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115. A golf instructor wants to determine if the drive distance is different for three golf ball brands.

brands. The instructor has several of his students drive the

Golf Ball Brands (Factor A)
Miller Sapphire Cruiser
Golfer (Factor B) 275 350 295
Will 300 525 380
Huang 245 286 300
Singh 220 256 286
Woods 400 415 475
Fisher 356 385 396

a. Construct a two-way (without interaction) ANOVA table for the data.

Hipotesis 1 H0 :µ1=µ2=µ3 tidak ada perbedaan jarak tempuh berdasarkan brand dari golf
Ha : Not All Population mean equal ada perbedaan jarak tempuh tempuh berdasarkan brand dari golf

Hipotesis 2 H0 :µ1=µ2=µ3 tidak ada perbedaan jarak tempuh berdasarkan jenis pemain (golfer)
Ha : Not All Population mean equal ada perbedaan jarak tempuh berdasarkan jenis pemain (golfer)

Anova: Two-Factor Without Replication

SUMMARY Count Sum Average Variance

Brad 3 920 306.6666667 1508.33333333334
Will 3 1205 401.6666667 13008.3333333333
Huang 3 831 277 817
Singh 3 762 254 1092
Woods 3 1290 430 1575
Fisher 3 1137 379 427

Miller 6 1796 299.3333333 4636.66666666667

Sapphire 6 2217 369.5 9345.1
Cruiser 6 2132 355.3333333 5618.26666666668

Source of Variation SS df MS F
Rows Student 77664.9444 5 15532.98889 7.63846527918173
Columns Ball 16520.1111 2 8260.055556 4.06194506521253
Error 20335.2222 10 2033.522222

Total 114520.278 17

b. At the 5% significance level, can you conclude the average drive distance differs by brand?
Pvalue > Significant level, do not reject Ho
0.051 > 0,05 tidak ada perbedaan jarak tempuh berdasarkan brand dari golf

c. Explain why the golf instructor is not interested in the hypothesis test about the golfers
karena pengujian terhadap 3 jenis brand tersebut memiliki perbedaan rata-rata jarak tempuh yang sama, ketika dimainkan oleh pemain tipe man

d. Explain why the golf instructor uses a two-way ANOVA rather than a one-way ANOVA for brand.
Untuk mengurangi variasi yang berbeda, dilakukan pengujian dengan melibatkan faktor dari pemain golf

116. A research firm wants to compare the miles per gallon (mpg) for three different types of gasoline. To control for the performance of different type
yielded the below as the following incomplete two-way ANOVA table.

a. Complete the ANOVA table.

Source of Variation SS df MS F
Car Type rows 77.22 6 12.87 15.5842583249243
Gas Type coloumn 44.1 2 22.05 26.7003027245207
Error 9.91 12 0.825833333333
Total 20

Hipotesis 1 H0 :µ1=µ2=µ3 tidak ada perbedaan jarak tempuh berdasarkan tipe gasoline yang digunakan
Ha : Not All Population mean equal ada perbedaan jarak tempuh berdasarkan tipe gasoline yang digunakan

Hipotesis 2 H0 :µ1=µ2=µ3 tidak ada perbedaan jarak tempuh berdasarkan tipe mobil yang digunakan
Ha : Not All Population mean equal ada perbedaan jarak tempuh berdasarkan tipe mobil yang digunakan

b. At the 5% significance level, can you conclude if the average mpg differs by gas type?
Pvalue < Significant level, reject Ho
0.00 < 0.05 ada perbedaan jarak tempuh berdasarkan tipe gasoline yang digunakan

c. At the 5% significance level, can you conclude if the average mpg differs by car type?
Pvalue < Significant level, reject Ho
0.00 < 0.05 ada perbedaan jarak tempuh berdasarkan tipe mobil yang digunakan

117. A career counselor wants to understand if the average salary differs by educational attainment blocking on industry. The counselor uses four deg
industries. The study resulted in the following incomplete ANOVA table.

Source of Variation SS df MS F
Industry row 7.17 2.00 3.59 2.26
Education coloumn 138.33 3.00 46.11 29.12
Error 9.50 6.00 1.58
Total 155.00 11.00 51.28 31.39

Hipotesis 1 H0 :µ1=µ2=µ3 tidak ada perbedaan gaji berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan yang ditempuh
Ha : Not All Population mean equal ada perbedaan gaji berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan yang ditempuh

Hipotesis 2 H0 :µ1=µ2=µ3 tidak ada perbedaan gaji berdasarkan industri pekerjaan yang ditekuni
Ha : Not All Population mean equal ada perbedaan gaji berdasarkan industri pekerjaan yang ditekuni

b. At the 5% significance level, can you conclude the average salary differs by educational attainment?
Pvalue < Significant level, reject Ho
0.00 < 0.05 ada perbedaan gaji berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan yang ditempuh
c. At the 5% significance level, can you conclude the average salary differs by industry?
Pvalue > Significant level, do not reject Ho
0.19 < 0.05 tidak ada perbedaan gaji berdasarkan industri pekerjaan yang ditekuni

118. A researcher wants to understand how an annual mortgage payment (in dollars) depends on income level and zonal location allowing for an inte

Income ($) (Factor A)

Low Medium High
Downtown 25 55 60

Zonal Location
Downtown 40 60 65
Downtown 22 5 63
Downtown 30 100 60
Suburbs 70 75 100
Suburbs 85 50 115
Suburbs 74 54 108
Suburbs 100 45 160
Midtown 75 75 75
Midtown 55 70 60
Midtown 41 55 79
Midtown 40 70 65
Uptown 5 40 59
Uptown 10 25 30
Uptown 10 40 45
Uptown 15 35 40

Hipotesis 1 H0 :µ1=µ2=µ3 tidak ada perbedaan mortage payment berdasarkan income

Ha : Not All Population mean equal ada perbedaan mortage payment berdasarkan income

Hipotesis 2 H0 :µ1=µ2=µ3 tidak ada perbedaan mortage payment berdasarkan zonal location
Ha : Not All Population mean equal ada perbedaan mortage payment berdasarkan zonal location

Hipotesis 3 Ho : tidak ada interaksi antara Income dan Zonal Location

Ha : ada interaksi antara Income dan Zonal Location

a. Construct a two-way (with interaction) ANOVA table for these data. 

Anova: Two-Factor With Replication

SUMMARY Low Medium High Total

Count 4 4 4 12
Sum 117 220 248 585
Average 29.25 55 62 48.75
Variance 62.25 1516.66666666667 6 648.568181818182

Count 4 4 4 12
Sum 329 224 483 1036
Average 82.25 56 120.75 86.3333333333333
Variance 180.25 174 722.25 1064.9696969697

Count 4 4 4 12
Sum 211 270 279 760
Average 52.75 67.5 69.75 63.3333333333333
Variance 266.916667 75 76.91666667 176.242424242424
Count 4 4 4 12
Sum 40 140 174 354
Average 10 35 43.5 29.5
Variance 16.6666667 50 145.6666667 278.454545454545

Count 16 16 16
Sum 697 854 1184
Average 43.5625 53.375 74
Variance 881.8625 508.916666666667 1064.266667

Source of Variation SS df MS F
Sample 20698.3958 3 6899.465278 25.1454784743489
Columns 7723.29167 2 3861.645833 14.0739793981423
Interaction 6249.54167 6 1041.590278 3.79613272253296
Within 9877.75 36 274.3819444

Total 44548.9792 47

b. At the 5% significance level, can you conclude there is interaction between income and zonal location
Pvalue < Significant level, reject Ho
0.00 < 0.05 ada interaksi antara Income dan Zonal Location

c. Are you able to conduct tests on the main effects? If yes, conduct these tests at the 5% significance level.
tidak bisa melakukan main effect test, karena adanya interaksi antara income dan zonal location, yaitu saat p value<5%, reject Ho : artinya
terdapat interaksi antar 2 faktor tersebut. adapun pengujian yang dilakukan melalui, sampel effect test dengan paire comparision

119. A fund manager suspects there is an interaction between fund market cap (either small, mid, or large) and the fund objective (either growth or va
obtains data and produces the following incomplete two-way ANOVA table.

Source of Variation SS df MS F
Market Cap row 345.10 2.00 172.55 12.10
Objective coloumn 262.24 1.00 262.24 18.39
Interaction 303.38 2.00 151.69 10.64
Error 256.68 18.00 14.26
Total 1,167.40 23.00

Hipotesis 1 H0 :µ1=µ2=µ3 tidak ada perbedaan rata rata fund performance berdasarkan Fund Market C
Ha : Not All Population mean equal ada perbedaan rata rata fund performance berdasarkan Fund Market Cup

Hipotesis 2 H0 :µ1=µ2=µ3 tidak ada perbedaan rata rata fund performance berdasarkan Fund objective
Ha : Not All Population mean equal ada perbedaan rata rata fund performance berdasarkan Fund objective

Hipotesis 3 Ho : tidak ada interaksi antara Fund Market Cup dan Fund Objective
Ha : ada interaksi antara Fund Market Cup dan Fund Objective
b. At the 5% significance level, can you conclude there is interaction between market cap and objective? 
Pvalue < Significant level, reject Ho
0.00089 < 0.05 ada interaksi antara Fund Market Cup dan Fund Objective

c. Are you able to conduct tests on the main effects? If yes, conduct these tests at the 5% significance level.
tidak bisa melakukan main effect test, karena adanya interaksi antara Market Cap dan Objective, yaitu saat p value<5%, reject Ho : artinya terda
yang dilakukan melalui, sampel effect test dengan paire comparision

120. A career counselor wants to determine if there is an interaction between gender (male or female) and sector (private or public) on average week
incomplete two-way ANOVA table.

Source of Variation SS df MS F
Gender rows 44,078.32 1.00 44,078.32 11.44
Sector coloumn 156,468 1.00 156,468.00 40.61
Interaction 14,850.68 1.00 14,850.68 3.85
Error 61,648.00 16.00 3,853
Total 277,045 19

Hipotesis 1 H0 :µ1=µ2=µ3 tidak ada perbedaan antara jenis kelamin dan rata-rata pendapatan minggua
Ha : Not All Population mean equal ada perbedaan antara jenis kelamin dan rata-rata pendapatan mingguan

Hipotesis 2 H0 :µ1=µ2=µ3 tidak ada perbedaan antara sektor pekerjaan dan rata-rata pendapatan ming
Ha : Not All Population mean equal ada perbedaan antara sektor pekerjaan dan rata-rata pendapatan mingguan

Hipotesis 3 Ho : tidak ada interaksi antara jenis kelamin dan sektor pekerjaan
Ha : ada interaksi antara jenis kelamin dan sektor pekerjaan

b. At the 5% significance level, can you conclude there is interaction between gender and sector? 
Pvalue > Significant level, do not reject Ho
0.0672 > 0.05 tidak ada interaksi antara jenis kelamin dan sektor pekerjaan

c. Are you able to conduct tests on the main effects? If yes, conduct these tests at the 5% significance level. 
p value>5% , do not reject Ho : maka tidak ada interaksi signifikan yang terjadi dan dapat dilakukan main effect test. pengujian main effect dalam
diketahui, untuk menguji signifikansi dari masing-masing faktor

d. Why is a two-way ANOVA (with or without interaction) preferable to two two-sample T-tests in this situation?
e instructor has several of his students drive the different brands and collects the following

mpuh berdasarkan brand dari golf

tempuh berdasarkan brand dari golf

mpuh berdasarkan jenis pemain (golfer)

berdasarkan jenis pemain (golfer)

P-value F crit
0.00339586601736022 3.3258345
0.0511379007807232 4.102821

g sama, ketika dimainkan oleh pemain tipe manapun

To control for the performance of different types of cars, seven types of cars were used as the blocks. The study

P Value

mpuh berdasarkan tipe gasoline yang digunakan

berdasarkan tipe gasoline yang digunakan

mpuh berdasarkan tipe mobil yang digunakan

berdasarkan tipe mobil yang digunakan

ocking on industry. The counselor uses four degree levels (high school, undergraduate, master's, and doctoral) and three

P Value

dasarkan tingkat pendidikan yang ditempuh

kan tingkat pendidikan yang ditempuh

dasarkan industri pekerjaan yang ditekuni

kan industri pekerjaan yang ditekuni

ome level and zonal location allowing for an interaction. The data are shown below.
e payment berdasarkan income
ment berdasarkan income

e payment berdasarkan zonal location

ment berdasarkan zonal location
P-value F crit
0.00 2.8662656
0.00 3.2594463
0.00 2.363751

, yaitu saat p value<5%, reject Ho : artinya

ct test dengan paire comparision

arge) and the fund objective (either growth or value) on the average annual fund performance. The fund manager

P Value
0.000467292193396919 0.05%
0.000442372008212168 0.04%
0.000892127735802723 0.09%

a fund performance berdasarkan Fund Market Cup

performance berdasarkan Fund Market Cup

a fund performance berdasarkan Fund objective

performance berdasarkan Fund objective
, yaitu saat p value<5%, reject Ho : artinya terdapat interaksi antar 2 faktor tersebut. adapun pengujian

and sector (private or public) on average weekly income. The counselor obtains data and produces the following

0.0038 0%
0.0000 0%
0.0672 7%

enis kelamin dan rata-rata pendapatan mingguan

elamin dan rata-rata pendapatan mingguan

ektor pekerjaan dan rata-rata pendapatan mingguan

pekerjaan dan rata-rata pendapatan mingguan

kan main effect test. pengujian main effect dalam soal di atas tidak dapat dilakukan, karena variabel dependen tidak
Source of Variation SS df MS F P Value
rows df x MS r-1 SS / df MS row / MS error =FDIST(Fvalues,df,df error,0)
coloumn df x MS c-1 SS / df MS coloumn / MS error =FDIST(Fvalues,df,df error,0)
Error df x MS n-r-c+1 SS / df
Total n-1

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