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Abdullina Azhar


Does your personality change as you get older?

From my point of view, I think that a people’s personality can change throughout
his life. There is no doubt that over time, under the pressure of circumstances and
surroundings, we all change: we acquire new habits and hobbies, our outlook on
life changes.
Actually, if you get older or become an adult, your intellection would be different
in contrast to your young self. Because in your younger years all of your thoughts
most likely would be about, for example, your family, playing games from early
morning to late night and what would be fun to do when you are bored. Although
you don’t really pay attention to external world or simply don’t understand some
things that our parents or any adult talk about. Afterwards, you start attending the
school: all of your thoughts will be busy studying and after all, you start to
communicate with others, try to join them, and etc. In my opinion, exactly at this
time your personality will start completely changing. You begin to understand how
to behave in front of others, you begin to look for flaws in your character or
appearance and find complexes with which you are trying to fight in the future.
Consequently, many small changes throughout life change our personality.
However, I don’t think that its bad because over the years you start to change: you
became more serious, sensible and pay attention to your surroundings and try to
match it. After all I think that it would be very helpful for me cause if I want to
become a successful teacher in the future I should change myself and become that
type of people in case if I want my students to take me seriously and my collegues
respect me.
In conclusion, the personality that we have since born or which has changed since
that moment will undoubtedly help us to develop ourselves in future.

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