Li 2013

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J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2014) 299:1453–1459

DOI 10.1007/s10967-013-2814-2

Distribution of thorium in soils surrounding the rare-earth

tailings reservoir in Baotou, China
Rou-yu Li • Qiang Li • Sheng Chen •
Feng-chang Wu • De-zhi Sun • Hai-qing Liao

Received: 15 August 2013 / Published online: 12 November 2013

Ó Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary 2013

Abstract Thorium distribution was investigated in the with medium pollution, and 47.19 km2 with slight pollution.
soils surrounding the rare-earth (RE) tailings reservoir near The remaining 738.63 km2 of land investigated is clear from
the Baotou grassland of Inner Mongolia, northern China. thorium pollution.
Totally 77 soil samples were collected from 8 different
directions in the periphery of the RE tailings reservoir, and Keywords Baotou  Tailings reservoir  Soils 
then were determined for 232Th. The 232Th activity degree Thorium  Distribution
ranges from 9.1 to 307.1 Bq kg-1 with an average value of
42.4 Bq kg-1. In some samples, the degree is higher than
that of global average, showing that these soils were polluted Introduction
by thorium. There is a high linear correlation coefficient
between the thorium diffusion coefficient parameter and the Bayan Obo deposit, located near Baotou in China’s Inner
wind intensity parameter which indicates that the distribu- Mongolia, has the largest repository of rare-earth (RE)
tion of 232Th is mainly correlated with wind speed and resources in the world. It has been recorded as a mixed type
direction. The geo-accumulation index method was used to RE deposit of monazite and bastnaesite. There monazite
evaluate the level of thorium pollution, and the Kriging contains a high concentration (*3 %) of naturally formed
method was applied to estimate the land area at each level. thorium [1], which is much enough to change the compo-
By calculation, result shows that the area at each pollution sitions of radionuclides in natural soil, thereby exerting an
level is 2.10 km2 with medium-strong pollution, 38.29 km2 impact on terrestrial ecosystems [2–6]. A previous study
shows that in Brazil, the mining and ore-dressing process in
six mines caused uranium and thorium exposure, putting
De-zhi Sun and Hai-qing Liao contributed equally to this study.
workers and nearby residents into heavy radiation [7].
R. Li  S. Chen  D. Sun (&) Baotou city has a RE smelting industrial zone, where
Beijing Key Laboratory for Source Control Technology of Water unused thorium associated with RE from the low-temper-
Pollution, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, ature RE calcination process goes to waste water and waste
Beijing Forestry University, 35 Qinghua East Road, Haidian
slag. These wastes, containing a large portion of thorium,
District, Beijing 100083, China
e-mail: were eventually discharged into the RE tailings reservoir.
Over past 30 years, the RE industry in Baotou has devel-
Q. Li oped intensively, but lack of effective pollution control has
Yining Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, 529 Jinlin,
resulted in thorium expansion and accumulation [8]. The RE
Development District, Yining 835000, Xinjiang, China
tailings reservoir has become pollution source by being left
F. Wu  H. Liao (&) open to environment, damaging the soils around the tailings
State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk reservoir [9]. Dusts containing thorium are carried by wind
Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental
from the tailings reservoir to surrounding areas, then turned into
Sciences, 8 Dayangfang, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100012,
China sediments, went deep into soils [10]. Thorium and its decay
e-mail: products not only pose a potential threat to human health but

1454 J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2014) 299:1453–1459

Fig. 1 Map showing the spatial

distribution of the sampling

also to plants, finally poison the food chain [11–16]. In October polluted at each level was estimated in concert with geo-
2005, fifteen academicians from the Chinese Academy of graphic information data.
Sciences tried to draw social eyeballs to this situation in the
paper ‘‘The emergency appeal on the protection of thorium and
RE resources of Bayan Obo to avoid radioactive contamination Experiment and methods
in Yellow River and Baotou’’ [17]. The government paid great
attention and actively conducted research on pollution control Study area
of thorium. Guo et al. collected soil samples from seven dif-
ferent locations in Baotou RE industrial area. They found the The Baotou RE tailings reservoir is located 12 km to the
concentration of thorium in soil collected from the cropland west of Baotou City, at the junction of the Kundulun and
near a road paved with mineral residues was twice higher than Jiuyuan Districts. The reservoir was formally put into use
the background value. The highest was seven times in soil in 1965 as a ground-type reservoir, with a size of *3.2 km
collected from a temporary deposit site for slag. They also from east to west, and about 3.5 km from south to north
found that the pH value and organic matter in the soils are roughly 10 km2 as a whole, Its effective capacity is 68.83
important factors in the migration and transformation of dif- million m3. The Baotou area has an inland arid climate,
ferent thorium forms [18, 19]. Plants growth and phosphate with low temperature and little rain. Chestnut soil is the
have significant effects on the bioavailability of thorium in soil. main soil type. The RE ore from Bayan Obo mine is
Unfortunately, due to lack of basic data on the distribution of transported by railway and pipelines to Baotou Dressing
thorium in Baotou, it is currently impossible to accurately Plant. After dressing and smelting process at Baotou Steel
assess the degree and region of pollution from the thorium RE and Baotou Huamei RE, two hi-tech companies
originating in the RE tailings reservoir. (Fig. 1), remaining pulp is stored in Baotou RE tailings
In this paper, we investigated the distribution of thorium reservoir.
in the soils surrounding the RE tailings reservoir. The main
factors influencing thorium distribution were further dis- Soil sample collection
cussed. The geo-accumulation index method was used to
comprehensively evaluate the ecological risk of thorium in In August 2012, in the periphery of the Baotou RE tailings
the soils surrounding the tailings reservoir. The region reservoir, 77 sampling points were equally plotted in eight

J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2014) 299:1453–1459 1455

directions (Fig. 1). The overall coverage of sampling area an average value of 42.4 Bq kg-1. This value is higher
was nearly 826.2 km2. While in actual action, the amounts than that of the global average of 30 Bq kg-1 and China’s
and spatial distributions of the sampling points were average of 40 Bq kg-1 [1]. For comparison, the activities
appropriately adjusted according to the soil properties. At of 232Th in samples were divided in different ranges. The
each point, five samples were collected and uniformly number of samples of each range is presented in Fig. 2.
mixed. The sampling depth was 20 cm under the surface The 232Th activities in 47 soil samples are higher than the
layer. global average, and the maximum 232Th activity in sample
is one order of magnitude higher than the global average.
Sample treatment The 232Th activities in 22 soil samples are higher than the
China’s average. The 232Th activity ranges and averages
The soil samples were well mixed after removing extra- are given in Table 1, together with data on 232Th activity in
neous materials such as roots, stones and gravel. They were soils around the uranium mining area and phosphate fer-
firstly air-dried for about 10 days on polythene sheets in tilizer factory. Trace thorium pollution was found in some
stainless steel trays. Then the samples were heated in an soil samples in the Kaduna state of Nigeria, due to the
oven at 110 °C for 48 h until the sample weight became influence of phosphate fertilizer production [20]. Without a
constant. After that, the soil aggregates were broken down doubt, thorium pollution in the RE industry is a more
and pulverized to particle size of 0.2 mm mesh. A serious problem than the phosphate fertilizer industry. As
0.1–0.2 g sample was put in an air-tight cylindrical Teflon for uranium mining, thorium activities in the surrounding
container, mixed with 5 mL of concentrated HNO3, 2 mL soils are significantly higher than the global average,
of concentrated HCl, and 1 mL of concentrated HF. Cap- especially in India. It is certain that thorium pollution is
ped the container and put it in a stainless steel bowl. The present in soils surrounding uranium mining areas [21, 22].
sample solution in the bowl was digested in a muffle fur- The range of thorium activity in soils in the vicinity of the
nace at 150–160 °C for 6 h. After cooling and uncapping Baotou RE tailings reservoir is comparable to that in the
the container, solution was then heated on a hot plate at uranium mining area. However, the average 232Th activity
120–130 °C to remove the acids until about 0.5 mL in the RE area is lower than that in uranium mining.
remained. The remaining solution was diluted to 10 mL The quartic spline interpolation (V4) calculation was
with ultra-pure water, which is ready for measurement. used to determine the distribution of 232Th activity in soils
After the internal standard 209Bi was added, the 232Th surrounding the Baotou RE tailings reservoir. As displayed
concentration was determined by inductively coupled in Fig. 3, high 232Th activity appeared in the surface soils is
plasma mass spectrometry. close to the tailings reservoir. With the tailings reservoir as
The standard solutions of thorium and bismuth were the center, the sampling points were distributed in eight
respectively provided by the Beijing Research Institute of directions: east, west, south, north, southeast, southwest,
Chemical Industry, under the Ministry of Nuclear Industry, northeast, and northwest. The 232Th activity of soil samples
and the China Institute of Metrology. decreased as the sampling distance from the tailings res-
ervoir increased. This is similar to the distribution of 232Th

All measurements were performed on an inductively cou- 300-400

pled plasma mass spectrometer (Thermo Elemental X7, 200-300
Waltham, USA). A quartz concentric nebulizer was used as 100-200
the sample introduction system. The forward power was 90-100
1,200 W. The cooling gas flow rates was 13.0 L min-1. 80-90

The nebulizer gas flow rate was 0.8 L min-1. The auxiliary 70-80
gas flow rate was 0.8 L min-1. The sample solution uptake 60-70
rate was 0.8 mL min-1.

Results and discussion 10-20
Distribution of thorium 0 10 20 30
The range of 232Th activity is 9.1–307.1 Bq kg-1 in the
soil samples around the Baotou RE tailings reservoir, with Fig. 2 Frequency distribution of Th activity in sample soils

1456 J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2014) 299:1453–1459

Table 1 Analytical results for Th activity in RE tailings reservoir and foreign researches soils
Category Place Thorium activity (Bq kg-1) Reference
Range Mean

Phosphate fertilizer plant Kaduna state, Nigeria 19.6–53.2 [20]

Uranium mining Stara Planina Mountain in Serbia 6.4–108.9 51.8 [21]
Uranium mining Lambapur, Nagarjuna Sagar Reservoir, India 54.3–222.4 141.0 [22]
Uranium mining Mallapuram, Nagarjuna Sagar Reservoir, India 233.2–311.7 271.1 [22]
Uranium mining Peddagattu, Nagarjuna Sagar Reservoir, India 32.1–176.7 93.8 [22]
RE mining Tailings bam, Baotou, China 9.1–307.1 42.4 This study

Fig. 3 Contour map of 232Th

activity surrounding the RE
tailings reservoir at Baotou

in the soils surrounding the tin mining in the Kaduna state The data were extracted by the sampling directions. The
of Nigeria [23]. The decreasing trends of 232Th activity are wind intensity parameter F was applied to synthetically
distinct in different directions in Baotou. The isoconcen- describe the wind speed and wind frequency. It is the sum
trations of thorium spread narrowly in the northeast and
southwest directions, but they spread widely in the north-
west and southeast directions, especially in the southeast N
direction. Considering that the RE dressing and smelting 36.32
plants are close to the tailings reservoir, the plants’ distri- N N
bution is not the main factor causing the elliptical diffusion W E
of thorium from the tailings reservoir. The reasonable 30.93
causes need further investigation.
Factors influencing thorium distribution 6.30
Previous studies have shown that the distributions of heavy 10.79
metals in soils around the mining and metallurgy industry
factories and coal burning power plant correlate with pre- 14.85
vailing wind direction to a certain extent [24, 25]. Con-
sidering the low temperature and drought as well as the W E
windy climate in Baotou city, the action of the wind may
be the main factor that influences thorium distribution in
the surrounding soils. Meteorological data on wind speed
and wind frequency in Baotou was therefore collected [26]. Fig. 4 Rose diagram of wind intensity in Baotou city

J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2014) 299:1453–1459 1457

40 followed by that in the northwest and north directions. Air

diffusion is weaker in the other directions.
Wind Intensity (F) 30 R² = 0.8199
To further clarify the influence of wind field on thorium
diffusion at the tailings reservoir, the relationship between
wind intensity and diffusion coefficient was investigated.
The diffusion coefficient of thorium was calculated by the
least squares method. The 232Th activity of the soil samples
taken at 0 km distance from the tailings reservoir was set as
the initial values. The global average activity of
0 30 Bq kg-1 for 232Th in soils was then applied as the ter-
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
minal value. The model for the diffusion coefficient cal-
Diffusion Coefficient (a)
culation is described as follows,
Fig. 5 Relationship between diffusion coefficient and wind intensity
Ci ¼ ðC0  30Þ  eaDi þ30 ð2Þ
where a is the diffusion coefficient parameter, C0 is the
of the products of average wind speed and corresponding 232
Th activity of the soil sample at 0 km from the tailings
annual wind frequency in each direction. The calculated
reservoir, Ci is the 232Th activity of the soil sample at
model is described as follows,
different distances, and Di is the distance between the soil
F¼ v f ð1Þ sample and the tailings reservoir.
i¼1 i i
The linear relationship is fitted between the diffusion
where vi is the average wind speed in each speed range, coefficient and the corresponding wind intensity as shown
since the wind speed was divided in five ranges in Baotou in Fig. 5. The linear correlation coefficient R2 between the
city, and fi is wind frequency of the corresponding wind thorium diffusion coefficient parameter (a) and the wind
speed range. intensity parameter (F) reaches 0.8199, indicating that the
The calculated results of wind intensity parameter F in diffusion of thorium from the tailings reservoir is mainly
each direction are shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that north affected by the wind field effect. In the direction with
and northwest winds prevail in Baotou, followed by relatively strong wind intensity, the 232Th activity in the
southeast and south winds. Therefore, air diffusion should soil was high and the diffusion distance was longer. The
be the strongest in the south and southeast directions, diffusion path of thorium from the tailings reservoir can be

Fig. 6 Distribution of pollution

degree for thorium in Baotou

1458 J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2014) 299:1453–1459

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