from consignors who submitted birds
a major source of fatal infections (Greuel which laboratory examination subsequently
and Arnold, 1971; Hurvell et al., 1974; confirmed to be cases of salmonellosis were in-
cluded in the study. The questionnaires from
Pennycott et al., 1998; Daoust et al., consignors, whose dead birds were assigned
2000). Salmonella carriage in passerines other diagnosis than salmonellosis, were too
varying from 0–8.3% (in special cases 14– few to make a comparable statistical analysis of
43%); sparrows and starlings (Sturnus vul- the two groups, and thus excluded from the
garis) are the most common carriers (Wil- study. Data concerning time and duration of
the incidents, species and numbers of sick and
son and MacDonald, 1967; Goodchild and dead birds, the different species at the feeding
Tucker, 1968; Marx, 1969; Tizard et al., place, type of feed, feeding routines, as well as
1979; Brittingham et al., 1988; Čı́žek et al., earlier episodes with sick or dead birds, were
1994; Morishita et al., 1999). collected and analyzed using the computer pro-
In this study, we report pathologic find- gram Epi Info (version 6.04 b/c, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Geor-
ings and epidemiologic data linked to fatal

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gia, USA). Salmonellosis incidents were classi-
salmonellosis in passerine birds at private fied in two categories; single cases representing
feeding places in Norway. Additionally, we one dead bird, and outbreaks involving at least
present results of a survey of salmonella- two sick or dead birds. Species observed at the
carriage among passerines. feeding place at least once a week during the
winter were classified as common species.
Carriers of salmonella
Pathologic examination
Cloacal swabs were collected from apparent-
During 1998–2000, the public was encour- ly healthy passerines caught at 21 feeding plac-
aged, through requests published in periodicals es established for bird-ringing purposes during
of the Norwegian Zoological Society and the the winters of 1998–2000. The feeding places
Norwegian Ornithological Society, to collect were located in 15 of 19 Norwegian counties,
birds found dead at private feeding places, and including southern and northern Norway. The
to forward the carcasses to the National Vet- swabs were kept in Stuart9s transport medium
erinary Institute for pathologic and bacteriolog- (Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Den-
ic examination. The carcasses were collected mark), cooled in refrigerator before submis-
from January 1998 to April 2000 and kept fro- sion, and examined at the laboratory within 3–4
zen up to 2 mo by the consignors until sub- days after collection.
mission to the laboratory. All carcasses received
during 1999 and 2000 (145) were subjected to Bacteriologic examinations
extensive postmortem examination. The birds
received in 1998 (34) were subjected to less Bacteriologic examination was performed on
extensive postmortem examination, and there- all bird carcasses (179) received during 1998–
fore included only in the bacteriologic part of 2000. Samples from liver, lungs, and heart
the study. At necropsy, species, sex, weight, blood were separately inoculated on two blood
body condition, and pathologic findings where agar (BA) plates (Bacto Blood Agar Base No 2,
recorded. From the birds submitted in 1999, Difco Laboratories, Detroit, Michigan, USA)
specimens of the lungs, heart, liver, spleen, kid- containing 5% bovine blood, and on one
neys, and other organs with gross findings, bromothymol-blue lactose sucrose agar
were fixed in 10% buffered formalin. Fixed (BBLSA) plate (Bacto heart infusion agar 40.0
specimens were processed routinely, embed- g, lactose 120 g, saccharose 120 g,
ded in paraffin, sectioned at 5 mm, and stained Na2S2O3*5H20 12 g, bromothymol-blue 0.96 g,
with hematoxylin and eosin for histologic ex- and crystal-violet 0.06 g in 1,000 ml distilled
amination (Culling et al., 1985). Sections that water). The two BA plates were incubated in
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5% CO2 atmosphere and in anaerobic condi- had intestinal infection only (carrier birds)
tions, respectively, while the BBLSA plate was and had died from trauma.
incubated aerobically. All plates were incubated
overnight at 37 C. Pathologic findings in bird carcasses
Cloacal swabs from live birds, and intestines
from carcasses, were cultured for Salmonella From a total of 145 birds subjected to
according to the Nordic Committee on Food thorough postmortem examination in 1999
Analysis (Anonymous, 1991). Briefly, cloacal and 2000, 94 had died from septicemic sal-
swabs were individually incubated in 9.9 ml
buffered peptone water (BPW) (Oxoid CM509, monellosis (Table 2). Affected birds were
Oxoid Limited, Hampshire, England) at 37 C equally distributed with regard to sex, and
for 24 hr. One hundred ml from each of five represented nine species. Most were ema-
samples were further pooled into 49.5 ml Rap- ciated or in poor body condition (84.0%)
paport-Vassiliadis Soya broth (RVS) (Oxoid with wasted pectoral muscles and no visi-
CM866) and incubated at 42 C for 24 hr. Fi-
nally, the pooled RVS-samples were inoculated ble fat. Affected birds (91.5%), except for
on modified brilliant green agar (Difco 218801) three Eurasian siskins, three common red-
and BBLSA and incubated at 37 C for 24 hr. polls (Carduelis flammea), one tree spar-
Meanwhile, the BPW-incubated swabs were row (Passer montanus) and one great tit
kept in a refrigerator for possible later investi- (Parus major), also had marked organ le-
gation. Intestines with contents were incubated
in BPW in a ratio of 1:10 (weight/volume), after sions (Table 2). The most constant finding
which 100 ml from each sample were trans- was yellow-white, multifocal to confluent
ferred to 10 ml RVS. Further the procedures necrosis in the wall of the esophagus and
were otherwise identical to those describe crop (77.7%) (Fig. 1). Scattered foci of ne-

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above. Presumptive salmonella colonies were crosis were also common on the surface of
further characterized by inoculation on triple
sugar iron (Difco 226540) and urease medium the liver (53.2%) and spleen (45.7%), and
(Difco 228310). The cultivation procedures less frequently in the wall of the proven-
were repeated to identify the individual sample triculus (12.8%) and intestines (5.3%). The
from positive pooled samples. Serologic typing spleen was enlarged in most cases (73.4%).
was done by use of poly- and univalent sera In all 78 birds (83.0%) had necrotic lesions
(Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Den-
mark) according to Popoff and Le Minor in one or several parts of the upper diges-
(1992). tive tract (esophagus/crop/proventriculus),
and 55 (58.5%) of these also had similar
lesions in the liver and/or spleen. With the
Bacteriologic findings in bird carcasses exception of one Eurasian siskin with ne-
Salmonella Typhimurium 4, 12: i : 1, 2 crosis in the proventriculus only, all birds
was isolated from 123 of 179 birds (68.7%) with gross lesions in the proventriculus or
examined bacteriologically during 1998– intestine also had necrosis in other organs.
2000 (Table 1). The salmonella-positive Eight birds (8.5%) had necrosis only in the
birds originated from 87 private feeding liver and/or spleen. Fifty-one birds that
places located across the country. In 115 did not die of salmonellosis, died either
of the salmonella-positive birds, the bac- from trauma (23%), emaciation (5%), or
terium was present in lung, heart blood, other causes (7%).
liver, and intestine, indicating septicemic Histologically, necrosis in the crop/
infection. In four birds, one bullfinch (Pyr- esophagus affected the entire mucosa, and
rhula pyrrhula) and three Eurasian siskins commonly the submucosa and lamina
(Carduelis spinus), the bacterium was pre- muscularis. Necrotic areas consisted of fi-
sent in lung, heart blood, and liver, but not brin, debris, heterophilic and mononuclear
in the intestine, indicating septicemic in- inflammatory cells, and large amounts of
fection without intestinal colonization. The Gram-negative bacteria. The necrosis seen
remaining salmonella-infected birds; two in proventriculus and intestine were simi-
Eurasian siskins, one bullfinch, and one lar to those in the crop/esophagus, but
Eurasian greenfinch (Carduelis chloris), normally less extensive. Hepatic and splen-
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TABLE 1. Salmonella Typhimurium 4, 12 : i : 1, 2-infection in birds found dead at 87 private feeding places
by species, Norway 1998–2000, common species observed at 70a feeding places, and isolation of S. Typhi-
murium 4, 12 : i : 1, 2 from carrier birds.

Carcasses Common Carriers

Number number Number
Number of birds of feeding Number of birds
of birds infected places of birds infected
Species examined (%) (%) examined (%)

Great tit (Parus major) 13 2 (15) 69 (99) 303 0

Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) 63 49 (78) 60 (86) 281 8 (2.8)
Blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) 6 2 (33) 56 (80) 138 0
Eurasian greenfinch (Carduelis chloris) 10 8 (80) 53 (76) 380 2 (0.5)
Black-billed magpie (Pica pica) — — 40 (57) 1 0
Willow tit (Poecile montanus) — — 39 (56) 26 0
Common redpoll (Carduelis flammea) 31 26 (84) 29 (41) 348 12 (3.4)
Coal tit (Parus ater) — — 28 (40) 16 0
Yellow hammer (Emberiza citrinella) — — 27 (39) 51 1
Eurasian siskin (Carduelis spinus) 40 33 (83) 25 (36) 159 14 (8.8)
Wood nuthatch (Sitta europaea) — — 25 (36) 20 0
Common blackbird (Turdus merula) 1 0 24 (34) 26 0
House sparrow (Passer domesticus) 1 0 24 (34) 25 2 (8)
Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius) — — 20 (29) 0 —
Great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) — — 18 (26) 3 0

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Carrion crow (Corvus corone) — — 14 (20) 0 —
Marsh tit (Parus palustris) — — 13 (19) 2 0
European robin (Erithacus rubecula) — — 11 (16) 11 0
Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus) 4 1 (25) 11 (16) 40 0
Brambling (Fringilla montefringilla) 1 1 (100) 9 (13) 77 0
Bohemian waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus) 2 0 4 (6) 8 1 (13)
Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) 1 0 4 (6) 0 —
Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) — — 3 (4) 3 0
Hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes) 2 1 (50) 0 (—) 5 0
Common crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) 2 0 0 (—) 0 —
Other species 2 0 — 67 0
179 123 1,990 40
a One missing value.

ic lesions were characterized by extensive had acute focal necrosis with little or no
necrosis with accumulation of inflamma- reactive change nor bacteria.
tory cells, and occasional multinucleated
giant cells, in combination with small acute
foci of necrosis with no inflammatory re- Questionnaires were received from 71
sponse. Aggregates of Gram-negative bac- (82%) of 87 feeding places with confirmed
teria were seen in association with necro- cases of salmonellosis during 1998–2000,
sis, but also occurred elsewhere in hepatic representing 17 single cases and 54 out-
and splenic parenchyma. Pulmonary, re- breaks. Sick and dead birds were observed
nal, and myocardial findings included scat- from December to June, with a distinct
tered aggregates of Gram negative bacte- peak during February and March (Fig. 2).
ria, usually located within vessels, although The duration of the outbreaks varied from
in some sites, the aggregations were found less than 1 wk up to 4 mo (median51.35
in combination with small foci of necrosis. mo, mean51 mo).
Four of eight birds with septicemic sal- Overall, 205 birds were reported found
monellosis and no grossly visible lesions, dead; 121 of these birds were submitted
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and in 111 the cause of death was septi-


cemic salmonellosis. The number of dead

4 (12)
1 (4)

5 (5)

birds found at each feeding place during

outbreaks varied from one to 23 (medi-
an52). In 13 outbreaks (25%), only one
dead bird was found, but additional sick
birds were observed. Twenty-eight con-
17 (52)
12 (44)
10 (48)
4 (80)

43 (46)

signors (39%) had observed one or several

episodes of disease in recent years. The
most common species of birds observed at
Number of birds (%) with necrosis in organs

the feeding places are given in Table 1.

Sites of gross lesions (necrosis) in 94 passerines with fatal S. Typhimurium 4, 12 : i : 1, 2-infection, Norway 1999–2000.

All except one consignor fed the birds


50 (53)

sunflower seed, most often in combination



with other kinds of feed, like tallow (48%),


bread (35%), nuts (23%), balls of mixed fat

and seed (21%), oat sheaf (a Christmas tra-
dition in Norway) (20%), seed mixture

(17%), and grain (16%). More than 80%


12 (13)

of the consignors used one to three feed-


ing systems, the remaining using more

than three systems. The feed was most of-

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ten suspended (78%), or offered from

hanging feeders (69%), on roofed bird ta-


73 (78)

bles (59%), or on the ground (35%). Most


feeding systems were cleaned (brushed or

scraped) at least once during the winter.
Carriers of salmonella

1 (3)

1 (1)

Salmonella Typhimurium 4, 12: i : 1, 2

was isolated from cloacal swabs from 2.0%
of 1,990 passerines examined, comprising
birds infected

seven species (Table 1). The 40 carriers

Number of

came from nine (43%) of 21 feeding places



where birds were sampled. If only samples

from feeding places where carriers were
detected are included (1,014), prevalence
rises to 4%. Additionally, during the 3 yr
Hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes)

study, salmonellosis was confirmed in car-

Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus)
Eurasian greenfinch (Carduelis chloris)

casses from four of these nine feeding

Common redpoll (Carduelis flammea)

Brambling (Fringilla montefringilla)

Eurasian siskin (Carduelis spinus)
Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)

Blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)

Extensive postmortem autolysis.

Septicemic salmonellosis, caused by S.


Great tit (Parus major)

Typhimurium 4, 12: i : 1, 2, was the main

cause of death in small passerines found
at Norwegian feeding places in the present
study; the occurrence of disease peaked

during February and March. Similar find-

ings have been reported from Sweden

(Hurvell et al., 1974; Borg, 1985).

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FIGURE 1. Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) with extensive and confluent necrosis in the crop wall protruding
into the lumen.

Our study supports earlier findings that distribution of this species (Cramp and
finches, like bullfinch, Eurasian siskin, Simmons, 1994). Although the great tit
common redpoll, and greenfinch, are par- and blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) were
ticularly susceptible to S. Typhimurium in- common species at most of the feeding
fection (Englert et al., 1967; Schaal and places in the present study, salmonellosis
Ernst, 1967; Borg, 1985; Routh and Slee- was confirmed only in four individuals. In
man, 1995; Daoust et al., 2000). Reports Norway and Sweden, only 5% of dead
of disease in common redpolls are restrict- great tits examined during more than 30
ed to the Scandinavian peninsula (Borg, yr died from salmonellosis (Borg, 1985;
1985) and North America (Daoust et al., Refsum et al., 2002). The explanation for
2000), probably reflecting the circumpolar the lower number of fatal infections in tits,
compared to finches, may lie in a greater
resistance to infection in tits, or behaviour
at the feeding place resulting in less ex-
posure to the bacterium. Gregarious spe-
cies like finches, siskins, and sparrows of-
ten seek feed on the ground, potentially
contaminated by droppings from infected
birds. These birds also probably run a
greater risk of being infected, since they
often stay for a prolonged time at the feed-
FIGURE 2. Observations of sick and dead birds at
feeding places by month, reported by consignors of
ing place (Englert et al., 1967; Cornelius,
dead birds confirmed to be cases of salmonellosis, 1969; Hurvell and Jevring, 1974; Daoust
Norway 1998–2000. et al., 2000). Tits usually pick food, often
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from suspended feed or hanging feeders, disease may be acute, or even peracute in
and fly off the feeding place to consume it some birds.
elsewhere. In addition, the way the birds The overall prevalence of salmonella
eat seed might be important. Finches and carriage found in the present study (2.0%)
siskins can hold several seeds in their bills was probably an underestimation, due to
and husk them one at a time (Newton, sub-optimal sampling method, using cloa-
1972), while tits process feed by pecking cal swabs. The primary carrier species
it while held between the feet. Thus, in were identical to those species most often
contrast to finches, tits may be less ex- suffering from salmonellosis. No carriers
posed to potentially contaminated hulls. were found among 485 tits (Parus sp.) ex-
Whether there actually are species differ- amined. This result supports our recent
ences in resistance or not, needs further hypothesis, that tits are less exposed to the
clarification. bacterium. Other surveys of passerines
Common lesions in cases of fatal sal- have shown varying prevalences from
monellosis were necrosis in the crop/ 0–8.3 % (Wilson and MacDonald, 1967;
esophagus, liver, and spleen, as well as Goodchild and Tucker, 1968; Tizard et al.,
splenomegaly. These lesions were reported 1979; Čı́žek et al., 1994; Morishita et al.,
in other studies (Kösters and Scheer, 1967; 1999). However, with one exception (Ti-
Englert et al., 1967; Hurvell et al., 1974; zard et al., 1979), none of these studies
Pennycott et al., 1998; Daoust et al., provide explicit information as to whether
2000). We also found necrosis in the pro- or not the samples were collected from

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ventriculus. The most constant and exten- birds caught at private feeding places.
sive lesion was necrosis in the crop/eoso- The high prevalence of salmonella in-
phagus. In four birds, the bacterium was fection in passerines during winter in the
isolated from lung, heart blood and liver, present study is in accordance with earlier
but not in intestine, suggesting that the studies from Europe (Englert et al., 1967;
bacterium can be invasive in the upper Cornelius, 1969; Hurvell et al., 1974; Borg,
part of the digestive tract. This was pro- 1985;) and North America (Faddoul et al.,
posed by Daoust et al. (2000). The crop 1966; Wobeser and Finlayson, 1969;
stores food when the gizzard is full (King Daoust et al., 2000). The apparent season-
and McLelland, 1984), providing the op- al occurrence may be biased to some ex-
portunity for bacterial invasion through tent by the fact that the public mainly
the crop mucosa. Species, such as finches, feed, and thus closely observe, the birds
that stay at the feeding place and fill up during winter. On the other hand, most
the crop in a short time may be prone to birds live dispersed during summer, re-
invasion of the crop by the bacterium, ducing the possibility of salmonella trans-
compared to species, such as tits, that seize mission between birds. Additionally, they
food and fly off to consume it elsewhere. are in good condition in summer due to
The great majority of the salmonella-in- the availability of varied nutrient-rich feed,
fected birds in this study had gross organ which presumably makes them less sus-
lesions that histologically represented sites ceptible to fatal infection. However, the
of subacute inflammatory processes. These occurrence of sporadic or epizootic cases
observations support the work of Daoust of fatal salmonellosis has been reported
et al. (2000) that septicemic infections in during the summer (Hudson and Tudor,
passerines caused by S. Typhimurium nor- 1957; Faddoul et al., 1966; Schaal and
mally take a subacute course. However, in Ernst, 1967; Wobeser and Finlayson,
the present study, there were also a few 1969; Pennycott et al., 1998; Daoust et al.,
birds with no grossly visible lesions, the in- 2000). All cases were found at feeding
fection being characterized by acute ne- places. Contaminated feeding places may
crosis in the organs. Thus the course of facilitate transmission of pathogens be-
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tween birds at any time of the year, but rier birds are probably important in main-
summer feeding of birds is not common in taining a source of infection, causing spo-
Norway. radic cases or local epizootics of salmonel-
Contaminated feeding places seem to losis in passerines by contamination of
play an important role in the epizootiology feeding places. However, the influence of
of salmonellosis in passerines (Greuel and environmental factors in the epidemiology
Arnold, 1971; Locke et al., 1973; Borg, of extensive epizootics still remains poorly
1985; Pennycott et al., 1998). Crowds of understood.
birds visit feeding places during the winter
season, running a risk of being infected in- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
directly from healthy carriers or sick birds. We thank the Norwegian Zoological Society
In our study, carrier birds and disease out- and the Norwegian Ornithological Society for
breaks occurred all over the country. Ap- publishing the requests for people to report
bird mortality. We thank the consignors for col-
proximately half the consignors reported lecting and submitting birds for laboratory ex-
previous observations of sick or dead birds amination and for completing the question-
consistent with fatal salmonellosis, thus in- naires. We are also grateful to the 21 voluntary
dicating a possible continuous local source local ornithologists who performed the carrier
of infection. In a follow-up investigation of investigations. We thank A. Stovner and K.
Nordby for technical assistance in connection
two feeding places, at which more than with postmortem and bacteriologic investiga-
one outbreak was reported in recent years, tions. Financial support was provided by
we isolated S. Typhimurium 4, 12: i : 1, 2 Sørlie9s Foundation.

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from feed on the ground and on the bird
table, from remnants of old food, and from LITERATURE CITED
the soil (data not shown). Similar findings ANONYMOUS. 1965–2000. Records of bacteriology
have been reported from Germany (Kös- and wildlife pathology. National Veterinary Insti-
ters and Scheer, 1967; Schaal and Ernst, tute, Oslo, Norway.
1967). The bacteria may survive for ANONYMOUS. 1991. Nordic Committee on Food
Analysis. Salmonella; Detection in food. Method
months in moist soil, feces, and water no. 71, 4th Edition, National Veterinary Institute,
(Hess et al., 1974; Murray, 1991; Böhm, Oslo, Norway.
1993). Thus, the bacterium may survive BÖHM, R. 1993. Behavior of selected salmonellae in
from one year to another, potentially caus- the environment. Deutsche Tierärztliche Woch-
enschrifte 100: 275–278 [In German].
ing new infections in birds.
BORG, K. 1985. Spread of infection through wild an-
In most studies, salmonella have not imals-account of a 35-year study. Svensk Veteri-
been isolated from fresh bird feed in Nor- närtidning 37: 111–128 [In Swedish].
way (Anonymous, 1965–2000) nor else- BOUVIER, G., H. BURGISSER, AND P. A. SCHNEIDER.
where (Englert et al., 1967; Schaal and 1955. Observations on diseases in game, birds
and fish in 1953 and 1954. Schweizer Archiv für
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