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Complete the tasks and learn the rules.

1. Be going to (for future plans and predictions based on the evidence)

 SB p. 73 ex.1, 2; WB p. 91 ex. 1,2,4 (check if you have done the previous tasks in SB and WB about
‘be going to‘).

2. Be going to (for future plans and intentions) & present continuous (for fixed arrangements):

 SB p. 73 ex.3,4. WB p. 91 ex.5, p. 59 ex.5


3. Present simple (for present - routines, facts, for future – timetables) & present continuous (for present
– actions at the moment, for future – fixed arrangements)

 SB p. 73 ex.73 ex.4, WB p. 59 ex.5, WB p. 91 ex.5


Present simple and present continuous for future. Underline the time expressions and complete the
sentences. ______

I ...................................... Peter tonight. He ..................................... us to a restaurant. (meet, take)

The ferry ....................... at 9.00 from Dover and .......................... at 10.45 in Calais. (leave, land)

My parents ................................................ their wedding anniversary next Sunday. They .............

............................. to Paris. (celebrate, go)

I ....................................... a lecture this afternoon. And I .................................... tomorrow either.

(not give, not teach)

Why ................... the exhibition ................... tomorrow? When ............ it ............... place instead?

(not open, take)

How ............. you ................... to the party tonight? ............ you ...................... a bus? (get, catch)

4. Future Simple (will) –for prediction, based on an opinion & be going to (for future plans and

 WB p. 57 ex.3, ex. 4 (3+3 sentences), p. 91 ex.3. , SB p. 71 ex.5.

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