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Exile, Trial, and Execution

D a p i t a n i s a r e m o t e t o w n i n M i n d a n a o,
w h i c h s e r ve d a s a n o u t p o s t o f t h e
S p a n i a r d s i n t h e P h i l i p p i n e s.
Rizal ar rived in Dapitan
on board the streamer
c a l l e d C e b u o n Ju ly 1 7 ,
1892. With him, he
c a r r i e d a l e t t e r.
P a d r e P a bl o P a s t e l l s
S u p e r i o r o f t h e Je s u i t M i s s i o n
i n t h e P h i l i p p i n e s.
Padre Antonio Obach
Capitan Ricardo Carnicero
The friendship led Car nicero to write
r e pe ated le tte r s to the gove r nor
g e n e r a l , E u l o g i o D e s p u j o, a s s u r i n g
that R izal had no par t in any
ins ur rec tionar y pr og r ams and that he
was a friend of the Spanish
g o v e r n m e n t a n d d e s i r e d o n ly r e f o r m .
House of Capitan
Ricardo Carnice ro
Septe mbe r 21, 1892

• Rizal and won the Manila Lotter y which was owned

by the gover nment.

• L o t t e r y t i c ke t N o. 9 7 3 6 a n d w a s j o i n t ly o w n e d b y
C a p t . C a r n i c e r o , R i z a l , a n d F r a n c i s c o E q u i l i o r. T h e y
won second prize of PHP 20,000.

• Rizal’s share of the winnings amounted to PHP

Short Trivia:

• R i z a l h a r d ly d r a n k l i q u o r a n d h e n e v e r s m o ke d , b u t
he was a lottery addict.

“ Th i s w a s h i s o n l y v i c e ” – We n c e s l a o E . R e t a n a
3 pesetas which is equivalent to
P H P 7 1 7 . 5 3 i n t o d ay ’ s t i m e .
On March 1893, the house of
Rizal was completed which was
l o c at e d i n Ta l i s ay.
R i z a l s t aye d i n D a p i t a n f r o m 1 8 9 2 t o 1 8 9 6 . H e r e , h e
p r a c t i c e d m e d i c i n e , p e r u s e d s c i e n t i f i c s t u d i e s, a n d
c o n t i n u e d h i s a r t i s t i c p u r s u i t s.
• He pr acticed medicine in Dapitan and gave the people
f r e e m e d i c i n e s.

• Don I gnac io Tumar ong who was his patie nt was able to
s e e again afte r his ope r ation.

• Don F lorencio Azcarraga, a rich haciendero of Aklan

w a s c u r e d o f h i s e ye a i l m e n t , i n t u r n h e g a v e R i z a l a
c a r g o o f s u g a r.

• H e o p e r at e d o n h i s m o t h e r, D o n a Te o d o r a ’ s, r i g h t e ye .
• He c ons tr uc te d a wate r s ys te m whic h s upplied c le an
wate r to the towns men.

• He drained the marshes in order to get rid of malaria

t h at i n f e s t e d D a p i t a n .

• He developed a lighting system which consist of coconut

oil lamps placed in dark streets of Dapitan.
• He established a school in Dapitan and did not allow his
s t u d e n t s t o p ay f o r t u i t i o n . I n s t e a d , h e m a d e t h e m w o r k
i n h i s g a r d e n , f i e l d s, a d c o n s t r u c t i o n p r o j e c t s i n D a p i t a n .

• H e t a u g h t t h e m S p a n i s h , E n g l i s h , M a t h e m a t i c s, a n d h o w
to work.

• Fo r m a l c l a s s e s w e r e b e t w e e n 2 p m a n d 4 p m .

• O u t s i d e c l a s s h o u r s, s t u d e n t s h a d g y m n a s t i c s, b ox i n g
w r e s t l i n g, s t o n e - t h r o w i n g, a r n i s, s w i m m i n g, a n d b o a t i n g.
• He built up a rich collection of concholog y which
c o n s i s t o f 3 4 6 s h e l l s r e p r e s e n t i n g 2 0 3 s p e c i e s.

• H e w a s a b l e t o d i s c o ve r r a r e s p e c i m e n s n a m e d a f t e r h i m
which were:
1 . D ra c o r i z a l i
2. Apogonia rizali
3. Rhachoporus rizali
• He le ar ned languages in Dapitan s uc h as : Bis aya, Suba nun,
a n d M a l ay l a n g u a g e .

• By that time, he knew 22 languages:

• Rizal engaged in the business industr y with Ramon
C a r r e o n a n d b o t h m a d e p r o f i t a bl e v e n t u r e s i n f i s h i n g,
c o p r a , a n d h e m p i n d u s t r i e s.

• H e o r g a n i z e d t h e C o o p e r at i ve A s s o c i a t i o n o f D a p i t a n
F a r m e r s t o b r e a k t h e C h i n e s e m o n o p o ly.
• He contributed paintings to the Sister s of Charity who
w e r e p r e p a r i n g t h e s a n c t u a r y o f t h e H o ly V i r g i n .

• He mode le d a s tatue tte r e pr esenting the mothe r -dog

k i l l i n g t h e c r o c o d i l e b y t h e w ay o f a v e n g i n g h e r l o s t
p u p py a n d c a l l e d i t “ T h e M o t h e r ’ s R e v e n g e ” .
The Mother’s
• Rizal acquired total land holdings of 16 hectares in
T a l i s ay w h e r e 6 , 0 0 0 h e m p p l a n t s, 1 , 0 0 0 c o c o n u t t r e e s a n d
n u m e r o u s f r u i t t r e e s, s u g a r c a n e , c o r n , c o f f e e a n d c a c a o
were planted.

• He planned to establish an ag ricultural colony in Sitio

Pa n o t b e c a u s e i t w a s i d e a l f o r r a i s i n g c a c a o, c o f f e e ,
c o c o n u t s, a n d c at t l e . H o w e ve r, t h i s d i d n o t m a t e r i a l i z e d u e
to the lack of suppor t from the gover nment.

• He introduced moder n ag ricultural methods to Dapitan

farmers and imported ag ricultural machinery from the
u n i t e d s t at e s.
• He invented a cigarette lighter which he sent as a gift to
his friend, Blumentritt called “sulpukan”.

• H e i n v e n t e d a w o o d e n m a c h i n e f o r m a k i n g b r i c k s.
Pop-up Questions!
The cigarette lighter that Rizal invented was
What was the lottery ticket number of Rizal?

Lottery ticket No. 9736 Sulpukan

How many years did Rizal stayed in

Where was Rizal put to exile?
Dapitan for his exile?

Dapitan 4 years

• 3 houses (square, octagon, and hexagon)

• S q u a r e o n e i s w h e r e h e , h i s m o t h e r, h i s s i s t e r T r i n i d a d a n d a n e p h e w
• O c t a g o n o n e i s w h e r e h i s b o y, s o m e b o y s w h o m h e t e a c h e s a r i t h m e t i c ,
• And English , and now a p atient who has b een op er ated on.
• He xago n o ne i s w here hi s c hi c kens li ve
Relative to Rizal's project to improve and beautify Dapitan, he made a
Big relief map of Mindanao:
Rizal constructed a water system to supply the town:
Rizal also helped the people in
putting up lampposts:
H av i n g h e a r d o f R i z a l ' s f a m e a s a n o p h t h a l m o l o g i s t , G e o r g e Ta u f e r wh o
wa s s u f f e r i n g f ro m a n e ye a i l m e n t t r ave l e d f ro m H o n g Ko n g t o D a p i t a n :
❖ Rizal and Josephine tried to have themselves married in Catholic
rites but Father Obach required that Rizal retract his beliefs.

❖ Rizal’s relatives and friends looked at Josephine with suspicion

and condescension

❖ Pablo Mercado - a spy of the friars who posed as Rizal’s relative

(Florencio Namaan - his true name)

❖ Pio Valenzuela - an emissary of Andres Bonifacio, he was asking

for advice on how to launch a revolution. He offered to have the
Katipunan assist him in escaping from Dapitan

❖ Rizal objected to the projected revolution, the revolutionaries

must have enough arms and weapons.
❖ When Cuba was under revolution and raging yellow fever epidemic, Rizal
wrote to Governor General Ramon Blanco offering his service as a
military doctor.

❖ Governor General Ramon Blanco - he approved the request of Rizal on

July 1, 1896

❖ At the midnight of that day, he left aboard the steamer Espana

❖ The townspeople of Dapitan wept because they considered Rizal as a

good son and neighbor

❖ He stayed in Dapitan for four years, thirteen days and a few hours.
❖ August 6, 1896 - upon arriving in Manila Bay, Rizal
was not able to leave immediately for Spai since the
vessel Isla de Luson already left
❖ He was transferred to Spanish cruiser Castilla and
stayed there for a month from August 6 to September
2, 1896
❖ August 19, 1896 - the Katipunan plot to overthrow the
Spanish rule by means of revolution, it was
discovered by Fr. Mariano Gil after Teodoro Patino’s
disclosure og organization’s secrets
❖ At that time, Katipunan was already discovered and
the Philippines Revolution was already raging
❖ August 26, 1896 - Bonifacio and Katipunan raised the
Cry of Revolution (Sigaw sa Pugadlawain) in the hills
of Balintawak, a few miles North of Manila
❖ In the afternoon, Governor General Blanco proclaimed a
state of war in the first eight provinces for rising
arms against Spain.
❖ Manila, Bulcana, Cavite, Batangas, Laguna, Pampanga,
Nueve Ecija and Tarlac
❖ Rizal received letters from Governor General Blanco
which absolved him from all the blame for the raging
❖ He transferred to Isla de Panay which was sailing for
Barcelona, Spain
❖ Don Pedro Roxas advised Rizal to stay and take
advantage of the protection of British Law.
❖ September 30 - the Isla de Panay had already sailed past Port
Said in Egypt and was now sailing in the Mediterranean
❖ A telegraphic message was received ordering that Rizal be placed
under arrest
❖ Bernardino Nozaleda - Archbishop of Manila who clamored for the
arrest of Rizal who was said to be the spirit of Philippine
❖ October 3 - the Isla de Panay arrived in Barcelona and Rizal was
sent to a prison-fortress, Montijuic Castle
❖ Rizal’s interview with Despujol he would shipped back to Manila
❖ On the night of the same day, after the interview, Rizal was
taken aboard the Colon which was loaded with Spanish troops
sailed for Manila.
Pop-up Questions!
Who visited Rizal in Dapitan and informed him about the Pablo Mercado is the spy of the friars who posed as
founding of Katipunan and planned the revolution? Rizal’s relative, what is his real name?

Dr. Pio Valenzuela Florencio Namaan

Who approved the request of Rizal on offering his service as a

Bonifacio and Katipunan raised the Cry of
military doctor when Cuba was under revolution and raging
yellow fever epidemic? Balintawak (Sugaw ng Pugadlawin) on _____

Governor General Ramon Blanco August 26, 1896

Trial and Execution
The records of the case were handed over to Governor
General Ramon Blanco who then appointed Captain
Rafael Dominguez as special Judge Advocate.

The Judge Advocate recommended that Rizal must be

brought immediately to trial and must be kept in prison.
He also recommended that Rizal must be defended by an
army officer.

Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade

Trial and Execution
Rizal was charged with three crimes: rebellion, sedition
and formation of illegal association

December 13, 1896, the case was forwarded to Governor

General Camilo de Polavieja

December 15, 1896, While Rizal was in prison waiting for

his trial, he wrote a manifesto appealing to the
revolutionaries to discontinue the uprising

Governor General Camilo de

First, he absolved himself by declaring that he was never a part of the
revolution; his name was used to attract Filipinos to join the revolution.

Second, he was consulted about the planned revolution, but he advised the
perpetrators to abandon it. Third, he wanted to stop the rebellion by
offering his services to the people. Fourth, he condemned the revolution as
ridiculous and barbarous. Fifth, uprising was not an option at that time, that
reforms should be the authorities’ initiative, not the citizens.
December 26, 1896, Rizal’s actual trial began and was held at the Hall of
Banners of Cuartel de Espana in Fort Santiago.

Hall of Banners of Cuartel de Espana in Fort Santiago.

December 26, 1896, Rizal’s actual trial began
and was held at the Hall of Banners of Cuartel
de Espana in Fort Santiago.

Rizal’s lawyer, Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade, tried

his best to save Rizal. However, on December
26, 1896, the trial ended, and the sentence was
read. José Rizal was found guilty and sentenced
to death by firing squad.
Pop-up Questions!
When did the preliminary investigation of Rizal's How many documentary evidences were gathered
case began? during the investigation?

November 20, 1896 15 documentary evidences

Who was the army officer that served as Jose Rizal's While Rizal was in prison what did he wrote to appeal to the
lawyer? revolutionary to discontinue the uprising?

Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade Manifesto

And Execution
Mia Cesare A. Tolop (BSN3A)

The court judged Rizal guilty for the

charges and voted for death penalty.
December 28, 1896
• Governor-General Camilo de Polavieja signed
Rizal’s death warrant ordering him to be
executed by firing squad at 7:00 o’clock in the
morning of December 30 at Bagumbayan.

• Rizal signed it saying that he was innocent.

• Rizal was transferred to the prison chapel.
• Fr. Miguel Saderra Mata (Rector of the Ateneo
Municipal) and Fr. Luis Viza
• Fr. Viza brought the image of the Sacred Heart of
• Fr. Antonio Rosell - ate breakfast with Rizal.
• Lt. Taviel de Andrade - also arrived and Rizal
thanked him for his gallant services.
• Fr. Balaguer - he remained with Rizal aroun noon.
• At 3 pm, Fr. Balaguer returned and tried to
persuade Rizal to retract his Masonic beliefs but
Rizal remained firm
• After he left, Rizal’s mother and sisters arrived.
• Rizal gave an alcohol stove to Trinidad which was
a gift from Pardo de Tavera and whispered to her
in English “There is somthing inside.”
• He also told her to look inside his shoes after he is
On his last remaining

Rizal composed his longest

poem, Mi Ultimo Adios, which
was about his farewell to the
Filipino people.
Mi Ultimo Adios
• Rizal gives meaning to the
• How Rizal wanted us to learn
from one’s past.
• How Rizal wanted us to see
the true happenings in the
• After his family left, Fathers Vilaclara and Balaguer again arrive to
convince Rizal to retract.
• By 8 pm, Fr. Balaguer returned with Fr. Viza and again talked with Rizal
on religious matters. At this point they were joined by Fiscal Gasper
Castano of teh Royal Audiencia.
• At around 10 pm, a draft of retraction arrived from Archbishop
Bernandino Nozaleda.
• Another draft of retraction was made by Fr. Pio Pi - the superior of the
Jesuit Mission in the Philippines.
• At 11:30 pm, Rizal signed his retraction
from the Freemasonry and it was
witnessed by Juan del Fresno - the
Chief of the guard detail and the
Adjutant of the Plaza Elroy Moure.

• After signing, Rizal had confession with

Fr. Vilaclara and rested afterwards.
Pop-up Questions!
When did Governor-General Camilo de Polavieja
What was Rizal's last gift for his sister
signed the court's decision for Rizal's death
warrant? Trinidad? Rizal got this gift from whom?

December 28, 1896 Alcohol stove; Pardo de Tavera

What was the piece of paper Trining and her

What was Rizal's final literary work? sister Maria extract from the lamp?

Mi Ultimo Adios The copy of Rizal's poem, Mi Ultimo

Trial and Execution
o December 30, 1896 at 5:00 in the morning, Rizal had his
last breakfast, autographed his remaining books which
became his last souvenirs.

o Fr. Balaguer- he performed the marriage rites of Rizal

and Josephine

o Rizal gave a book to Josephine, Imitacion de Cristo by

Thomas Kempis which he autograph.

o Afterwards, he wrote three farewell letter; to Parents, Dr.

Blumentrett (bestie ni Rizal) and Paciano.
o At around 6:30, Rizal was taken from cell and the march to
Bagumbayan began.

o A colonel took Rizal to the site of execution.

o Rizal had requested the firing squad to spare his head which
was granted.

o He also requested to be shot at his front, but it was denied.

o Dr. Felipe Ruiz Castillo took Rizal’s pulse and found it was

o The commanding officer ordered his men to aim by means of

his saber and there was a simultaneous crack of gunfire and
Jose Rizal made one last effort to drop on his back with his face
facing the sun.
• The Spanish spectators shouted Viva Espana!
• The military band played Marcha de Cadiz.
• After the execution, Rizal’s body was secretly buried at
Paco Cemetery where later it was traced by his sister
• The remains of Rizal’s were cleaned in Higino
Mercado’s house in Binondo and were given to Dona
• His remains were laid to rest inside the Rizal Monument
in Luneta.
Pop-up Questions!
1. Who was the priest that performed the Rizal wrote three farewell letters; to his
marriage rites of Rizal and Josephine? Parents, Paciano and

Fr. Baleguer Dr. Blumentrett

Who was the wife of Rizal? Where were Rizal's remains laid to rest?

Josephine Bracken Rizal Monument in Luneta and Rizal

Shrine in Calamba

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