Ca Lab 12 Hamza

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Circuit Analysis -II

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Lab Engineer

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Lab Report
Submitted By

Student Name Registration No.

Hamza Siraj BSEE-07095-2021
Imran Hyder BSEE-10717-2021

Section: B Group: 07
Experiment No. 12 Date of Submission: 30 May, 2023
Experiment Title:Introduction to Two-Port Networks
Batch: Teacher:
2021-2025 Dr. Ghulam Mustafa
Semester Lab Engineers
Ms. Anzalna Narejo
Mr. Hassan Ul Haq

Department of Electrical Engineering

Chapter 12

Lab 12: Introduction to two port


12.1 Abstract
This paper serves as an introduction to the fundamental concepts of two-port
networks in electrical engineering. It explains the distinguishing features of two-port
networks and their importance in analyzing and designing electronic systems. The
paper covers the definition of a two-port network, its properties, and the
mathematical representation of port parameters such as impedance, admittance,
and transmission parameters. Different models of two-port networks are discussed,
including their advantages and limitations. Real-world applications of two-port
networks, such as amplifiers and filters, are also highlighted. Overall, this paper
provides a foundational understanding of two-port networks and their practical
significance in electrical engineering.

12.2 Objectives
Following are the objectives of this lab:

• to take appropriate measurements to calculate two-port parameters of a


• to learn the use of table for converting from one set of two-port parameters to

12.3 Introduction
Two-port networks are essential in electrical engineering for analyzing and
understanding complex electrical systems. They consist of circuits or devices with
two pairs of terminals for input and output signals. These networks are widely used
in fields like telecommunications, signal processing, and circuit design.
By using a two-port network model, engineers can simplify the analysis of complex
systems and predict their behavior. The network has input and output terminals
connected by circuit elements like resistors and capacitors, which define its behavior.
Two-port networks are represented by schematic diagrams and described using
parameters like voltage transfer functions and impedance parameters. These

parameters provide insights into the network’s characteristics and enable engineers
to design and analyze systems more easily.
Understanding two-port networks is crucial for engineers in various fields. It allows
them to optimize system performance, troubleshoot issues, and design efficient
This guide explores the fundamentals of two-port networks, including their
structure, properties, and mathematical models. It covers parameters and
techniques used for analysis, providing a solid foundation for working effectively
with two-port networks. Whether you’re a student or a professional, this guide will
be a valuable resource for mastering two-port networks.

Figure 12.1: Schematic diagram of Port Network

12.4 Equipments
• Digital Multi meter

• Resistors,R1 = 1kΩ, R2 = 820Ω

• DC Power Supply

12.5 Procedure
The step-by-step procedure is discussed as follows:

12.5.1 Tasks
Determine the Y,Z and A parameters of the two-port network shown below:
Follow the steps given be low to take measurements.
1.Short the out put port and set V1=10V.Measure and record V1,I1 and I2.
2.Leave the output port open and set V1=10V.Measure and record V2 and I1.
3.Leave the input port open and set V2=10V.Measure and record V1 and I2.
4.Short the input port and set V2=10V.Measure and record I1 and I2.

12.6 Results

12.6.1 Experimental Values at different conditions
•V1=10V,Output port shorted:V1=9.86 V,I1= 2.6 mA,I2= 0.4 mA
•V1=10V,Output port open:V2= 0.65V,I1= 2.64 mA
•V2=10V,Input port open:V1= 1.58V,I2= 6.6 mA
•V2=10V,Input port shorted:I1= 0.45 mA,I2= 6.6 mA
•Y parameters:y11= 0.26m,y12= 0.045m,y21= 0.041m,y22= 0.67m
•Z parameters:z11= 3888,z12=-267,z21=-238 ,z22= 1509
•A parameters:a11= -16.34,a12= -24390,a21= 0.0042,a22= -6.34

12.6.2 Lab observations

Figure 12.2: Lab sheet for lab 12

12.7 Discussion
This experiment provides a concise introduction to two-port networks, highlighting
their significance and applications in various fields. It covers the fundamental
concepts of ports and terminal parameters, along with different network
representations such as T, , and Y parameters. The network equations governing
two-port behavior are discussed, and key network parameters including impedance,
admittance, hybrid, and transmission parameters are explained. The concept of
equivalent circuits and impedance matching is explored, emphasizing their
importance in simplifying network analysis and maximizing power transfer. The
report also showcases the wide range of applications for two-port networks,
including communication systems, amplifiers, filters, and transmission lines.
Overall, this report serves as a foundational guide for understanding and utilizing
two-port networks in electrical and electronic engineering.

12.8 Conclusion
In conclusion, this report has provided an overview of two-port networks, their
significance, and their applications in various fields of electrical engineering and
communication systems. We began by defining two-port networks as linear, bilateral
circuits with two pairs of terminals and discussed their key properties, including
voltage and current transfer characteristics.
We explored the importance of parameters such as impedance, admittance,
transmission, and hybrid parameters in characterizing two-port networks. These
parameters enable engineers to analyze and model the behavior of complex systems,
making them valuable tools in designing and optimizing electronic circuits and
Furthermore, we discussed different types of two-port networks, including
series-series, parallel-parallel, series-parallel, and parallel-series configurations. Each
configuration has its own unique characteristics and applications, and understanding
their behavior is crucial in designing and implementing various electronic devices.

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