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2. Experiment 2

3. Experiment 3
Increasing 1000rpm Deacreasing 1000rpm
I(mA) U(V) I(mA) U(V)
0 4.3 0 4.3
30 32.9 30 32.9
60 45.2 60 45.2
90 68.7 90 68.7
120 91.1 120 91.1
150 113.5 150 113.5
180 137.2 180 137.2
210 156.9 210 156.9
240 176.7 240 176.7
270 194 270 194
300 211.2 300 211.2
330 225.7 330 225.7
360 239.1 360 239.1
390 250.6 390 250.6
410 257.7 410 257.7






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Increasing I(mA) Decreasing I(mA)

4. The decreasing field current curve results in a slightly higher voltage output. This higher
output can be explained by the electric field that is created by the voltage. This fields exerts
a force on the electrical charge. This force is general small, but visible in the graph as the
higher output voltage of the decreasing field current.

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