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Computers in Industry 62 (2011) 795–810

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RFID based model for an intelligent port

Joseph K. Siror *, Sheng Huanye, Wang Dong
Computer Science & Engineering Department, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai 200240, China


Article history: Ports globally face considerable challenges ranging from efficiency in operations to security threats.
Received 24 May 2011 These call for research on innovative solutions with minimal reliance on manual interventions and
Accepted 2 August 2011 controls. This paper discusses the design and operation of an intelligent model of a port. The model is
Available online 31 August 2011
designed based on the challenges, experiences and operations of the port of Mombasa. Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) technology is central to the model in enabling intelligence. The embedded
Keywords: intelligence includes: what is entering or has entered the port; what is in the port; what is leaving or has
Intelligent port
left the port; legal (authorized) and illegal (un-authorized) transactions and movements; and, health and
Intelligent port simulations
Intelligent logistics
risk status of the cargo. Remedial measures are instituted upon observation of violations or deviations
RFID together with alert generation on violations or whenever set thresholds are exceeded that are then sent
RFID simulations to relevant persons or agencies as defined in the system. The basis of the intelligent model, design,
working operations and supporting technologies are presented. Simulations of the model are undertaken
for movement of goods from arrival at the port to release using four simulations. Details of the simulation
design and results are presented. An evaluation of the model and how it addresses the challenges
currently being experienced are provided. Finally, the benefits of implementation, limitations and likely
direction of the future are enumerated.
ß 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction exploring implementation of modern and innovative solutions

including intelligent systems based on Radio Frequency Identifi-
Customs administrations roles vary from one country to cation (RFID). Embracement of intelligent technologies is however
another. Their primary tasks relate to facilitation of legitimate limited to tracking of transit goods. For the port to be able to deal
goods movement across administrative boundaries, implementa- with the current and future challenges, it is necessary for modern,
tion of government policies relating to revenue collection from intelligent, and innovative technologies to be expanded to include
import tariffs and export taxes, protection against terrorist all port operations.
activities and, enforcement of quantitative restrictions on imports The choice of Mombasa port as the basis of the intelligent port
or exports of particular commodities [1]. Mombasa port is the model stems from the immense challenges it has been facing in
busiest port serving East and Central Africa region and the gateway handling of cargo and the environment upon which it is operating.
to the vast hinterland. Besides Kenya, the port serves Uganda, These include:
Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Southern Sudan,
North Eastern Tanzania, Southern Ethiopia and Somalia. The port  It serves countries that have varied levels of stability ranging
has been facing considerable challenges in handling imports into from those that are very stable to failed states;
and transiting through the country. This problem is further  The port is in a country with porous borders where only small
compounded by the ever increasing volumes of cargo being sections of it are manned or fenced;
handled at the port. The volume of transactions in the port is  The countries of the region have high dependency on import
expected to increase further with the planned pipeline for oil from duties and taxes for running their governments (this accounts to
Southern Sudan and from Uganda (recently discovered) is over 40% for some countries in the region);
discharged through the port.  The port operates in a coastal environment where one side is
In order to improve port efficiency; secure the tracking of peaceful and stable while the other is unstable and is
goods; and to curb diversion of transit goods, the port has been characterized by rampant pirate attacks, drug trafficking and
related criminal activities;
 Considerable problems related to diversion and smuggling of
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 254722847145; fax: +86 25420318071. goods some of which are explosives, small arms and drugs into
E-mail address: (J.K. Siror). and out of the country; and, Dependence on manual and semi-

0166-3615/$ – see front matter ß 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
796 J.K. Siror et al. / Computers in Industry 62 (2011) 795–810

automated systems with limited functionality and features to for Mobile/General Packet Radio Service (GSM/GPRS) and satellite
adequately address the risks. communication where there is no network coverage for Secure
Tradelanes have also been designed using supporting software
The model is based on RFID, a technology with the capacity to such as Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) based IBM’s Electronic
provide intelligence necessary to meet the ever increasing Procedure Code Information Services (EPCIS) for ocean-going
demands for better services in an environment of increasing containers [20].
volumes of trade and current challenges. The technology has been Smart logistics has had several definitions that include a system
selected as it is capable of enabling intelligent operations and thus that enables:
enable transition of ports to intelligent based. The technology will
continue to play an important role in automated handling of goods  Humans to be free from control activities that can be delegated to
and tracking due to its ability to operate well in a variety of visually smart products and services [21];
and environmentally challenging conditions such as snow, ice, fog,  Instant and electronic generation of information and requisitions
paint, grime, inside containers, in vehicles, warehouses and ports [22];
[2]. The principal advantages of non-contact, non-line-of-sight  Visibility, and postponing of decisions to the last moment while
characteristics enable it to be used in intelligent tracking and allowing adequate reaction to disturbances; and
handling of goods.  Association of data properties such as location, location history
This paper discusses an intelligent port model that is based on with individual items to enable reaction to changes in the
the experiences of the port of Mombasa. The model employs environment [23,24].
modern technologies including RFID which plays a major role in
providing a comprehensive and secure system for goods moving in,
within and out of the port. The rest of the paper is structured as Yang et al. [25] discusses a device which when embedded
follows: In Section 2 we discuss related works, Section 3 the model into a product would acquire lifecycle data. Nikitakos et al.
design, Section 4 simulation, and finally, in Section 5 we provide presents a study of Digital Shipping based on the Greek
the conclusion. experience, the conclusions of which were that digital shipping
revolves around dominant business models that include
2. Related works electronic port services [26], the study however did not provide
a design, deployment or the details of how such an electronic
RFID is a technology that uses radio frequency waves to port would operate. It is thus evident from literature that smart
transfer data between a reader and a tag on the item to be and intelligent systems will define the operational frameworks
identified, tracked, or located. It comprises an antenna, tag and a of future systems, and especially supply chain operations. Little
Radio Frequency (RF) module (reader) with a decoder (transceiv- literature has however been focussed on the design, modelling,
er) [3]. RFID is regarded as one of the technologies that will play a deployment and use of smart and intelligent systems in customs
major role in improving performance, increasing integration and administrations despite the dire need. The key drivers towards
decision structures to enable a paradigm shift to the Internet of the future direction of intelligent systems are not only the
Things [4,5]. The technology has created opportunities for benefits realized from increased automation, but inability of
innovative technologies in manufacturing and logistics [6]. It is manual and semi-automated systems in handling increased
a technology that provides agility, adaptability, and flexibility demands for speed in an environment of increasing volumes of
which best value supply chains leverage for strategic supply chain trade and risk of goods to theft, smuggling and terrorist
management [7]. RFID is a technology that enables innovation, activities.
speed and flexibility which are considered as the key factors to Global supply chains are hyper-connected models of efficiency
competitive advantage [8]. RFID has been successfully used in and risk. The global import/export market exceeds US$6 trillion,
manufacturing, supply chain management and logistics since the with 15 million containers continually being transported on
mid-1980s and its use is growing rapidly as costs come down and 46,000 vessels through 4000 global ports. Each link and node in
benefits are widely recognized [9]. Value of RFID in supply chain the supply chain is subject to a variety of threats such as from
management include process automation, creating competitive fraud to terrorism. While under great pressure to maintain
advantage by realizing supply chain efficiencies, closed loop security, port operators are penalized for supply chain interrup-
tracking leading to innovation and achieving supply chain tions. Among them are estimated 20-plus freighters owned or
visibility [10]. Other benefits include operational efficiency and controlled by al Qaeda [27]. Terrorism is recognised as a complex
performance of the logistics processes, rectifying inefficiencies in risk that is difficult to eliminate, the goal is thus to minimise it as
workflows, enabling a framework for collaboration, planning, much as possible [28]. This complicates the task of enhancing
monitoring and execution while optimally adapting in real-time security as it always impacts negatively on speed of clearance.
to operate under unplanned occurrences [11–13]. Ryumduck and Delays on the other hand will lead to supply chain interruptions.
Jeyr [14] have discussed an active monitoring model for the According to experts more catastrophic terrorism is expected
workflow of RFID logistics management where the system where transportation assets may be turned into weapons.
reduced substantially time for inventory investigation and Vulnerability to freight-oriented terrorism is multi-faceted,
moving in and out of materials. reflecting the diversity, ubiquity, and openness of freight
RFID technology is driving innovation in logistics and supply transportation systems; availing terrorists an immense array of
chains of the future through embedding intelligence in items, choices. Freight systems were designed and are operated for
pallets and containers moving in the supply chain thus defining the economic efficiency and profit, but not for security. There is thus
future of logistics [15–17]. The conclusions of a study by need for technological development and research to provide tools,
Jedermann et al. [18] predicted that use of RFID-Tags on transport technologies, and processes capable of addressing these complex
items will be standard in logistics. Models of cases with secure challenges [29,30]. The looming challenges of the future make it
container closures attached, as well as sell retrofit secure container vital for port administrations to consider intelligent handling
kits for converting existing containers to be RFID-enabled have methods. Manual and semi-manual methods of goods are totally
already been made [19]. RFID based Tamper Resistant Embedded inadequate in dealing with the current challenges and would
Controller (TREC) that integrates GPS, sensors, and General System ultimately collapse. Any effort to enhance speed in such a set-up
J.K. Siror et al. / Computers in Industry 62 (2011) 795–810 797

would be at the expense of security. It is thus important for  what is in the port;
researchers to provide models for intelligent logistics and  what is leaving or has left the port;
particularly those that address the needs of customs and port  all legal (authorized) and illegal (un-authorized) transactions
administrations as there is little literature despite the key roles and/or movements and initiate remedial measures;
they play on the overall efficiency and security of the supply chain.  Generate alerts on violations and report/escalate them to
Additionally, customs and port administrations are exposed to the relevant officers or agencies accordingly;
highest risks and stand to be a major bottleneck in the supply  Continuously monitor the health status of sensitive or perishable
chain process. There is thus need for intelligent systems built on a cargo;
framework of speed, efficiency and effectiveness and with the  Provides intelligence information or initiates remedial measures
required level of security. Considerable academic literature is where required or applicable; and
however available on use of RFID for the wider supply chain  Provide alerts when the required thresholds in a given area, yard
logistics. For ordinary supply chain, all the participating players or context are exceeded.
are interested in the goods arriving at the destination, and once
done; the transaction is completed and considered a success.
Customs administrations have however a wider role that includes 3.2. Technology framework
restricting or prohibiting entrance of certain commodities to their
administration. Only legitimate goods should enter and pass The key technology for enabling intelligent operations in this
through their administration. Additionally, they are required to model is RFID. The operation of the model relies on RFID
ensure that traders pay correct taxes and duties. This would infrastructure in the port which is composed of readers, active
include detecting those who falsely declare, under-declare or tags and communication infrastructure. The standards governing
report the theft of their goods so as to evade payment of taxes. The active RFID Cargo tracking devices is ISO/IEC 18000-7 [33] for air
task is further complicated by existence of corrupt government interface. The devices operate in the 433 MHz band. Communica-
officials who through bribery abet tax evasion and unscrupulous tion between interrogator and tag is Master–Slave type with the
behaviour by traders. interrogator initiating communication then listens for response
The Kenyan customs administration has piloted two RFID based from a tag. Related standards include ISO 17363 which provides
systems to track transit goods from the port of Mombasa to the the definition for the seals and tags with air interface parameters
frontier offices [31,32] where considerable benefits have been conforming to ISO/IEC 18000-7. ISO 17363 [34] defines four
realised. The Relevant Time Tracking System (RTS) is one of the categories of devices for tracking freight containers namely
piloted systems and relies on RFID infrastructure installations at Container License Plate Tag, Container electronic seal and Item
the port and at critical points along the transport corridor. The Tag. ISO 18185 standards deals with Electronic Seals for Freight
infrastructure would then provide cargo status information Containers and has seven parts with Part 1 dealing with
through interrogation of the Electronic Seals from the Outdoor communication protocol and Part 7 the physical layer. ISO
RFID readers as the trucks pass these key points. The Real Time 18185-7 Type A [35] defines the physical layer of Electronic Seals
Location and Tracking System (RTLS) was the second system operating at 433 MHz band. It has dual frequency operation with
piloted, however, unlike RTS, it does not depend on external the physical layer operating at 433 MHz for long range Link and
infrastructure. RTLS system entail fitting the truck with Automatic Low Frequency (LF) short-range link operating at 123–125 kHz and
Vehicle Location (AVL) that integrate GPS receiver (for providing using On-Off-Keying (OOK) modulation schemes. Six-byte combi-
location information), RFID Reader (for reading status of the nation uniquely identifies a tag with the first two being Tag
Electronic Seals), and GSM/GPRS communication so as to provide Manufacturer ID and last four bytes being the Tag Serial Number.
real time cargo information to the control room. The benefits have Interrogators issue commands to the tag which may be broadcast
however been limited due to the predominant manual processes in or specific. The commands include collection of tag IDs, sleep,
the port. More benefits can be realised if intelligence is ingrained in password, read/write memory and table related commands. Some
the entire operations of the port, from arrival of cargo, handling, of the commands such as for writing are guarded through
and verification to release from the port. It is thus necessary for password protection. The long range links are used for replying
research to be undertaken on the likely models for employment by to the interrogation from a reader. In our model, these devices shall
customs administrations desiring to have a higher level intelli- be used for the following.
gence in their ports. This paper seeks to addresses this gap by
proposing an RFID Based Intelligent Model hereafter named 3.2.1. Cargo shipment tag/electronic seals
Kipkalya Intelligent Customs Port Model (K-ICPM). The model is In our model, the cargo arriving will have been secured at the
based on RFID; a technology that has emerged as one that will play manufacturers’ premises or port of origin and tracked the entire
a leading role in intelligent and smart systems. The model journey. The tracking device would usually be an Active RFID tag
addresses the security of goods from the time of offloading from such as Electronic Seals, Container Security Tag and Sensor Tag
the ship, movement within the port to eventual release and exit which are shipment tags described in ISO 17363/18185 and ISO
from the port. 18000-7 for the air interface. The devices operate at 433.92 MHz
and 123–125 kHz for the Low Frequency (LF) short range
3. Model design operation. The industry available types that conform to these
standards are such as Evigia EV3-CST, Identec i-Q310 CST, Savi ST-
3.1. Introduction 675, Savi SR-662 and Hi-G-Tek 18.7 Secure Series [36–39], some of
which have been used in the US military for tracking containerised
KICPM intelligent customs port model is proposed. The model cargo [40].
defines a port that uses smart or intelligent systems to accomplish
the following: 3.2.2. Asset or item tags
To enable advanced level of intelligence, the cargo contents are
 Have intelligence on: also tagged. The tags used would depend on the nature and
 what is expected to arrive at the port; requirement of the goods. This may vary from cheap general cargo
 what is entering or has entered the port; in cartons or pallets, in which case simple passive tags can be used.
798 J.K. Siror et al. / Computers in Industry 62 (2011) 795–810

Fig. 1. Intelligent port active RFID fixed reader installation.

For sensitive cargo, active RFID Asset Tags with sensors for Collection, EPCIS Capture, EPCIS Query, EPCIS Accessing Applica-
advanced monitoring would be required. Industry available tion and EPCIS Repository in describing the processes and
advanced tags with sensors include Evigia EV3-AT, Identec i- functions of the model (see Fig. 2).
Q310 ATR and Savi ST-616 or ST-618 [36–39]. The advanced tags
conform to ISO 18000-7 standard and are usually more suitable for 3.3. Design subsystems
pallets, drums, cartons and perishable goods. The attachments of
the tags are by use of attachment ties, magnetic mount, mounting Our proposed intelligent model is composed of the following
bracket or kits and Pressure Sensitive Tape. five subsystems. They are namely:

3.2.3. License plate tag  Central Processing and Control Centre (CPCC)
These are active RFID tags designed for tracking motor vehicle  Location Movement Control and Management (LMCM)
or trailer units. This is applicable for cargo in the form of motor  Sensitive Goods Control and Monitoring (SGCM)
vehicle or trailers. These tags can also be used for tracking  Cargo Handling Control and Management (CHCM)
equipment used for lifting cargo out of the port.  Verification Control and Release Management (VCRM)

3.2.4. RFID infrastructure in the port

The architecture and high level class diagrams are given in
To facilitate automatic identification and tracking within the
Figs. 3 and 4, respectively.
port, active RFID readers will be installed to provide coverage for
the entire port. To support interoperability, active RFID readers
would conform to ISO 18000-7; and thus DASH7 (the alliance 3.3.1. Central processing and control centre (CPCC)
lobbying for the adoption of the standard) [41] compliant. The This is the core of the system and is responsible for coordinating
industry available active RFID readers conforming to this all the activities receiving/sending all messages from external/
standard are such as Evigia EV3-AFI, Savi SR-650, SR-652 and internal systems to the relevant systems and to the customs back
Identec’s I-Port F310. For complete coverage of the port, the office system. Using EPC Global architecture, the subsystem is
readers will need to be installed in a matrix (depicted in Fig. 1) responsible for Filtering and Collection, EPCIS Capturing and
so that the whole port is within interrogation range of at least contains the EPCIS repository. The functions would include the
one reader. The Active RFID readers are placed equidistant from following:
each other; the distance apart being the interrogation range of
the readers. The interrogation range of the industrially available  Receives raw tag reads and events from RFID readers in the
Active RFID readers conforming to ISO 18000-7 is between port;
100 m and 150 m.  Filtering, aggregating, grouping and analysis of the tag reads and
transforming them into streams of events suitable for application
3.2.5. Communication infrastructure logic;
Events from the Container Security Tags or Electronic Seals will  Map between tag IDs and containers in the yards, thus insulating
need to be received and processed by Central Processing and Control client applications from knowing readers, antennas or tag IDs
Centre (CPCC) system. The Communication infrastructure covering  Recognition of EPC-related business events and delivers these as
the whole port will be responsible for this function. Several EPCIS data to the relevant modules and systems;
technologies can be used for this purpose; however a mix of  Storage of the processed information in the EPCIS repository and
wireless and fibre are preferable. Underground fibre network is most providing means for client applications to query;
suitable as it provides high quality communication and is immune to  Provides a path for communicating EPCIS events generated by
noise interference by other electromagnetic transmissions. EPCIS Capturing Applications to other roles that require them,
including EPCIS Repositories, internal EPCIS Accessing Applica-
3.2.6. EPC global architecture framework tions, and Partner EPCIS Accessing Applications.
Our model borrows heavily from Electronic Procedure Code  Provides means whereby an EPCIS Accessing Application can
(EPC) global architecture framework [42] particularly Filtering and request EPCIS data from an EPCIS Repository or an EPCIS
J.K. Siror et al. / Computers in Industry 62 (2011) 795–810 799

Fig. 2. EPC global architecture, source: [42].

Capturing Application, and the means by which the result is module is thus responsible for evaluating every movement of
returned including authenticating the requesting systems. containers whenever they are loaded onto a truck and moved. The
Module role spans all the other modules and provides the technology for detecting movements can be by monitoring change
interface to other systems. It acts as EPCIS Accessing Application in of parameters such as Radio Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) from
getting relevant information such as Import Declaration Forms the readers in the vicinity of the cargo as it is moved away. Such a
(IDF) databases, electronic shipping manifests, electronic packing movement would result in the cargo getting out of range from
lists for cargo destined to the port. The information is then used to other readers and within range of others. Other technologies are
avail information on what is expected to arrive at the port. Through such as active RFID location markers and reference tags, where any
querying of the customs systems, CPCC always has access to movement will be reported by the nearest reference tags to the
information on clearing status of cargo in providing information on readers and thus identified [43]. LMCM as an EPCIS Accessing
authorized and un-authorized movements to LMCM. Application will query EPCIS repository resident in CPCC for all
events relating to change in its key indicators related to cargo
3.3.2. Location movement control and management (LMCM) movement. Once received, the information is used to monitor
LMCM unit is responsible for processing of location information cargo movement and raise alerts where the movement has not
of all the cargo in the port and establishing whether the been authorized. At the time of obtaining information on the key
movements are authorized or not. All RFID tag reads from the indicators, it also obtains information on authorization informa-
RFID infrastructure covering the entire port is relayed to CPCC. The tion resident in CPCC via access to customs application. LMCM is
800 J.K. Siror et al. / Computers in Industry 62 (2011) 795–810

Fig. 3. Intelligent port architecture.

responsible for providing an inventory and location of all cargo and equipped Container Security Tag with multiple sensors to monitor
distributions within the port. Thus, LMCM acts as both EPCIS internal environment. Thus, the cargo inside would be expected to
Accessing Application when obtaining information from CPCC and have asset tags embedded with sensors such as for light, humidity,
EPCIS Repository for inventory and location information. temperature and sound for environmental monitoring. The asset
tags are such as Evigia EV3-AT, Identec i-Q310 ATR and Savi ST-616
3.3.3. Sensitive goods control and monitoring (SGCM) or ST-618 for individual items, pallets, or drums monitoring. While
This unit is responsible for monitoring perishable goods or high all the RFID events will have been received by CPCC and stored in
risk cargo. This category of goods usually require special handling its repository, SGCM will constantly be querying relevant
as they are susceptible to damage or dangerous consequences such information from it as an EPCIS Accessing Application. Where
as explosion if handled carelessly. This category of goods will be violations are observed or anticipated spoilage or danger, SGCM

Fig. 4. Simplified high level class diagram.

J.K. Siror et al. / Computers in Industry 62 (2011) 795–810 801

generates alerts and messages to relevant agencies for corrective thus result in generation of alerts through analysis of sensor
action. Processed information will be available for querying by data. Thus, the sensors will aid in the process of identification of
CPCC and update of its own repository. Thus, SGCM acts as EPCIS violations, besides the other external measures. Communication
Accessing Application when obtaining information from CPCC and from devices is transmitted to the communication centre using
EPCIS Repository when availing information concerning the status wireless technologies with multiple access points for a complete
of sensitive goods in the port. coverage of the whole port connected to a fibre backbone. The
system will contain the status of all containers in the port; any
3.3.4. Cargo handling control and management (CHCM) required movement or transfers within the port; and those
This will be responsible for guiding forklift and truck drivers released. The system will additionally provide details of the
through navigational tools (with detailed map of the port) on the equipment that will be used for the particular function such as
route to use to pick or offload the cargo. Cargo trucks utilising the the crane that will be used to load, the truck that will be used to
port would be required to have purchased and installed a carry. Trucks and equipment used for loading of cargo will be
compliant navigational system in their truck (be it a dedicated expected to have RFID Readers and Navigational tools. However,
navigation system or an advanced Mobile Device) with wireless those without are supplied with portable units for guiding them
capability and navigational features, where upon reaching the port to the loading point and providing the necessary information to
is linked to the port system for navigation. Container Security Tag the intelligent system. The units will then be surrendered back
such as Savi ST-675 [39] operate on two frequencies, namely upon exit from the port.
433.92 MHz for long range (over 100 m) and LF or 123–125 kHz
with a range of up to 3.6 m. LF will be used for identification of the 3.4.2. Verification
container picked. Thus, when wrong goods are picked, RFID tag
events resulting from interaction between the interrogating reader Risk profiles. The risk assessment of the cargo is under-
on the forklift and the Tag using LF channel will result in event data taken by the Enhanced Automated Targeting and Profiling System
being transmitted to CPCC. CPCC will immediately generate an and results send to the port system indicating the channel that the
alert that will be picked by CHCM. Upon receiving the alert, CHCM cargo is to be cleared through, which would vary between Direct
will generate an alert to the driver through their mobile device. The Release (Green Channel), Non Intrusive Inspection (Yellow
RFID readers installed on every forklift, crane or trucks will Channel) and Physical Verification (Red Channel). According to
continuously send their events through the RFID infrastructure to the model design, an average 90% of the cargo should be cleared
CPCC. After processing, the EPCIS information will be picked by through the Green Channel, about 20% on the Yellow Channel and
CHCM, undertake further processing, generate and store status less than 1% on the Red Channel. However, of the 20% going
information on the loadings. The order of containers to be lifted is through the yellow channel, after scanning up-to five percent may
dynamically adjusted depending on the current location of the be required to pass through the Red Channel in addition
forklift and location of the containers to be loaded. Other depending on the results of the process. Initially, the percentages
parameters that are used include traffic congestion in a particular may be disproportionate, but as the data is built up and the
area. The Mobile devices will make use of wireless technology for accuracy increases, the efficiency of the system increases.
receiving updates and traffic information for re-routing where However, the actual figures would be guided by compliance level
necessary. CHCM will thus be an EPCIS Accessing Application with that usually depends on the effectiveness of risk management
respect to details of what is to be loaded and events relevant to tools utilised.
loading and handling; and, an EPCIS Repository for information on
the loadings in the port. Non intrusive inspection. Non intrusive inspections are
undertaken for risky cargo. Scanning systems are integrated with
3.3.5. Verification control and release management (VCRM) the port system for automated uploading of relevant information.
This unit monitors the goods and ensures that only those goods By using RFID readers installed at the entrance to the scanning
that have been legitimately cleared leave the port. Any violations area, the identity of the container is automatically deduced and
are immediately detected and appropriate action taken. After EPCIS repository queried by use of EPCIS Accessing Application on
completion of the process without violations local goods are relevant information regarding the cargo and contents. The
allowed to be removed, while transit goods are released for container would then be scanned using X-ray, Gamma Ray
tracking to frontier offices. technology and at times neutron assisted for automated detection
of drugs, explosives or metals. A comparison is then automatically
3.4. Supporting technology undertaken between the scanned results and with the declared
contents. The process may however require further analysis by
3.4.1. Tracking system experts where complex analysis is required.
Active RFID readers with omni-directional antennas will be
installed in a matrix to provide coverage for the entire port. The 4. Simulations and tools
reader array will also be used to provide location information
using appropriate schemes such as triangulation among others. 4.1. Tools
The Electronic Seals used on the containerized cargo will be
expected to support at least two frequencies, UHF and LF. UHF Five simulation tools from two providers were used for the
will be used for long range communication with the field readers simulations. The tools include Rifidi project quoted in literature as
for location or monitoring by LMCM or SGCM. LF will be used for one that provides open source integrated development environ-
short range communication for CHCM in providing information ment for RFID that enables full tests without incurring any
on what has been loaded, offloaded or is being carried. Thus, investment [44,45]. The other is RFID Anywhere by Sybase which
cranes, trucks and forklifts will be mounted with LF Readers to though is a commercial tool is available for use in simulations. The
facilitate this functionality. Motion, tilt, light, vibration, tem- tool has been used by Correos Spanish postal service which handles
perature and humidity sensors embedded in the shipment tags over 5 billion postal deliveries each year, serving over 19 million
or inside the container will aid detection of advanced intrusions homes and 2 million companies a day and has the largest
such as removal by cutting container sides. Such attempts will successful RFID project in Europe. Other users include Cesar
802 J.K. Siror et al. / Computers in Industry 62 (2011) 795–810

Castillo in Puerto Rico, a pharmaceutical company that uses RFID Table 1

Intelligent packing and dispatch – Rifidi Emulator Configuration.
for inventory control purposes [46]. The simulations exploited
specialised features in each of the tools to provide a complete Item Reader 1 Reader 2 Reader 3 Reader 4
simulation for each intelligent process. Some of the simulations 1. Reader type Alien 9800 Alien 9800 Alien 9800 Alien 9800
entailed combining two tools for complementary purposes. Several 2. Name Docks Yard Verification Port Gate
scenarios were simulated using each of the tools. Rifidi prototype 3. No. of antennas 4 4 4 4
was used to visually test the business logic. 4. IP address
5. Port 20000 20001 20002 20003
The simulations were done using EPC Generation (Gen) 2 tags
even for processes where Active RFID tags were envisaged. This
arose due to the limitations in the choices for tags available from
the tools. However, the objective could be achieved as none of iii. Cargo moving in violation of business rules and logic such as:
the features inherent in active tags were being used in the From Docks to Yard and then back to Docks.
simulations. The use of the tags was for automated identification
and data capture, in which case any type of tags could do. Program logic and flow. Open Services Gateway Initiative
The aim of the simulation is to provide a proof of concept on (OSGI) was used together with spring application development
how intelligent technologies can be used to realise an intelligent framework. Use of spring was to relieve the amount of boiler-plate
port. The simulation thus encompasses goods movement from code and due to easy integration with OSGi for help in starting up
arrival at docks to departure from the port gates. bundles and access to the OSGi service registry. It is thus used to
create objects, register them as services, look up services from the
4.2. Simulations OSGi service registry and inject them into their objects. The
applications are in two parts: the application bundle that
4.2.1. Rifidi Edge Server simulation implements the business rules and the web application for
displaying the items. Communication between them will be Simulation. To guide the simulation, we first define the
through Java Messaging Service (JMS).
business rules and logic:
Esper is an event processing language that allows one to define
queries in an SQL-like syntax that operate on events; thus data
 All cargo docking shall have been secured with RFID based
flows through the query as it is produced [47–49]. The sample
Container Security Tag or Electronic Seals;
program code with description is provided in Appendix A.
 Docks shall be the beginning point for all cargo movements in the
4.2.2. RFID anywhere simulation
 After being received at Docks, all the cargo will then be moved to
This simulation was undertaken using RFID Anywhere Simula-
the yards;
tion Tools. The simulation was undertaken as follows:
 All the cargo from the yards will be taken through verification
area (a small percentage would ordinarily be verified);
i. Tags representing the cargo was created using RFID Anywhere’s
 Some of the cargo will go through verification (scanning or
RFID Data Editor with the following configuration:
intelligent verification) before release;
 EPC SGTIN-96 Type Partition Six.
 The system should automatically identify and capture all
 Nine time slices each lasting 10 s were created to define when
movements arrival at Docks, movement to Yard, Verification
the EPC tags should appear during the simulation. The nine
and finally the gates;
were named T0, T10, T20, T30, T40, T50, T60, T70 and T80
 Upon departure from one location, the cargo is expected to arrive
respectively, with waiting time of 5 s between each time slice.
within a stipulated period;
 Four sessions of simulation data were created to represent the
 Items are not allowed to move in the opposite direction.
Docks, Container Terminal, Verification and the Gate.
 The timings in seconds of loading into the simulation
Rifidi Emulator was used to create four RFID readers and tags environment were configured as provided in Table 3.
with configurations given in Table 1. ii. Four RFID Multiprotocol Simulators to represent the Docks,
The Edge Server was used to create a corresponding number of Container Terminal, Verification and the Gate were created
virtual RFID readers and configured to poll the virtual readers respectively. The simulators were configured to use the
created by Rifidi Emulator. Table 2 provides the configuration simulation data for their respective areas.
settings. Reader Alien_1 was configured to poll the virtual reader iii. A web service developed using C# was used to provide
named Docks, Alien_2 Yard, Alien_3 Verification and Alien_4 the information on the tags read from either the stores or the
port gate respectively. Rifidi Emulator was then used to generate loading bay upon request by a consumer. The Web Service was
EPC Gen 2 tags. deployed into RFID Anywhere and started.
The EPC tags were moved to appear before the reading zones of iv. An application developed in C# was then used to consume and
the respective virtual RFID readers to emulate actual goods flow. display the tags read from each of the locations in the
The EPC tags were next moved in violation of business rules and simulation.
logic. Observations were next undertaken on the program response
and particularly whether the violations were detected and Table 2
appropriate alerts and actions undertaken. Screen captures of Intelligent packing and dispatch – Edge Server Configuration.
the simulation running for Rifidi Emulator and the display of the Item Reader 1 Reader 2 Reader 3 Reader 4
simulation results on a browser are provided in Figs. 5 and 6
1. Reader type Alien 9800 Alien 9800 Alien 9800 Alien 9800
2. Name Alien_1 Alien_2 Alien_3 Alien_4
The following scenarios were created and tested successfully: 3. No. of antennas 4 4 4 4
4. IP address
i. Cargo arriving at Yard, Verification or Gate without having been 5. Port 20000 20001 20002 20003
6. Settings Poll Poll Poll Poll
received at Docks;
7. Repeat period 1000 ms 1000 ms 1000 ms 1000 ms
ii. Delay of cargo in arriving at the next location;
J.K. Siror et al. / Computers in Industry 62 (2011) 795–810 803

Fig. 5. Intelligent port simulation — Rifidi emulator.

v. As per the simulation, the Tags were initially 30 in the Docks, For all the violations, the system automatically generated alerts
then they kept decreasing as per the execution cycles i.e. 30-24- and messages signifying the anomaly.
18-12-6-3, while the tags in the Container Terminal kept
increasing from 0-6-12-18-27 and similarly between the 4.2.3. Rifidi prototyper simulation
Container Terminal and Verification Area where the numbers This simulation was done using Rifidi Prototyper to test the
for Container Terminal would start decreasing, while the ones business logic of the supporting system and was undertaken as
for Verification kept increasing, and finally between Verifica- follows:
tion Area and the Gate. Fig. 7 provides a screen capture of the
simulation application running. i. Draft of a blueprint representing the port was drawn;
At any stage of the process, the inventory position of the tags ii. A new prototype was created using the blueprint;
was available from the system. Scenarios depicting anomalies and iii. Alien 9800 readers were next created to represent
violations were next tested. These included: readers installed at the Docks, Container Terminal, General
Terminal, Verification, Scanning, Motor Vehicle Yard and the
 A tag being created and configured to appear at a subsequent Gate;
location without originating from Docks, which is usually an iv. Several tags were next created to represent the cargo. The tags
anomaly created were Gen 2 EPC, SSCC type;
 Items being taken to the wrong yard v. The readers were then position in the different locations to
 Items disappearing from the port create hotspots;

Fig. 6. Display of results for docks, yard, verification, port gate and alerts.
804 J.K. Siror et al. / Computers in Industry 62 (2011) 795–810

Table 3 were sent by either or both Electronic Mail and SMS to the parties
Simulation data configuration for intelligent port.
configured to receive the specific alerts.
Docks Container Scanning Gate
terminal 4.2.4. Rifidi tag streamer simulation
Tags Wait Tags Delay Tags Wait Tags Wait An experiment was undertaken to simulate arrival of goods to
T0 30 0 0 10 0 0 0 0
the port, movement to the yard, verification area and finally exit
T10 25 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 from the port. The simulation was undertaken to reflect actual
T20 20 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 scenario where attempts of stealing or bypassing procedures
T30 15 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 would be undertaken and how the system can be designed to curb
T40 10 0 10 0 10 0 5 0
that. The following business logic was used to guide the
T50 5 0 10 0 15 0 5 0
T60 3 0 7 0 20 0 5 0 simulation:
T70 2 0 3 0 25 0 5 0
T80 1 0 3 0 25 0 5 0 - Tags with prefix AA01 and AA02 represent high risk containers
that should undergo verification. The movement of the cargo
according to the business rules and logic is thus Docks-Yard-
vi. Simulation was next moved from edit mode to run mode (See Verification-Gate.
Fig. 8); - Tags with prefix AA03 and AA04 are low risk containers that are
vii. The tags were moved according to the usual workflow and directly released without verification. The movement of the
system response observe to confirm that that reports cargo according to the business rules and logic is thus Docks-
generated and messages were working as design. Yard-Gate.
- If cargo represented by prefix AA01 and AA02 arrives at the gate
without having passed through verification, an alert is creating
Several queries were run on the inventory position and location
for the violation; namely cargo has bypassed a mandatory
and the system responded by providing the correct information for
verification process.
- Any violation should result in generation of alerts and where
Scenarios depicting anomalies and violations were next
applicable transmission via Short Messaging and e-mail to the
undertaken to test the alert processing. Scenarios tested included
relevant officers or agencies as defined in the business rules.
the following:

The simulation was undertaken using Rifidi Tagstreamer [50],

i. Moving of the cargo from the ship (Ocean) bypassing the Docks
with the following design:
(receiving area) to particular yards;
ii. Bypassing verification area for cargo required to undergo
 Components used
 ID 0 - One Alien 9800 RFID Reader for ships Docking Area
iii. Moving cargo to the wrong yard;
 ID 1 - One Alien 9800 RFID Reader for the Yard
iv. Cargo arrival at the Gate having bypassed some prior stages.
 ID 2 - One Alien 9800 RFID Reader for the Verification
For all the violations, the system responded by automatically  ID 3 - One Alien 9800 RFID Reader for the Gate
generating alerts. The alerts were based on the configuration and  Batches

Fig. 7. Simulation application running.

J.K. Siror et al. / Computers in Industry 62 (2011) 795–810 805

Fig. 8. Prototyper simulation and testing of intelligent port.

 Batch 0 - One Batch of Tags, with a prefix of AA01 and AA02 to  Tags that were required to undergo verification but
designate goods subject to verification. This represented attempted to bypass are those which used this scenario
category of goods requiring verification. The movement was and had prefixes of AA01 and AA02. Alerts were required
thus Docks-Yard-Verification-Gate. This was configured to to be generated for every cargo with prefix of AA01 and
generate 2 tags of each prefix per second, have an execution AA02.
period of 1000 ms. A random waiting period of between 200  Scenario 2 - This was done to simulate the movements of goods
and 500 ms was created between the generations of one prefix from Docks to Yard, without proceeding further for the purpose
to the other. of creating inventory against the Yard locations.
 Batch 1 - Second Batch of Tags, are used to simulate low Risk  Scenario 3 - This was done to simulate goods movement from
category of goods usually given Direct Release as they do not Docks–Yard and remain there for building inventory at the
have to undergo any form of verification. The movement of this Yard.
category of goods is thus Dock, to Yard, to Exit Gate bypassing  Scenario 4 - This was done to simulate goods movement from
Verification Area. One group of tags generated in this batch is Docks–Yard-Verification and remain there for building inven-
used to simulate this. These were generated with the prefix tory at the Verification area.
AA03 andAA04. One other group of tags were generated to  Test Unit
simulate a violation where those not qualifying for Direct  First - Scenario 0 with Batch 0
Release (DR) are treated in a similar manner, these had a prefix  Second - Scenario 1 with Batch 1
of AA01 and AA02.  Third - Scenario 2 with Batch 2
 Batch 2 - The tags generated by this batch were used to  Fourth - Scenario 3 with Batch 3
simulate violations. The tags were generated in two groups.  Fifth - Scenario 4 with Batch 4.
The first group were those with a prefix of AA01 and AA02, The simulation was then run and for the five test units and
execution period of 1000 ms, one tag was generated for each results analysed according to the defined business logic, a
prefix and a random waiting period of between 200 and portion of the sample code of the simulation is provided in
300 ms. The second group were those with a prefix of AA03 and Appendix B.
AA04, an execution period of 900 ms and a random waiting
period of between 300 and 700 ms. 4.3. Querying and reporting
 Batchs 3 and 4 - Were created for inventory purposes. Batch 3
created tags that would end at the Yard and had all the prefixes, A supporting application was developed to manage the
while Batch 4 was for tags that were to end at the verification simulation and process simulation data. The program was
area with the prefixes of AA01 and AA02. developed using Eclipse Studio with Java programming language,
 Scenarios on an Ubuntu 8.04 operating system with MySQL database for
 Scenario 0 - Normal operations - High Risk Goods storage, retrieval for modelling the system. Linux based shell
 Movements through Docks, Yard, Verification to Exit Gate. scripts were developed to support querying location, status and
 Scenario 1 - Normal operations - Low Risk Goods, violation for inventory status of the cargo via SMS. The following are the Short
High Risk Goods. Messaging processes:
 Movements through Docks, Yard, Exit Gate.
 Tags not required to undergo Verification had the prefixes of  All users of the system are first registered and details stored in a
AA03 and AA04. MySQL database;
806 J.K. Siror et al. / Computers in Industry 62 (2011) 795–810

 Status of the cargo is constantly updated and kept in a database; Table 4

Simulation results.
 Users of the system wishing to inquire would sent the container
number to a GSM cell phone number provided by the custom Docks Yard Verification Gate
administration; AA01 442 400 250 250
 The container number would then be used to query the location AA02 346 300 150 200
and status and an appropriate response transmitted to the AA03 248 200 0 150
AA04 248 200 0 150
Total 1284 1100 400 750

Linux based SMStools was used for the simulation. The

simulation used one database with four tables in this process,
namely: of the port they were in. The numbers were determined by the
number of tags interrogated and detected by the virtual readers at
 User Registration TableThis table is used to register the users of the Docks (Reader 0), Yards (Reader 1), Verification Area (Reader 2)
the system. The system registration provides user details that and at the Gates (Reader 3). Since the tags were interrogated and
include cell phone number of the user, e-mail address and their read several times in whichever location, multiple reads were
preferred mode response communication. filtered by the system and tags stored only once in the database and
 Cargo Details databaseThis table contains the details of the cargo subsequent reads used as updates. The simulation system captured
that include RFID Tag ID of the Seal or Shipment tag, container all the movement of cargo for both types of goods. Those designed to
number, cargo contents, risk channel of the cargo, Vessel type, pass and bypass the verification area. Whenever any violation was
Vessel Registration if cargo is being moved from one location to detected, an alert was immediately generated. For the simulation,
the other. this was undertaken by establishing whether a tag being detected
 SMS Transactions Logging TableThis table records all the say at the gate was ready for release, had been detected (by use of a
requests received and responses given for audit trail purposes. flag) and cleared in the previous stages. Whenever a tag was
 Cargo Tracking Transaction TableThis table keeps a log of the detected for the first time at the Docks, it would be stored in the
status and location of cargo end-end under intelligent tracking system at this stage and a flag registered against the record and time
model. of first appearance. A separate flag for the Yard would be registered
once the tag was detected at the Yard and in the subsequent stages
until exit. When any tag was detected at the gate, the system would
A shell script was used to manage the receipt and transmission cross check the flags to confirm it had passed all the intervening
of responses to requests in the simulation. Once a user is stages as was required by the business rules for the specific prefix
registered, the user would send a short message (SM) to a number and was ready to be released. Where a previous stage had been
provided. bypassed contrary to business rules and logic, an alert would be
generated and the cargo would not be cleared.
 SM is received containing the Container Number The summary of the results of the simulations is provided in
 Query is initiated to confirm that the cell phone number used Table 4.
belongs to a registered user from the User Registration Table. If A total of 1284 tags were generated by the five batches. Of
registered, the preferred communication channel is also these, 210 were still in the Yard, 890 had passed from the Yard.
obtained. 140 were still in verification area while a total of 680 had
 Query is initiated to get the RFID Tag ID using the Container reached the gate and left while 70 were in the process of leaving
Number from the Cargo Details Table the gate. This simulation environment allowed a definition of
 Query is initiated to the Cargo Tracking Transaction Table for the how long the cargo was to remain in a particular place. The
status and location of the cargo using RFID Tag ID obtained from setting for all was set to a random number with two values, a
the Cargo Details Table in (iii) above. minimum and a maximum duration. Of the 450 containers that
 Response sent back to the requester (if registered) using the arrived at the gate for type AA01 and AA02, 190 attempted
preferred communication channel obtained from registration violations were detected, out of these, 110 cases were for
table as described in the second bullet. containers that moved from the Yard directly to the Gate while
they were required to pass through verification first according to
The script adopts the open source SMS tools in Ubuntu business rules and logic. 80 of the cases were for those that were
Linux for handling and responding to all requests. Third taken directly from the Docks to the exit Gate, bypassing both
Generation GPRS Modem with SIM card used for receiving the Yard and Verification. For all these cases, alerts were
and sending responses. Ubuntu Linux Postfix Electronic Mail generated immediately they appeared at the wrong location. The
tool was used for sending and receiving e-mails for processing simulation was thus able to demonstrate automatic learning for
by the system. goods arriving at the port, automatic learning of what is in the
port (Docks, Yard, Verification Area and Gate), automatic
4.4. Simulation results and discussions identification of containers with violations (attempts to bypass
mandatory areas for the specific cargo) and automatic learning
During the simulation, the tags generated by all the batches of what has left the port.
were interrogated and immediately detected by the virtual Location of the cargo could also be obtained by use of the
reader designated for the Docks; and, were immediately intelligent querying system. It was possible to receive the locations
registered. The tags were after the random duration (as was for all the cargo in the four defined areas.
set for the simulation) interrogated and detected by the virtual
readers configured to represent the Yards, Verification area and 4.5. Evaluation of the model
at the Exit Gates respectively; as per the design of the
simulation. In the simulation the readers were configured to Findings from a research undertaken in the port of Mombasa
read autonomously. For every cycle, the numbers of the tags in revealed the following challenges that ports are faced with. It was
the various locations were known, including the Yard or the area not possible to undertake a simulation of all the features provided
J.K. Siror et al. / Computers in Industry 62 (2011) 795–810 807

for by the model, however, a description of how these challenges 4.7. Likely direction of the future
could be dealt with is provided below.
With the complexity of the challenges and opportunities,
 Locating containers for loading by truck drivers or new coupled with increasing volumes of trade, risks, demand for
equipment driversThere has been no system to guide the better and faster services; the future of all logistics and
drivers to the location of the container to be loaded, which has particularly for customs administrations lies in adoption of
often resulted in unnecessary jams inside the port for trucks intelligent technologies. The speed of adoption will be deter-
moving about without clear direction. KICPM, CHCM system mined by the flexibility of the individual customs administra-
will provide a navigational system to guide trucks or forklifts tions, the maturity of RFID technology in other areas of
to the location for loading using the best path, thus intelligence; and standardization in the new areas as well.
eliminating element of confusions in movements within the Provision for installation of intelligent devices into the contain-
port. ers and packages to facilitate intelligent tracking will be a
 Container theftsThe continuous surveillance and raising alerts by common feature in future. While it may not practical for all
LMCM whenever un-authorized movements are detected will containers to have intelligent devices as a permanent feature,
curb attempts for container thefts. And since the process will be it is more practical for provisions to be made (such as slots)
electronic, collusions as has been the case in past by the players with battery or external power supply connections for powering
will not be possible. the devices. At the beginning of journeys, the units would be
 Theft of container contentsSensors embedded in the Electronic slotted in and used to track until the end of the journey or
Seals or inside the containers will detect any intrusion attempts, tracking portion where it is then removed for re-use. Containers
passing the information to the central sensors via SGCM. These may also be enhanced to provide sensing of cutting of the
are such as vibration, light, humidity, tilt and motion sensors for sides for highly secure containers. The container industry
intrusion through the sides of the container; otherwise the may change to provide for the different levels of security and
Electronic Seal will detect any attempts through the container features working alongside the traditional containers. Inbuilt
doors. environmental sensors would become standard for refrigerated
 Spoilage of cargoSensors embedded in the Electronic Seals or containers.
inside the container would continuously monitor the environ- Further research is expected in customs related fields where
ment of the cargo passing the information to SGCM, thus where its face has slowly been changing from what has been
certain thresholds are not maintained alerts would be immedi- historically the most rigid, bureaucratic institutions using
ately produced leading to intervention measures being executed. archaic systems and technology averse to those employing
The sensors would be such as light, humidity, temperature, gases and embracing cutting edge technologies. These will revolve
among others. around the challenges of security and use of intelligent
 Smuggling through faking container numbersThis is usually technologies.
done by repainting a container with a number for another Some of the areas requiring research are the following:
container being cleared but having low value goods. After
going through all the processes of clearing, a separate  How the challenge of using fake tag ID numbers to facilitate
container having high value goods or prohibited items to be disguising of illegal goods as they pass through intelligent
smuggled out is painted with a similar container number and customs administrations can be dealt with, should it ever
removed out of the port. This is however suspected to be arise. This may lead to the formation of security companies
undertaken with collusion from the port officers. Since the patterned around the concept of anti-virus/firewall companies
identification of the container in the intelligent system is by disseminating information on compromised tag IDs;
use of the unique ID on the RFID based Electronic Seal and  Need to expand and harmonise the standards to take care of
details contained in the seal, such as a violation would not convergence of technologies and to eliminate duplications.
happen undetected. Thus, any attempt to repaint the container Current ISO 18000-7 does not include sensors whereas in the
numbers and move the container would still raise alerts and industry, most of the devices conforming have sensors embed-
expose the scheme. ded. There is thus need to speed up development of standards so
that it does not become an impediment to advancement of the
4.6. Limitations and assumptions  Currently there are many standards governing RFID devices and
in some areas overlap. As technology advances more, the
 All containers will be tagged with Electronic Seals from the port overlaps may become more. Thus, while ISO 18000-7 was
of origin. For cargo arriving without tracking devices, to enable dealing with item management, ISO 18000-7 is predominantly
intelligent tracking, portable units could be attached on arrival at used for secure cargo tracking and already some of the devices
the port. The device would then be used to facilitate intelligent provide for Real Time Location Tracking, while there is a separate
monitoring and control till the time of release when they would standard dealing with Real Time Location Systems ISO 24730.
be removed. There is thus need to harmonise so that there are no potential
 Goods requiring monitoring against spoilage such as fresh conflicts.
produce, medicines, or fish products would be having the
necessary environmental sensors inside the container for 5. Conclusion
monitoring that is passed to the RFID reader installed. The RFID
reader would then pass sensor information for use by the In this paper we have presented an RFID based model of an
intelligent port system. intelligent port. The design of the model that includes architecture,
 Generation of alerts to signify violations will require resources devices to support the model with their relevant standards have
for dealing with the issues. Thus, where environmental condi- been described. The function and the workings of the sub-systems
tions such as temperature violations for frozen goods are that make up the model have been described. The simulations with
generated, need for checks and rectification of the problem will details of the business logic, simulations tools and how the
require to be undertaken. simulations were undertaken have been provided. The results of
808 J.K. Siror et al. / Computers in Industry 62 (2011) 795–810

the four simulations and how the model addresses the current the model addresses it, and how they can incorporate it in the
challenges of Mombasa port have been enumerated. Limitations, automation of their ports. The model is flexible enough to allow a
assumptions and likely direction of the future have been briefly phased implementation approach. It is also important for
discussed. academicians with research interests on intelligent ports where
The importance of the study is first for custom administration of the KICPM model can be a beginning point in considering other
the world and particularly for East Africa in planning future enhancements.
solutions and strategies for the port. Planned new ports in the
region can be done at an intelligent framework so as to lower the Acknowledgement
costs of future implementations where changes would have been
required. Other ports of the world may also learn from the Assistance from Chinese Scholarship Council and Kenya
challenges being experienced by the port of Mombasa and how Revenue Authority is hereby acknowledged.

Appendix A. Sample of Rifidi Edge Server simulation program code

Creation of windows for storing tag events

//For handling tag events at the docks

"create window docks.std:firstunique(tag_ID) (tag_ID String)"));

Storage of tag events

//Insert information into the named windows
"on ReadCycle[select * from tags]" +
"insert into docks select cast(tag.epc?, String) as tag_ID where readerID = 'Alien_1'"));

Previous location skipped by cargo
// Arrival at Yard with Docks skipped
"insert into alerts " +
"select 2 as alert_type, tag_ID as tag_ID " +
"from yard as w " +
"where not exists (select * from docks_recent as d where d.tag_ID = w.tag_ID)"));

Reverse Movement of cargo

//Movement from Yard back to Docks

"on pattern[every-distinct(tag.tag_ID) tag=yard_recent-> docks(tag_ID = tag.tag_ID)] " +
"insert in to alerts " +
"select 1 as alert_type, tag_ID as tag_ID " +
"from yard_recent where tag_ID = tag.tag_ID"));

Delay at arriving at the next location

//Delay in arriving at the Yard

"on pattern[every-distinct(tag.tag_ID) tag=docks_recent -> " +
"(timer:interval(15 sec) and not yard(tag_ID =tag.tag_ID))] " +
"insert into alerts " +
"select 3 as alert_type, tag_ID as tag_ID " +
"from docks_recent where (tag_ID = tag.tag_ID)"));
J.K. Siror et al. / Computers in Industry 62 (2011) 795–810 809

Appendix B. Sample code for Rifidi tag streamer simulation

// Connections to MysQL Database

public static Connection getConnection() throws Exception

String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/IntelligentPort";
String username = "JesusIsLord";
String password = "alleluia888";
return DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);

//Instantiating the Readers

publicIntelligentPort () throws AlienReaderException
AlienClass1Reader reader = new AlienClass1Reader(); //Docks
AlienClass1Reader reader1 = new AlienClass1Reader(); // Yards
AlienClass1Reader reader2 = new AlienClass1Reader(); // Verification
AlienClass1Reader reader3 = new AlienClass1Reader();//Exit Gate

reader.setConnection("", 20000);


reader1.setConnection("", 30000);


// Definition of the different locations

case 0: locations = "Docks";
tagList = reader.getTagList();
case 1: locations = "Yard";
tagList = reader1.getTagList();
case 2: locations = "Verification";
tagList = reader2.getTagList();
case 3: locations = "Gate";
tagList = reader3.getTagList();
// Reading the tags
Tag tagList[] = reader.getTagList();
// Writing to database
rs.updateString(2, getTagID());
rs.updateInt(5, getAntenna());

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