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investigations, analysis of books and browsing

• The word science comes from the Latin of the internet
"scientia," meaning knowledge. It refers to ✓ Formulating Hypothesis a hypothesis is an
the organized, systematized, and logical body educated guess about how things work. The
of knowledge that uses observation and hypothesis is a simple statement that defines
experimentation to describe and explain what you think the outcome of your
natural phenomena. experiment will be. This will help you find out
• The goal of science is to understand the world what the answer to your problem might be.
around us. To prove this, one of the skills one o Null Hypothesis: The color of light a
should develop is the ability to organize things tomato plant receives will not affect
in a logical and orderly manner that is to the size of the tomato fruit.
classify things. o Alternative Hypothesis: A tomato
• The study of science can be classified into plant exposed to red light will have
groups: bigger tomato fruits than that
✓ Biology - is life science; it deals with living exposed to white light.
things, their parts and functions and their ✓ Testing the Hypothesis - designing and
interactions with the world around them. carrying out an experiment to test whether
Smaller branches of life science include: your hypothesis is true or false. This includes
➢ Zoology the study of animals determining the material, apparatus, and the
➢ Botany the study of plants procedures to follow. It is important for your
✓ Earth Science deals with the study of the experiment to be a fair test, making sure that
Earth and its rocks, oceans, volcanoes, you change only one factor (experimental
earthquakes, atmosphere, and other variable) at a time while keeping all other
features. This includes astronomy, that conditions (control variables) the same.
explore nature beyond Earth, to include Making several trials or repeats of the
the stars, other planets and moons. experiment will likewise assure that the
✓ Physical Science deals with the study of results are not just accidental.
matter and energy. o Experimental variables: colors of light
✓ This includes: (red, blue, yellow, green)
➢ Chemistry explore what substances o Control Variables: amount of light,
are made of and how they change and type of soil, tomato plant, amount of
combine. water, nutrients received by the
➢ Physics explore the study of the plants
relationship between matter and ✓ Recording and Analyzing Data interpreting,
energy. analyzing and evaluating the information
gathered and the results of the experiment.
THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD The results can be presented in a table, graph
• What distinguishes science from the other or chart.
fields of study is the way in which it seeks ✓ - drawing conclusions based on the
answers to questions. observations and results and answering the
• What separates science is an approach called problem stated. State whether the hypothesis
Scientific Method, a step by-step way of is true or false
doing things. The scientific method is a
process of experimentation used to explore Learning science is doing science. Science is not
observations and answer questions. This merely a collection of facts and theories but a process,
method is used to search for cause and effect a way of thinking about and investigating the world in
relationships in nature. which we live. This addresses skills that are used by
The basic steps in the scientific method are: scientists as they discover and explain the physical
✓ Identifying the Problem knowing what you universe skills that are an essential and ongoing part
want to investigate or study or ask a question of learning science.
about something that you observe (example: One of the most important skills in science is
Does the color of light a tomato plant receives observation.
affect the size of its fruits?)
✓ Gathering Information on The Problem Most of the time we think of observation as
collecting important and relevant data or something we do with our eyes, however, all five
information about the problem through senses should be used to make observations: sight,
observations, reviews of previous hearing, taste, touch, and smell. Observing can
include reading and studying what others have done entities must be specified and may be atoms,
in the past because scientific knowledge is collective. molecules, ions, electrons, other particles, or
Observations in science are called data. We can make specified groups of such particles.
two kinds of observations: those that are facts, and o Temperature, T - the measure of the hotness
those that are opinions. or coldness of an object. It is technically
✓ Facts are those things that are true for defined as the measure of the average kinetic
everybody. energy of a body. It can be measured by an
✓ Opinions are beliefs based on personal instrument known as thermometer. Three
preference. temperature scales are commonly used and
✓ Data may also be qualitative or quantitative. the temperature conversions between them
✓ Qualitative data are information that are hard are:
to measure, count, or describe in numbers. ✓ Kelvin (K) / degree Celsius (°C)
They describe the qualities or characteristics conversions:
of how something looks, feels, smells etc. with K = °C+ 273 °C= K - 273
adjectives. Examples are color, taste, and ✓ degree Fahrenheit (°F) / degree
sound. Celsius(°C) conversions:
✓ Quantitative data are information that are °F = °C x 1.8 + 32
measured and expressed in numbers. °C = (°F - 32.) / 1.8

Fundamental physical quantities are measured Derived Quantities are quantities that are based from
directly using measuring devices and tools. fundamental quantities.
These include: These quantities are determined using formula.
o Length, L - the distance between two distinct Examples of these quantities are:
points. • Area, A = L x W . m2, cm2 are the units used to
This can be measured by a metric ruler. express this quantity in mks and cgs
Width, W, is the horizontal distance and respectively.
height, • Volume, V is the amount of space occupied by
H, is the vertical distance. matter. The volume of solids can be measured
o Mass, m - the measure of the amount of based on the length, L, width, W, and height,
material in an object. H.
The mass of an object remains the same even • The volume of liquids can be measured by
if the position of the object is change with using a graduated cylinder. It can also
reference to the earth’s center. measure volume of irregular solids through
The standard unit of mass is the kilogram (kg). water displacement. To express volume in
One (1) kg is the mass of 1 liter (L) of water at mks and cgs, m3 , cm3 are the units used
4 C and a pressure of 1 atmosphere,(atm). It is respectively. Density, D is the mass per unit
measured by an instrument known as the volume. D = m/V. The units used are kg/m3 or
triple beam balance or the equal arm g/cm3 in mks and cgs respectively. Weight, W
(platform) balance is the amount of pull of gravity on an object.
o Time, t is the regular interval between two W = mg, where g is the gravitational
successive points. The standard unit of time is acceleration equal to 9.8 m/s2 , 980 cm/s2 or
the second. The second was originally defined 32 ft/s2 . Speed, v is the ratio of distance
in terms of the motion of the earth, but it was traveled and time of travel. v = d/t expressed
revised and instead compared to vibrations of in meter/second (m/s)
cesium atoms. • Pressure, P - is a push of force against each
o Electric current, I is the measure of the flow unit area of an objects surface
of electrons or charges. An ammeter is used • Other derived quantities are acceleration,
to measure current expressed as Ampere (A). energy, work, and all the other quantities
o Luminous intensity, E is the amount of except the 7 fundamental quantities.
illumination received by an object. The unit of
measure to describe this is candela (cd).
o Number of moles, n is the amount of MEASUREMENT:
substance expressed in moles (mol). The mole Measurement is process of comparing a known
is the amount of substance of a system which quantity like measuring device to an unknown
contains as many elementary entities as there quantity, things, or objects to be measured. It is the
are atoms in 0.012 kilogram of carbon 12. process of determining how many times a certain
When the mole is used, the elementary quantity is contained in a standard measuring device.
The scientific system of measurement is called the (If the exponents are not the same, make them first
metric system. The metric system is often referred to the same before adding or subtracting and copy the
as the International System of Units, or SI. Metric is common exponent) (5.2 x 105 ) + (0.13 x105 ) =
the universal language for measurement. It is based 5.33 x 10
on units of ten.


To multiply numbers expressed in powers of ten add

the exponent. If the exponents are of different signs
meaning one is positive and the other one is negative,
add them algebraically by subtracting the smaller
number form the larger number and copy the sign of
the larger number.

(2.5 x 105 ) (4.3 x 103 ) = 10.75 x 108

= 1.075 x 108+1
= 1.075 x 109
(2.5 x 105 ) (4.3 x 10-3) = 10.75 x 102
= 1.075 x 103
(2.5 x 10 ) (4.3 x 10 ) = 10.75 x 10-2
-5 3

= 1.075 x 10-1
Final answer should be expressed in
standard form. M.N x 10n

To divide numbers expressed in powers of ten,
subtract the exponent. If the exponents are of
different signs meaning one is positive and the other
one is negative, change the sign of the number to be
subtracted an then proceed as in addition.
(4.3 x 105) = 1.72 x 105-3 = 1.72 x 102
(2.5 x103)

(4.3 x 10-5) = 1.72 x 10-5 3 = 1.72 x 10-8

SCIENTIFIC NOTATION is a compact, simplest and (2.5 x 103)
easiest way of writing down very small and very large
(4.3 x 105) = 1.72 x 10-5-3 = 1.72 x 10-8
numbers using powers of ten or in exponential
(2.5 x10-3)
notation. The exponent tells the number of times the
decimal point is moved from its original place to right
or from the original place to the left. CONVERSION OF UNITS

The exponent is NEGATIVE if the decimal point is Conversion of units is the conversion between
moved from left to right and POSITIVE if it is moved
different units of measurement for the same quantity,
from right to left.
typically through multiplicative conversion factors
1. 4,000,000 = 4.0 x 106 which change the measured quantity value without
2. 532,000,000 = 5.32 x 108 changing its effects.
3. 0.000000045 = 4.5 x 10-8
4. 0.0032 = 3.2 x 10-3
To add and subtract numbers expressed in powers of
ten, simply copy the common exponent and proceed
as to addition or subtraction of the coefficients.
Add: (1.3 x 102 ) + (2.4 x 102 ) = 3.7 x 102
(4.0 x 103) - (2.3 x 102) = 1.7 x 102
The process of conversion depends on the specific o All zeros to the right of a decimal point
situation and the intended purpose. This may be but to the left of a non-zero digit are
governed by regulation, contract, technical o NOT significant. 0.0003068 has four (4)
specifications or other published standards. significant figures
Engineering judgment may include such factors as: o All zeros to the right of non-zero digit
✓ The precision and accuracy of measurement without an expressed decimal point
and the associated uncertainty of following it are NOT significant. 406,000
measurement. has three (3) significant figures, but
✓ The statistical confidence interval or tolerance 406,000. has six (6) significant figures.
interval of the initial measurement.
✓ The number of significant figures of the Rule for Multiplication and Division
measurement. o For multiplication and division, your answer
must show the same number of significant
Sample Exercises on Conversion of Unit: digits as the measurement in the calculation
with the least number of significant digits.
Convert 75 millimeters, mm to its
Rule for Addition and Subtraction
corresponding length in
o For addition and subtraction, your answer
(a) meters (b) centimeters, (c) kilometers
must show the same number of decimal
places as the number in the calculation with
o 75 mm x 1 m /1,000 mm = 75 m/1000
the least number of decimal places.
= 0.075 m
o 0.075 m x 100 cm/ 1 m = 0.075 x 100
cm = 7.5 cm Observations are usually written down, or recorded in
o 7.5 cm x 1 km / 1000 m x 1 m / 100 tables, graphs, or charts. They are used to present
cm = 7.5 km /100,000 = 0.000075 km facts in visual form. They help keep data organized
and easy to understand. This organized information
o Change 430 milligrams to grams From the
can then be used to draw conclusions or make
Table of Prefixes , milli = 10-3 Change the
Powers to Ten to a prefix . 430 x 10-3 decisions.
grams Graphs can be used to illustrate many types of data
By the use of scientific notation, it would and may be drawn as a line graph, a bar or a pie
be 4.30 x 102 x 10-3
graph. They should be used to make facts clearer and
The final answer is 4.30 x 10-1
more understandable. Different types of graphs are
o 5 gallons of mineral is equivalent to how
many liters? appropriate for different experiments. These are just
5 gallons x 3.79 Liters / gallon = 18.95 a few of the possible types of graphs:
liters • A bar graph might be appropriate for
o 2 x 109 bytes is equal to 2 Gigabytes or 20
comparing different trials or different
experimental groups. It also may be a good
Accuracy and Precision: choice if your independent variable is not
o Accuracy is a degree of agreement numerical.
between a measured value and the true • Pie graph are used to represent a part to
value whole relationship. They are good illustrations
o Precision is the degree of the when considering how many parts of a whole
instrument’s exactness. are designed.
• Most scientific graphs are made as line graphs
Significant figures are the number of digits or to show relationship between two variables:
figures that best represent the value of a the relationship between your dependent and
independent variables when both are
Rules in determining the Number of Significant
numerical and the dependent variable is a
o All non-zero digits are significant. (1, 2, 3, function of the independent variable.
4 , 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
o All zeros in between two non-zero digits
are significant. 2804 has four (4)
significant figures.

Direct relationships the variables change together.

When the dependent variable increases, the
independent variable increases at the same rate. Or
when one decreases, the other variables also
decrease at the same rate. The line graph is a straight

If the slope or the quotient

of the two variables is
equal to a constant, then it
is a direct variation, k = Y/X

Inverse Relationships - when one variable increases,

the other one
decreases. The line
graph is a hyperbola.
The product of the
two variables is
equal to a constant,
K = XY.The line graph
is a hyperbola.

Direct-Square Relationships: When Y varies directly

with the square of X, then it is a direct square
relationship. K = Y/X2. The line graph is a parabola.
This relationship happens when one variable increases
faster than the other.

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