Vanguard Leak Weapon

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Call of Duty: Vanguard

All launch weapon names + Descriptions

[Assault Rifles]


With extremely rapid fire, this machine rifle is hard to control but great for closer-range combat.


This rifle packs the damage and accuracy to be great at long distance but fires too slowly for
close engagements

Itra Burst

Burst-fire delivers excellent damage and accuracy at medium and long range, but is
inconsistent up close.


This automatic support weapon fires heavy rounds with good control but at a very low rate of
fire. Headshots are extra effective


Firing heavy rounds at high accuracy, but high recoil, the rifle deals high close range damage or
can be used distance with controlled bursts

Fedorov Avtomat

High accuracy and extremely low recoil make this rifle precise and useful at any range, though
damage is lower.


This gun is balanced to be viable in almost any situation, but does not excel in any one area.


Quick and mobile, this is the lightest automatic rifle, allowing great movement but with low



This workhorse SMG is well balanced and suited for multi-purpose close-range work.

Owen Gun

This sturdy, controllable SMG packs a punch but is a bit heavier and slower firing.


This SMG is a veritable bullet hose and eliminates close range threats quickly, but is hard to


This highly mobile SMG is light and quick to use with lower damage output and control.


Extra ammo allows continuous firing, and good handling and rate of fire are offset by lower
mobility and longer reloads.

Type 100

This highly-accurate SMG boasts low recoil and can be useful at medium range, but has low

[Machine Guns]


This gun has extreme damage and accuracy for long range kills with short bursts, but very high
recoil and low mobility.


High damage and accuracy allow long range kills when fired in bursts, with decent control for
full-auto use at short to medium range.


This machine gun is excellent for continuous firing to suppress or punish enemy movement,
but struggles at long range.

Type 11

This light machine gun is easy to carry and reposition but isn't as powerful or stable.


Revolving Shotgun

This experimental revolver-design shotgun has surprisingly long range but typically takes two
hits to kill and reloads very slowly.

Auto-loading Shotgun

This semi-auto shotgun fires as fast as you can pull the trigger but is very short range and will
often require many hits to land a kill.

Lincoln Jeffries

This double barrel shotgun has high damage and fire rate but can only fire twice before it must

Model 1897

This high damage pump-action shotgun can reliably 1-shot kill, but has a pause between shots
so a miss is very punishable.


Arisaka 99

This rifle is good for light and mobile sniping, but extra percision is required for 1-hit kills


A balanced bolt action sniper rifle, this gun can kill with a single shot at long range and has
generally low mobilitiy.

Lee Enfield

(placeholder) This is a generic description of Lee Enfield

3-Line Rifle

The heaviest weapon, delivers 1-hit kills almost anywhere on the body at perfect accuracy, but
particulary slow to move or use.

[Marksman Rifles]


With fast firing and high control it can dominate at midrange, but lacks the accuracy and
damage output for great distances.

M1 Garand

This adaptable, accurate, and powerful rifle can put enemies down with two well placed shots
at mid or long range.


This powerful semi-automatic battle rifle can land one hit kills to the upper torso and head but
has low mobility and fire rate.



A powerful long range, the Luger has strong kick and a lower fire rate.

Machine Pistol

Full-auto fire makes for easy kills but the weapon is hampered by high recoil and a small


This basic sidearm is quick to draw and can help finish a fight when the primary firearm is
empty or unfit for a situation.


This pistol is fast and easy to use and can fire as fast as you pull the trigger.


This revolver is strong and fires quickly but has very high recoil and low ammo, and is slow to


FS Fighting Knife

(placeholder) This is a generic description of the Fighting Knife

Riot Shield

A portable bulletproof and explosive-resistant shield that you can also use to deal melee


M1 Bazooka

This shoulder-fired launcher fires 60mm explosive rockets, great for vehicles, but slow to
reload. Make sure not to stand behind one when it's fired.

MK1 Launcher

(placeholder) This is a generic description of MK1 Launcher


This shoulder-fired launcher fires 88mm explosive rockets, great for large areas and vehicles
but slow to reload and setup. Make sure not to stand behind one when it's fired.


This disposable launcher fires a shaped charge warhead capable of easily penetrating vehicle
armor. Make sure not to stand behind one when it's fired.

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