Quarter 1 English 10

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WK 1 Discovering Personal Challenges

Use information from news reports in everyday conversations and exchanges;

 Character/s - The people, or things who take part in the story.

 Point of view - It is the perspective in which the story is told.
 Plot - It is the series of events in the story that reveal the conflict, crisis and resolution.
 Setting- It is the environment, place and time in which the story takes place

 Exposition- It is the beginning of the story where characters and setting are introduced.
 Rising Action - It is where the main character faces a series of conflicts.
 Climax - It is the most exciting part of the story, where we learn the outcome.
 Conflict - It is a problem or struggle in a story.
 Falling action - It tells the events leading to the end of the story.
 Resolution - It is the ending of the story
Myth is defined as story about gods, other supernatural beings, other heroes of a long past time.
Mythology is a body of myths describing the God’s of the people, demigods and legendary human beings
which involve supernatural elements

PHAETHON was a youthful son of Helios who begged his father let him drive the chariot of the sun. The
god reluctantly conceded to the boy's wishes and handed him the reigns. But his inexperience proved
fatal, for Phaethon quickly lost control of the immortal steeds and the sun-chariot veered out of control
setting the earth ablaze. The plains of Africa were scorched to desert and men charred black. Zeus,
appalled by the destruction, smote the boy with a thunderbolt, hurling his flaming body into the waters
of the River Eridanos. Phaethon's sisters, the Heliades, gathered on the banks and in their mourning
were transformed into amber-teared poplar trees. After his death Phaethon was placed amongst the
stars as the constellation Auriga ("the Charioteer"), or else transformed into the god of the star which
the Greeks named Phaethon--the planet Jupiter or Saturn.

The name Phaethon means "the shining" or "radiant one" from the Greek verb phaethô "to shine."

1. It is a set of stories or beliefs about a particular person, institution, or situation, especially when
exaggerated or fictitious.
A. folk tale B. myth C. mythology D. short story
2. It refers to when and where the story takes place.
A. character B. conflict C. plot D. setting
3. It is the story’s main character or hero.
A. antagonist B. flat C. protagonist D. round
4. It is the problem or struggle in a story.
A. conflict B. plot C. theme D. setting
5. It is a brief work of fiction, usually written in prose and running 1,600 to 20,000 words in length.
A. genre B. prose C. plot D. theme
1. It is a brief work of fiction, usually written in prose which runs from 1,600 to 20,000 words in length.
A. genre B. prose C. plot D. theme
2. It is the sequence of events which happened in a story.
A. genre B. prose C. plot D. theme
3. It is the story’s main character or hero.
A. antagonist B. flat C. protagonist D. round
4. It is called the turning point of the story.
A. beginning action B. climax C. denouement D. ending
5. It is the element of a story which indicates who is telling the story.
A. plot B. point of view C. prose D. theme
6. It refers to when and where the story takes place.
A. character B. conflict C. plot D. setting
7. It is the problem or struggle in a story.
A. conflict B. plot C. theme D. setting
8. In the development of a short story, this part is when the conflict moves toward its resolution.
A. beginning B. conflict C. falling action D. rising action
9. It is a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or
social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.
A. folk tale B. myth C. mythology D. short story
10. It is a set of stories or beliefs about a particular person, institution, or situation, which are exaggerated or
A. folk tale B. myth C. mythology D. short story
6. It is the sequence of events in a story – what happens.
A. genre B. prose C. plot D. theme
7. It is called the story’s turning point.
A. beginning action B. climax C. denouement D. ending
8. It is the element of a story which determines who is telling the story.
A. plot B. point of view C. prose D. theme
9. It is the fourth part of a short story, in which the conflict moves toward its resolution.
A. beginning B. conflict C. falling action D. rising action
10. It is a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural
or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.
A. folk tale B. myth C. mythology D. short story

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