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English Activity Sheet

Quarter 4 – MELC 1
Meaning of Text


English 5
Activity Sheet No. 1
First Edition, 2021

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

Republic Act 8293, Section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any
work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government
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the payment of royalties.

This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of English Activity Sheet

Writer: Ma. Catherine A. Omori
Editors: Ladie B. Balidio
Melisa A. Regondon
Cherry Ann V. Esparas
Layout Artist: Ma. Catherine A. Omori
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team
Grace B. Zamora
Engie E. Pioquinto
Jessica P. Gela
Ellen G. De la Cruz

Division of Bacolod City Management Team

Gladys Amylaine D. Sales, CESO VI

Pete J. Galimba
Janalyn B. Navarro PhD
Jessica P. Gela PhD
Ellen G. De la Cruz PhD

Regional Management Team:

Ramir B. Uytico EdD, CESO IV
Pedro T. Escobarte Jr. PhD, CESO V
Elena P. Gonzaga EdD
Donald T. Genine
Nestor M. Pingil EdD

Introductory Message
Welcome to English Grade 5!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the

Schools Division of Bacolod City and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western Visayas
through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is
developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible adults)
in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic Education

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed to

guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the
contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in
acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The English Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the teaching-learning
activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) with minimal
or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This will be made available
to the learners with the references/links to ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The English Activity Sheet is developed to help you continue learning even
if you are not in school. This learning material provides you with meaningful and
engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active learner, carefully read
and understand the instructions then perform the activities and answer the
assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed schedule.

Quarter 4 Week 1

Name: ____________________________________ Grade and Section: ____________

Date: ______________________


Meaning of Text

I. Learning Competency with Code

Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning of a text
II. Background Information for Learners


There are different elements that make text come alive and contribute to the reader's
understanding. Visual elements are included in the text to help the reader 'see' what he or she
is reading. These include:

• Pictures
• Drawings
• Comics and cartoons
• Diagrams

Multimedia elements combine more than one type of medium, typically in digital form,
such as computers, audio players, tablets, smartphones, and other forms of technology. These
elements help the reader use sight, sound, and sometimes even other senses to experience what
he or she reads. Examples of multimedia elements include:

• Video
• Audio recordings and sound effects
• Interactive images (images that let the reader click on certain images or words to learn
more information about them, including how the word sounds, its definition, and important

Clarifying Meaning
Visual and multimedia elements can help the reader clarify meaning while reading in many
ways. Visuals or interactive images help him or her understand the vocabulary being used in the
text. For example, if he or she doesn’t know what a flutterby is, through a picture it will give him
or her an idea that it is a butterfly.
Visuals or video presentations of a text can clarify what a character is feeling or thinking
through his or her facial expression and body language. Additionally, these elements can help
the reader understand the order of events in a text, or what an event may look like when it

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbooks and Educational Sites
Angeles, Evelyn B. and Galapon, Agnes P. (2008). English Expressways Reading
Textbook for Grade 5.
Castillo, K. C., Angeles, E. B. (2016). Joy in Learning English 5. Quezon
City: Vibal Group, Inc.
How Visual and Multimedia Elements Contribute to a Text: Lesson for Kids.
(n.d.) In

IV. Activity Proper

1. Directions/ Instructions
Review the notes on analyzing how visual and multimedia elements contribute to
the meaning of a text in the Background Information for Learners. Then, answer the

2. Exercises / Activities

Activity 1: Identify the idea referred to. Write your answer on your paper.

1. Visual elements are included in the text to help the readers ‘see’ what they are
reading. The following are visual elements EXCEPT _____________________.
A. pictures B. drawings C. cartoons D. music

2. Which of the following is a visual element that can contribute meaning to a text?
A. a drawing of a character’s home
B. an audio recording of a story
C. sound effects during a scary story
D. background music of a story

3. These elements which combine more than one type of medium, typically in digital form,
help the reader use sight, sound, and sometimes even other senses to experience what
they are reading.
A. Visual Elements
B. Sound Elements
C. Digital Elements
D. Multimedia Elements

4. Which of the following is an example of a multimedia element that can contribute or

give meaning to a text?
A. a comic of the ending of a story
B. a picture of a main character
C. a diagram of a butterfly’s life cycle
D. a video of the main character

5. You read a story on your tablet and there are bold words throughout the story. When
you click on a bold word, a box appears on the screen and gives you the definition of
the word. This is an example of a multimedia element that _____________________.
A. helps set the tone of the story that you are reading
B. clarifies the meaning of the bold words in the story
C. helps you hear the sounds the main character would hear
D. helps you visualize what events are happening in the story

Activity 2: Study the word bank below before reading the text. Then, do the tasks that
follow. Write your answer on your paper.
Word Bank

Word Part of Speech Meaning Sample Sentence

1. musing noun a period of reflection or Her musing was
thought interrupted by the
sound of the bell.
2. quipped verb make a witty remark “You won’t catch me,”
she quipped.
3. enticing adjective attractive or tempting Her smile is an enticing
one that I can’t resist.
4. glued verb to cause to be focused on or Our eyes were glued to
directed at something our cell phones.
5. uttered verb to express in usually spoken He uttered hopeful
words words.
6. hesitantly adverb In a way that is not immediate She asked the teacher
or quick because one is hesitantly.
nervous or not certain
7. curiosity noun an eager wish to know or Her natural curiosity led
learn about something her to ask more
8. delicate adjective very fine in texture or A spider’s web is strong
structure; of intricate yet delicate.
workmanship or quality
9. disgusted adjective feeling extreme dislike or She was disgusted by
disapproval of something the way he responded
with her questions.
10. startled verb to alarm, frighten, or surprise She was concentrating
suddenly on her module when
her mother’s voice
startled her.

Now It’s Your Turn

With the given word meaning, unscramble the word and write it in the box.

1. D E T S U G S I D
feeling extreme dislike or disapproval of something

2. C R I S I T Y O U
an eager wish to know or learn about something

3. E T I C I N N G
attractive or tempting

4. D E C A T E L I
very fine in texture or structure; of intricate workmanship or quality

5. G U L E D
to cause to be focused on

6. U T T R E D E
to express in usually spoken words

7. S E L T R A T D
to alarm, frighten, or surprise suddenly

8. H E T A N T S I L Y
in a way that is not immediate or quick because one is nervous or not certain

9. Q U I D P P E
make a witty remark

10. M I S N G U
a period of reflection or thought

Activity 2.1: Fill out the KWL chart. Write your answer on your paper. (6 points)


Before you read, write what Before or as you read, write While reading or after you
you think you know about what you wonder or want to finish, take note of what you
the selection or story. know about the selection or learned. (2 points)
(2 points) story. (2 points)

By: Ma. Catherine A. Omori

I haven't seen my friends and playmates for quite some time now, and I can't help
missing them. It seems like I'm quarantined for a year when COVID-19 pandemic hit
globally. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to go outside and do the usual things a fifth-grader
like me usually do. Things have changed a lot.

The once cheerful laughter was unheard. Smiling faces were hidden behind the masks.
The warm hug, pat, and handshake were unfelt. Neighbors became strangers. Even the
voice of Mang Tomas, a taho vendor, was seldom heard. The screeching, squealing, loud
clicking, hissing and ticking or metallic tapping noises coming from the engine of vehicles
were gradually “shut off”.

In a snap of a finger, the once busy and noisy neighborhood became an empty and
lonely place to stay and explore.

"Inday!" My musing by the window was cut off when I overheard my palayaw

"Look what I’ve got!" My big brother, holding a small box, excitedly said as he headed
towards me.

It's Manong Toto, my one and only brother. He is a tenth grader in Junior High.

"Oh. Can I see what's inside Manong?" I quipped with excitement as my eyes are
glued on the small box that he is holding. "Please?" With hands clasped and enticing eyes,
I uttered hesitantly trying to convince Manong.

"Please Manong.” I insisted.

"I'm sorry Inday but you can't." Manong Toto firmly remarked.

“Let me see it for ten seconds only." I confidently told Manong trying to change his

"Okay then, let's make a deal. I will let you see what's inside if you're done with your
learning activity sheets," Manong Toto continued.

"But - " I abruptly said.

"No more buts. If you don't want me to get mad, don't you dare touch nor open the box,
okay?" My big brother firmly expressed as he placed the box on the side table and hurriedly

Yet, Manong Toto's words didn't stop my curiosity in finding out what's inside the box.
I slowly opened the cover of the box and in an instant, something has flown out of the box,
flapping its eye-catching delicate multi-toned wings over my head, and finally towards the

Startled, I heard approaching heavy footsteps. It was too late for me to hide or even
wish to disappear. Manong, rushing back to the room, looked disgusted upon seeing an
empty box.

Activity 2.2: Inside the mystery box are questions for you to answer. Write your answer on your
paper. (10 points)

1. When and where did the story take place? How

did the author describe the time and place?

2. What could you see, feel, hear, smell, as you

read? Did the image of a butterfly help you
understand the title and the text itself?

3. What made Inday decide to open the box?

Would you do the same thing? Why/Why

4. If you were Manong Toto, how would

you feel and react after learning that
Inday opened the box?
5. What have you learned from the text,

Activity 2.3: Draw a butterfly on your paper. From the text, list down five visual elements on the
left wing and five multimedia elements on the right wing. (10 points)



Activity 2.4: If you were the author, how would you end the selection, Flutterby? Create your
own ending through a comic strip on a short-sized bond paper. Keep in mind the following
reminders and rubrics. (20 points)

1. Plan a story ending with visual/multimedia elements.

2. Keep the drawings simple.

3. Use speech bubbles.

4. Be creative. Make it colorful.

3. Guide Questions:
1. What are visual elements?
2. What are multimedia elements?
3. How do visual and multimedia elements contribute meaning to the text?

4. Rubrics for Scoring the Comic Strip

Criteria 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 1 Point

Choice of Scene Captures the last Ending is Ending is Irrelevant
and event involving somewhat misleading. ending is
Visual/Multimedia the relevant and Visual/Multim presented.
Elements characters/main satisfactory. edia Elements Visual/Multimed
idea. Visual/Multimedia are confusing. ia Elements are
Visual/Multimedia elements are not present.
elements are present.
present that help
in understanding
the text/last
Characters and There is an There is too There is not It is not clear
Dialogue appropriate much dialogue quite enough which character
amount of and text, but it is dialogue or is speaking.
dialogue and text always clear text, but it is
to bring the which character always clear
characters to life is speaking. which
and it is always character is
clear which speaking.
character is
Spelling, There are no There are 1-3 There are 4-5 There are more
Punctuation, and spelling, spelling, spelling, than 5 spelling,
Grammar punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, punctuation,
grammar errors. grammar errors. and grammar and grammar
errors. errors.
Craftsmanship Creativity is Creativity is Hasty coloring Hasty coloring
evident. The somewhat is evident. and unfinished
comic is clear evident. output are
and colorful. evident.

V. Reflection

Directions: Complete the given phrase below. Do not forget to place a period at the end
of every sentence. Write them in your answer sheet.

In this lesson, I have learned ____________________________________________


Activity 1
1. D. 2. A 3. D 4. D 5.B
Activity 2. (Word Bank)
1. disgusted 6. uttered
2. curiosity 7. startled
3. enticing 8. hesitantly
4. delicate 9. quipped
5. glued 10. musing
Activity 2.1 (KWL Chart)
Answers vary.
Activity 2.2 (Mystery Box)
Answers vary.
Activity 2.3 (Flutterby)
(Possible Answers)
Visual Elements
1. hands clasped
2. eye-catching delicate multi-toned wings
3. hug
4. holding a small box
5. empty box
Multimedia Elements
1. voice of Mang Tomas
2. screeching
3. squealing
4. metallic tapping noises of engine
5. heavy footsteps
Activity 2.4 (Comic Strip)
Comic Strips may vary.
Guide Questions
1. Visual elements are included in the text to help the readers ‘see’ what they are
2. Multimedia elements combine more than one type of medium, typically in digital
form, such as computers, audio players, tablets, smartphones, and other forms of
3. Visual and multimedia elements can help the reader clarify meaning while reading in
many ways. Visuals or interactive images help him or her understand the vocabulary
being used in the text. Visuals or video presentations of a text can clarify what a
character is feeling or thinking through his or her facial expression and body language.
Additionally, these elements can help the reader understand the order of events in a
text, or what an event may look like when it happens.
Answers may vary.
Answer Key V.

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