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PLOT : a group of moroccan friends meet in the uk, they are ashamed of their
nationality and get bullied for it, until they meetshaimae , she will make them
open their eyes and show them the true beauty of being moroccan.
Actors: Duae Tazi, AichaDahi, Amine lemnaouar, Omar Hadji, AmaarAbood,
Shaimae, Bakry, hiba and Marwa


 Aicha : hello everybody, today you will witness an amazing play called
“the proud Moroccans” where you will step into the life of 4 moroccan
friends, this wouldn’t have been possible without our amazing actors
and writers, without further ado let’s start!


 Aicha: Salam Amine, how are you doing?

 Amine: waalaikumsalam, im doing just fine, what about you?
 Aicha: not that good, I don’t want to see Amaar and Marwa.
 Omar: Hi guys, ready to go to school?
 Amine: we must wait for Dua.
 Aicha: oh don’t worry she texted me last night , she’s already in school.
 Omar: if that’s the case then let’s go.

Aicha: SCENE 2

 Amaar: hey loser, got a new outfit?

 Dua: just leave me alone; I have better things to do than talk to you
 Marwa: what, are you scared moroccan girl?
 Dua: **Dua holds her arm tighly** do NOT mess with me.
 **Omar, Amine and Aicha enter the school and finds Amaar and
Marwa bullying Dua**
 Aicha: HEY! Leave her alone, or else I’ll report you to the principal!
 Amaar: and? You wouldn’t want the entire school to know you’re
moroccan do you ?
 **they leave**
 Dua: I hate being moroccan! Urgh!
 Shaimae: wait! **she’d follow dua**
 Aicha: SCENE 3
 Shaimae: hey! What’s wrong?
 Dua: I hate my life! Me and my friends get bullied because of our
nationality! I wish I could just change it…
 Shaimae: you shouldn’t let them get to your head, its ok to be
moroccan, I am one myself, our ancestors suffered to make us what
we are today , we can use the green march as exemple, it’s a
historical event that took place in 1975 , more than 350k people
participated in it !
 Amine: the problem is that we’re getting bullied
 Shaimae: I have an idea
Aicha: SCENE 4
 Omar: you sure about this…? I mean everyone’s going to know that
we are Moroccans…
 Shaimae: yes, we should be proud of it, not ashamed , being a
Moroccan is a privilege
 Amine: ok, let’s go in
 **everyone enters**
 Amaar: wait what are you wearing? I thought you were scared of
revealing your nationality!
 Dua: I’m proud of being moroccan!
 Omar: and so am I!
 Bakri: wow! You guys are Moroccan?! Omg!! I always wanted to
know what it’s like being Moroccan, I can’t imagine how amazing it
is to have such amazing fashion, soccer team, and having such
amazing and supportive community!
 Hiba: yeah same! And due, you look beautiful in that dress!
 **Dua looks confused as she thought everyone would be making fun
of her**
 Dua: thank you guys…
 Amine: same !
 Aicha: all of this is amazing but uh remember, we have an exam
 Amar: yeah we gonna go celebrate this later, let’s go guys
 Amaar: this is not fair! NO!
 Marwa: As much as I hate saying this, I am not gonna be your friend
 Amaar: **Amaar runs and leaves, then falls**
 Marwa: **recording** wow now I guess I know what I am post on
tiktok today!

Aisha: thank you guys for watching , the moral of the story is
to not be ashamed of your nationality, every contry has its unique
culture and you should be proud of that

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