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2023 European Public Health Week

May 22nd – 26th

Public health: Global issues, local actions

Short guidelines for your 2023 European Public Health Week promotional video contribution

Once again, thank you for contributing to the 2023 European Public Health Week (EUPHW) and the
promotional video, which we plan to produce – with your participation!

This will help us further promote the EUPHW, raise awareness about public health and facilitate
collaboration among the public health community in Europe.

Last year’s EUPHW included almost 250 events, in-person, hybrid and online, organised in over 30
European countries. The 2023 edition will take place between May 22nd and 26th, with an overarching
theme - Public health: Global issues, local actions. Each day of the week has a daily theme, a dedicated
daily partner and a daily kick-off event.

On the following page, you will find brief “video production” guidelines, for your reference.

We are, of course, aware that you are no professionals in this field (apologies if you are!) but felt that
these short tips could be useful in preparing your video contribution.

We plan to produce a short promotional video, similar to the one made for the EUPHW in 2020, which
you can see here.

By sharing a video with us, you agree to its use through EUPHA and EUPHW social media / networking
channels, such as YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

We would kindly ask for your video contributions by April 14th and are, in the meanwhile, available
for any questions you might have.

Kind regards,
Damir Ivanković
The 2023 European Public Health Week Coordinator

2023 EUPHW promotional video production guidelines

Guidelines for your 2023 European Public Health Week promotional video contribution


Spoken text

• We would like you to say “Happy (2023) European Public Health Week” and / or “Global
issues, local actions” in your local language; and in English, optionally.
• If representing a specific organisation, feel free to also say that your organisation supports
the European Public Health Week.



• Use a coloured or varied background. White backgrounds tend to either “wash out” the
person in the video or increase the contrast.


• The primary lighting source should be behind the camera, onto the subject.
• Attempt to get balanced lighting (not mostly from the left or right).


• Attempt to minimize background noise. Close doors; ask people to be quiet.

• Capture the audio as clearly as possible. Ideally use a dedicated microphone.


• Most filming is a 2-person process, so it is best to have someone behind the camera to help
with the shoot.
• If you don’t have a video camera but you do have a smartphone which records HD video,
then you can use that.
• Always film horizontally rather than vertically to record the image in landscape.
• Keep a steady image. It is best to use a tripod if you have one.

Camera positioning

• Don’t shoot from below. Raise or lower the tripod to be at eye-level.

• Don’t chop off the author’s head.
• Make sure the author’s face is in focus.
• The author can either look slightly to the side and facing into the frame or stay centred in
frame and look straight at the camera. Either is fine.

We are positive that you will do just fine! Thank you once again!

2023 EUPHW promotional video production guidelines

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